200557� 1 ORIGINAk TO CITY CLERK ' •'W'?� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL w- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- o ��'� DATE WHEREAS, the County Welfare Board, through Miss Ruth L. Bowman, Director, by letter of January 20, 1961, directed tbJ the Mayor, members of the Council, the City Comptroller and to the County Auditor, has indicated a desire on the part of the Welfare Board to purchase a lot in the vicinity of .Ancker Hospital for parking purposes, all as more fully outlined in Miss Bowman's letter,, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; and WHEREAS, it has been indicated that funds for the purchase of said block can be made available in the 1961 budget for the Welfare Board, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Ramsey County. - Welfare Board for the purchase of such parcel of property a,nd hereby authorizes and approves the same. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss .vertinsrni ---' - Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 8M E -60 a� 2 Council File No. 200557 —By Robert F. J Peterson— j 1f Whereas, The County Welfare Board through Miss Ruth L. Bowman, D1- - rector, by letter of January 20, 1901, directed to the 'Mayor, members of the Council, the City Comptroller and, to the County Auditor, has indicated a desire on theme part of the Welfare Board to purchase lot in the vicinity of Ancker Hosp[W., ",for parking pur- poses, all as mok ! kv outlined in, Miss Bowman's lei, � s71� Is attached b +' 3 AN 2 5 A Adopted by the Council 19— ism pproved 19— Tn Favors T Mayor /)Apinst PUBLISMIS 1- 94 " �6 f v r1 r_.S � y J saaary 20. 1941 The Nonora ►Le George J. ♦avoulis President at the City Connsil and Chairman at Ike board at C"aty Coaatalssioerh Copies tot Members of the City Coaasil Members of tha Board of C"UW Cdanaiissioaeri Joseph J.• Mttcbell, City Ceaaptreiier L'86e21e A. Meaisk, County AadiOr Bet rarsiase of Let for Dear Mayor vavoulist p!arWW6 at Ansker Hospital Dr. 1'lotoas X. Brodie, iuposititeadoat of AaKkor ile"040 submitted to tle Cesnty Meese Board a res---Madoa that teasiMmalft be given to the pwah"o of a lot dessrib" as Lot To in north onoo" of Block IS. Stinson, Brow and lar•Oey'e adiltioa fo Snug Vaal, to order to - provide addttionai op"O for parkin`. Ths City 9000111 •nd the beard st County COmmissioan• t" *"Y at7tolrer f" 1Ots adjfseat to We use. Dr. Breathe otatos "Ot, 9 do .third lot am be atgired rx parkins. it VW ease th's parkins sit"des at the hospital. so slat". in o[ polio. p.t rot. AU ee.t►oT O iavo `eea parr"S is *o e~t adjeseat .W the receivins departmoat a" at sertais tisas of the day it to dif<ieult 3107aove 4*Uveriee into this axe&. This third Mt is owned by 10ba J. Saft,a. 416 Orate Street. who bas stag that le VW reU"aish dMo to We let to' the City Sad County for Me eras of =TO«. N. Tow asoeesos is full said tr" vsisadoa is $390. t0 Sad if we OWy the formak of i 1 /! Umos tba ass"sed vaboatiaa, wt kh to now boas wood by th♦ Board t* dewraiiao the aaratfihet vabte, it would be $* ?L N. Der. B roadie loos ssro flat ha, auras wo sell the pseMri for *4 prwo be has *rrW Id The City CAMsU WW t►e Beast' of Camty Commissteaers are interested la it. The Cmaty Moifaro Board bas eeais"gred W &apes:s of dw parka" sitsatioa aad the fast that dais is t►e only otwr lot avaLlahie Sad is adjatsat to tke parkies lasiudes. I* to aotW* DDr. fr044o46 resenmeai• , iaties; Sad r�aest fiat the !et loo purchased br tbo ass ed Amber !["OsaL. 1 \ t7 r A Tho Koaoraito Clears* J. rivoow :aau,Lr1 24. 1 1 The ASS of thif lroNrtl WO M h► 1/s% la *s,cw aM Ti ! /1x is The fish►• 1?,r. st**&* state• 00* halo Ma be XNA& &VwoAs to " l941 mot for tsia /otrob"o. I& aossr4see vi* *0 wavatle" st 60 sort. I as ori- mtMlag tits rsosa soafatioa tr you !K ter assatdasittoa. IWO oe • Mr. �waa mms O'cosrw lit. sambruk .Dr. sroaa* Okwotsky mss. (W •) SAS* U sawitts Dtreasm 2 0 0 r.I 7 �(Countp %uaitor's Office COUNTY BOARD St. Paul, Minn., File No. 1820 Resolution 9 -5853 Y_ J Jamwy 31, 19 61 The attention of County Welfare Dept. City Clerk - City Comptroller County Auditor - Attention: Mr. Peters W. Rhodes is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of _County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on ZamwXY' 30., 1961 By Commissioner I)aaxwy; UT E;REA$ The ' County Welfare .Board, concurring in, 6 recommendation of Dr. Thomas T. Broadie, Su perintendent-of Ancker HOPPitaly has voted;to request the purchase of Lot 7 in the North one' -half of .Block 15,, Stinson, Brown and. Ramey's Addition to St. Paua in order to provide additional space .fvr parking. 3,n the vicinity of Ameker hospital; and WSMRRAS Said lot can be purchased for the sum of $700.04 and funds can be made available in, the 1961 Welfare .Department budget for this purchase, and W The Cou,494 of the City.of ft. Paul..has concurred in the recommendation of-the County Welfare Board for the purchase 'of such barcel of real estate and authorItes and approves slid;purchese; Now;. Therefore, Be It HMMVED That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners concurs In the recommendation of the Ramey County Welfare Board and approves and authorizes the purchase or •the .a'bove read. estate. as set, out, r EUGENE A. MONICK County Auditor By Deputy. Form Aud. 200 � °WELFARE BOARD MICHAEL F. ETTEL, CHAIRMAN SAM S. GRAIS, VICE-CHAIRMAN LEO L. ZACHMAN. M. D. MRS. E. A. PRESTON WILLIAM E. BRENNAN DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR RUTH L. BOWMAN County Welfare Department OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY 476 ST. PETER STREET SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA January 20, 1961 The Honorable George J. Vavoulis President of the City Council and Chairman of the Board of .County Commissioners Copies to: Members of the City Council Members of the Board of County Commissioners Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL SERVICES ANCKER HOSPITAL RAMSEY COUNTY HOME SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SERVICES TO CHILDREN WORK REORIENTATION PROJECT Ya 4 a -� ✓4n19 S a1'7110, Y r� Eugene A. Monick, County Auditor Re: Purchase of Lot for Parking at Ancker Hospital Dear Mayor Vavoulis: Dr. Thomas E. Broadie, Superintendent of Anc].cer Hospital, submitted to the�County Welfare Board a recommendation that consideration be given to the purchase of a lot described as Lot 7, in north one —half of Block 15, Stinson, Brown and Ramseyl`s addition to Saint Paul, in order to provide additional space for parking. 'The City Council and the Board of County Commissioners recently acquired two lots adjacent to this one. Dr. Broadie states that; if the third lot can be acquired for parking, it will ease the parking situationaat the hospital. He states, in spite of police patrol, that employees have been parking in the, court adjacent to the receiving department and at certain times of the day it is 'difficult to move deliveries into this area. This third lot is owned by John J. Burns, 416 Grace Street, who has stated that he will relinquish title to this lottt6 the City and County for the sum of $700. 00. The assessor's full and truij valuation is $350. 00 and if we apply the formula of 2 1/2, times the assessed valuation, which is now being used by the Board to determine the market value, it would be $875. 00. Dr. Broadie feels sure that Mr. Burns will sell the property for the price he has quoted if the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners are intersted in it. The County Welfare Board has considered all aspects of the parking situation and the fact that this is the only other lot $vailable and is adjacent to the parking facilities,_ voted to accept Dr. BroadieI's recommen- dation and request that the lot be purchased for the use of Ancker Hospital. AGENCY MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ASSOCIATION The Honorable George J. Vavoulis January 20, 1961 Page 2 The title of this property will be 27 1/216 in the City 'and 7Z 1 /2 7o, in the County, Dr_ Broadie states that funds -can be made available in the 1961 budget for this purchase. In accordance with the instructions of the Board, I am sub-.. mitting this recommendation to you for your consideration. Sin erely yours, is s) Ruth L. Bowman Director RLB /aj cc - Mr. Swan Miss O'Connell Mr. Hambrick Mr. Edmunds Dr. Broadie