08-12Council File # Q� /� Green Sheet #3047490 ITY OF�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented i Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Update Addition � WHEREAS, Update Company, in File No. 07-087-802, has submitted for City Council approval a the attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of property at the southwest corner of Capp s Road and Hersey to create 5 industrial parcels; and 6 � WHEREAS, Update Company has also requested a variance of the parkland dedication fee in s lieu of land, set by the formula in § 69.511(c); and �o WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the i t recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 69 of the Zoning Code; and �z i3 WHEREAS, notice of a pubiic hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official �a newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all ts property situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and ]6 t� WHEREAS, the City Councii held a public hearing on the proposed plat on October 17, 2007, �s where all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard, and the Council made the i9 following findings of fact: zo zt 1. All fhe applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. City staff have z2 reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that all applicable provisions of city z3 codes are met provided that the property line dividing Lot 1 from Lot 5 remains in the 2a original position (except for a jog at the SE corner of Lot 1 measuring 6.44 ft. by 25.79 zs ft.). With this original lot line being maintained and the jog staying 10 ft. 3 in. from the 26 building at 2340 Capp Road, no additionai fire rating to the existing buildings will be 2� required. zs 2. The proposed subdivision will not be det�imental to the present and potential surrounding z9 land uses. The proposed plat will create three new vacant parcels for industrial 3o development. The remaining two parcels are already developed for industrial use. The s i site is surrounded by other industriai uses with the same 12 industrial zoning. The 3z proposed plat is consistent with the surrounding land uses, and will not be detrimental to �3 present and future use of surrounding land. s4 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and 3s compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The area surrounding the proposed plat is 36 already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. 3� 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The subdivision is in ss conformance with the general purposes of the Land Use chapter of the comprehensive 39 plan, which include: "1. To set a framework for preserving and enhancing existing ao communities, commercial and industrial districts, and the natural environment...;" and "2. ai To encourage private investment." The General Summary and General Policy chapter Council File No. /���� Page 2 of 4 t states that a high priority is "To ensure that land resources with potential for business z use are made available and used to their maximum economic and community benefit...." s It is also in conformance with redevelopment plans for the area. a 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natu�al features s wheneverpossible. The site is in a fuliy-developed part of St. Paul with no remaining 5 natural features. � 6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by s perii from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other 9 menace. The site is a flat, fully developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water �o table or soif condition probfems. i� 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. The i2 subdivision can be economically served with pubiic facilities and services from is surrounding streets. ta PARKLAND DEDICATION: §69.511 requires dedication of two (2) percent of the total land �s area of the plat for public use for parks, playgrounds, trails, open space, or conservation t6 purposes. At the discretion of the City Council, a cash dedication in lieu of land may be paid » prior to the city clerk's signing of the final plat. �s For this subdivision, Parks and Recreation staff recommends cash dedication in the amount t9 of $8,666.67 in lieu of dedication of land. This amount is based on the formula established 2o by the code, namely two per cent of the county's estimated market value for the entire area zt of the plat, divided by three. The entire area of the plat currently consists of two parcels. 2z The Capp Road parcel has an area of 47,480.4 sq. ft. and an estimated market value of z3 $7.04 per sq. ft. The Endicott parcel is 107,157.6 sq. ft. with a value of $9.01 per sq. ft. za The applicant is requesting a variance of this parkland dedication requirement, based on the zs fact that only three new vacant lots will be created. The remaining two lots are already z6 developed and no redevelopment is planned. Bas+ng the parkland dedication fee on only z� the three new developable lots would result in a parkland dedication fee of $1,427.82. za FINDINGS FOR VARIANCE: Sec. 69.703. Variances states: z9 (a) Required findings. The city council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations 3o when compliance would create an unusual hardship to the deve%pment of the land, 3� based on findings that: 3z (1) The intent of this chapter is met. This finding is satisfied. The intent of the 33 subdivision regulations (Chapter 69.102 of the Zoning Code) includes: (1) To profecf s4 and promote the public health, safety and general welfare; and (4) To provide 35 adequate public services and facilities. The parkland dedication requirements are s6 intended to promote the public health and general welfare and to provide adequate s� public park facilities through dedication of land for public use for parks, playgrounds, sa trails, open space, or conservation purposes (or a fee in lieu of land to be used for 39 the acquisition and development or improvement of such land), on a one time basis, 4o with the amount of the fee or dedication roughly proportionate to the need for at parkland created by the proposed subdivision or development. a2 To be as proportionate as possible to the need for parkland created by the proposed a3 subdivision or development, the ordinance requires a relatively small dedication Council File No. �� �� Page 3 of 4 i appropriate for even the lowest intensity commerciai and industriai uses (2% of the Z fand) at the time of p4atting, and then an additional dedication at the time of � development of the parcel that reflects the actuai type, intensity and density of the a development (based on the number of additionai off-street parking spaces provided). s In addition, the fee in lieu of land required by the ordinance is one-third of the value 6 of the land that would otherwise be dedicated, in part to reflect the fact that most new 7 small plats in St. Paul where a fee in 4ieu of land would be required are replats of s areas that have been previously platted, already have had some level of 9 devefopment, and already have some {evel of park service (the value of which is �o already reflected in the value of the land). The fee was reduced in this manner so t i that it would bear a rough proportionafity to the need created by the proposed �z subdivision or development as required by Minnesota Statutes. �s The applicant argues that the fee at the time of platting should apply only to lots ta being created for new development. However, as noted '+n the paragraph above, the �s fee in lieu requirement as written in the ordinance already accounts for some ts previous level of park service and development. The additional dedication » requirement at the time of building permits only applies to the new development. is Reducing the amount of the cash dedication required by the subdivision regulations t9 on a one time basis at the time of platting would impair the intent of the regulations. zo However, because the platting was suggested by City staff as a way to simplify the z� legal descriptions, this finding is satisfied. z2 (2) The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety, healfh or z3 weifare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which 2a the property is located. This finding is satisfied. Variance of the parkland dedication zs fee in lieu of land at the time of platting would be detrimental to the public health and z6 welfare because it would reduce the provision for needed park and open space z� improvements in the area. The variance would not be injurious to other property in zs the area. However, because the platting was suggested by City staff as a way to z9 simplify the legal descriptions, this finding is satisfied. so (3) The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unipue to the s� property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other 3z property. This finding is satisfied. Saint Paul is a largely built city, and replatting 33 already developed (or partially developed) parcels is common. If the variance is 34 granted, it would appear to set a precedent that should then be applied to all similar ss subdivisions of land where only a portion of the site will immediately be used for new s5 development. However, because the platting was suggested by City staff as a way s7 to simplify the legai descriptions, this finding is satisfied. 3s (4) The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant �9 of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. This no finding is satisfied. Other properties are also subject to parkland dedication ai requirements at the time of piatti�g. However, because the platting was suggested 42 by City staff as a way to simpiify the legal descriptions, this finding is satisfied. as (5) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the 4a appiicant. This finding is satisfied. The platting was suggested by City staff as a way Council File No. /JYr �/? Page 4 of 4 � to simplify the legal descriptions, which is a special circumstance; therefore this z finding is satisfied. � (6) Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of a fhe specific propetfy involved, unusual hardship fo fhe owner would result, as s disfinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were 6 carried ouf. This finding does not apply to this variance. � (b) Conditions of va�iance. The city council may require conditions for approving a variance s that will substantially achieve the intent and requi�ements of these regulations. Violations 9 of such conditions shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. The Council requires as a to condition of the variance that the applicant pays a parkland dedication fee in lieu of land � t in the amount of $2,228. iz >; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the �a attached preliminary and final plat for Update Addition subject to the following conditions: 15 i6 1. A parkland dedication fee in lieu of land in the amount of $2,228 be paid prior to the t7 City Glerk signing the final plat; and is 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the Final Plat �s with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. zo zl AND SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Cierk shall mail a copy of this resolution to the z2 Applicant, the Zoning Administrator, and the Planning Administrator. Yeas � Nays � AbsenJl Requested by Department of: i r Bostrom Thune Adopted by Council: Date Planning & Ec nomic De e o'ttt nt s Form Approved by City Attomey By: �(� fiJtrv�- 11 _ 2 0- o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Ap May S ission to Council By: �L //�O� r' gy; � Approve a r: Date � By: O� �a � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE — Planniug & Economic Development Contact Person 8 Phone: Patricia James 266E639 Must Be on Council As�en Doc. Type: RESOLU710N E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Patricia James 14DEG07 y Assign Number For Routing Ortler Contact Phone: 266-6639 I I ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3047490 0 lannin & Eco¢amic Develo me Paaicia James 1 Ianniu & Economic Develo me D'uecror/C. Bedor 2 ' Attorne (,1tvAHOrne 3 a oYs Office Ma odASSistant a ono�a c� COUOCII 5 GRerk �S Clerk 6 Iannin & Economic Develo me Pairicia Jamu Approve resolution memorializing City Council action to approve the Preliminary and Final Plats for Update Addition to crea[e 5 industrial parcels (ZF# 07-087-802), with variance of the parkland dedication ordinance reducing the fee in lieu of land (ZF# 07- 127-385). Public hearing held October 17, 2007. iaauons. Hpprove (n) or rte�ecc �rc): rersonai service convacts must wnswer tne rouowing uuestions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaAment? CIB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Update Company applied for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Update Addition to create 5 industrial parcels on property located at 2340 Capp Road, SW corner at Hersey. They also requested a variance of the parkland dedication ordinance for a reduced fee in lieu of land. AdvanWges If Approved: y � �'�'� � ,� ', � �� City Conncil intent is finalized. - �`-.� . ' Laud' Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: City Council action will not be completed. Transaction: Funding Source: Financiallnformation: (Explain) Activity Number: �� CostlRevenue Budgeted: December 14, 2007 2:15 PM Page 1 �� �a 4 f � I . s � � : � P � t. � � � W . L e6' � � 5 _ � F: � . 3 S � � � E � Sf 5 - � E£ I �I � I S i �e :E ' . 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U „ '� � a }� i - e � � �� : �.� o � � 1, �,.._ , ,� =. , $ �; � ; y m ,��' , =g: 7 � � a ' °°�,¢ ..€ / r,�-,%7' . \ �� / i � \' ��� 4e � a � � �.°: � � g(J a (Cy \ \ r � / g � f � \ b �� . o• G ^ o � // i e ry n Uy a• �� `, ^ g / �� e\ �\ ��ap ' /j w>�' z°\ `� `+''� l�� 'S� `/''� � � - '- � N ��� �/• � !✓_ ? M /� fcJ / a f �� ah'2 F• "'�`/ �\ t \ ~ � e Ei — � O � �/ �• `� n � 4 ! � 1 \ ° = lo ! `�3; ,� � ' ; %�_ Na o � y Sw � F ,/ ° a gzs O_ � ' $� C }� C\ / �� J N1 : FJ A� ° s �' i z / O � /` F �� 1� G (� d ? N � � ' ! : �! ��` ��� � o a ig¢ � ��C1mC � �� � / r � ( .'0 P , t$ i �a$F � _ � , s �3 e � \ � / � &e� a F �O�mCO 'y ss=s Ta f UFtaP.0 Z %� ��.....��_. ._..._m...e._, ....d....�.�_�..a_.....�_�_.�.....�__m..�..�. A.._._._..._ ....n-.._.... DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecile Bedor, Director Q •] CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Caleman, Mayor October 2, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Fossnh Street SainSP¢ul, MN55102 Telephone: 65/-166-6700 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2007. for the following cases. Zoning File: Applicant: Property Location: Purpose: 07-087-802, 07-127-385, Update Addition MrJames McCann 2340 Capp Road and 2325 Endicott, SW corner at Hersey Combined Plat for Update Addition to create 5 industrial parcels and variance of parkland dedication requirement City staff have reviewed the proposed subdivision, approved the Preliminary Plat (letter dated July 25, 2007), and signed off on the Final Plat on October 2, 2007. A staff report wiii be prepared and provided to the City Council the week prior to the pubtic hearing. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Benanav`s office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda on or before the October 10, 2007 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincere�y ` ����i�� Patricia James City Planner c: File # 07-087-802 Applicant: Mr James McCann, Warehouse Rentals Company LLP, c/o Sandy Jacobs Richard Person, Glenn Rehbein Companies Mr Marty Wolske, Colliers District Council: 12 Wendy Lane Aflan Torstenson Carol Martineau Paui Dubruiel AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER x�vgroarac �au�arG 1ne s�at r� cxccy co�a �t �- dncE a pnb$c �heaazrng � Wedncsday, Oe- tober 17, at 5:30 p.m:_m'the CZty CoUnitil Cha�beis. 1)urd F.loor, .Ctty f3att� ! Cowt house, 15 We's�� %Hogg Bovte'vacdr St , Paul. NIN, to con�der the appflcatioa �' .7ames � McCann' for a Combmsd Plat. foc Update Addflion�� fa ccea#e 8ve (�, uM� 1�1 Parcels�azxlrvartance-of �rkland-ded- �1Cattdn remiuem'ent at ' 54�� Capp Road aa�T 2325 EnrHeott"StreeE'. suuthwest �c at Hersey S�eet-' (7F 01-087-8�� ,� -� Dated: OcFnbcr 8, 2007 � � ' ; ; . � MARY EHICHSON; -, - - . Assistant GYty CovncIl Secretary . ' . ' ' (Octoba'11Y �- ,8'L,Y�?2BSL�L� � 12198H01 . - . .. �xo�cz�eir 14ie Samt Pan1��..CF f�,a 22248859 � Cmmcil wtll ca�n''�iRCt a ednesday; Oefoti� tT, , �GYIy"Covuci! Cham (�iy �ilecaid,.�St- P�I; 6lN; PF��Bho�a �,aE�� ":l;ames bfned PIaE: faa�,;Iiy�te� ERe={5J� �Industriai - Sacl'�123Z5�� aner at �ffexsep`S�r,Ceti I(17 , ,, . , �� ' �t�i'81'� � o�-��- � NOTICE OF PIIffidC �+'eQ� The -SainL Paul CYty Coiuicil will coa- duet a public heazing on Wednesday,�Oc- tnber 17, at 5:30 p.m. m the CYty CounN CLambers. '1Bird Floor, City �Hall / Coiu't- house, 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd, St Paul. MN, to-consider the appfication of James MeCann for a Combined Plat. for Update Additian to create five- (5)° mdws- 7rial parcels and vaziance of r7rl�d d- ication reauirement at 2340�Capp Road and 2325 Endicott- Street, sontfiwest cor- ner at Fiereey Street (ZF 07-087 802} � DaYed: October S, 2007 = _ . - - - MARY ERICBSON, - " Asaistant Clty Countll Secretary � - . f�� 11) �.ae SL�PAiJ7: LE6AL-�-°"-^-••= xsia�soi . • N01TCE' OF- RTBI,IC gEAgiNG The Saint Pavl City Councij will conducf a public hPa � on Wednesdap, perober 17� at 5:30 p.m. in the City Coimci� Cbam_ bexs. Tivrd F1oor, City Hall/Conrthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boti�leyyrd, St Paul, MN, to eonsider the application of-3ames McCu�xi for- a Combined p}at. for Update Adcli4fon to- �eate 8ve (5I lndnstriai par- ceIs at-2340 CapP gflyd aad 2325 N�dicott S1ree� southwest comer at Hersey Strcet (ZF' 07-0S7-8p2) . Dated: October 3, 2007 M612Y ERICKSON. � Assistant City Council-Secretary (october s) —_= 81: P6Ib LSGAE.r a^.`�•'-•••.' aziasssa DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELDPMENT Cecile Berlor, Dirnctor C ll l QF St1l1V 1 Lc Christopher B. Caleman, Mayor Wi October 9, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: 25 Wut Founh Street SatniPaul, MN55102 07-087-802;07-127-385 Update Addition Update Company, Attn: Mr James McCann 2340 Capp Road, SW corner at Hersey Combined Plat for Update Addition to create 5 parkland dedication requirement Q Telephoree: 65Z-266-6700 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 industrial parcels, and variance of Citv Council Hearinq: October 17. 2007, 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers �taff Recommendation: District Councii: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: Attachments: Approval of plat with conditions; Denial of variance District 12 made no recommendation January 2, 2008 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 �.1� Staff Report; Applications; Preliminary and Finai Plats; Location Maps cc: Zoning File 07-087-802; 07-127-385 Applicant: Update Company Warehouse Rentals Co. LLC Marty Wohiske, Colliers Richard Person, Glenn Rehbein Companies City Council Members District Council: 12 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner r 1 LJ AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER SUBDIVISION STAFF REPORT Dg ���.. FILE #: 07-087-802 � 07-127-385 1. FILE NAME: Update Addition HEARING DATE: October 17, 2007 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary and Final Plat and Variance 3. LOCATION: 2340 Capp Road, 2325 Endicott, SW corner at Hersey 4. PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See subdivision documents for existing and proposed legal descriptions. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 12 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.406; §69.511; §69.703 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: September4, 2007 PRESENT ZONING: 12 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: May 21, 2007; Sept. 4, 2007 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: January 2, 2008 A. PURPOSE: Combined Plat for Update Addition to create 5 industrial parcels and variance of parkland dedication requirement B. PARCEL SIZE: 2 existing parcels; total area is 139, 644 sq. ft. C. EXiSTiNG LAND USE: Industrial D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site is surrounded by other industrial uses also zoned 12 Industrial. E. ZONiNG CODE CI7ATION: §69.301 states that piatting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2%= acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alfeys and other public improvements, or (3) is previously unpiatted land. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. §69.511 regulates parkland dedication. §69.703 lists required findi�gs for variance of the subdivision regulations. • F. HIST0�2YJDISGIISSlON: in a975 a parking lot was approved for properry at the southwest comer of Capp Road and Hersey St. (File # 7715} G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 12 Community Council had not commented at the time this staff report was prepared. H. REQUIRED FINDiNGS: § 69.406 ofi the Zoning Code requires that all of the following findings be made prior to approvai of a subdivision: 2. 3. � � All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. City staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that ali applicable provisions of city codes are met provided that the property line dividing Lot 1 from Lot 5 remains in the original position (except for a jog at the SE corner of Lot 1 measuring 6.44 ft, by 25.79 ft.). With this original fot line being maintained and the jog staying 10 ft. 3 in. from the building at 2340 Capp Road, no additional fire rating to the existing buiidings wilf be required. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimenta! to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The proposed ptat will create three new vacant parcels for industrial development. The remaining two parcels are already developed for industrial use. The site is surrounded by other industriai uses with the same 12 industrial zoning. The proposed plat is consistent with the surrounding land uses, and wili not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. The area surrounding the suBdivision can be planned and deve%ped in coordination and compatibility wifh the propose�4 suhdivision_ The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The subdivision is in conformance with the general purposes of the Land Use chapter of the comprehensive pian, which include: °1. To sef a framework for preserving and enhancing existing communities, commercial and industrial districts, and the natural environment...;" and "2. To encourage private investment." The General Summary and General Policy chapter states that a high priority is "To ensure that fand resources with potential for business use are made available and used to Zoning File # 07-087-802 Subdivision Staff Report Page 2 of 3 their maximum ecoROmic and community benefit...." It is also in conformance with . redevelopment plans for the area. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important e�cisting natural features whenever possible. 7he site is in a fufly-developed part of St. Paul with no remaining naturai features. 6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil condtions or ofher menace. The site is a flat, fuily developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water tabie or soil condition problems. 7. The subdivisron can be economically served with public facilities and services. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services from surrounding streets. I. PARKLAND DEDICATION: §fi9.511 requires dedication of two (2) percent of the total land area of the plat for public use for parks, playgrounds, trails, open space, or conservation purposes. At the discretion of the City Council, a cash dedication in lieu of land may be paid prior fo the city clerk's signing of the final plat. �or this subdivision, Parks and Recreation staff recommends cash dedication in the amount of $8,666.67 in lieu of dedication of land. This amount "is based on the formula established by the code, namely hvo per cent of the county's estimated market value for the entire area of the plat, divided by three. The entire a�ea of the plaf currently. consists of two parcels. The Capp Road parcel has an area of 47,480.4 sq. ft. and an estimated market value of $7.04 per sq. ft. The Endicott parcel is 107,157.6 sq. ft. with a value of $9.01 per sq. ft. The applicant is requesting a variance of this parkland dedication requirement, based on the fact that only three new vacant lots will be created. The remaining two lots are already and no redevelopment is planned. Basing the parkland dedication fee on only the three new developable • lots would result in a parkland dedication fee of $1,427.82. J. FINDINGS FOR VARIANCE: Sec. 69.703. Variances states: (a) Required findings. The cily council may grant a variance fo the subdivision regulaSons when compliance would create an unusual hardship fo the development of the land, based on findings that. (9) The intent of this chapteris met. This finding is not sa6�ed. The intent of the subdivision regulations (Chapter 69.102 of the Zoning Code) includes: (1) To protect and proinote the public healfh, safefy and general weifare,• and (4) To provide adequafe pub/ic services and facilities. The parkland dedication requirements are intended to promote the public heaith _ and general welfare and to provide adequate public park facilities through dedication of land for public use for parks, playgrounds, traiis, open space, or conservation purposes (or a fee in lieu of land to be used for the acquisition and development orimprovement of such land), on a one time basis, with the amount of lhe fee or dedication roughly proportionafe to the need for parkland created by the proposed subdivision or development. To be as proportionate as possible to the need for parkland created by the proposed subdivision or development, the ordinance requires a relatively small dedication appropriate for even the lowesf intensity commercial and industrial uses (2% of the land) at the time of platting, and tMen an additional dedication at the time of development of the parcel that reflects the actual type, intensity and density of.the development (based on the number of additional off-street parking spaces provided). In addifion, the fee in lieu ofiand required by the ordinance is one-third of the value of the land that would otherwise be dedicated, in part to reflect the fact that most new small plats in Sf. Paul where a fee in tieu of la�d would be required are replats of areas that have been . previously platted, alrea.dy have had some level of development, and already have some ievel of park.service (the value of which ts atready reflected in the value of the land). The fee Zoning File # 07-087-802 Subdivision Staff Report Page 3 of 3 �8'(2- • was reduced in this manner so that it would bear a rough proportionality to the need created by tfie proposed subdivision or development as required by Minnesota Statutes. The applicant argues that the fee at the fime of platting should apply only to lots being created for new developmenf. However, as noted in fhe paragraph above, the fee in lieu requirement as written in the ordinance a{ready accounts for some previous level of park service and devElopment The addiYiflnal dedicafion requirement at the time of building permits only applies to the new development. Reducing the amount of the cash dedication required by the subdivision regulations on a one time basis at the time of platting would impair the intent of the regulations. (2) The granting of the variance will not be defriinental to the pubJic safety, health or welfare or injurious to other property or improvemenfs in the neighborhood in which the property is located. This finding is not satisfied. Varia�ce of the parkland dedication fee in lieu of land at the time of platting wouid be detrimental to the public heaith and welfare because it would reduce the provision for needed park and open space improvements in the area. The variance woutd not be injurious to other property in the area. (3) The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which fhe variance is sought and are generalty not appticab�e to other property. This finding is not satisfied. Saint Paul is a largely built city, and replatting already developed (or partially developed) parcels is common. If the variance is granted, it would appear to set a precedent that should then be applied to all similar subdivisions of land where only a portion of the site will immediately be used for new development. (4) The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. This finding is not . satisfied. Other propeRies are also subject to parkland dedication requirements at the time of platting. (5) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. This finding is nof satisfied. There are no speciai conditions or circumstances. (6) Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specrfic property involved, unusuai hardship to the awner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if fhe strict letter of these regulations were carried out This finding is not satisfied. There is no unusua4 hardship to the owner because of the surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the properly. (b) Conditions of variance. The city council may require conditions for approving a variance that will substantially achieve the intent and requirements of these regulations. Violations of such conditions shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. Staff is recommending denial of the variance; therefore no conditions are being proposed. K. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the required findings for variance in J above, staff recommends deniai of the requested variance of the park{and dedication fee. Based on findings H.1 through H.7, staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat for Update Addition subject to the following conditions: 1.. A parkland cash dedication in the amoun# of $8,666.67 shall.be paid prior to the city clerk signing the final plat; and 2. The applicant shalt file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the piat with the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce. • Attachments: Application, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat (Peduction), Site Location Maps C � a •� N D Q a � � d � � v � Q � � � rt X � � - N � v � • `� 'O m 0 � � 0 0 V SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPLICATION Deparhnerrt ofPlanrsing and Ecnnorxic Developmenl • Zoning Seclion 1400 Ciry HallAnner 25 Wes[ Fourtk Street SainrPatt� MNSSIOL1634 (65l) 26�6589 ��tL s � APPLICANT PROPERTY Name' � tl Address: G- l� ZGIG-E�- �fi City S't- �au 1 St. _N�_�1 Zip �Daytime Phone �� �—Q � 6� Name of Owner (if different) (11)a� eLr�J � (2 2;n � I 5 = Contact Person (if different) Phone Address / Location 2 3� LdDyl� Legal Description 6v�����P�_G�PP'�' CurrentZoning = 'Z. (attach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF SUBDNISION: � Lot Split � Lot Split with Variance ❑ R � nd Survey � Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat ombined PI Date 3l2 i ..G City F APPLICAi7Q7N FpR yyjArAlrG YARiA1VCE Deportment ofSafM}r cxAlnspadioxs 200 Commerce Bu1ldirt� B Faurxh St E \ SarniPau; MIYSSIAI_781I pn �'� GerteraL• 657-I6�90/18 �' �� F¢e: (S52J,t66�099 0''i'`r � tvame �7;m McCann compa�y Warehouse Rentals naareu 2380 Wvcliff Street #200 l�.PPLtCA1�iT Ctry St. Pau7 St. P4N z�p 55I14 DaytimeP6one 612-366-1623 p�op°riyxMa�atorn�vu�,,,�(ow��r,conaanpurcnaur.e�� Owner/Partner Name of Owncr (if diflermc) 7Phone 651-641-0208 Addressll,oention 2340 Ca Road eztOPEx7CY �a See attached sheet INFORMATION (Wtach addidorsdah¢ptifne�tssary) eo:s�� 395' x 125 p=uentZOning I1 Pr�aensusc Heavy Truck Garage ProposedUx 3 1 ots, 2 new buildi Vnriflnce[sj rtqaested: , 1 renovated building Suppprting Ipformatioa: Suppty tbe necessaty infot7nation ihat i5 applicable to yoru variance ct�quesy provide dMeils regarding thc ProJ��, �d ^xpl8in why a variene¢ ia n�cdea, �up�ex/gip�ex convergSons may requirc a pro fornw to be submiticd. Attach additioneJ sbeets �f neccssary. Warehouse Rentals is splitting 2340 Capp Road into three lots and replatting this along with the building at 2325 Endicott Street, which is adjacent and has been owned by our family business for 26 years. The new Parkl.and Dedicati Requirement has been calculated based on al] the property we own. We request a variance to base the fee only on the lots we are splitting off. Our company will continue owning and managing 2325 Endicott. The project;t�t�l the surrounding area and the property taxes on the property will go up substant�al as the new buildings are built and new jobs will also result from both construction and occupation of the raew buiidings. Ahadimrnts as rcquired: AppKcsttNs 5'�3/�7 � j� $��,( z. K3Soo 8-3-�� - Site P1an � � Attadfinenta - Pro Fartaa • • U � ��� � r1 L J Warehouse Rentals Company LLP 2380 Wycliff St. # 200 St. Paul, MN 55114 651-641-0208 fax 651-641-0Q28 Friday, August 03, 2007 City of St. Paut City Councii Zoning Department 200 Commerce Building 8 4th St. E. St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Variance Request for 2340 Capp Road Warehouse Rentals Company LLP sequests the retund of the variance fee ($ 435.0�) because the Parkland Dedication Fee was based upon ail the property that we own, not on the new lots being developed. Because we are one of the very first to go through the new process, it would be more equitabie if we are not charged the variance fee, while the kinks are being worked out of the parkland dedication fee calculations. If you have any questions please contact me at jim@updatecompany.com or at 651-641-0208. Sincerely, James M��n �. Partner `�/ r `°'!'i`'-'__ C� • ❑ . g �F3� ¢ VV//� .s 4 ,�'� a = ^m c / `�� � / ��\� �\ e` � % �� � ' � �� `�� a � i$ r) . yN E� � c�' � g� � _ � s°. x lo ��� x- � ' �o j' � � . (�� � '$' S � e J., ' � `� ;�� �`'� • / � -' ° i ' • _ ° \,\ a 6 K .y' ,o" , , � vv � �, .�;?,�1� � " � � �4 / �.f 2 8 ( �� / \ a, 55 'S i _ � � .` ��.`� �� V� ��� \ �'�/ . � p�� �� `\ e /� / / \ � ^`f ? � a ' rJ' pas $ 'I , � ,� �\ ♦ �`� u�eme �r� 4Y �?�� / 6 ( . !\ H '1 / � � / i�.�nyo 1e .3\ I �� J a i q '� m\ � `� ��: a 1 �� \ ' � r � :, _ '., s ':: ��li yy.+'' ! 4tiy ;F� \ ,.+z-re� �/ �', e / �s I °? /p S \'J> �:' � � m �'� w � , � , �' � 6 �o= a a' � �,���� w..; 'r � . . . _ % CJ• q2 9 � / 0O'yY V f `; � i JV' / •• "Y � 6 � . 8 t . ��^`�)� � / � ��y � \ � \� � �� ,. ��(``� /�/ ! / ° � \;'���� / R � �� \ \ \'� r \ Y / / / au _ °� '� �� .� � .,� � > // ^",�, L r � �� \�- \ ���.J � �.. Vt m / �e � E \�� \ // / ` S . 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I� �8 / N 'i � 1 � '_@•�$ , ,. e:•� \ � ' /> � / e � � ���� _ _:- 'a / � /s / C7 , �� � j a - � � > L// �°�., � � / o � A & � / � * p—� i €;/ � c � / NO SCALE a //�/� � °9g s" I '� �. °�� ; , ; _ I� � / R mim i r 9 �, c� i '° z / �nzn ��e K / un''p I � � Iz � / y �.'. �` � � � � �,", � g�'g i 9 � : is � � � 'a R - .. aiL_ � "s �— � DEPARTMII�1'I OF PLANNING .@ ECONOMIC AEVELOPMENT Cecile Bedor, Director Q ag, Sd3&T SAlif. � ���A CITY OF SAIN'f PAUL ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayo> 25 WcrtFo+vtlt Svee1 SalntP¢ul, MN55701 �Te[ephone: 653-266-6700 Facrimile: 651-228-3220 • July 25, 2007 Update Company Attn: Mr James McCann 2380 Wycliff Street St Paul MN 55114 RE: Zoning File # 07-087-802, Update Addition Dear Mr McCann: On May 21, 2007, you submitted an application for a Combined Plaf for Update Addition fo create 5 industrial parcels at 2340 Capp Road. City staff have reviewed the preliminary plat and have identified the following issues: Department of Pub�ic Works (contact is Coileen Paavola, 651-266-6104): 1) A plat in conformance with MS § 505 must be submitted. 2) The plat must include, ownership, dedications, Surveyors Certificate, appropriate acknowledgments, and local government approval blocks as described in MS § 505.03 sub 1. 3) The plat must be tied into United States Public Land Survey Sysfem lines or corners by disTance and direction. 4) The adjacent streets must be labeled on the proposed plat. 5) A qualification such as "unless otherwise noted" should be addecf to the found monument statement within the legend to accAUnt for the variefij of monumenfs found. 6) The ingress and egress easement described on this site pian cannot be dedicated on the plat; it must be dedicated by separate document. !f this easemenf is recorded before the plat the easement must be shown on the plat. 7) Tha1 part of Hersey St. R/ W included in this described property shouid be dedicated by this plat. 8) The area of Lot 5 is 94,604 ft or 2.1718 acres when the portiorf that wouid be dedicated as Hersey St. is excluded. 9) The size, type, and RLS number, if available, musf be showri for the found monuments. 10) Monuments which comply with fhe requirements of MS § 505.Q2 and 505.32 must be set at all statute required locations. • 11) The acreage shown for'Lot 1 is incorrect. Zoning File # 07-987-802 Preliminaty Plat Letter Page: 2 Division of Parks and Recreation (contact is Jody Martinez, 651-266-6424): • §69.511 requires the dedication of land fot parks or cash in lieu of land at the time of platting. Parks and Recreation wi!! recommend fhaY the City Coancil req�ire a cash. dedication of $8,666.67, to be paid prior to the City Clerk signing the final ptat. Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) (contact is Mary Montgomery, 651-266-9088}: DSI has no issues. Fire Prevention Division (contact is Angie Leitner, 651-2fi6-6287): No issues. PED Zoning: No issues. Saint Paul RegionallNater Services (contact is Dave Marruffo, 651-266-6813): No issues. Based on these comments, staff approves the preliminary plat provided the revisions required by fhe Departmenf of Public Works are made. Please submit two full-sized copies and one copy reduced to 8% x 19 of Yhe correcYed preliminary piat, � 0 fuil - sized copies of the revised final plat and one c.opy of the final plat reduced to 8'/'X 11 to the Zoning Desk, 1400 Ciry Hail Annex, so that a pubiic hearing can be schedu(ed before the City CounciL Ptease a[so e-maif ine PDF copies of fhe prefiminary and final plats for the Cify Council's webstreaming of the public hearing. If you have fiur#her questions, please contact me aY 651-266-6639 or by e-mail af patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn. us. r� : _�,,;,, � Patricia James City Planner cc: �onir�g File # 07-087-802 Richard G. Person, Rehbein Companies District 12 Paul Dubruiel � • • AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER . ;:.:�, `����, � ; �' �-�, .� -, �..�:.�-�'>a ...; �-:.. , �'�%�;3�f: ',rs;� _��jn :� v�✓i � - ��" _'„��. .�n'.. � � iz: r a r � h�. '&>;i N `; . �,,,� :,xS -e.. � �' .' ' ;ry ��_ - . 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' .. � PJRPOSE �,c�'r'h ��'� � � �d►� �= zoning dislricl t�undary EflEt.��� V� O DnTE J' � �lll� suS;zdprope,�y �.� o;�r�_ �`' +� � . `_ { �G. DlST—.�(�= P,SAP � � o on� fzmily •� n comm=:ct�� � ¢ . fsotamiiy a m:�, industr;�! �� � �_:_._ A nutGp�e ra;ni� `� '� � Y Y vzcz�'. � _ ' .z 4' i� �.. _.' �� 1 � � i J t dl � � '"X, CITIZEN PARTfCIPRTFON aIST ICTS � . �� 6.NQ�2T4 EN�D � 7. THOMAS=.DkLC ��w C?TiZE� F�RTb6IP�TIQ� F�tANNIN,G pISTRIC75 1.SUNRAY=SkTTLECREEK-HI�NW00D - . 2.GRcATER EAST SIQE � � � 3.�/E5T SIDE _4.OAYTON'S 6.LUFF . 5:PkYMc-PHkC�N - B,SUMMiT-UNIUER.SITY � 9: WESt- SE�lE�VTH t o. eor�o � 11.H�ILINE-htIaWAY . �fi ANFNOhfY — i3.MERRIAM FK.-IEXINGTON HAMLiNE 74..GROVELAND=FiACALESTER � � 75.HI6HL4�(D . . �6:SUMMI7 NiLL � 17 , 0041N1'041N • DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT Cecile Brdor, Disectar Q V4 //� � ,�t4r e,�e?, � ltAAA i CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Chrtstopher B. Coleman, Mayor October 9, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councif Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 zs w�t �'o,,,:r: sz��: Saint Pmtl, MN55l02 Telephone: 651 d 66-6700 Fncsimile: 651-228-3220 Re: Zoning File #: 07-087-802; 07-127-385 File Name: Update Addition Applicant: Update Company, Attn: Mr James McCann Address: 2340 Capp Road, SW comer at Hersey Purpose: Combined Plat for Update Addition to create 5 industrial parcels, and variance of parkland dedication requirement Citv Council Hearinq: October 17, 2007. 5:30 o.m., Citv Council Chambers �taff Recommendation: Qistrict Councii: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: Attachments: Approval of piat with conditions; Denial of variance District 12 made no recommendation January 2, 2008 Patricia James, 651-266-fi639 �1� Stafif Report; Applications; Preliminary and Final Plats; Location Maps cc: Zoning File 07-087-802; 07-127-385 Applicant: Update Company Warehouse Rentats Co. LLC Marty Wohlske, Coliiers Richard Person, Glenn Rehbein Companies Gity Councii Members District Council: 12 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner � AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER SUBDiViS10N STAFF REPORT Dg ���-- FILE #: 07-087-802 • 07-127-385 1. FILE NAME: Update Addition HEARING DATE: October 17, 2007 E. • F • 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary and Final Plat and Variance 3. LOCATION: 2340 Capp Road, 2325 Endicott, SW corner at Nersey 4. PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See subdivision documenfs for existing and proposed legal descriptions. 5. PLANNING DISTR(CT: 12 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.406; §69.511; §69.703 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: September 4, 2007 PRESENT ZONING: 12 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: May 21, 2007; Sept. 4, 2007 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: January 2, 2008 A. PURPOSE: Combined Plat for Update Addition to create 5 industrial parcels and variance of parkland dedication requirement B. PARCEL SIZE: 2 existing parcels; total area is 139, 644 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Industrial D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site is surrounded by other industrial uses also zoned 12 Industrial. ZONING CODE CITATION: §69.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2%= acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alleys and other pubiic improvements, or (3) is previously unplatted land. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. §69.511 regulates parkland dedication. §69.703 lists required findings for variance of the subdivision regulations. HISTORX/D1SG11SSlDN: an 9575 a parking lot was approved for property at the southwest corner of Capp F2oad and Hersey St. (File # 7715) G. DISTRiCT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 12 Community Council had not commented at the time this staff report was prepared. H. REQUIRED FINDINGS: § 69.406 of the Zoning Code requires that all of the following findings be made prior to approvai of a subdivision: 2. 3. Q All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. City staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that all applicable provisions of city codes are met provided that the property line dividing Lot 1 from Lot 5 remains in the original position (except for a jog at the SE comer of Lot 1 measuring 6.44 ft. by 25.79 ft.). With this originai lot line being maintained and the jog staying 10 ft. 3 in. from the building at 2340 Capp Road, no additional fire rating to the existing buildings will be required. The proposed subdivision wil! not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The proposed plat will create three new vacant parcels for industrial development. The remaining two parceis are already developed for industrial use. The site is surrounded by other industrial uses with ttie same 12 industrial zoning. The proposed plat is consistent with the surrounding land uses, and wili not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compal�T�ility with the proposed subdivision. The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed and compatible with the proposed piat. The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The subdivisioR is i� conformance with the general purposes of the La.nd Use chapter of the comprehensive plan, which include: "1. To set a framework for preserving and enhancing existing communities, commercial and industrial districts, and the natural environment...;" and "2. To encourage private investment." The General Summary and General Policy chapter states that a high priority is "To ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used to Zoning File # 07-087-802 Subdivision Staff Report Page 2 of 3 their maximum economic and community benefd....° It is also in conformance with • redevelopment plans for the area. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporafes the site's important existing natural features whe�ever possible. The site is in a fufly-developed part of St. Paul with no remaining natural features. 6. Alf land intended for buifding sites can be used safely wifhout endangering residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, save�e soil conditions or othermenace. The sife is a flat, fully developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water table or soil condition problems. 7. The subdivision can be economically served wifh public facilities and services. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services from surrounding streets. i. PARKLAND DEDICATION: §69.511 requires dedication of two (2) percent of fhe total land area of the plat for public use for parks, playgrounds, trails, open space, or conservation purposes. At the discretion of the City Councii, a cash dedication in lieu of land may be paid prior to the city cierk's signing of the final plat. For this subdivision, Parfcs and Recreation staff recommends cash dedication in the amount of $8,666.67 in lieu of dedication of land. This amount is based on the formula established by the code, namely two per cent of the county's estimated market value for the entire area of the plat, divided by three. The entire area of the plaf currently. consists of two parcels. The Capp Road parcei has an area of 47,480.4 sq. f#. and an estimated market value of $7.04 per sq. ft. The Endicrott parcel is 107,157.6 sq. ff. with a value of $9.01 per sq. ft. The applicant is requesting a variance of this parkland dedication requirement, based on the fact that only three new vacant lots wili be created. The remaining iwo lots are already_developed and no redevelopment is ptanned. Basing the parkland dedication fee on only the three new developable • lots would result in a pack(and dedication fee of $1,427.82. J. FINDINGS FOR VARIANCE: Sec. 69.703. Variances states: (a) Required frndings. Tfie cify council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compliance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on findings that.• (1) The intentofthis chapteris met. This finding is not sati�ed. The intent of the subdivision regulations (Ghapter 68,102 of the Zoning Code) includes: (1) To profect and proinote the public health, safety and genera! welfare; and (4) To provide adequate public services and facilifies. The parkland dedication requirements are intended to promote the public health and genera! weffare and to provide adequate public park facilities through dedication of land for public use for parks, pfaygrounds, trails, open space, or conservation purposes (or a fee in lieu of land to be used for the acquisition and development or improvement of such land), on a one time basis, with the amounf of the fee or dedication roughly proportionate to the need for parkland created by the proposed subdivision or development. To be as proportionate as possible to the need for parkland created by the proposed subdivision or development, the ordinance requites a relatively small dedication appropriate for even the lowest intensify commercial and industrial uses (2% of the land) at the time of platting, and tMen an additional dedication at the time of development of the parcel that reflects the actual type, intensity and density of.the development (based on the number of addiYional off-street parking spaces providedj. In addition, the fee in lieu of land required by the ordinance is one-third of the value of the land that would othervvise be dedicated, in part to reflect the fact that most new small plats in St. Paui where a fee in lieu of land would be required are replats of areas that have been • previously platted, alrea.dy have had some level of development, and already have some levef of park.service (the value of which is already reflected in the value of the land). The fee Zoning File # 07-087-802 Subdivision Staff Report Page 3 of 3 • (2) (3) (4) � �g-/a- was reduced in this manner so that it wouid bear a rough proportionality to the need creafed by the proposed subdivision or development as required by Minnesota Statutes. The applicant argues that the fee at the time of plafting should apply only to lots being created for new development. However, as noted in the paragraph above, the fee in lieu requirement as written in the ordinance a4ready accounts for some previous level of park service �nd deveJopment The addifi�naJ dedication requirement at the time of building permits only applies to the new development. Reducing the amount of the cash dedication required by the subdivision reguiations on a one time basis at the time of platting would impair the intent of the regulations. The granting of the variance will nof be defrimenfal to the public safefy, healfh or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which fhe property is located. This finding is not satisfied. Variance of the parkland dedication fee in lieu of land at the time of platting would be detrimental to the public health and welfare because it would reduce the provision for needed park and opeh space improvements in the area. The variance would not be injurious to other property in the area. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. This finding is not satisfied. Saint Paul is a largely buiit city, and replatting already developed (or partially developed) parceis is common. I# the variance is granted, it would appear to set a precedent that should then be applied to aA similar subdivisions of land where on{y a portion of the site wili immediatefy be used for new development. The literal inte�pretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive fhe applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. This finding is not satisfied. OtMer properties are also subject to parkland dedication requirements at the time of piatting. (5) The speciaf conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant This finding is nof satisfied. There are no speciai conditions or circumstances. (6) Because of the parficular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditians of the specrfic property involved, unusual hardship to the awner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict leiter of these regulations were carried out. This finding is not satisfied. There is no unusual hardship to the owner because of the surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the property. (b) Conditions of variance. The city council may require conditions for approving a variance that will substantially achieve the intent and requirements of these regulations. Violations of such conditions shalf be deemed a violafion of this chapter. Staff is recommending denial of the variance; therefore no conditions are being proposed. K. StAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the required findings for variance in J above, staff recommends denial of the requested variance of the parkland dedication fee. Based on findings H.1 through H.7, staff recommends approval of the preliminary and fina! piat for Update Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. _ A parkland cash dedication in the amount of $8,666.67 shali.be paid prior to the city clerk signing the final plat; and 2. The appiicant shal4 fiIe a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat wifh the Ramsey County Recorder`s Office. • Attachments: Application, Preliminary Piat, Final Plat (reduction), Site Location Maps C � Q • � CD D Q a � 0 v -, � v � a v � rt X � � � N b tll � (D •,Q' � m � � � 0 0 v � SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPLICATION Deparh�:elrt ofPlarexing mzd Econonuc Development • Zoning Section I400 City Ha7lAnnex 25 West Fourth Street SaintPau� M1V55102-1634 (b5I) 266-6589 ��tL s � APPLICANT PROPERTY Name: Address: r o �6 City �j'L"- �u 1 St. W(�1 Zip �l,��Daytime Phone �4 �—Q 76 � Name of Owner ('rf different) (It )au�eln-x� � �e� } I 5 - Contact Person (if different) Phone Address 1 Location 23 �k-C� �,dod� d��� Legal Description c9ri��,��p� �G�yp�' CurrentZoning � '2, (attach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF SUBDIVISfON: � Lot Split � Preliminary Ptat ❑ Lot Split with Variance ❑ R d Survey 0 Final Plat ombined Pla Date ; l2 �-G City Aqent � APPLICATfUN FOR ZOYIjVC yARTAlVCB ng,om,.eK elsaf�l' �.'I,upraioar 200 Cunmuce Ba((dipg d Poarth St E SafntPett�MN551ti1-IB2t lj � �'� Cerse�aC 6S7 2bG�90pB 4' F¢r: (d51}266�p4� Nam� ,l;m McCanh _ compa»y Warehouse Rentals naareu 23g0 Wvcliff Street #200 APPiYCA1VT C�'-Y St. P_,___ a_ul_sr. P4N �ip 55114 AaytimePHone 612-366-1623 PtopeHylpterestofAppliunt(owacr,tontractpurchaur, Owner/Partner Name of Owncr (ifdi((erent) �huu� 651-641-0208 AdCressllpeation 2340 Ca Road PZtOPERTY �a See attached sheet IIVFORMATION (arrach adeiriona[ aheet j�reeucrJ') cotsu 395' x 125' yzesentZOnin I1 r��aca�us� Heavy Truck Garage Proposrd Vorixncc[s� reqaested: 3 lots, 2 new buildings, 1 renovated building Supporting Tpformation Suppty dae nece5sgry;nfOmutio¢ that is appltcuble ta your v�Ance mquest, provide debtiis regarding thc Project, and sxplain why a variaace in necded. Duple7clRiplex wnvergioas may requvc a prp forn�a to be sttbmitted. Attaeh additionaJ sHettt ifneecssary. Warehouse Rentals is splitting 2340 Capp Road into three lots and replatting this along With the building at 2325 Endicott Street, wh9ch is adjacent and has been owned by our family business for 26 years. The new Parkland Dedicati Requirement has been calculated based on all the property we own. We request a variance to base the fee only on the lots we are splitting off. Our company will continue owning and managing 2325 Endicott. The projectc:qf.�l�improvc the surrounding area and the property taxes on the property will go up substant�al as the new buildings are built and new jobs wiii aiso result from both construction and occupation of the new buildings. Attad�merets as mEuired: � Sik Plaa � Attachtvents - Pso Fotma .aPP�lcant'x Sigeature g � 3 /�, Datc / � (� ,5.2. ( Z �f3s°° �-3-�`7 . • • G''� �-�C �� //� • Warehouse Rentals Company LLP 2380 Wycfiff St. # 200 St. Pauf, MN 55114 651-641-0208 fax 651-641-0028 Friday, August 03, 2007 Cfty of Sf. Paul City Council Zoning Department 200 Commerce Building 8 4th St. E. St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Variance Request for 2340 Capp Road Warehouse Rentais Company LLP requests the refund of the variance fee ($ 435.00) because the Parkland Dedication Fee was based upon all the property that we own, not on the new lots being developed. Because we are one of the very first to go through the new process, it would be more equitable if we are not charged the variance fee, while the kinks are being worked out of the parkland dedication fee caiculations. • If you have any questions please contact me at jim@updatecompany.com or at 651-641-0208. Sincerely, �%�9 �. � r` James McCann Partner • • • s ;_:_ � �g '%2— n : 6 . - � � � j � � B / � § ; � =,c { i�i � `s \ ' •[o.,c:' � � � � \ ' C � g�§ C � � C �� ' � � • ��+ • �y � � � 8 PSe � o /'�Y :` V.S�" . u � � / ! / $f� � T�e { � �e .a : Pm �f s°+. 1 / e a • 9 \ � p � �y+ �i '�', O � u� v� d �rJe / � y 6� `\ f• � 3�'�� 2 8 l S�i 4 �`` �� / `?� \ _ �\ ,, .�' m �� � �'� � : �/ . . g � � �, ` ��� „ �j�. o� ; , g � �' \ � ��, % / . ;� / � :;i a `- s o �a o� � t ° ' e � /\ : . � e �� ".� '> -:�� � � � �'\ �l / \ �i " � $" °-�... ., ,�. �` 9 -C m � , '�' a � V ' ,' - ` , _� � o � „ a we '., d:� ��i' Jb�A sa `tiy ��„��.r�� �� �' a n s � �k �� �/� j y / ; c " 'z" , r N:r., \','•�;' � � i s' . / . . i o ro\ M'n-. ` r`� � � ... ( q , % �_ 9 ,f`Y / �Y .�J� .4S / 1 � Y .: 6 § \� �9 { ^' � OA y� �� J' � / R - . I � C ,^� 2, �' / �. ,,-;:o o?,�„��m = -i(AVJ. 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July 25, 2007 Update Company Attn: Mr James McCann 2380 Wyciiff Street St Paul MN 55114 RE: Zoning File # 07-087-802, Update Addition Dear Mr McCann: 25WestFowthSYrea Telephone:651-266-6700 SaintPaul,MIJ55F02 FacsimiZe:651-228-3210 On May 21, 2007; you submitted an application for a Combined Plaf for Update Add'ttion to create 5 industrial parcels at 2340 Capp F2oad. City staff have reviewed the preliminary plat and have identified the following issues: Department of Public Works (contact is Colleen Paavola, 651-266-6104): 1) A plat in conformance with MS § 505 must be submitted. 2) 7'he plat must include, ownership, dedicafions, Surveyors Certificate, appropriate acknowfedgments, and local govemment approval blocks as described in MS § 505.03 sub 1 3) The piat must be tied into United States Public Land Survey Sysfem lines or corners by distance and direction. 4) The adjacent streets must be labeled on the proposed plat. 5) A qualificatiorr such as "unless othenvise noted" should be added to the found monument statsment within the legend to account for the variety of monumenfs found. 6) The ingress and egress easement described on this site plan cannot be dedicated on the plat; it must be dedicated by separate document. lf this easemenf is recorded before the plat the easement must be shown on the plat. 7) That part of Hersey St. W W included in this described property should be dedicated by this piat. 8) The area of Lot 5 is 94,604 ft or 2.1718 acres when the portion tllat would be dedicated as Hersey St. is excluded. � 9} The size, type, and RLS number, if avaiaable, must be shown for the found monuments. 10) Monuments which comply with the requirements of MS § 505.02 and 505.32 must be set at all statute required locations. 11) The acreage shown for'Lot 1 is incorrect. Zoning File # 07-087-802 Preliminaty Piat �etter Page: 2 Division of Parks and Recreation (contact is Jody Martinez, 651-266-6424): • §69.511 requires the dedication of land for parks or cash in lieu of land at the time of platting. Parks and Recreation wili recommend that the City Council require a cash dedication of $8,666.67, to be paid prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) (contact is Mary Montgomery, 651-266-9088): DSI has no issues. Fire Prevention Division (contact is Angie Leitner, 651-266-6287): No issues. PED Zoning: No issues. Saint Paul Regionai Water Services (contact is Dave Marruffo, 651-266-6813): No issues. Based on these comments, stafF approves the preliminary piat provided the revisions required by the Department of Pubiic Works are made. Please submif two fuil-sized copies and one copy reduced to 8'/= x 11 of the corrected preliminary plat, 90 full - sized copies of the revised final plat and one copy of the final plat reduced to 8'/'X 11 to the Zoning Desk, 1400 City Hail Annex, so thaf a pubtic hearing can be scheduled before the City Council. Please also e-mail me PDF copies of the preliminary and final plats for the City Counci!'s webstreaming of fhe public hearing. If you have fiurther questions, please contact me at 651-266-6639 or by e-mail af patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us. Si erely, . . � � Patricia James City Planner cc: �onir�g File # 07-087-802 Richard C. Person, Rehbein Companies Qistrict 12 Paui Dubruiel � � LJ AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER . �. .�.. 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