200642ORDI 'J NAL TO CITy;tLi 6RK , PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �J NCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL 200642 Council File No. 200642 —By Milton Rosen, by request - wHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 11575, adopted M by the Council and approved by the Mayor October 1, 1959, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at an election held Novem- ber 3, 1959, the Council of the City L of Saint Paul was authorized to issue- and sell the negotiable bonds of thel City of Saint Paul of the Par value of Twenty -three Million. Five Hundred 4 ¢" • =an9 71n]lar�•(E23,SQO,pnA =„gnt, the WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 11575, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor October 1, 1959, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at an election held November 3, 1959, the Council of the City of Saint, Paul was authorized to issue'and sell the negotiable bonds of the City of Saint Paul of the Par value of-Twenty -three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($23,500,000) for the following_ purposes: _ For the purpose of acquiring school sites drid grounds; and constructing and equipping of new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, and for the purpose of the reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodeling and equipping of existing school buildings; and WHEREAS, heretofore said City, for the aforesaid "purposes, issued.and sold such authorized bonds aggregating-in par value amount Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) and no more; and WHEREAS, it is necessary at this time that-an additional Six Million,-Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars($6,210,000), par value amount, of such - authorized bonds-be issued and sold by said -City for the purpose of its acquisition of additional funds necessary for its accomplishment of several essential parts of the several improvement purposes for which such bonds., as aforesaid, were authorized to be issued and sold, to -wit: For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds, and constructing and equipping of new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, and for the purpose of the reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodeling.and.equipping of existing school buildings; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 15•80 2 ' Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— '-In Favor &-rv4_ ' Mayor Against PUBLISHED. a 200642 therefore, be it RESOLVED., that the - Council of 'the City of Saint Paul issue and sell at this time such additional Six Million, Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($6 ;210,000) par value bonds authorized by said: Ordinance' No. 11575; to be "denominated "City of Saint Paul School Improvement Bonds, Series 1961 B "; be.it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such bonds, authorized by said' - Ordinance.No. 11575,_hereby provided and directed to be'issued and sold'in the par- value-amount of Six Million, Two'Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($6,210,000) shall be issued.and '.sold'in the manner required by...law, and that the same shall' be 'in the, denomination of $1,000.00 eaeh;"dated March 1, "1961, and bear interest at a'rate" not in-excess of -6 %-per annum-payable-semi- annuallyaon September =1 an,duMarch 1, according 'to the coupons to be' attached to said bonds; that said bonds shall be''serial' in form; and a portion thereof shall be payable each year eommenc3ng March 1, 1964, but none of said'bonds shall run'for a'longer period than thirty ,(.30) years, -and shall'be numbered 43536 to 49745 inclusive; and be it _ I FURTHER RESOLED, that said additional Six Million, Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars-($6,210,000) par value bonds'to be issued and sold for subh improvement purposes and to-, be-denominated as aforesaid, "City of Saint Paul School Improvement Bonds, Series 1961 B ", shall mature serially commencing March 1,.1964..-over said'thirty -year period on the following dates and in the following amounts: Date of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount March 1; 1964 43536 - 43665 $ 130,000 March 1; 1965 43666 -43795 130 ;000 March 1; 1966. 43796 -43925 130 ;000 March 1; 1967 43926 -44055 130., 000 March 1; 1968 4 56 -44185 130;000 March 1; 1969, 44186 -44315 130,000 March 1; 1970 44316 -44445 130 ;000 March 1; 1971 44446 -44635 190,000 March 1; 1972 44636 -44825 190,000 March 1, 1973 44826 -45015 190 ;000 March 1; 1974 45016 -45205 190;000 March 1, 1975 45206 -45395 19o;000 March 1, 1976 45396 -45585 190,000 March 1; 1977 45586 - 45775 190 ;000 March 11 1978 45776 -46025 250,000 March 1, 1979 46026 -46275 250;000 March 1, 1980 46276 -46525 250;000 March 1, 1981 46526 -46775 250,000 - 2- Date of Maturity March 1; 1982 March 1; 1983 March 1; 198+ March 1; 1985 March 1, 1986 March 1; 1987, March 1; 1988 March 1; 1989 March 1; 1990 March 1, 1991 Bond Numbers 46776 -47025 47026 =4775 47,276 -47525 47526 -47825 47826 -48125 48126 -48425 48426 -48725 48726 -49025 49026 -49385 49386 -49745 20064 Amount $ 250,000 250;000 250;000 300,000 300;000 300;000 300,000 300;000 36o,000 36o,000 $6,210,000 That said additional Six Million, Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ( $6, 210, 000 ) par value_ bonds to, be 'issued for- School Improvements shall be in the following form,'which has. been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by'the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and is hereby approved and-adopted: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF.MINNESOTA -_ COUNTY_OF.RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT_ BOND . . :SERIES _ 1961 B . _ . No. . . . . . $1,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State.of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises"to pay to Bearer the sum of'One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of . . . . . ._. ..., together with - interest thereon from the date-hereof until paid at the rate of . . . per cent per annum,- payable semi = annually on the first days of September and March in'each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation- and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due'. Both principal and interest on this bond are payble in lawful money of the United State of America at the-office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul,'or at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul, in-either Saint Paul, Minnesota; or New York, New York, at the option of the holder; and for the'prompt payment of this-bond, both principal and interest, at ma.turity,'the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pledged. -3- 200642 This bond is one of a series amounting in the to the sum of Six Million, Two Hundred Ten' Thousand aggregate ($6,210,000), issued -by said City for the 'he'-cost of- school •improvements - authorizedpb Ord of -paying passed by-the•Council of said `City and"du1 Y Ordinance No. 11575, approved and published in the y signed," attested, said City, "and a finer required by the'Charter'of approved by the''electors of.said Cit Y . "of. Saint Paul ' at the ' election held November authority "of 'and in 'all respects in full 1959, a.nd� ufider the 217 Of-the Charter of • said ' City of Saint pauj liandesuohhoSection sections "thereof"ds maybe applicable thereto, and Chapter Minnesota St sites 19 7, as amended, and said Counci �s 75, C.F. N °' 200 2, ad°ped and a Resolution It is'hereby.-certified and precitedethat all - and .conditions required b 11 things, "aets State of Minnesota'and'the Charters oftsaidnCity o ha °f the be done and' Performed precedent-to and in the issuanedpbf this bond, havebappened•and been done and $ due form and, time* As' required b performed in regular and Of said'City, 'including this bondladoes and not exceed the edtottal indebtedness statutory or charter limitations.' y constitutional, INVITNESS • REOF, the said City of Saint Paul, by -its Council, has caused, thisaC:bond' to be- sealed b Seal, - lithographed thereon to be si the facsimile of its Official facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested b the lithographed facsimile signature of its -City Clerk, and countersi nee gams, by its Comptroller 'and each of the interest coupons heretonually attached to be'executed by -the lithographed facsimile si of said officers, this first day of March, 1961• gnatures Attest: . . .. ' • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . City Clerk Mayor Countersigned: ' • ' • • • • clry Comptroller "CO"ON On the-first-day March`'' - - $• . Minnesota," romises o °f September, 19.;. the-City of Saint' -Paul, pay to bearer Dollars' at the office of the Commissioner of Finance City Of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agent-of t in the in either Saint Paul; Minnesota, or New York, New Y_ork,oatsthet Paul, oPtion 'of the holder; for interest due that day w Yor School Improvement Bond, Series 1961 B, dated that a 1961; No: Attest :. .. City Clerk. Mayor . Countersigned:. • __ G itr Comptroller" DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 200642 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL E NO / 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM a PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 11575, adopted by the Counall and approved by the Mayor October 1, 1959, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at an election held November 3, 1959, the Council of the City of Saint Paul was authorized to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the City of Saint Paul of the Par value of Twenty -three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (t23, 500,, 004) for the following purposest For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds, and constructing and equipping of new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, and for the purpose of the reconstruction„ repair, betterment, remodeling and equipping of existing school buildings; and WHEREAS, heretofore said City, for the aforesaid purposes, issued and sold such authorized bonds aggregating in par value amount Two Million Dollars W,000,000) and no more. and WHEREAS, it is necessary at Six Million, Two Hundred Ten Thos value amount.. of such authorized said City for the purpose of its necessary for its accomplishment the several improvement purposes aforesaid, were authorized to be this time that an additional asand Do1lars( *6,210,000), par bonds be issued and sold by acquisition of additional funds of several essential parts of for which such bonds, as issued and sold, to -wit: For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds, and constructing and equipping of new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, and for the purpose of the reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodeling and equipping of existing school buildings; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5 -50 oj�2 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor l 2.0:64 r f thepr .p efore,o be it • Y � _ RESOLVED; that the 60%40 *1 o "the ,City -of. o Saint Paul issue and se11 at this time such additional Six Mt1116n, Two Hundrad . Ten - Thousand D©llars,_($6a210,400) par value bbfids authorized by said Ordinance N0` .11575,�to' -.bb: denominated "E#ty of Saint Paul School Tmiprovwment Bond,' Serid' 1961, B" 1 be, it FURTHER _ SBSOi;VEDt • that -such bonds, authorized by said Ordinance No 11575;. hereby provided and dire.ated to be Issued - I and sold in the par- value 4mount of Six Mill ion* 'two -Huhdred Ten. Thousand Dollars (�$6j g- 0,,-000) shall be issued' and. Oold in' = the manner- required- by lacy,, and that .the name Ohall ,be in the denomination of $1,000.00 eacho.datod larch lr 1961 and bens interest at a rate not, in excess of. 6%, per- annum. payable 'semi- - annually on iptember.µl .andtMaVch l; according to". the coupons to be attached to said bonds} that said bonds eMal1 be atrial In form,, and a portion thereof shall be pa yable, e.0 year commencing. March 1,'.1964, but none of said bonds shall run Fox a longer .period than thirty (30) years, and shall bb numbered 43536 to-49745 inclu,slvOi- adbeit, -- FURTHER RESOLVED, that said additional Six Mi111on, Two Hun4r4id Ton Thousand Dollars (.�6,21b,.QpO) par Value bonds. 'to 'be issued and bold for such imprpvement purposes and to ire denominated as aforesaid, ",.0i y .of saint Paul SchooY Tmprovem ®nt Bonds, , Series 1961-- skull mature serially commencing March 1; 1964, ovear said the rtyv*year period on the following date$ and in the -rollowi ng amounts _ Bate of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount I+�areh 1964 43536- 43665: 130.., Ow March- 1, 1965 43666 -43795 130,000 March 1A.' 3,966 130, 000 ` Mara4, 17, 196 4339264 55 130, 000 March -is, 196 44o56 i44185 13Q, 000 March, 1969 44186- 443315. 130,004 . March 1, 1970 44 16 -44445 A3Q,000 March 1, 1971, 44 46,.44635 190,000 March 1, 197.2 36� -44825 190, 004 March 10 197 44826 :45015 1900000' March 1, i97- 45016 -45205 190,000 March 1, 1975. 45206 -45395 1901000 March .1; 1976' 45396745585 190,000 March. 1, 1977 45586 -45775 190,OQO March 1,% 1978 45776- 46025., 250,000 March 1, -1979 ' 46026 -46275 250,000, March 1, 1980 46276 -46525 250, .000 March 14 1981 4652646775 25o, :OQO - 200642 Date of Maturity _ Bond Numbers Amount 'March Ij 1982.--- 46776 -47025 i 250,000 March 1., 198, : 47026 -47275 250, 000 - Msroh l,. 193 - 472't`6=725. a X50,000 _ - Marsh" 1, x.985 47526 = .47. -825 - -, 300* 000 , .March Is 1986 �67826� 481 Z. - _.300, 000 - . March 14 1987 x#8126 =48425 300, 00 - _ March ' 1., 1988 j, 4826 -48725 = ' 300, 000" 1Kax►ah Is-198 9 - $8726 =49025 - 300, 000 , -. March , 1990: _ 49026= _49385 :. 360s000 . -ara 1' ;. 493�d_49745 - 360 3 _ .46,* i0, 000 _ That -said additional Si' Million, Trio Hundred Tan Thousand - Dollars.. ( 6;; ] 0, 040 par value bonds -to be issued for School = •, . Improvements shall be in' the following form,. whidh been .has. propared. by the Sinking Fund Coonittee, and approved -by. the = Corporation Counsel of :the City of SAInt Paul .and is hereby approved and adoptedr _ - OUNITED , STATES OF AMERICA , .STATE OP MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY - - - 0ITY . OF' SAINT PAUL " }r SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT BOND. SERIES 1961 B e _ Nq. - _ _ -*14000i,00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE 'PRESENTS,. that the. 'City of Saint Pain:; in the sou_ z�ty 'of Ratns6y - and State 'of Minne sots,- aaknowledgee _ it8 If' to otre and tor'value received herdi y promi ee to pay to Hea the sum Of 0ne Thousand Dollars ($l,t000r00 on the first day of together with interest."thereon from the. date, hereof until paid at the rate of per dent 'per ann . , payable' semi= annua,33r on' the first days of .3eFtember and. Mar h in each year as OVide4oed by and upon the '.presentation, ' = and aurrender of the anneXe¢ interest 06upons as they severally bea ins due. Both- prinolpaj; and interest on this bond are payble: in awful ,money of- the United -State "-of Ameriga at the office of - tho Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or -at the Fisc al Agent of the City. of Saint :Paul„ in either Saint Paui� } Min esotas or New-,York, Now York, at the option of the holderj and F for the prompt payment of thin bond,: both principal and interest, at tarty -, the faith and ore.dit: , of _the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pledged. ,.- f This bond is one of a Merles amounting in the e.ggreF;ate to the sum of. Six Million, Two.lfundred Ten Thousand Dollars- ( 6x210,000), issued by sad ftty for the- purpose of paying the cost of soho,ol improvements authorized by 4rdiinani de No. 11575, passed by the Council of said -City and duly signed, attested, approved'-and published in thebAnner required by the Charter of said City..--and-approved by_the- eledtors of said Pity-of Saint Paul at th ®•election held.November 3, 1959.' and under the authority pf and in all•reopeots.in full eomplXanae with - Section 217. of the Charter- of paid'City of Saint. Paul, and such other - sections thereof _as may be appl�eable thereto, and Chapter 115t- Minnesota St uses 1957o, as amended, and said Counci 's Resouion, _ C.F.-No. 200942, adope - and- approved February 2,-19L. it I$ hereby certified and rocited that all, things,, acts .-_And Condition,, .required by then 'Constitutim and Laws or - the, ` State of Minnesota.•and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and iri. the issuance of, this - ns <bond$ have lappened and.- been done and . performad in regular and _ due Form and ' time, as required by, law and" the total indebt ®dnesee of Raid:Ctty,. including this -bonds ,does. not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter, - limitations:. IN WITNESS WHBREOF, the said City, of Saint Paul, by its Council, has loused this bond to be sealed by the- faoeiami3e of its Official _ Seal, lithographed thereon; to'be-bigned by the lithographed facsimile signature of its _Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile ,signature -of its City., Clerk; and countersigned manually - by -its Comptroller,' and each of the Interest coupon$ hereto attached t6 be executed by the lithographed facsimile signaturee- of said officera,'- this 'first day of Mash, 1961. _ Mayor Attest S' . • • • . City Clerk- Countersigned - Comptroller - "COUPON No .► March On the' firat day of September, 19 i ..tl the City of : saint Paul,,,, Minnesota,, romiseo to pay to bearer . -, bollars ( at - the office of the °Commissioner of- Finance, I .'the City'of Saint Paula or at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul, in either Saint haul,' Minnesota, or New York, New York, at the option of the holder) for. interest :due that day on ita Sohool. Improvement Bond$-Series 1961, B* dated March L: 1961, Not Attests, • •. _ Mayor _ City Clerk Courite�roi.gned i . ,. Comptroller" DUPOCAnE TO PRINTER 200642 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that each said bond shall be sealed by the facsimile of the official Seal of the City of Saint Paul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller, in accordance with Chapter 422, Laws of Minnesota 1951, and Section 475-55,, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed proposals be received in the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Buildin , In the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten o'clock a.m. (C.S.T.1 March 8, 1961, for the sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of said sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Legal Ledger.. the official paper of said City, and in Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified or cashier's check for two (2) per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery; that the City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Sinking:- Fund Committee andthe Council for their action thereon; and that said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm D -s0 2 F� s 21969 Adopted by the Council 19- f Ej3 2196' Approved 19— In Favor / Mayor y Against