t. Council File No. 202776-
1' i
r In the matter of improving MARION
INTERMEDIARY ORDER f STREET from feet north of the
� centerline of Fuller Avenue to Uni-
versity Avenue, by grading and paving
with new concrete base and asphaltic
concrete v rq > r },yb
Yb Paving street
,_4 -Vhe Matter
moans �ucting-
improviizg' MARION- STREET "Prom '154 feet north of _tie, , ce- ter].in6, of "Fuller - riue, -
to University Avenue,-by grading and paving with new concrete base and asphaltic
concrete surfacing; by paving stree-t'and driveway, return's ;\by constructing new
curbs and sidewalks; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by recon
structing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets•where not,
f in confo. ty with said improvement ;,by grading and improving boulevard areas; by
GoM n tructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic control systems; by
constructing a new ornamental lighting system; and doing all: other work which is - -
necessary and,incidental to,said improvement y "
under Preliminary Order 201088 Approved ' +i71
The Coilncil' of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the "ab.ove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. Thati,,the,' said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
2. That the�nature=of. -the improvement which the Council recommends is
pr6Vi ,W,1,0Pf .STREET from 154 ,t6et#nor'th of the` center line of- Fu r i er. Avexaii,(
to UniversityvAvenue,'by grading and paving with new concrete.ba.se and asphaltic
concrete, rurfacing, by pavigg street and drive *,lay .retpxns -; by constructing new
curbs and sidewalks; by reconstructing storm water drainage,facilities;. by recon-
struct-ila"t$e paving, curbing and sidewalks,on.,the,iritbrsecting streets where not
in conformity with said improvement; ;,by grading and improving boulevard areasj; by,
constr`u &t conduits and appurt�enances for future traffic control systems; by
constructing,- a new ornamental: lighting system; and doing all other, work which, is,
necessary. 'and incidental to said improvement
' with na alteMatiyes, and thaf the estimated cost thereof is $ 87, 369.00
Resolved Further, -That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ ,-moth day of
July, 1961 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of `St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
se�vl.• . ,
File 1535$
Tn Favor
JUN 27 10
Adopted by the Council
i'UI�LISHED '�l %��