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COUNCIL FILE NO.�__�'___ -'BY - AAr�%�h FINAL ORDER IN COND In the matter of FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ���++r��� Council Rosen— File No. , 200594 —By Milton 4 In the matter of GS `MAP #5 iV N S Condemnina and taking the follow- Im under Preliminary Order 200001 approved December 14, 1960 Intermediary Order 200278 approved January 3, 1961 t A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be,made by the said City is, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made., RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making gaid improvements, viz.: I RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN 31 1961 Adopted by the Council 19� 31 ,96, Approved— AN , 19 Councilmen: DeCou rcy Holland Loss _ 0 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ZXILISHED -'� �0, X f; CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of (See Roll) Poo,. under Preliminary Order approved December 14., 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION I LAND BLDG. II Subiect to St.; beginning at inter- I I II II I I II section of South levee line and Eal II line of Lot "C"_, thence south on ` I I I II II East line of 97 feet; thence SWIly I I I II II I I 60 feet; thence Nfly 72 ft to a polt IIon sd levee line 97.07 ft. from I I II intersection of sd levee line and WI II I I lI line of East j of Lot C; thence alig IIsaid levee line to beginning; part I I I au II of lot I "C"I I Oliver's Addition to West St. T4175 175 (continued) Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 08 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER W IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND ALUATIONBLDG. II That part of Givt Lot 6 in Si of I I I II II Sec. 6 -28 -22 and part of NA of I I I II IISec 7 -28 -22 with accretions theretd I I II iI and lying on S' bank of Mississippi! I I II IIRiver & Commonly known as Harriet ! I I II IIIsland lISubject to Water St; Lots 4- 111 I I Rosen Addition to St. Paul LhKnn $18.050 lISubject to Water St; lots 12- 114' II Subj to street; commencing at a pt I I I II IIon the W line of Block 1 where the I I I II IIsame is intersected by a line run Ilparallel to Cherokee Ave. and 150 I I I II lift. distant therefrom at right anglL I I II !!thence E'ly along said parallel lint I I II i170 ft. thence NW'ly to NW corner ofl said I II !block; thence S to beginning; being) I I II 11part of Block I I 1 IDawsonts Addition to St. Paul L50 II Except SE'ly 65 ft; lot 14 1 1941 Irvine's Addition to West " � 12 Except SE'ly 65 ft; lot and 12 11941 " II 375 IlThe SE'ly 65 ft. of lots 1, 2 and J I I lI II all of lots 3 5j 6 16 I 1941 II? IIVac. Short St. accruing and Folly IILots 1 thru 4 and the SE'ly 70 ft. I II of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Blk 205 I I I II IIand all of block I 20 " II ? I Except SE'ly 70 ft 15 1204 " 11200 II 20 I tf TOTAL ? FORM 8.0.11 NO 3.52 8 i' (Continued) r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. I� Subj. to street; all that part N I I I II IIof a line 50 ft. SE'ly from and I I I 11 11 parallel to center line of Ry acro�s I I Ii i 11 Lots "C" and "D" 1 1 1 Oliver's Addition to West St. 11 11 1 1 I Paul i? IIExcept Certified Ice and Fuel leas 11 7552; a strip of land 90 ft in i II width, being 30 ft. on E'ly side .=_l i II and 60 ft on W'ly side of Chicago, 1 I I II 11 St. Paul, Mpls. and Omaha Railway I I I II I IIcenter line as located over and I I 1 ilacross that part of Block 11 lying) I II iiN'ly of the St. Paul and Mendota I I I I1 IIRoad, in I I 1 IDawson's Addition to St. Paul 111,250 kubj to St; Comm. at a pt on the I I I 11 least line of Lot "C" and 97 ft. S o� 1 1 1I Ilevee line; thence S on said E. I 1 Illine 120 ft; thence SWtly parallel I I 1 with Cherokee Ave. 86.55 ft; thence) I I I1 11S parallel with sd E line 43.11 ft ;1 I I II 1l thence SW'ly parallel with Cherokeel I I F- ,jAve. 86.55 ft to a pt on the W line 1 1 2 50 or 2 of ; thence N on said 1 238. P1 ft to S levee line; th NE'1alo nec I TOTAL 1 bu levee a (.v(, L-u Tiil /Z L WIN ert of ante urTher reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, to a pt 6 om e p o eg. t ence beg. being part of and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in ref ence to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of ITnance. Fora, B.B. 12 1M 3-58 8 N►af 5 ktr Con€ zming and tekinS the 00Uovnr.G lad Zor °Wae cwt WtUm of Flood WaUsa Megsp ���'�ping Station described S mt-t ma end Slopes for � Goat=1 la.�sss ©n the �b+�YL ca descri Lied p Vperbye That nand lying withln the fb3anrAng descz1;bed Jim; Cs>Emmaing at a point being the =wnent located ab the iin ereection of the Sauthtf et%y UM of DMAGI Svc. and the Nor'thWstek34r 31ne of wa Water Ste; Ocoee bWXIMS Re 31,0 3611 W. along 'ihe soutinmeterly live cc Dmiel St. a distame of 90 ft. to the Point of beglan1% of the Noperty to be, deserl th. e bewr'ing R. 51° 361 Wo slong the F~'ebau'iad Sai thUastw4 line of Dmidl St. a distwee of 132 ft.; thence bearlM S. 36° 340 FT, a dieeame of WS ft.; these 'bewdmg S. �80 III W. a distance 250 ft.; thence bwrrirng S. 810 020 W. a drtstemee of k& V.,; thence berg s.. 20 2V W* a d1stmwe o-v 60 z't.; Qmae bearing S. 880 570 E: a disumce or'336 1%.; thence beaRIMS S. 3° 039 E. a dietemee of 142 it.; 'thews bsring s. 380 47° we a distance Of " f -; th ce bearing S. 470 179 W. a disi=ce cxf 326 ft.; thence bearing SouthmaterJ�y to the Point o:' lubwseetion of the WorbYr:iesterly r ght•ot -ray line Of 'the C. St. P. M. & 0. Byo and a line 25 ft. Southum erly frtn the exten3ea EorthwzUwly lime cat' Lot 13., HosenI a, Addition; "thence bear2rg Northeasterly along said r1aht -a-way Brae to 'she sautl ester4 llur i of Lat 6, m6ex 20% mess � #03 to Nest. St. Agaa FA 90 €t. from the 804thwwt corAw of said lab; theme beertva 9whh asterly along a 11xe 90 ft. NoeWrrmsterly fz�aa and parWiel to the SouthewterlY lines of Blorlm 205, 2D3 and 194 in said Irvine °e Addition to Wert St. FZU1,p "aa distance of 1060 :fit. to the point of begimdngn bed pat: of S.W. see. 6,9 T 2B, R 2e an new. � see. 7, If 28; R 22. _ — _ _ _ _ +7 i] s .�eee��lYGil�+iY.�ii ?��.��_��� ��yl— G�.�a�1�.7_�_�fL •1lS ' '�� _��- ���►��w�� �:T tzw _ _ _ —__ _� � �� �I7S�T7S =71: =R1LOS� That .part of B'loeh 18 Damon °s Additdom to Saint Paml Ong S=therly of a Itue parallel to sz. 60 9%. iftr�t,x ter3,ty stir= the QaxUw Uw •af the C. St. P. M9 &% 0. Wd M"An trbAk3 XOrtherly or a line paraUel to and 20 ft. Vorthwesterly &'rm sa xl. ecater I:Ln j Westerly of the extmded Xm4heaster3Yy dim of W 11, 11pz,_ M 'Asalatioe St. 8 Him., Eastcwly of the Westerly line of sad Rlook, 1, meson ° s- P4atica to St. Paul.. That triangular Wcol Of Lot "C "1 01 Van's Addf`b3bn to West St. Pawl, dying WeW.erly Of the Eas'o;erly 3.3r<ne of wdd XAt "C "; S=Vaeaster4 of a lie paralael to and 60 f"�. Northwaeluwly from the center line of the G. St. P. M. & 0, Der. main `trs° &J, and NOrtheaStarly of a 2 ne XMIleIr to and 25 i`t. sa�th�t�ly fry t&e wLte d ITorthe`Mw1y Une of Lan 13$ ".Rosen AdditAon%l St.. kmif Minn. Lot U8 "ROOM Addi.•tion ", St. F'l, kn=. e=ePt. fOr that part taken, for W. Water St. Also that part of Vote 8 tbru 108 "Roeen P dition% St. Fz�_uj, Jana., lyiz�g beumn the SOuthcwterlY line of W. Water St. as describe by the Wdr St. 09m2i g C.F. 153950 aMovad. Oet. 108 1950 and ULe f0214t4ng deseribea .Une, BegEnving at the poiut of intCrsection e�, the Ron umter4 lim of vaid Loy: 8 ed vaid S=th. easfer3,y line of Water St.; thence beaml ag SouthnWberly to the intemectian vdth 'che K*AhewterU lire of La t. 10 wb a distance • of 15 ft* S =Wmas ter3y from said Southeavtwlyi line ai' Water St.; tba co b mZ T 1was'terly a3.ong said ride6hawberly line rX ?Ot 10 a diStaace Of 10 ft.; •t•.hma2 beex ng Sa tester ly to a pmrrt on the Soutbaestesrly line of lot 10 at a distance of 10 ft. S=theasterly Trm add So ift,- eastarly Une of Water St.; •the=e bearing Narthmst (mJl.y along said Southwesterly line of Lot 10 to tho Southeasterly Inv o? Vatw St, -I- Lent 12a "Rosen Addi.'i iolf, Sego Pmal., Minu. except; for U i; part teken for W. V ate, St. AUo that part Of Lots 13 and 14, "Rosen AdditioY., St. FLaul, M un. aid l IQ& Z, D xwn °s AMU= to St. Paul., lying bets the Southawberly lie of W. Water St. as deseAbed by W. Water Si;- Ogg C.F. 1339W ePyrove& Oct. 10, 1950 and a line 8, ft. Ssutboast from and parra.Uel to said Ssautheesterly line of W. Water St. That I.f c Mack is DMMO . *$ Addition i7io S4. FWav 9 betueau the Mn-Mu eStArlY line at W4 Tfatw Vt. as describod 'by the Water St. OPMOLUS C.F., 153980 awed Oct;. 103 3950 ad the fang dssa rlba& Une: Beginning at the intersection at said NmA&TaztcwIy Une cZ W. dater St. • emd the atended NwW=steriy Base of Lads 80 "Hosea A&U- 410n 'a St. PauX inn.; VWma a bearlaZ Nor bwesterly along sad extends. HwUmstwly 3.Zne cad' Test 9 to a polub 12 ft., ft= the ZwtbasberV li m of ii. WaUr St.; thence bearing Bouthvest4rly. a1mg a lIiieqarW3e3 . to and 12 ft. Norh eO v from the FartbMwterl.y Line or water St. to *the exteatded SMUMasterly line of lot 101 "Roe= unit w.2 St. lam, M nM; t� eg b ang Nm-W msterly along �d wed Soong 'w1y Une of Lort 1.0 to a �^Sozrthcasterly dam the eauter Mae of the C. St. P. M. & 0. By. main t6rwk3 thence bang Smttrawterrl y del to and 10 ft. Southmterly irm said center line to the intersection with a3 line del is and 2� ft. Smrt wwterl y .from the wftnded •Hertheaster l.,y line or Lnt 13, "Rosen S'tim% St. Paul., Minn.; thence bearin Sontheasterly dascrlbed Une to a point 12 ft. 1wthvwtesrly ftm the Northwesterly liras of 'ff. Water St. as deem -4bed by wAd opmAng above; Vmnae bealmg SoutMmterly 12 ft. ' Bu tavesterly ft= and pt -aUeb to said Dn tk►x_ wterly 1JLne ct V. Vubw St. to thO intersection with the [Westerly Une of Blo& 2, Datra3 0a Ash M'On to St. PW.; thence berg SoutwMAWly a1mg said line to the Hort�ester4' lime of V. 'paten St o 7nat Vwt 0$ lot "C',, Olivbr °s Addition -to West St. Pant, lylv4 ultbin than 9e11oving described line: Begnning at the point of intersection of the Fasterly line of said Last "C" Ath the jorthvestxa U line of W. Water St. ea de6ta -ibed by the Water St. �OjpwAng C#Fb 15539W approved Oct. 10, 39503 th�wee bbe�wIng .yS�S.i�athwe Southwesterly said NOr '�Ierly a of W. ViaLT�r�i Ste a di e z -160 .i YO; Li�LC/nce at right eagles bawling HbrVwmterly a clist;awe of 1E f` e; thence at right avzles bcari.ug North eastevly a1mg a 2linp lei to and 12 ft. rAwthwastarly from said. Northwesterly Bate of V& Water St. to the intersee'tia m nth said Zit erly 34w of Lat "C "; t mce bearing Soaat wmaterly aLmg .said Easterly Zane, at Lot "C" to the poing ot beginning. An 8 ft6 8brip of Umd 3.3dag Soutbeasterltiy of and ad jecent to the Sa4echeester3,v LUM of Water St. as opened =d lylztg vithin the fallowInS deseribed Une: - f„Sinnins at than intersection of SouQ levee line f1, Be line of Loot "C "; tbence South an Fist Line 97 ft.; thence Boathwasterly SO ft#; trhmee Mwbhexly 72 ft, to a pout an azzld levqe Niue 97.07 V4. from Intersection of , said leroe-z • line and W,? Une of Eort �tf Lot, "C "; theme said levee line to tnnivga being Zit of Lot "C ". tali o s Addition to I7est St. Pima* A Isa� trt pwt of the Easterly 'L of Lot "C" ' oiler °a Addf.•clon to WeWc, St. lhul, 34ing within the fo lovir,g described lane: Ccmm=IA3 ab the inrcerseeUon of the West line ae the Easterly I of Loam "C" mad Qa 8mrtbwxbwIy 11m of Wo Wager St.; thm e b axing fdrtheasterly tom$ mAd SmrMessterlty .won. of Watler St. al, distance of 97.07 ft. to the grout of be&Lming oZ She p =gWcy to be describedS the=e bang S=therly e1mg the SoubhwestGrly line of the ImA described va to a, paint 8 ft. Southewtexly ftvm the Saapkmeterly Ua e. of hater -M,.; thence bearing Southuester3.y -along a line pavaUel to sand 8 ft. Smkbheastwly fZ,qm the SWtheas-terl.y line of Water St* a distanae of 30 ft.; these at night anO= bemgma HartIruest erly to the Southeasterly Line or VetAw St.; Y.henee beav$na Horbheasterlly a1mg cold d. Sa>wbhewterl-�r line of Water St. to tine.' pa9i.Wb of begiminga Con GmAng end taklrAS a Permmmt ewes reqared for Qa c=iavzU= and • h� 4° .ntmnea at a WOject 13euw an the 9073mdug dwartbad may: ,\�L�es, y ' <ko� M ?, �y4 ��+, �aJtaaa ..!- ry..�.���...�p.��,p: �ac�,,3u fit,,t of Mack 206Py l�z - tt,. Shorh sts.. �iL Ubin i he Si�� .bed .4i ae: ait• , pint on he ScmQBwtar4 line cf lot 61 Black §310�a Tree °s PAMuen to West St. Pa a at a &- euSMtfa of 9.0 ft. Mrdr a wly frCm the S=*Wst ammw at Sad Iat; Umme bmrL,,$ dhwsterl y a1wS the }GrUm terly VW 13ne . cc tue Co St. Po No & 00 Ry, to the xvh t ca ulth the Nwthwly -Une of the 37 k Sec• 7, T -aft* H- 2v; tjm=e beawlM Ewty y al=Z mid Earther3,y. Um of the W � Sea. 7 a distance of 60 ft.; thmo bmrlM Northmterly to a an mAd SmtbmstAwU lim of iat 6 at a dieume of 70 ft. WcthtY' uAy of the db cm-nor of said lot; thmme Morth,mfterly a1mg said &mthwesterly line of lot 6 ,to the point of begratmo i'Jl %.U'ft1.i1 '1 :Xai %•:. iiC1 "L!. I �:i � � 1f ^7: .. P Y• t.G !:� Rl'ft't' �.t a � J�r_I Ai;J 7t;L'il .Y.L• !• 7rti b Y•tti = a J. 1 ::+[ 4i • 1 mil• 4 t - Iats 4 m. % Biock go% Iz-vine °s Adation to West St. d• WOW i:;Tjk,k ? :al..♦ •..+. r._ r:;L. 'L- .r:as' - tilt., w ■ ° •f 7. w 1" < Cr .n P .W.:.. ^- t ��� wL .�. 0 to r M y r ar a_ '•ai" a c. Y)' - •.:7.. %�=t DO-TYt' of B1ork 1, Dqua n °s AbUtIon to St. A 3yilas within tha Z021mdra scribed Um: Begiming at a pmt cm the extend Nbrthewb=4 11m of iat ll., . "Fos= Adit3.mn s Sts. P2121y Man. sh a distame of 10 ft. Ndr'rhwasteOy of the center ifte Of, tae co sto Po M & 0. F,y. main is ; th=ce bm-IM NorWAmstw3,y ' a ld wed Bafteastarly 21me of tart 21 is the latemeation vith the Nbrthre ut R/W line of tin C. St. P. M. & 0. 1W.; tbance bear theantur y alAug esid R.W line to •the #ubarsection with the ftrtbxwl y line of the IN k Sec. 7, T -98Hq R -2M4; th =e bewing Easfierly . a1mg, eaid 31m a ditutmee of 60 ft. ;. th=ce hwe's:g. Ssauth- wasteriy to tbs point oZ be01sni rig. Condom nor and takiva a pemamut east mcp1re.d for the cawntmotlan and mat to of Zevea c1 omme stmetwe as the fd1.] oulM described may: Iu t e 174 t, 14t .E ce 7, T-2$0 1R-22, -bed: p of Block- 1, DwaaW s Addkbion .tro St. Paa.,p lying within the f'613m ns described, 33ne: BeginAM at a point an a line which 19 el rw and 25 fta SauUmeai erl.yr .ftm the extGndea Northed 3�y live of Tot 13, 1 Rtes Additfomrs St., Paul, Manu. at a distanee of 20 f r,. SoutluSottw3.yi er= `zhe eeatW Une of . the C. St. P. M. & 0. By* main t=ek; 'wee be 2w � NcrUmestarl y a1amg avAd lima to a point 10 ft. T orthwebtwly from said ceutw 111%* thence be& --Ing Mrftwaterly slong . a Una p a lee to cd 10 ft. Northwesterly f` mm the cuter iitle of the Co St. P. M. & 0. Icy. main track to thy# int weection with the extended NoriftL- esstwly. lin® of iat lly "Rosen 1e &Utiau% Sic. Paul, Minna. i . thwee bearing Soirrchl- wlsteAy aloes said extended Northeasterly Uzze of Tot U to a point 10 ff;. South - eltA-44 ft cm sad center lane; 'thence tom$ Smthw'stcu 4 along a line del to emd 10 ft. Southe�t�rly fry the a ter 21ne of the By. main t'sY'@.CSS to the point of ' ing,' anal aU. public ftrcv4s., eneys and ,*ays emitigwapt to the hero described lends and upon Leh sUd hweinsbove described lanft or an`y of tho sme abuty hevtofdre or hmvU'ter mad, together with all 1 mda and 2ntere€nts In dB v2dch ice evey such emttiawma paabUe strezt, a31W and way., -- Canda.ming ead td%iM m i appormy enmnAt xrag�dred cam. the Tb13atT3.S propWty for the con:abrm caa of fioad waUsi dikes, paamp!M atom sit(w and othar struebxm Aw fleod coxrhvl prposes: The Nrarth terly 25' ft. of the Smt:heaAte rly 90 ft. of Lote i, 2 and 4, Black., 194, Yrvine°s Action to West St. Paul. The NDrUmmterly 5 ft. of the Scuumafi►erly 65 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 4 end tbs Nmthresfw33r 3O ft. of the Swth=ter3,V 90 ft. of Lots $ 30 5 and 64 Block z94v Irviue °s Awtioi to west St. Fatal. The MwbtffiwtAw1Y 30 ft. of the Southesater3,y 90 ft., of IoU 1 and 2,0 Block 203, lrrine% PA41tion to Nest St. Paul.. thm , 60 ft. of the South . Gwtqr17 90 ft. of lots 3 and 60 or aeld Black 203. fte . Nc terl y Art. of fte Su atbpasterl yd ' 2t. of Ions l t 6 M a A 205, btu -Adadt ; to kles3t St. P=1y �/� crag i�io�o/ r�hs� �o �// 1a .elect. 7o3 0 ('/9/2 A�� in 7/ ,ti Mat lwt cf va=tad Short St. tmd 8lo& 206 in Irvine's Addif cm to West St. Fmis 1YIDS Northerly of the Nae&QWly 11M of the NW k, See-, 7, T -28N, R -22713 gad NbrthWl y of $hg HortUW48tar4 UM CC % Water St. end S=thsrly of the E&Mth- mstwiy line of Lot 6, Black Mj, de's AMition to Weft St. Pal cad S =therly of a run beamm a point an wAd Soufhwesterly tins of Lot 6 at s Alsumee a2 70 M. NDrth6,wter3,y fix= the soteuftest corner &said Int 6 to a point an the Norther4 Una of the Id L . 7 6&'a disteme of 60 It. 933tarly fr6m the point of intweection of said Una wlth tAe Northimstwly R,%'GI Lim of the C. 3t. F. M. 8; 0c, 11jr. That pot of Sioek 3, Davocm0a AdditIcu to Sto Paul lylvg wftbln the fo1 wAng des bed line: Bi4.ang at a poina bong the intersection of the Northeasterly line Of W. Water Sto as described by Water St., 09ming C.Fo 15 appvVel Oct.. 100 19500 Frith, the extended. North terly 11no oil Lot 8, "Rosen Additim", St. Ftna p IUun.; then a bearing . Northoesterly erg said extended: Mr. •Uwtaterl y line ox? lat 8 a distance of 12 ft. ;' th. nc a bemnlag So&thwesterly olcaM a ling parallel to and 32 ft. NorUrim'te rlly from the said Northwestwly lime 'of V6 Water Sto to the iuterseation with the extenfied Northea9terly line of Lat 11,, "Rosen Addit oY, St. Faul9 Mm.3 thence beariue $orftmst wly alms said. Vortheasteeiy line of Lot 11 to a pow 10 ft. Northwesterly sip the Beater line 60 the C. St. P. Ma & 0. By. awn truk3. Idmee bew1M Hortheutwl.y to •a pcdaat an the Met ;hwl y Brae a the -M J. Sec. • ?s rL-4- 28.WO R -Ms at a distmwe of 60 ft. Emstw4 " the pent of iaatwseet.taan of stda Una Vdth this NorthVestecl y Bp' line Or the C. 8 °c. P. N. & 0. Iy.; thewe be�3iZ Za'W4erly along the Nos tbxwa yr line of the 7V t, Sec, 'r, zo the f aa'crsee aon with the uWthweaterly line of W. Water St.; thence bea S *fchwdsterl y al6ug mAd Normieuterlyr line of hater St. to the poiat of beginning. That port of Lots 7, 8 and 9 "Roacm AfiMtAon ", St. P=1, Munn, lying vlthln following described line: Bga *►�.. uii ng at a point being the Intersection of the Swth- easterly line of W. Water St. as Aesexibed by the Water St. OValins C.F. 1539W APXOVI�d Oct. 10, 39504 Vith --the NortYi Sterl y line of Teat 8, Rweh ° s AddlUon; thmass bemlmg Bmthwesterly to a. pt int cu the Southrester4 line ark Loll 9 ad a dine of 15 €t. Southeast== from said Sdutln=tea -lly 31ne- of V. Mater Sto; thence bearing S=theazterl y 4.ang .d SowWvmsterly line s►f Dytb, 9 a d1stasee of 30 f`°..; theme bewIM Nsrth®r carZy to a pout au the Nm-tizasterly line of Lot 7, "Room Addi#ou!', St. PaUq Klnta. a disce of 30 ft. Bmtheasterly fraz sated Ssutaeasterly line of Water Sto; 'thence bearlvZ .�gesterl y along said Xdrtl%eL' terly' 11ne of� . Vii: 'j to the Intersection with said Saizth=st6rly lima of Water St.; th=e bearJmg So ch- materly elwtg the Sawthewterly line oP Water St. to -the point' of bganu ng. o4- t J Th t part Gf BIO& Io al's Ad&tiotn to St. Pma XyUg bkYaratm the VesUw4 31ne of ?WMM Addi't -Ica Sto FMAa 8 31M DMMaOl tA)IM& 25 ft OGUMM�Iy the wtenaed 1Qai''6 mstes ly J'Ene of job 13, "Ram AMItigd" a St. Paul, MLw. end a lim del. • to € nd 12 ft. Nm-U�%e't jy fsvm tbs $arthvet8tw4 Zinc of W. Water St. es described bpi the ftbex' Sto OPMtM C-F. 2-5398b' Oat.. 1®0 1950 and WMrMU 3" Y Of a line VMMIRI to Md :LO ft. Nortmx6twly frM the C.4p4`tS r IIJM - oP the Co fto R. W & Oo Itr. waft txsck,o That pat of Lot "C "o 031%twlls A&Utian• to West St. P&aq,/IyIM viftlu the f*1UwIM dmwlbed 11ne: C==cIzZ apt a pit: being the tnefscaetian of the Mwthmstwly 3lne, of V. Water St. as �,bea by the Ham Std Opening C.F. 15 a��$ Wl. 10o. 1950p With the. Bwtorly 11w of sad lot "C " -.' these beaa�ii�g $�tw4 wAd .�t�storly line of Water Sto a d�tance of 160 ft, to the Wort oe begLmlag of the p3vpezAq to be deacribef3 theme at rl&t mzgw bmrLM Mrbb- moftcly a, disco a 12 Pto; thenee bea4mg MwMeaster: y ad=g a 3,3na WraUel emd 19 ft. Bo�.� :crly prom sad N=ftwesterl y 1m of eater b`t. to the irk- tae an Stith sold lawtarly 33ne of " q .V th=e beadM 1e 3y alcog said \�\ Ewterly UM of last, "C" to the interseabion VIfih a line .el to and 95 fto Soutli ' tsky f°rm the extended RsrribeWtW4 Una of Lot 13.1 "lwen .Addition ", Q St. �j n.; tshe=e ltiiE:� Ing N=tW4cster`3y i wAd the 1 inter ion Vith the M=- MMztGr4 Bft .Line of the C% St. P. M. & '0. By.; tSiq= lid Smthffest,erlyA along said fir,. Hit Lim to the J taumtion with the a Cbeaded wtOZ�'bW =Wr1y 11M G Jot 139 "Hazan A&MI="s 1^'t. Pwaa 1913 .i taenze beariva pSOuti'� '$,y t3 ` 5�.,,,G.xtan& &d &mt�hl�.ie$'�io'Zlyty lino of lot 13 -0co a 3iointiy 10 :C...,, s�s�,,yy� .�,, the ^^�P.c:iaViRe6�" J11M or pelf e C . as ...� P. M"* & 00�,,,�.W. li�iS.ei�1y�tz'� k; �_d,.4,e,8me 8=W9mster� alcmg 0 .11ne del. to &ad .1Q S b. s:�ou t3 � rl said center line a d1sta oe of 2M ft.; tbenee at 1ght ew Le$ bewlrZ Saut�imste '3q to 'the IAUMMUCU Vith 'MO IwordMWbWjY Iine Of W& tW Sta tk6m bearing MwtiY- ca tftn y along wAd H=fty �ly 1Q ot W. E &t*r St. to the - gaftt or begL=LM. TIOt Owt of 10ta 13 s1.;�t 34, . "Rosen ABdlt t e s St. Eel., MM. end Block -1,, Dayscm 6 a Additdon to St. Fad z!g witbin the toMw3ng described lines: Bing at the EMMMster3y OOMIGr Of Lot 13,P "Rosen Addition" o St. Pty, M=. thence 'lowing I-bzthWWtGA7 81=9 the Northeasterly line of said tat t6 a point 8 ft. &�•thewterly from the SautbewterAy line a V. Water St. as de bed by the Water St. '092aljW Lace bearIaEg Soutamaterly a1mg .a IIAe 8 ft. Szuthewt=4 frm a n& pardUal to tihe' Sotrbhessterly Une of Wa Va t4r St. 'to the intern eotiau vith fte WestAr]y 11w of Block 7,0 Dsmon8 s Addition; the=e beari3g Scathemily alogg said 31ne to a po at 38 ft- Scuthewter3y T CEcm the Stri &east+ar:�Y line 0 pie Wafter St.; themee bm� - Eortheaaterly alb a Una PmvUel to and 38 ft. &mthMaterly 2xmm the Southwgterly lire at Watw .S't. to tho WemeatAan with the �uthw ra,y lip of I�t 1 r "Roden Mauanra St. Paul., lean.; thence being Saatheausta rly pa said Ssa rester3y IAiEC3 0' Lot 13 to ttIm S=thv=t corner -of said.- . otS thenee 'tang & =chMzt'dr4 . the. SmtheastWly 11ne of Lot 13 to the -point of beg£nrdug. UW Scathes ter y 30 ft. Of the 38 f`'c.. strip of 3.aad Southeaut*rly of and ed jacc t to the Smtheaster4 line of Ulster St. ae ojxmod and lying within the faliguing described Ifta: BegEnyArg at the- interdectfon of thee South Levee lain and the 9 Fast Una ar 16t "C~ Olivew o s eftftlon to Ifest at. r lnu the=e SMth on rest ,one 97 f12.; the=e S=th rm terly 60 ft.; thence N6rth=4 79. ft. to a pant: on said levee line 97oOT f't* fxtcz the intwoeetion of mid, levee line and West 11ne of East I of Tat "C "; theme along mid lei line to the ycdnt of bogianing. /41,50 �5� tbat part 62 Jot "C", OLUv61% AdditiOa to West St. Paull 4dmg ultbin the follow-Luz described 3.:'= Cueing at the far tmvee$3cm of the Westerly Ll= oY the Easterly I ef Lot "C" and the Bmtheasterly Jim of Water St.; thence b%kbW Worthewte rly alm g s1d Sduthewtwly line of Water St. a d1stame, 0 97.07 ft.; tUme wing Se heat along the ftutMMSterlY 11M of the pmpaty described above to a poInt 8 A. Saudiewterly feria the Bmthowtenrly lne of Water St. UbIcla is the pint of begftnimg of the VMPert6V to be deBeribe4thw6e beEWIMg abore Smthesdterly e1mg the Smbhvisterli line of Uie jeoperty deacKbed EW to a Do nt 38 ft. smbheast m-ly ft cm the Sauthemterly litre of W.� water Est � trace bearing 8a thvm-,terly A1W a line p=W -JeZ to ems! 38 ft. Zmm the soMtheaSterly live of ftter Stn a dfsts =e at 40 ft*; thence at rigt Males boring WoastiMMterly to tam Smth fi rly line of W. Naer St.; thence bearUg Mwthemtwly along mid'Soutbeaster3q liue of Water St;. tq a point 67.07 ft. hesster3,y fm the lutes etion Raf the Westerly line of Idw EasUrly * Of Lot "C" =a tho ly Una of Water St.; t more at right m*les bc,W1Aff SouthOdOterZy, a, d stme of 8 ft.; thence at r t ds .bewbjg hh- ersterlY along a line 8 ft. Smrthewtwly frm and del to the Smtheastawly one of Water St. to the pant of hag. -6- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 19th 19 60 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 200001 , approved December 14th , 19_6O , relative to r and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x x x x x 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. improvement is asked for upon petition n)g Commissioner of Pub l i c Works 'C PM=L O� O� I 0 l� s �c a �d O 5 ABA 0 .50 (0 3� ' %1IVf ,4. o a s ,V r�Y r •• ' 1. '1i5.;�`3tj1 •a '.,. ;�sl:, �;., 1 � /p•� �j , r `A` 5 .4 :•`0 • Y � o-.4', ^�� ` �Y.` � .� �` ' P !` T lz Nil4• - •.�y. 1S' ��ii�'� . •'r i 1Q' `�i�{7�- - .' �•f.,'`'.��4. -.E'r �SS� d'- �� ° ?.' � � r U T b � ,l. Kr 7.T �• 1 44,4 r , t QT-,•• r , r 6t�.1, 1. •'% 1 , i?nirfh -j+y i 7.:'�Fst'i +" gttP�7 •+ ' °. L'r's''`¢;Ti'#`; iii..;'; ,t { , I Ul _ %y.' .`�l•,f1�� /e(t �f'•.y7 1i'j...h�- •'IA, „- ••” ,'. 'dY- •?', • ' ~yJWt: ra '�y�+ i •''s { 7: iXr�` l ?ryF ? ' �•`•_Z: •rJfsikr�_•'��. "r.'# Y'.+11'�Y Hj_ L� ��:.f,�'rs at • E,f,r. _ � S, ,f. 3� 7 ��•Y. -i »� a fie. , Jr • '' - ^'' �F�' y�.'F'r'r lv': Y4� sr: � SI.�\ �'�'.ti�' ?f t:-.; r-�. ,yfXY: ,i.t ',r• � . - .��� i t \� \`vim. `1 1 �_ - +F� ':v7 �.*.`44t._r..�'�ir...f' 1. �Ir:u4r:x: °gS,� i�C. 4c•' -;r { / �F. rr.'� -.ti r. t f':Cr -' .� }„S >�''� " -'., �I, n'y' •^ 4iT"'•. 8 1 h •, .;diy� _ . U , s•tz•.• i`' 3',:c •. � .'4 =�,< ♦ .7•, T•r - If u 1J o• .. �,:: •',Li ,7,' `�:y ,y }h,'k��'•'•On S -•a`� �.�,,,- i, _ ✓ (y,- - -t~� `, r,rs' '. +•i. ;,v 7 r ,.. >,- -ti:. -i �`'..�17:r,, e': �r;•.x�� P„ � t, B• - � ��,;t,,:,,,: �IF2....t4,Fi5', -''. :. _.'��..,.; r; Q`' `;i:;c.::• y y137N S4V 4,%'• 'i-� 'f�'! ;?.• r' '' ' C k. ya`• a.{,�' ���.�t � .� i(�A�}•_t F �'�fJ to '�`rll:i-,f ��_!;_Ta.;•..- N:•i',F•s .•_'E 45 1 't,'•`^rJr• Ci CO to IT Sio INk _ i �'tJ jai i,�iy.'' t+t.f j•. P t (�rr,, 'ilY+i ", ��"•- r':in`r �:'ti''''.flV!V�13 'c a �(t \� s:y:'. •{ %, ,:��'$, rig•' 0' � ;�ryr'' ,••. ((.r, f � "a `' t" • • _ �;F� `r• � • I '1�,�'i`� r,�?? 'ter �._ J lb o� tu - J • h'c 0h a �'� c rV � w � �,V ` • 3� , c b d a - �5 1 °- c Z:r - �� � � -�• � •off►. �. y yao'(j. , ' � . U U•lit Q'fd