08-1185} Council File # b$ — d' Green Sheet #3060716 RESOLUTION CITY�OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by �� 1 WHEREAS, The Minnesota Environmentai Initiative's Project Green Fleet (PGF) applied for and 2 received a federal EPA grant to provide retrofit exhaust equipment in order to reduce pollution 3 created by buses and other diesei vehicles, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has volunteered to participate in the PGF 6 partnership as a way to decrease diesel emissions and improve air quality, and 8 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Environmental Initiative (MEI) with Public Works has identified 14 9 diesel vehicles which would benefit from the installation of diesel oxidation catalyst units (DOCs), lo and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Environmental Initiative has received the grant funding for the cost of 13 the DOCs ($14,700.00). 14 15 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council on behalf of the City hereby authorizes the acceptance 16 of the Minnesota Environmental Initiative's Project Green Fleet, federal EPA grant funding for the 17 installation of DOC units on 14 City vehicles. 18 19 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary B � Approved b Date � l �`'"�" (� � B ' . � �� � � ` '1��� � �ll�'��! , l�r , . Form Approved by City Attornex BY� /�S'A � V V�.�/ Form Appr ed b or fo issi o Council By: � r Adopted by Council: Date ��d,j�/�� �4 W � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � o�� I lSr" PW _ Public W orks 13-OCT-08 Green Sheet NO: 3060716 Contact Person & Phone: Ron Mundahl 488-8348 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: Y Document Contact Loree Brovm ConWCtPhone: 266-6061 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action RequesMd: 2!Citv Attornev f I I� 3 Mava�''s0ffice �, MayoriASS�ta i . -96' �,,����� � —`'tr�: � �CT 1 � 2008 'i'_ ' , _ . Approval of [he attached Council Resolution au[horizing the Departrnent of Public Works, Municipal Equipment Pund to accept the Minnesota Environmental Iniriative's Project Green Fleet, fedesal EPA Grant funding foi the installation of DOC units on 14 City vehicles. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pianning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Minnesota Environmenial IniriaUve's Project Green Flee[ (PGF) applied for and received a federal EPA grant to provide retroffi exhaust equipment in order to reduce pollufion created by buses and other diesel vehicles. The Departrnent of Public Works has volunteered to participate in the PGF partnership as a way to decrease diesel emissions and improve air quality. Advantages If Approved: The Departrnent of Public Works will have the authority to participate in the PGF pazhiership to decrease diesel emissions and improve air quality. Disadvantages If Approved: None. DisadvanWges N Not Approved: Lost opportunity to benefit from the installation of diesel oxidation catalyst units (DOCs). TotalAmountof $14,700.00 Trensaction: Funding Source: C '�� t Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: N Activity Number: 12202 October 14, 2008 1:38 PM Page 1 Se� ;e.-aber 11, ?008 Ron Mundahl Nianager, MunicipaI Equipment �upervisor ii Ciry oi Saint Paui, Publica+'orks 891 i�TO;th Dale Srreet SaincPaul, M1V �5103 Dear Ror.: OS � 1 /�5� Thankyou for your pazticipauon in the MinnesotaEnvironmental Inivauve's Projea Green F1eet (PGF). Per ycur request, this l�cer is to serve zs further irformauon to the Saint Paul Ci.ry Council on PGF and the expecravons of the Ciry of Sainc Paul (Ciry) as a participacing heavy-dury diesel vehicle fleee operacor. PGF is an effort to protea children's healrh and reduce polluuon by providing reuofits to Minnesota's school buses and other diesel vehides. PGF is a voluntary pazmership between government, privare industry, and x'tie aon-profix sector ciiat purchases and :nstails poiiution-controi equipment at no cost to pazticiparing fleecs. More information abou[ PGF's hiscory, successes, and rrequendy Asked �`.uestions can be found in rhe attacheci iacc sheets. MEI has $14,700 from an EPA grant that we can uulize to retrofit 14 Ciry vehicles with EPA- verified diesel oxidarion caralysts (DOCs). The 14 vehictes available to be reffofitted are listed in t[ie attached spreadsheet. DOCs are mainrenance free and should have minimal xo no impact on vehide performance. Section 2 of �he amached Operating Agreement outlines rhe responsibiliries oF �he Ciry as a pazticipating heavy-duty diesel vehicle fleec operacor. &senrially, Secdon 2 requires the Ciry to work with MEI and Donaldson Company (the retrofit equipment manufacturer) as needed to garher inrormation on potenriu venides co reuofit, wnsuit in rhe seiecrion o£ venicies to reuofit, accept £ne delivery of the retrofit equipment, assist as required wirh the insrallarion of rhe rerrofit equipmenc, operare the retrofitted vehicles in Minnesota for ac least five yeazs (unless physically impossible to do sc), ;:.d wo:k va'.u� P✓[EI ar.d u�:e Minr.sc� no;luao:. Ccr,ccl Age:.ry tc w;:e � e;;;ss;or.s information on the vehictes afrer reuofit installation (primarily uacking vehic(e miles uaveled and fuel usage). The Ciry is not required to pay for rhe re:rofi* eqcipment. PGF pays for rhe equipment More informauon can be :ound in the Operaring Agreement. Thank you again for your pazticipauon in PGF. If you need further information or have furrher quesaoas please ieel xee to con�ct.:ie at 612334.3388 ext. 105 or jhcgin�� Sincerely, , ! Ir .''� ! � ri� : ✓'-----_' r��Je.�""� -•%�X� `.. ., .— � Jack Hogin Manaoer o£Environmental Projeccs Minnesota Environmental Iniriarive Endosure �` ; , � _ = x �� � �;�� �� . _� — � � �� .�� Summary The Minaesora Environme�ra( Ininative's Project Green Fleet (PGF) is an efforc co protea children's healrh and reduce pollurion by providing retrofits to Minneson's school buses and orher diesel vehicles. PGF is avoluntary pz*Lnership be:n�een gwe:r.me.^.t, privace ir.dustry, and t�e ner.-profic secto: :hat purchases and installs pollarion-control equipment at no cost w parricipating schec! tius fleets. The frequency of ai: qualiry a?°:� issned in r,�Iir.r.esora has �!Id? atten¢on co a growing air polluuon wncern in our state. Poor air quality is a problem for Minnesota's environmenc that can significandy affea our health. Expasure to air pollurans can contribare to the development ofheart and lung - disease. Children aze especaally susceprible to healrh prob'lems resulring from air pollurion exposure because rhey breathe more air per pound of body weight than adnlrs. Success & Future of PGf nr_p � ,.,. 2n05 .d by y�:-end 200? h� ,,.ided ., uefr� �c 5�0 bas� Y' sracewide in aries such as Dulurh, Bemidji, Rochester, Minneapolis and St �'aul. In addirion, PGF has started piloc efforts providing reuofirs to Head Star[ buses, transit buses, and municipal heavy-dury vehicles. PGF is develop;ng plans w reach the roughly 4,000 school buses eligible for reuofits s�tewide. IaQeased public :aves�ens conhiaed winc �onanued and �panded support from privace funders can make rhis starewide goal a reachable tazget In 2007, rhe State of Minnesora provided $2.4 nillion for the Minneson Pollurion Control Agenry to support PGF rhrough the biennium. This support is importasc, bet for PGF to ceach iu goal of retrofitting a11 e!igible school buses in Minneson, it is essenrial rhat local and regional leaders provide addirional supporc for rhe p:oject's effo:�s :n rheir areas. A�gust Z038 The Minngata EnvCmnme�f� Initia�ve Projea Green Fleet isaprojeaofche Minnesota Environmenral Initiative (_MEn, a nonprofic organiza[ion chac builds parmerships to develop coUaborative solurions co Minnesota's em�ironmental problems. PGF is a pazt ofUEPsCieanfurMinnesotaPr boram, a voluncary parrnecship of businessu, environmental a oups, wvemment a rher ro achieve significant, measuiable reduc[ions in air pollution. For more than 15 years, MEI has been able to ena ndertrus�amongawidespeccrum ofstakeholders who might ochetwise have difficulry enga�ng in productive dialob e. ProjtttGree� fle�Sponsors Thanks to the generous conmbucions ofPGP sper.sem. pz�ticipx:ion in uhe pcoj ea is complecely free to paafciparingschool buc fleeu: ° Flint Hills Resources • - Minnesota Pollucion Conuol • M esota Power • I2ochescerPublicUtiliries • Xcel Enexgy . •� Blue Cross B1ue Shield of Minnesota Foundation • MayoClinicFoundation • Andersen Coipocation • U.S.EnvironmencalProtection Agency Ren ons 5, 6& 7 • Washineton CounR� 60���0✓ Projected Outcomes of PGF ��VICOfI(112f1tdl � HEdIIfI B2f1^cTItS: School buses �nd orher vehides u�:rh diesel eagines represent only 10% of the sz�iic on Minnesora roads, bui wnsibute more rhan 50% of rhe air poilution genera:ed by vehicles in rhe srate. in addinon, recenc scud;es in Ann Aroor, Adanra, and Chicago reveal rhac rhe pol!uuon inside a school bus �n be up co five ur�es higher than outdoor zir. Insralling diesel retrofit equipment on school buses can reduce outdoor air poLurion �eneraced frorm a bus by up to �0% and ran even more dLamariclly r:duce che 1�e�e[ o; pollution ir.side a bus. Reuofic dec-ic:s ue :nstalled o.; c?de; b�ses (:yF:rzlly �hcse buiit berore 2004 �na� �e �;peaed to h2ve five or mo;e j�eazs iefr o.` operarin� life) co uap parriculates znd cleasi diesel eshaust, prevennng pollunon irom encerina rhe air and oer lungs. ECOf1Gf111C a2n2fIS: I: Minnesora conunues to esperience poor air qualiy, we wuld be desi�nated as a non-attainmen: area fo: certain air pollctanrs under the federal Clepn Air na A Minnesora Chamber of Com ;erce studv escimated rhac it would cost Minnesota businesses �189 to 5266 million ar,nually co comply wiu4 the reaulatory requirements zssociaced «�i*,h nor.-anaiamer.c. Ir zd�±i:ion, businesses ofren experiea:e significar:c rest:iaions, such as !i ::is on g:owch and expansion, once their home regions aze declazed in non-a�cainment. Projea Green Fleet will make significanc reductions in Minnesota's ambient air polluuon and will help Minneson avoid being dedared a non- attainment area. Project Green FleetSchool Bus Participantr • Bug-0-l�Tay-Ge-Shig School • Braham Bus Company • Crosby-Ironron Transportacion • Eden Pcai�ie Public Schools = Edina Public Scnools • First Srudenc, Inc. ° Fond du iac Head Srart i rogram • Houston Public Schools ° Hushinson High School • ISD 11 - Anoka Hennepin School Disrria = ISD 31 - Bemidji Area Schools • ISD 113 - Walker-Hackensack-Akeley School Distria • ISD 196 - Rosemount-Apple Valley-Ea • ISD 622 - No. St Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale • ISD 748 - Saztell-St Stephen • Kottke's Bus Service, Inc • n✓:cnarcl� Bcs Se.vice, I- . ° Minneapolis PublicSchools • M&M Bus Company . �,* c����t • Nor-Tran Bus Company • Paynesville Motor & Transfer • Rar.isey Counry Head Srart Program (CAPRW) • SLP Transporration - Sc. Louis Park Public Schools ° Sourh Washin�ton Counry Public Schools ` Sourhwest Ccac4:es • Vision Transportarion Services, Inc. ° Voyageur Bus Company �rojPCt Green Fieet f�unicipal Vehicie Participants • Cityof?Vfinneapalis • Ciry of Rochester - Rochescer Ciry Lines * Cim of Saint Paul ° Hennepin Counry ° Washingcon Counry o G �� ������ �1� �) � �� • 1. �hat �s the p�€rpose 6f Project Green FEeet? > �CT �'� o � ������ Project Green FIeet is an effort to protect children's health and reduce pollution by oroviding retrofrts to Minnesotas school buses and other diesel vehicles. Vehicles with diesel engines reoresent onIy IO% of the traf�ic on Minnesota ioads, but contribute more than �0% of the air pollution generated by vehicles in the state. Concenuations oi diesel exhaust can be much higher inside school buses and in areas where buses idle than in outdoor air generaily. Retrofit technoiogies and idiing reduction efFores reduce exposure to aiesel er.haust in a cost-effective manner. Z. Who is 6eading Project �reen Fleet? The Minnesota Environmental Initiative's (MEI) Clean Air Minnesota program established Project Green Fleet in Z005. SchooI bus retrofrts are a coIIaboradve effort with oartners that include *he Minnesota Pollution Control figency (MPCA), Flinx Hills Reso:uces and Donaldson Company. Additional fundeis and ga:r.:ers are listed cr �ur website: www.pr�ject��eenfleet.org. 3. What is the project doing to reduce emissions? Project Green Fleet helps school districts and other school bus operators reduce diesel emissions by install- ing poIlution-control equipment on Minnesara school buses.lhe retrofits include diesel o�darion catalysts housed in a muffier and crankcase filtrarion systems. These aze extremely cost-effective technologies that can reduce diesel exhaust by up to 50%. The retrofits aze made by Donaldson Company in Minneapolis and nse cechnoioaies verified by the U.S. Environmental rrotection A�ency tr.PA). Tnese aze estabiished, proven systems that aze now required on all new diesel vehicles. 4. How many huses have been retrofitted? To date, ?'roject C�reen Fleet has provided retrofits to 50C bases statewide, in cities such as Buluth, Bemi- dji, Rochester, MinneapoIis and St. Pau1. These retrofiu have reduced emissions esposure for appr�imately 30,000 sc_�oc1 children. Project Green FIeet plans to complete t�e retrofit;ing of all eli school buses in the srate within the neat four yeazs — a total of some 4,000 buses. In addition, Project Creen Fleec has star[ed pilot efforts providing retrofits fo Head Stazt buses, transit buses, and municipal heavy-duty vehicles. 5. i�hich buses are eligibfe fior retrofi�s through Projecf Green Fieet? Project Green Fleet's retrofits are available for older school buses (typically those built before 2004) that aze Iikely to still have five or more years of egoeaed o�erarir_g life, 'Ihese ?r? h,�se< thar 1?�k rhP P,,,_��,nn ��n found on newer bnses. The project also considers other faaors such as the number of passengers, miles craveled, and the wiIlingness of an applicant to take other measures to reduce exposure to diesel eahaust, such as anti-idling efforts. continued an back a8 �l18� 6. F��v� c�� !��rtieip�E� �n th� pr��eet? School bus owners and operators can complere the preliminary application form on the project's websice (select "contact us" under "How to Participate"). 11ie websice also has contact information for poLencial funders or oLher iaceresred organizations. Visit: �>ww.projectgreer.flee:.org. 7. �Qes part�cipatEOn req�6re a�y �mmec�iate ar (cng�ter� maintenance cr c�s�s? Project Green Fleet provides all retrofit equipment and installation costs at no charge. 11ie diesel oxidation cataIysts aze maintenance free. Zhe crankcase filtration systems require the filxer to be replaced periodically. Project Green Fleet provides a year's supply of filters for free. After that, the annual cost for filcers is approximacely $60, depending upon mileage and other operarion faceors. 8. �here can E find �ore ��formation abo�� retr�fit eq�i�m�nt? More information about retrofit equipment and projects is available at the following websites: US EP.Ss Clean School Bus USA oroeram http://www.epa.gov/cleanschoolbus/ v MPCE1s diesel retrofit page http://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/dieselretrofits.html 9. Does the retrofit equipment have an� impact on vehicle performance? According to the U.S. EPAs voluntary retrofit program, retrofit devices like oxidation catalysts have minimal impacc on a diesei venicie's performance and fuei economy. iviore iniormation is avaiiabie at http://wcvw. epa.gov/o*aq/retrofit(retropotentialtech.htm i0. Wf�at is expected of participanis? A participation agreement between the fleet operator and the Minnesota Environmental Iniciative (MEI) must be signed before funds are released to retrofit diesel vehicles. This is discussed ia greater detail as pazt of the application process. Participants are also required to crack retrofitted bus mileage and fuel usage and to p.ovide ot�:er iaformation zo MEI that can quanti�y the associated emission and reduction exposure. ����� �" � ���'��� Project Green Fleet is a pro of the P�IFlidESOTA>Et�1'IRQNTI�E�T�Lti�6TI�Ti�E 211 First Street Horth, Suite 25U • P9inneapolis, FfP� 5540i e(61t) 33�-3388 = w��rw�v.prQjectgre2nfleet.org ��RRESrJT'r�' EtaVlE2C3P�ME3�d[RL f#�t7'EATtt/E, €t�C. CLEAM1I AiR NEtNP�E80iA PFiOGRP.Nt KEAVY-QUFI' V€HiCLE 1�E i ROF(T AGREEtt�iEhT f his Heavy-Duiy Vehicle F,gresment (fhis "Agreemen�°j amona N[irnesota Errviron�nental iniiiafiva, (nc., a Ninnesota rionprofr corporaiio�, doing busiress as th2 Glazn Air Minnesoia Program {"�.r;1R") and ihe Liiy or` Sain't Pau3, a�inr,esata municapafi�r, (ih� "F(eeE Gper�for') takes er2cf on .�uiv 8. 2008 {fhe "Eisec�ive [3a�e"j. The paries hereic are each referred to individual[y as a"Pariy" and co(leciively as fh2 "Par�ies:' REC[T�LS A. CRM, a program of N4ir�escta Env;�ronmer�tal fniiiaiive, inc.. is operating Projact Green �leet to reduce diesel emissians ;rom diesef vehic(es in Niinneso#a fhat expose popuiations to diesE[ exhaust, paricutarly po{�ula�ions suscepiibie to the e��ects of diese{ sxhausf, 6y installing EPA veri�ied diessl axidafion caialysfs {"DOCs") and/or a SoiracEe crankcase ven6Cafion fil�ration ("Spiracie") to reduee harmiul emissions f;om diesei- powered vahicf2s (2he "Prajecf"). B. rleefi Operstor o��ms and operaies Eteairy-dut�� diesei vefiicfes and desPres fo pa�iicipats in the Projsci Fo fmprove i.he environmen3ai facfors a�e�irrg i�"s employees and corr}munity and supports if's pariicipafion in fhe Projecf, by ailawing rs vehictes fio be retron"ited wich DOCs and(or Spiracles as set �orth in ihis agr�ement. G. Coral�sar� Cvrripariy, inc. {"uonaidson") is s Dafaware business corporaiian locafed in Minneapolis, Minnesota E(�af manuiactures ine nprt 2rlr{ ��ii`acGl?5 sel�cf�i by �4.An f�r �h{s Prniect D. The Minnesafa Pollution Contrai A,gency is the siafe agency responsib(e far prate�iing �innesoia's en�ironmentthrough manifori,�g �nvironnertal qualifyand eniorcemenf ozenvironmenfa( reguEafions and has agreed io support the Project by providing cansulcatian ar�d technical assisiance iar �he Proj2ct. AGREE!`�iEI�T (n considerafion of the abcvz recrzals �nd ihe pramis�s sez forth in ihis Agreament, fhe Pariies agree as io(laws: a X —1 /S� 'I. Resaonsibfti�"ses of CktJi. Ur�der ihls ^.greem2ni, CA�:4 �a�i!C (a; S�!ec't vehicies ci Fleet Opera'tar's leet �or DOCs andior Spiracle insialiation from ihe flee� daia provided by riee: Operaior pursuanf �o Seciion 2(a) bzio�v, in consul'tation wriin Fiee't Operaiar, the Nlinn�sota Potiuiior Con:rol �eency and Don�ldson as CA�� detemines aporopriate_ (b) Order and pay for ihe agrezd upon ccsts of che DOCs ar�o(or Spirac(es.including any adcitionai pars necessay �orthe successful inszalla�ion of �he DOCs and Spiracles s�!ch as cl�mps, boits, and hang2rs. (c) Arrange �a�ifh F{eei Operaior ror ihe delivery of DOCs andlor Spiracles and accompanying parts to selected siE2(sj and vdith Fleet Operator and Bonaldson for insiallation en setecfed vehicies. (d) Provide technical assistance to Fi2et Operafor as may bs nevded for �he successful instal(afion oi the QOCs and/or Spiracles. including arranging for assistance from the Ninnesofa Poilution Control Agency and Donaldson as CAM determines ap �rp�r7a`e. (e) Provide fectSnicaf support and moniiorfng, and address any technica! problems, which may arisa, including arrangfng for assistance from the Minnesota Poiluiion Control Rgency and Donaldson as GAM datermines appropriate. (r") With the Minnesofa Po[iufion Control Ag2ncy and Fleet Operazor, co(lect requirsd in�ormaiion abou� operations of tne participating vehicles �o quanti'ry emission and exposure reductions associaied v�iiih impiementaiion of ihe DOCs andlor Soiracles, (g) 1nrt� �rejecf �artn�rs assisf �ar?icipaiino municipa!'riies io cra<< and adopt idie reduction policies. 2. Respansibitifies of F[eet Qperator. Under this agreement, �leet Qperator agr`ees fo: (a} Provide to CAM a lisi oi ait tne vehicles in i�s ffeef and tha foCle���ir,e� data �or each vehicl2: vehicle identi;icafion number, meke and model o; the body, make and madel o� ihe engine, engine horsepower, average annua! miles driven and mi)es driven irt subszquent years after reirofit, fuel consumpzion iar subsequent years a�terretrofi# {gaflons coRSUmed in an annuaf periad}, expected retiremeni date and such cther in;ormafion as may be reasonably reavesfed by Cfi,(ti9 fo s2(ecf v�nicles �cr DOC and(or Spiracle insiallation underine °rojsct. (b} Consufi with GRft/! �n the seiection cf vehicles far DOGs andJor SpiracTe 'tnstaikaiian as may t�e reasanabfy reguested by GAM. {c} AccepL dalivery cs DOCs �ndiar Spiraelss and accompanying �ars zo selec�ed sita{s} for ins�ailation on selected vehic[es_ {dj Witn CAM and Donaid�on, ass�st as requited v�+itFr ihe insfa(lation of tf�e QOCs andlor Spiracies on selected veh'scles in accordance �n+iih ftte DOC and SPiracle rrianufacturer's recomrttsndafiorrs. fej CansuEi m�iin CF,M on rar'.s =hzt ma;� he necessary ta; �he successfiul insfa(fation of DOGs andlor Spiracles. (f} A,"ier insfaHaiian, operate �he DOC- and(or Spiracie-equipp2d vefiic{es in Minnesoia rot at leasf five (5) years, uniess physicaEly iir)possible to do so. (g} Gonfact CAM with an� quesiinns or prob[ems retafive �o �he DQC- and7or S�iracte-eqaiop�! wet�icles. (f�l VVifh #fre t�linnesoi� Po[li�ti�n Cc�ntrei Anency and f;4I:4, ccltect rsquired in�ormafion about nperafibns o�ihe participafiag vehicles to quanfify em;ssion and e; posure r2ductions associated wi�E� implemenEation of fhe DOGs andlor Spiracfes: 3. '�erm. The i erm ihis Agreem�nE shall commence on the Efe�iive Date 2nd end dn the earlier of Jiatv 8 20 ar nva {5) years a�er the date on whicn alf insiallafion pf DOCs and Sp9racies on sefecfed vehicies is corr�le�e ("Terminafion Da�e")-, un(ess ear[Ier tecmina�ed or exE�nded by ihe Parties pursuanf fo fhis Agreernenf. 4. Terrnination of Services. This Agreemenf may be ferminaied 62fore the Termin�tibn �aia as fo!ieu�s: (a) Eiiher GAM or F(eei Operatormay ferminaie fhis Aareemeni ai any iime, wi�h or wifhoui cause, effe�iive upon 30 days advar�ce wrifEen notice io the other PaRies_ In the event the Agreement is terminated u�der fhis Secfion 4(a), Fle�f Operaior s obligations under Secfions 2��} shal! sun%�us termination ef fhis Agreemert. ('oj Eifner G?,M or Flset C7perator may ierznina�e ih}s Agreemenf efieciiv2 upon 60 days advance wriiteri nofice to the ather of G?,t�i or rteef Qpzrafor such Parfy's breach Q€ihis Agreemeni, u�tess such breach is timely cured to it�e saiisfa�tion of ihe ierminafing P�riy within such 60 day pariod. dO�ll�� (C� Th IS �greement 811G' iF12 SENICcS m�,� ;e„� a± a.n,y iim� upe^ muivai agreemeni oi �he Fzries. 5. cceiacio� ship os :he ?arie=_ Tne Paries are a� a(i iimes servi�g as i�dependent contractors to each ofher. Noihing in �his �greement or in the 21�iionship between the Paries shal! be c�rstn?ed ?e make any Pary 3� any of th2ir o �ce�s, agenis, or employezs an empioy2z e;, or jcinf v2n'turer of or witt� tne others �or any purpose whatso2ver incfuding v��ithout (imiiation, paricipaiion in any benetiis or privi!eges oiv�n or extended by fhe parties io ihe+r empioyees. No r+ghi or aU•thoacy is grar�ied to any Party fo assume or to creafe any abI(ga�ion or respor,sibi(itv, express or imp[ied, on behal� of or in ti�e name of any other Party. 6. EacF. Pariy zo Bear OcriFn Costs. Exc�pi �or CRftf's pay , �an� of ihe agreed upon purchase pric2, i�siGllatior� cosfs and de(ivery fees, if any, o� DOCs and/or Spiracles under Section 1�b) above, each Par�y shall be solely responsible ;or Its own cosfs and expenses oi peROrming such Parry's obligafions under #his Agreement. 7. Mu�uat Cndernni�ca�ion. Each Party sha(I indemni'ry, de�and and hold harmless fhe other Parties, any relatsd entity, and each of fheir diracfors, o{ficers, and employees irom and against any and alI ciaims, ae�ions, causes ofi acfion, demands, iiabil(ties, iosses, damages, costs and expenses, inciuding bui noi limited to, reasanahle a iorneys' fees and inter�si, wnich any of thzm af any fime susiain or incur (ij by rea5an of any negtigent.acf or oriiss+on to act oi tfie Party ar its emp(oyees arising under this Agreement, or (ii) 6y reason of t(�e fai(ure of a Party to p2rforrn iis obligafions under �he terms ofi ihis Agreeme�f. 8. E�o �iabPiicy Tor interrapiian in Servics, Nofivifhstand9ng the provisions oi Section 7 aoove, Ca(Vi shail not 6e (iable to Fleet Operztor �r any n+her person ar enttty for any loss or damage, l�cluding, but not Iimited fo, inisrrupfion �� b��asiness or loss ef pro�is, caused lay anv interrupfion in the service or availability ofi a�y vehic(e ror any reason, inciuding, but noi (imiied ta, any fai(ure or operafi�n of any vehicle or loss of use during �he ins�al(ation ofi DOCs and Spiracles, or du;ir,g the perfom�ance of any aiher repairs or v,�a„a�ty work to any vehicle. GA(v1 shaH noi oe under any obligation fo fumish F1eef Operator a replacemeni or substifufe vehicle. 9. TifSe. Tifls fo �he DOCs and SpiracJes shal! i�ansf2rirom L�onaldson �o Fleet Operator upon iheir receipf of defivery by Flsei Operatar under Sec2ion 3(c). � herearer, Fieet O�?erator s�aff assisf witf� insia(laiion and b� exciusivel}� responsi6le fior main#enance, repair and other incidenfs of o�vnershia of'the DOCs and Sgiracles insta}led in iis vehicles. No�hing in tnfs Agraerrern sf�all_af�ci the ti#ie fa Fleei Operator's v2hicies. i�%. �iSC�aiti;?; Oi `tjiF ;�f3f+i70S. (`,'- fl'��;�5 i!O c:.�1CBSS OT ifi?��forl `r.;c.r{3t;:}� �i7 a�y klyd v,�haz�a�v Hvliil I"25DECf i� ar,y DOG br Spi� �cl� or arv v-�ic?e �viir� such �OCs.orSpi��cles ir,s�?(!sd, incluaing bui noi [�m�ed �o che C1ECG�cPti2ii(iL}� t7i cC4i� ��C J.DI'FaC�° 07 V°iSSG}?.� p{ li5 �`t"t(}aSS T:�i nCy�' parcicu;�r �t�rpose, �hs design or co:�di�ion ei 2�y Dd"G, Spiracle er \`2�iiC1�� i�:? .�•L'aif[)` Oi C�(13CIiV Oi 3fiY i�Qt' J :Ci2. D( \/°it(CiB� iCl°. �i-. - r_�._�� - r,.- i.;.f�712i:S�lG� li: 2(1)/ �G(s� O('<<Biil�.lv.� vf iil� GCi�i(7tiGP�.".� vi ='P.} �QC SPIf�Ci� 4;' V�i il�i° li:`I[f: it`1�8 f��:1�.7F;i.t7°i ii.�', ui 3RJ lc.l7; ; Ciic, �P�CI`t OF Ga'iii3ut ��°i ^?(RI�,� iYlcf�"t0, 2�� S�C�I ii��5 8f2 fJ�J;tlo �S D?i���ci] C.,r.�vt� ni?u i �.'��SCaiO]" �)/ i(8�i vG2i ;�O' 811� ?T r}3�i U'�i°f�iOi�S SG;� (i5�i a1'1^ ;:.YFi°^�B; L}�t1`11121��::� Oi 1 i'rZiT?l�i}� SiI211 ic'.�;Al%2 �CC:i O�c'ci0i Q'L Y�S O'C}'+_:�8i�0!i iiitGuL? (-� �c i0i ui?.i t�c�i�C�c. ur=.F.{ SF[c�l =Ss`2i108 i0i ?E� !4�2�fcilitc5 `Jjr ii7° I'�la?lt!ic�i�fci Of ]G�S cl'��" i�ircaci?S to 13° :sSL�?C4 in t'�°�: il[J�t�iO's il�fi'12. ii. ��f'tc�c!_ CcC�I. 6i if2E I_' Sh�{� [7aV iiic^l�Ol>i?t �Xj?8115e5 (flYll�i�(� (El �il.� (�C��3fcifOil 3i�C{ �cOCif3ilOR Qi :C11S r�1L�f�?vCR2C1�. 1 iI.;S r�-.JC�°i{l�Iki �il?s}� fl:�i b2 assi�r;ed ���ti[ pr[or ��,�ri=en conse�� oi �e oiher t�ari's�s_ no am�n�;=�tien� �o :his .�;�r2�;n��i ar �a�af��er c� in ri�his or ob?igaii�rts of eiEher Pary sl:ail b� e��ec'tiv� vnfess in wrri�iig sign2d by:he ?aries. 3 his Rg�62f.iS°fti IS sOV°171°C] �]y if12 �3V✓5 GI" i{"1? Si:F2�Ci �VlfililBS�^.[2 Vi�II�'tOtli 2C,j2CC� i0 GOti�iCi Qi ta����s principf�s. 1; 8�)i YiQI+ISl�R Oi iflta nt�'C82ii1cL'tf IS �eld invalid ar uri�n;6�c�bia 6�f aiiy cour c; camp-�i�nij��is�ic�'soh, iha �i�'lcf �C�V;SiCr�1S Oi `t1'�t15 .�'�.�TcciTicili i!i�l�� rBiiTalEl Ifi �T!]i3 iD.:i:B 8i1{f �ticGi-. ,-�t.'l�/ provisic,n oi ii�is agre�mani f�4+.d inva3i� or unerrorceabla only'rn p�r� or d�grae v�iti r•zmGi� ir �rlf aorc� a�d eu�ci to �� �: noi held im��li� �; U(12i`ilOfC'c2{��2. .- �}r �bil�.: 'a; COR'aBfiiS Cf Oiilc; CO�.SI;�; �t,!R[Ccil0;1S Pti.i �Lc� �i �o ihiS ,^-.gCeem°nt m!�s� �e iC t Vi+ 2Ift9 ailt"� 4'`2�iV°:Ef� D�� i i13l�, COi ICSci' O( �3c>imile (v,riih ti�r��n conrtina�ion oi rec�i;;Fj �o fh� addrpss Df ihe- !'�Ct�itci li P2f7/ Cgi inl i!l �D� !}liS ,-"-.J'2?r18Ri GQ;�F:w'c.'15 �'lw 2(]LI(v�`- 3+31'�cCT18P.i SRQ C771(]v{Sic(1�1R� OT if"!Z �Gi i:�5 GORCYfit171� Lil@ SLI[3f°Ci ft'18ii?C 6! i'1'i5 nJfcc'ff12!'i: I 1:�5 �,�i°°(it°fii ftla}�' fJ° SI�;l2Cj Ei)� iaCSfiill� : 8ii� jf7 COU( ii2.n eS. , ;Z. Ei��t"a �.^.a. _�Cil �ciy SF�B�� CbiciR a�� i„c�i231�1 3i (ES SC� -;;a=n�e carnpr��er;sive aeaacal andlor genaral Cabili�}� ir ���pce, er a cnn;�ara6le �,7�0�2lT Z3i 5°{i IRS� cr2R�A, Oi il7i �°SS ii:?R S'I,{�iQfl {3_°.t" Ci�11'il. n('ifl ��.�Q(T:��O �R(1!�u� 7CfQ�2!�£i�, S!1C� LL15Lt3(1^° =0 COR+`_?til �.i?. n3'w��l+d`r�ii COi1lCHCilk3� iS7Cjcii7rlilCaitOfi a�OtilSI�{l. i=8Ci7 fi�2it}i 3�fc:5 i3 �f01'fG� \4�;1=ccir °V7C3cf}G? Oi [f12 �?t'i)r'c ii`t5f1�r2i1C2 CO\t°i"?�6' 3!7� IO r ^.:'CVI4° ��litf;LtlR� cVIC�ETIC� �i i}7c acity'S if;.SUic11C2 G6VEic^CJ'8 L?G+l Sf�'Tlitc77 Tc(7U2Si Oi ii�;� uclic�Pc��. �Oj�E7T1i1ci2�3t 27'_fliicS �Il@� 3i0t+?tucl'ij' �.cii-iRS',:I'cCl i0P ��3PJOS°C-'� T ��`Il91�1°17�P,�Si�%2 niTC'� gZil�l'gl }13�?2>i�"J=?�`jJ�ncag zrz a��?nrJ; �l_�: _S " U'� ti�1J i�:.Uitl�(C]s1��AiL. 6B �ll��' l�csra�ment �a Parficipets The undersigned accepi �he cer:r;s, co�di�ions, anc o�Iigations sei fo� �h in zhis Agrroem2ni. MiRnesoia Em�ironmanial Ir�iiia�ive: �ddr2ss: ��I j ::-Sr S�. iVc `-;s=� �;�' �'��7t �tr�G� �',,�' �` S u [ f Fieet Operaior {Name): Citv o� Saini Paut. Public Works Departmeni Hdc ay: Title: Directar of Sf. Paui �'ubiic Works Gifiv of Sa+nt Pau! aat�; �1- � - a �' �y: Tiile; Municioal Eauiomenf SuRervisor il St Paui Pubfic Works Date: � ` r � � " �J � By: _ `6=)JSG� � , �'� � _ Tiile: assis��arf C��+r �!*fBmev �'�iv oi °ai^f �a� �� Date: ' 1! �; / �' uaie: t/// /L .s,' 3 o I o 3 0 3 o I o � o 0 o I m � m m O O O O O O N � � � � � � � � I I � I � � 3 0� o o I a I o 0 0� o o I o o I o I o I o � � , I N X X J< X X X X X X X X O O O � O O O V � A N � H O — ti � 3 � 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 V N N N 3 0 � c c c � a a m � % �" � m m m � m n % T � T K X x T % '� 'a o�o m m �'o e e m' m' ' ' nT 3 3 g 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 c ° � ° ^_ _ ' _ _ ' o �'o i'o � m' � 3 � � ] T W N ry M1 d 4 N � � Q F « F E 4 F t G iw; 0�? a A`' � n� 6 ; m y n � n f � ( FIF FI F�F F F`F F X 0 � X O �I � { � I� z ^ ? o' m' o n m ° m � � � c` a OI O o� O OI O O� I] > < � 7 0 > -i ➢ C � y y y