08-1173Council Fite ii �- I l? 3 Green Sheet # 3060835 PreseMed By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The C+ty of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works has used Autodesk, Inc. software produds as iYs 2 primary Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) tool for over 15 years; and 4 WHEREAS, Autodesk, Inc regufady conducts customerworkshops designed to identify the ongoing needs of ifs 5 customers such that said needs can be incorporated into future releases of the software; and 7 WHEREAS, customer participation in the Autodesk workshops is governed by an application and seiection process; 8 a�d 10 WHEREAS, if seiected for participation, Autodesk, Inc. offers to incur all lodging and meal expenses for the 11 participants; and 12 13 WHEREAS, Robert 6asques of the Dept. of the Pubiic Works Dept. has made applicatio� to participate in sa�d 14 workshops to bring the needs of the City of Saint Paul to the attention of Autodesk, Inc.; and 15 16 WHEREAS, Autodesk, inc. has selected Mc Basques for participation based on his considerabfe CAD experience 17 and the CiTy's unique uses of the CAD software; and 18 19 WHEREAS, workshop participation offers the City the oppoRunity to diredly irifluence ihe diredion of Autodesk 20 software development to best meet the needs of the City; now therefore be it 21 22 RESOLVED ihat the City accepts Autodesk Inc.'s invitation for Mr Basques to attend the workshop; and be it further 23 24 RESOLVED that the City accepts Autodesk Inc.'s offer to pay for the lodging and meal expenses for Mr. Basques to 25 participate in the customer workshop. 26 27 Requeste � y Depadme o Pu c Works: By: v Approved by the Office of Financial Services: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��j��/,?}f Adoption Certified by Council S cretary: By: Approved by M� e L L � (� � t By: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ApQroved b Attor : BY 4'7 (.S//1� t/! � ��� Approved b ayor or Su ission to C� c d: �= ✓ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She t�� n�"- 1 f7 � DepartmeMlOfficelCouncil: Datelnitiated; PW_PublicWorks ,�o�T-0$ Green Sheet NO: 3060835 De artme SentToPerson InitiallDate Conpct Person & Pfione: N1 • BOb 625queS 0 blic Works . �_� 6125989210 1 blic Works De rtm�=� _ _�_r_ , � � AsSign 2 ' Attorne Must Be on Council Agenda by {Date): Number 3 wr's O[fice Ma orlAssistant For � Routing d ounca Dx. Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 ' Cterk Cti Clerk EDccume�tRequired: Y "��"��"��� Document Contact Bob Basques Contact Phone: 61259892'I� �C� I'� 2008 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All locations for Signature) ` - ,,� ActionRequested: ' °''� Accept the offer by Autodesk, Inc. to pay for the meal and lodging expenses of a Ciry empioyee when attending an Autodesk sponsozed event. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject {R): Personal Service ContreMS Must Answer the Following 4uestions: Pianning Commission t. Has this personlfirtr� ever worked untler a contract for this department? � CIB Committee Yes No CivilService Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis personJfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Public Works Dept. maintains over 75 seats of Autodesk software products for use in iPs design operations, As such, the City has a vested interest in the direction of fuh�re software development at Autodesk. Autodesk, Inc has invited Robert Basques to attend a workshop designed to provide customer input into future product development. The workshop is held in Califomia. As a part of the invita6on, Autodesk offers to pay for meal and lodging expenses for workshop participants. The resolution formally accepts Autodesk's offer to pay elcpenses on behalf of a City employee. Advantages If Approved: The City gains the opporlunity to make ifs needs lrnown directly to Autodesk product development staff. Oisadvantages If Approved: ATOne DisadvanYages if kM P.pproved: Ciry looses the opportunity to make iPs unique needs lrnown. ToWI Amoum of 7ransaction: $�'�� CostlRevenue Bud9eted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financia! Information: (Explain) October 15, 2008 9:48 AM Page 1