200695ORIGINAL TQ C.rj CLERK PRESENTED COMMISS11 Council File No. 200695 — By Severin A. Mortinson- Whereas, Prior to July 1, 1960, th Minnesota Hospital Service Associatio (Blue Cross) a> d the St. Paul Fire and YC CITY OF ST. PA Marine Insurance Company served "'33" notices upon the City of increase in OFFICE OF THE CI ,rates with respect to their respective coverages under the City's health and COON R LU �G walfare program; and I) Whereas The notice of increase of i rates appifcable to Minnesota Hospital Service Association increased the rate{ for employee coverage from $6.10 per, WHEREAS, prior to Jul 12 1960, the Minnesota Hospital Service Association (Blue Cross and the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company served notices upon the City of in- crease in rates with respect to their respective coverages under the City's health and welfare program; and WHEREAS, the notice of increase of rates applicable to Minnesota Hospital Service Association increased the rate for employee coverage from $6.10 per month to $6.40 per month and for dependents' coverage from $12.45 per month to $14.60 per month; and WHEREAS, the notice of increase of rates received from the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company advised of an increased rate for employee coverage from $1.10 per month to $1.20 per month and for dependents' coverage from $2.40 per month to $2.90 per month; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, prior to July 1, 1960, notified the City that there would be no increase in rates with respect to coverage provided to the City by it; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, with respect to the notification of increased rates received from4the Minnesota Hospital Service Association and from St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, referred to its Technical Committee and to Mr. Charles H. Stevenson, the City's insurance consultant, for study and report to the Council the matter of the increased premium rates for coverages supplied to the City's employees by Minnesota Hospital Service Association and by the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company; and WHEREAS, by letter of October 20, 1960, directed. -.to the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Mr. Stevenson recomme*ded that the Council accept the increased premium rates proposed by the Minnesota Hospital Service Association as being COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland . T Approved 19 Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M a -oo 2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK nj' �Jj O695 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. reasonable and proper based upon the experience of said carrier by virtue of its experience with its portion of the City's group program,with which recommendation the Technical Committee is in accord; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the submission of the afore- said letter of October 20, 1960, from Mr. Stevenson to the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, and more par- ticularly on the 4th of January, 1961, officers of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company submitted, at a meeting attended by such officers of the company, Mr. Stevenson and members of the Technical Committee, experience data with reference to its portion of the group coverage of the City's health and welfare program, which data included information and statistics which had previously been requested of the company by the Comptroller's cff ice but which, prior to January 4, 1961, the company had not furnished; and WHEREAS, such experience data indicated the necessity for the increased premium rates requested by the company for the policy year beginning March 1, 1961; and WHEREAS, after consideration of the aforesaid data submitted by the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company �o Mr. Stevenson and the Technical Committee under letter of January 31, 1961, have recommended to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the increase in premium rates requested by said company be granted, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the health and welfare program for employees of the City of Saint Paul as exemplified by contracts between the City of Saint Paul and The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, Minnesota Hospital Service Association, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company shall be continued in force for the period of one year from March 19 1961, subject to all of the terms and conditions as provided in the contracts COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays _ DeC.ourry Holland -iffess— In Favor - ( Mortinson 'Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis EM 6 - ®O 2 pproved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL 1O CIT,Y CLERK � V CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ���� J . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 3. heretofore entered into between the aforementioned health and welfare program carriers and the City, except that the agree- ment between the City and the Minnesota Hospital Service Association shall bb subject to a modification and increase in premiums to $6.40 per month for employee coverage and $14.60 per month for dependents' coverage as set forth in the notice to the City from said carrier dated June 30, 1:960, and except further that the agreement between the City and the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company shall be subject to a modification and increase in premiums to $1.20 per month for employee coverage and $2.90 per month for dependents' coverage as set forth in the notice to the City from said carrier dated June 30, 1960; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the agreement between the City and Minnesota Hospital Service Association, which agree- ment was entered into the 28th day of February, 19589 shall be subject to the further modifications provided therefor in the proposed rider to agreement, which proposed rider to agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and is to be hereafter filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, such proposed rider to agreement having been heretofore executed by the proper officers of the Minnesota Hospital Service Association; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said rider to agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; and be.it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to send copies of this resolution to each of the health and welfare program carriers hereinbef ore referred to. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson V Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 8 - ®O 2 VEB 3 1961 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved — __ _VF13 3 ���1 19— Mayor 9 � January 31, 1961 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madam: • During the summer of 19601in accordance-with their contract, the Minnesota Hospital Service Association (Blue Cross) and the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company served notices upon the City of St. Paul of increase in rates with respect to their respective coverages under the city's health and welfare program. These proposed increases in rates of Blue Cross in- rcreased the rate for employee coverage from $6.10 to $6.40 per month and for dependents from $12.45 to $14.60 per month. The notice of increase in rates received from St.-Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company advised, of an increase for employee coverage from $1.10 to $1.20 per month and for dependents' coverage from $2.40 to $2.90 per month. Following-the filing of these proposed increases a report was submitted to the City Council by Mr. Stevenson on October 20, 1960 and, following the submission of this report, the matter was referred to Mr. Stevenson and the Technical Committee. Several meetings have been conducted between the com- mittee, Mr. Stevenson and representatives of the carrier companies and agree- ment has been reached that these proposed changes in rates should be approved. In addition to the increase in rates an agreement has been made with the Minnesota Hospital Association for guaranteed renewability of conversion for retired and severed employees of the city, such conversion to be made on standard benefit rates of Blue Cross rather than full comprehensive plan carried by the city. Respectfully submitted, c� Charles H / tevenson Insurance Consultant EFJ :ew TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Alfred . Schroeder, Chairman City chitect Edwin F. Jones, retary Utilities Engineer 11 1 00 wi ERRAS prior to Jul It 1960t the Minnesota Hospital, Service Association ( Blue Crs3sal and the St. Paul Fire and ' Mari. w Insurance Company served notices upon the City of in- crease in rates with respect to their respective coverages udder the City's health and welfare program# and WHEREMO the. notice of increase of rates applicable to Minnesota Hospital Servict A*GOCistion increased the rate for employee coverage from" 56.10 per month to $6.40 per month and for dependents' coverage frm $►12.45 per month to $14.60 per month; and , WHEREAS, the notice - of increase of rates received fm the St. Fatul Fire and tsarina Insurance Company advised of an increased rate for employee coverage from $1.10 per month to $1.20 pea* month and for dependents' coverage from $2.40 por month to $2.90 por , month l and W REAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Irlaurance. Conygo any• 'prior to Tut It 1960, notified the City that there would no increase In rates with respact to coverage provided to the City by its and WHEREAS, that Council of the City of Sint pawl* with respect to the notification of Increased rates received fran' tho lainntsote Hospital Servito A660014tiort and front St. 12aul Firer and 2 arine Insurance Company, refearrod to Its Technical Com- mittoe and to Mr, Charles H, Steverson, the Cityrs ineuraMnco consultanto for study and report to tho Council the matter of tho Indr*ssod remi tm veto* for coverages suppliod- to tho City $ em loyeos Fir.1innesotar Hospital Service Association. acrd by tho t. Paul re and MArino Insurance Company; and J WHEREAS* by better of ©ctdbor 20, 1960, directed to the Honorable tlayor and Z-16mbers of tho City Councli, 'Aar. Stevenson ro►commended that the Council accept the increased premiun rats* proposed by the �Ainnesota hospital Service Association as being �1 200695 Page 2, reasonable and proper based upon the experience of said carrier by virtuo of its experience with its portion of the City« s group program, with which recommendation the Technical Committee is in accord$ and WHSSREAS 9 subsequent to the submission of the &fora• said latter of 04tobsr 20, 1960, from Mr. Stevensori to the Honorable gayor and Mombers of the City Cour4il, and more par- ticulorly on the 4th of January. 3961• officers of the St. Paul Fire and Marino Insurance Company submitted# at a meeting attended by such of floors of the c"pany, Mr. St,evwwon and members. of the Technical Co=ittee# experience data with reference to its portion of the group covers®• -of the City's health and welfare programs which data Included inf ort aiion and statistics which had previously been requested of tho company by tho Comptroller** <N ice but which* prior to r January 4. 1961* the company had not f urnishad s and WHEREASl such experi.enc* data Indicated the necessity for the increased paomium rates requested b the company for the policy year beginning March It 19611 WKWAS, sifter consideration of the of orosaid' data submitted by the St. Paul Fire, and Marine Insurance •Company 2. ,, Mr. Stevenson and the Technical Copaitter under letter of January 3l. - l"Is have recommended to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that tho increase in remium rates requested by said company be granted., no+�e. thereforo, be It RESOLVED* that the health and welfare program for employees of the City of saint Paul as exemplified by, contracts between the City of Saint Paul and The Minnesota Mutual Lifo Insurance Compaany# Minnesota- Hospital Sarvite Association, and 5t. Paul Fire and Marina Insurance Company shall be continued in.force for the period of one year from March Is 1961# subject to all of the terms and conditions as provided in the contract3 Pa94 30 200695 heretofore anterod into between the 'aiorameattoned health and welfare program. carriers and the-City except that the agree - fmant between the City and the Minnesota Hospital 3orvice - Association shall bt. subject to a kodi,f- ica.tion and . incrasse in premiums to $6.40 per-tenth for employee covaaga and SU.60 per month for dopendents' coverage as set forth in the notice to they City from said carrier dated June, 3D, 19600 And sxco t f urther that tho 49m mint. betwe on, the City -and the St. pain Fira and Marine Insurance Co:►pany shall be, subjoct to a modification rind Increase in premivas to 51.20 per month for -employee coverage and 32.90 per month for depohdonts' covorags as sot forth in the notice to the City from said carrier dated Judo 34, 19601 be # FURTHER .RESOLVED that the Agreaesent between the City and Minnesota Hospital $orvice Aasociatfohe which agree - men was entered into the 28th day of Pebruary, 1958. shall be subject to the further modifications provided therefor in the proposed rider to agreements which proposed rider to agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and is to be hereafter filed in the office of the City Clark of the City of Saint. Paul, such proposed ridrar to agreement having been herstofore executed by tho .proper; offlcsrs of the Minnesota Hospital Service Associations be it FU,RTH24 RESOLVEDs That the proper city offioers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said rider to agroement on b ehalf of the City of Saint Pauli and be it FINALLY KSOLVED,0' that the Cit Clerk is directed to Mend copies of this resolution to eac� of tho health and welfare program ciarri,exs hereinbaf ore ref orrad to.. FEB 31961 FES 31961 ORIGINAL TO Ci�Y CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI1 CITY OF ST. PAU OFFICE OF THE CITY COU No. 200696 — By Severin A. Rbsolved, by`the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the provisions of Resolution, Council File No. 186357, shall be modified in the following par- ticulars: With reference to pparagraphs number 1 and 2 pertaining to the inclusion or exclusion of all new city employees, including provisional employees, under the group insurance program with City cn.itr ±b�t? ^r }ter- �--- •—T=�, aragraph 9,0}696 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the provisions of Resolution, Council File No. 186357, shall be modified in the following particulars: With reference to paragraphs number 1 and 2 pertaining to the inclusion or exclusion'of all new city employees, in- cluding provisional employees, under the group insurance pro- gram with City contribution f -or employees, paragraph 1 and the provisions thereof shall be stricken and a new paragraph 1 shall be substituted in lieu thereof so as to read as follows: 1. All employees who are on monthly payrolls, that is, paid once a month, in order to be eligible for City -pay coverage, must appear on six (6) consecu- tive monthly payroll periods for which they are paid for at least one -half time on each and then shall qualify for City -pay coverage six months from the first working day of the period of continuous em- ployment during which the employee qualifies for City -pay coverage provided they are on the payroll or being compensated at that time, otherwise they shall be eligible for City -pay coverage on the day - they return to active work in their status, and paragraph 2 and the provisions thereof shall be stricken and a new paragraph 2 shall be substituted in lieu thereof to read as follows: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoi lis ism s -eo 2 2. All employees who are on a semi - monthly payroll, that is, paid twice a month, in order to be eligible for City -pay coverage, must appear on twelve (12) consecutive semi - monthly payroll periods for which they are paid for at least one -half time on each and then shall qualify for City -pay coverage six months from the first working day of the period of continuous employment during which the employee qualifies for City -pay coverage provided they are on the payroll or being compensated at that time, otherwise they In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19— Mayor A bit 110,00 to, t r all Atli 4. Vaoy� t"Wuid A&II b* t"$'0#A#4 W -,day; of Agraemwk, '`ae� area '"dat'08 *Oder:" Ike 14� called, cr Phi- 411 the ODA* period of one 3t VOL all- A S. iL Monts and. WH inuo 0 city O"Opt ika24teltwe IT bqr he City #0 axed That c -ration '011 840d and 4v ($1. 00) 40", r, ftelpt *herot: attan of tho deal T4 Of".1tho P41krti P. terr4g am , e-� , Ara _ Candi hp mod 't AP'4011 thft lqu 4-414z�o I I - E'-. - - v r 4 - - - I - I '04 ba� 6 !1 it 't;y tha b6tw Ingd1fi forth. Par& the 4 ob H b& F Wn; la -Obau be top* A .,And, rah, 44d, •'• „ • y�'w u�p }�iyq a� t et+y�r4m�a�y Ot Jeho�y� }, LL Y -_ -- ,.�F: -, - _ -S -,• } w�•7�4. -, iltirF7 `+nFIF4eV+Y thi�11- Zw''4:ittt%j• n.".".[�iQ • . ,- •`' •. -. •tt• -� -. ,} at his tobtlriLie pt Wiftg'baiviiij -60 hill _bti .Oviilticd Ws , tl#tie� -ouch iamv At ii 4 - '"; :'1 -. -- « , T,. •yt- % 3t ��r i �d l�t�d: i ox his d4ili'l}�wy}a, ract y UA 0101 txOt Iti F + - -_ • ` '. , iE C# tibk�ie ,Uq an tiaW4 - ' eud "4 p046t t3 •SAO&O ool' a falir 6bc,v 4nd i tab b e ' _ 9_ ' . _ • , _ #�► nsed'.#y;thfeoci *areas ;. fib *�t larO; in the :6416WAn e : . lb+e6' ►etl' be 4e red #ec ,,' ' • r :�:_ : - �r cb' �ix�ew� , w UM, . e I' Ida At tOVA in top ba him ' ` -, • ,4. • - ' -.l ': ' -�.in Y��4 eft Trat, taz±sd3s.#M'+. .. r• • _.. 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