08-1170co�n�,i F�e a b� - ll?D Green Sheet# 3060464 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C{TY Presented by RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Y� WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recrearion worked extensively with Bikes Belong to provide public puk space for theu bicycle legacy program during the Republican Nafional Convenrion in Saint Paul; and WFIEREAS, Bikes Belong provided 1,000 high qualiry bicycles for the public to urilize for free during the RNC; and WHEREAS, Humana Insurance provided all of the liability coverage for the Bikes Belong project 3n the Twin Ciries during the event; and WHEREAS, both Bikes Selong and Humana have a desire to establish a legacy pr a�ram in Saint Paul which will encourage bicycle riding for recrearion and health and promote multi-moda] uansportation; and WAEREA5, Bikes Belong has offered to donate 35 Giant brand hybrid bicycles and 20 Schwinn Panther bicycles, 200 multi-size helmets and assorted accessories to Saint Paul Fazks and Recrearion for use within the programming pazametexs established by the D'uector of Pazks and Reczearion; NOW, THEREFORE BE ITI2ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts the donarion of the bicycles, helmets and accessories and appropriates them to the use for which they aze intended, and thanks Bikes Belong far its generous gift. Requested by Depamnent of: Adoprion Certified by uncil Secretary By: � Approve����r. Da f � � U By: Parks and Recreation B ,�-�L-P"„� _ Approved by the Office of Financ 3 Servi s By: �,_\ _ I��r�'�� }�� Approved by City ttorney n BY: l r / Approved by •_ for Subm's i n to CouncIl By: � Adopted by Council: Date � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �A-r��v DepartrnenNOFfice/Councii: Date initiated: � , PR_ParkSandRecreation 060CT-08 Green Sheet NO: 3060464 Confact Person 8 Phone: DeoartmeM SeM To Person InitiallDate EricThompson o arksanaxecreason ��� � 632-2415 1 azks and Recreatioa Department Directar V/OA/Z L{� � Must Be on CounNf f�qenda by (Date): ��ber 2 �°a°"al Services IOffice Fivancial Services " J � � For 3 ' auorn �----� ROUting 4 avor'sOffice I Ma or/Assistant Doc, Type: RESOLUTION W!$ Ortler 5 ound C' Council TRANSACTION b ' C7erk Ci Clerk E•Dacument Required: Y DocumeM Contact: Cindy Morrison Contact Phone: 266-6398 ' TMai # of Signature Pages _(Clip Atl Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures on attached resolution authorizing Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation to accept a donation of 55 bicycles (35 Giant brand 20 Schwinn brand), 200 bicycle helmets and accessories. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person(firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has lhis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes Na 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No - Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gree� sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Wfio, What When, Wfiere, Why): This donarion has come to Parks and Recreation from Bikes Belong and Humana Insurance as a means for the Ciry to move forward with programs designed to encourage bicycling and promote mulri-modal rransprotarion. The bicycles would be used in accordance with Pazks and Recreakon prograinming abjectives and with approval from the Director of Pazks and Recrearion. Advantages If Approved: Parks and Recreation wouid be able to uNiize the donation to promote a variety of bicycle related pmgrams for youth and adults. The donation of bicycle helmets would ensure the safety of riders and would also be distributed to kids Uuough programs developed by Pazks and Recrearion staff. Disativantages If Approved: None Disativantages If Not Approved: All the bicycles, helmets and other accessories would have to be retumed to Sikes Belong. This would remove any possibility of Pazks and Recreation staff being able to develop bicycle related programs and many youth would not be eligible to receive these bike helmets. Total Amoum of $22�500.00 Trensaction: CosURevenue Butlgeted: � . Funding Source: A¢tivify Numbec L==.� ������� Financiai Information: 22�500 is the value of ffie donation �Cr (E�cplain) � 1 C� 20�8 �. , � �� �( � �e b'�{ E October 6, 2008 1:54 PM Page 1