D001691CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER CJ ADMIlVISIRAI'IVE ORDER, � !�� ♦� •I �Vf�REAS, the adopted 1998 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriation of $75,000.00 for the Childien's Play Eqmpment Program (CPEP) administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, Linwood A+ Elementary School Playground project is among the projects to receive matclung CPEP grants of up to $I5,000.00, and Wf�REAS, the Linwood A+ Elementary School Playground project has satisfied all program requirements, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools is the fiscal agent for the project, TF�REFORE, it is oxdered that upon receipt of written approval of the project plans from Saint Paul Public $chools, the proper City officlals are hereby authorized and directed to pay Saint Paul Public Schools, PPM Acwunting, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102, an amount not to exceed $ I5,000 �0 for the pxoject. C9S-3S009-OS82-34159 • APPROVED AS TO FORM (`" � ��'✓�='�'�� t, ���v/� � ssistant City Altocney Date �/ / ; � Admiiushative s" t2nY Mayoc DE PARTME NT/OFFICEIC OUNpL Parks and Recreation DATEINIT�ATED � GREEN SHEET Mar 29, 1989 � �� �?oalf�q� � 1V0. 61084 CONTACTPEflSONANDPHONE INRIAIlOAiE INRIA4DA7E John Wirka 266-6411 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR cmcouruca ASSIGN - NIIMBEF FO Z qTY ATTORNEY 4 CYN CLERK ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA 8V (DATE� � OqDER _F�NANCIALSERVICESDIR. _FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG NA 3 MAYOft (tlR ASSISTANT}� 5 Patks aild ReCre2TiOn TOTAL,70FSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIFALLlOCA710NSPoR5IGNANRE7 ACTION REQUES7ED: Approvai of Administretive Order Linwood A+Etementary Schooi Playground Project FEC�MMENOATIONS: Approve 41) or P,eject (R! VERSONAL SEftVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOW WG pUE5T10NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this perooNfirm ever worketl under a contract for this departmenN CIB COMMR7EE A CF 98-367 YES NO A STAFF 2. Has ffiis person(fi�m ever baen a dcy amployee> DISTRICT CoUNGiI YES NO — �— 3. Does [his persoNiirm possess a skiil not normally possessed bY any curtenc ciYy employee7 SUPPOftTS WHICH GOUNCI� 06JECTIVP yES NO Explain all yes answers on sepaate sheet and attach m green sheet. INITIATING PR00LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV IWho, Wbat, When, Whe�e, WM1y): The Linwood A+ Elementary School Playground Project is to receive a matching grant of up to 515,000.00 from the City's 1998 Children's Play Atea Equipment Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Payment will be made in accordance with the terms of the grant program. )ISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: done ��c��vEa APt� T 1999 Ci.ERK :A�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPftOVED: yment cannot be made. 3Y��s'i�i� 4 � lJ�d.7 •*a f: f'� �; ,L AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION S � S.00O.QO MG SOURCE COST/REVENUE CUOGETEU (CIRCIE ONE) ES Np v y ACTIVRY NUMBER C98-3S609-0882-34159 GAlINFORMATiON: fEXPLA�N)