08-1156Council File # (j Green S6eet # 3�(oQ rl (o RESOLUTION OF S�I�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented by 1 Wi�EREAS, on July 1, 2008 in PED Zoning File NO. 08-107-826, Stephen E. Law duly applied to the 2 Saint Paul Plauning Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to Leg. Code § 62.109(a) for the 3 establislunent of a residentiai duplex as a legal nonconforming use at properiy commonly lmown as 451 4 Jayne St, [Parcel Identification Nuxnber 352922310024] and legally described as HUDSON ROAD 5 Gr1RDENS SUBJ TO ST THE E 1/2 OF LOT 8 BLK ,; and 6 7 WHEREAS, on July 31, 2008, the Commission's Zoning Committee, in accordance with Leg. Code § 8 61.303, duly conducted held a public hearing where all persons present were given an opportunity to be 9 heard regazding the said application; and 10 11 WHERAS, at the conciusion of testimony at the July 31, 2008 hearing, the Zoning Committee moved to 12 leave the public hearing open and further continue the matter to August 14, 2008 for the purpose of having 13 the applicanYs attorney provide additional documentation about occupants of the said property from 1997 14 through 2008; and 15 16 WHEREAS, on August 14, 2008, the Zoning Committee reconvened to consider any additional 17 information from the applicant and, at the close of the public hearing, the Committee moved to recommend 18 granting legal nonconforming use status to the said duplex; and 19 20 WHEREAS, on August 22, 2008, the Commission, based upon the zoning files, the recommendation of 21 staff and all the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazings, as substantially 22 reflected in its minutes, the Commission moved to deny the said application based upon the following 23 findings as set forth in Commission Resolution No. 08-39 which is incorporated herein be reference: 24 25 1. An inspection of the properiy by staff from the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) 26 on January 8, 2008, identified this property as an illegal duplex. Enforcement orders were 27 issued. An application to rezone the property to multi-family (similar to the property to the 28 west) was withdrawn by the applicant, who is now requesting legal nonconforming use 29 status for two units at the property. 30 31 2. Section 62.109(a) of the zoning code provides that the Pianning Commission may grant 32 legal nonconforxning use stahzs to use of structures if the commission makes eight findings. 33 The findings and the applicant's ability to meet them are as follows: 34 35 (1) The use occurs entirely within an existing structw-e. This condirion is met. The second unit 36 is in the lower level of the existing house 37 38 � 0�-115� 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 (2) The use or use of similar intensity permitted in the same clause of the zoning cade or in a more restrictive zoning district has been existence continuously for a period of at least ten years prior to the date of the application. This condition is not met. The applicant states that the property was set up as a duplex when he purchased it in 1997, and that he has been using it as such since that time. A forxner resident of the home states that when the applicant purchased the property there were appliances in the lower level, and that they were told it was being used as a duplex. An addenduxn to the purchase agreement lists appliances in the lower level to be sold with the property. The seller's disclosure statement at the tune of purchase in 1997 includes the changes to the house entrance that enabled separate entrances to each unit. The applicant has submitted income taY records dating from 2004 that show income from the rental of the lower unit; however, records from 1947 to 2004 are apparentiy not available. The applicant has also submitted records from the Public Housing Agency showing tenants in the second unit starting in December, 1999. However, research by DSI staff concluded that the building may have been converted in 2004, and the record of the 1497 Truth in Sale of Housing folder lists the property as a single family residence. Ramsey County property tax records also list the property as having one dwelling unit. The applicant has failed to submit sufficient evidence that the use has been in existence continuously for a period of ten years. (3) The off-street parking is adequate to ser�ve the use. This condition is met. There is a two-car garage attached to the house, which is adequate for two units. 63 (4) Hardship wouZd result if the use were discontinued. This condition is not met. If the 64 current use was discontinued, the applicant would incur a cost for de-converting the 65 property. He has provided a pro forma that shows loss of income to cover expenses for the 66 house. However, this information is insufficient to estabiish hardship. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 (5) Rezoning the properfy would result in "spot" zoning or a zoning inappropriate to surrounding land uses. This condition is met. While there is multi-family zoning immediately west of the property, all of the property along Jayne Street is R2 One-Family Residenfial and there is no duplex zoning in the area. The District 1 Community Council and the Planning Commission recommended denial of the previous application to include this property in RMl Multi-Family district to the west. 74 75 (6) fihe use will not be detr•imental to the exzsting character of development in the immediate 76 neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare. This condition is 77 met. The property can easily accommodate the second unit, and there aze other duplexes in 78 the immediate azea. Provided the units comply with all relevant building codes, there 79 should be no danger to the public health, safety, or general welfare. 80 81 � D8 /15i� 82 (7) The use is consistent with che comprehensive plan. This condition is met. The Housing 83 Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports production of rental housing (Policy 53) and 84 the Land Use Plan supports a range of housing types (Objective 53). "I'he District 1 Plan 85 (adopted by the City Council in 2004) supports developing a variety of housing types. 86 87 (8) A notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet the 88 property has been submitted stating their support for the use. This condition is met. The 89 petition was found sufficient on July 3, 2008: 12 pazcels eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 90 pazcels signed. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 4. The Planning Commission has established guidelines for applications to establish legal nonconforming use status for duplexes. While not themselves requirements, these guidelines lay out additional more objective factors the Plaxming Commission wishes to consider in deternuning if the required findings for granting nonconforming use permits listed in § 62.109 of the Zoning Code can be made. The Platuiing Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that far applications for nonconforming use permits for triplexes in residential districts, staff will recommend denial unless the following guidelines are met: A. Lot size of at least 5, 000 square feet with a lot width or front footage of 40 feet. This guideline is met. The lot width is 120 ft. and the lot azea is approximately 14,880 squaze feet. 105 B. Gross living area, after completion of duplex conversion, of at least 1, 800 square feet. This 106 guideline is met. According to the applicant the gross living area for both units is 107 approximately 2000 square feet. 108 109 C. Three off-street parking spaces (non-stacked) are preferred,� two spaces are the required 110 minimum. A site plan showing improved (durable, permanent, dustless surface) parking 111 spaces must be provided. This guideline is met. There are two off-street parking spaces in 112 the attached garage. There also appears to be room for a stacked space in the driveway. 113 114 D. All remodeling work for the duplex is on the inside of the structure. This guideline is met. 115 Both units are contained within an existing structure and no remodeling is required. 116 117 E. The proposed duplex structure is located in a mixed density neighborhood, not a 118 homogeneous single family area or in an area where duplexes and triplexes are already 119 concentrated to the point of congesting neighborhood streets. This guideline is met. There 120 is a mix of one-family, two-family, and multi-family residences in the immediate area and 121 multiple family zoning borders the property to the west. 122 123 '� f}'8-� f5� 124 F. A code compliance inspection has been conducted and the unit is found to be up to the 125 housing code standards; or the property owner has agreed to make the necessary 126 improvements to bring it to housing code compliance. This guideline is met. City staff 127 bave inspected the property and found it to be in code compliance. 128 129 G. An economic feasibiliry analysis has been conducted for those cases where economic 130 hardship is claimed as one reason for the variance request. Appticant should supply city 131 staff with the necessary information. This guideline is not met. The duplex pro forma and 132 information sheets have been submitted. However, the information supplied is insufficient 133 to establish economic hardship. 134 135 WHEREAS, On August 26, 2008, Stephen E. Law, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702 (a), duly filed an 136 appeal (PED Zoning File No. 08-139-256) from the determination made by the Commission and requested 137 a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; 138 and 139 140 WHEREAS, on October 1, 2008, and pursuant to Leg. Code §61.702(b), a public hearing on the said 141 appeal was duly conducted by the City Council where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be 142 143 144 145 146 14'7 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 heard;and WHEREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and recommendation of the Zoning Committee and the Commission's resolution, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.704, hereby reverses the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter and fmds that the Commission's Resolution is in enor in its findings Nos. 2, 3 and 4(G) and the Council finds instead that the findings prepared by the Commission's staff,as set forth in the staff report dated July 16, 2008 and presented to the Commission's Zoning Committee more accurately reflects the use of the said property as a duplex and the Council hereby finds and orders that the said findings in error in the Commission's Resolution shall be amended such that the said fmdings in error shall read as the findings were presented to the Commission's Zoning Committee in the said staff report of July 16, 2008, which shall also be incorporated herein by reference and as such, the Council hereby adopts as its own in support of this determination; and, be it FIJRFITER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Stephen E. Law be and is hereby granted and consistent with the grant of the said appeal the necessary staff of the Commission are hereby directed to issue the necessary permits providing legal nonconforming use status to the property at 451 Jayne St as a duplex; and, be it � b� / /5� 163 FINALLX RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of ttus resolurion to Stephen E. Law, the 164 Zoniug Admiuistrator and the Plazinnig Comtnission. Yeas Nays Absent Requested e ent oE G�� Bostrom ; i Carter y Harris ,/ By: ,�,.,___ Approved by the Office of Financial Services Adopted by Council: Date I�����j'� Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary By� ` /L— Approved by : Date + U � (} BY� l By: Approved by ity Attomey g � 6✓�G, /c -/3 ob' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv� "��-, P_ �z . � j6rrs-�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � n� , r �� DepartmentlOffice/Council: Date Initiated: • v v I S � _Dept.ofSafety8lnspections �40CT-08 Green Sheet NO: 3060776 � ' Deoartment SentToPerson InitiallDate i Contact person & Phone: 0 � PeterWamer o� e corsate &ios ecno� I 266$710 � I LofSafe &Ins ections Denar�entDirector Assign 2 'riAttornev ' Must Be on Counci Agenda by (Date): Number j 22-OCT-08 cn�� For 3�YlapoCsOSce Maor/Assistant /DL , 1 RoUting 4 ouncil � I , DoG. Type: �SOLUTION Order 5,CStv G7erk Cy Clerk � I E-Document Required: Y I Documenf Confact: Julie Kraus Contact Phone: 266-8776 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Memorializing City Council's October 1, 2008 motion to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission in tlus matter and gant the appeal of Stephen E. Law for the establishment of a residenfial duplex as a legai nonconfoiming use at the properiy commonly lmown as 451 Jayne Street in Saint Paul. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Cont2cts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has ihis person/flrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initieting Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Council is required pursuant to the Ciry Charter to have its actions reduced to a writing dependent upon the natural of the matter before it. The decision of the Council in this matter requued a resolufion in order to comply with the Char[er. Approval of the attached resolution fulfills the CounciPs duty under the Charter. Advantages If Approved: Approvai of the resolution complies with the City's charter requirement. DisadvanWges IfApproved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Failure to apptove the resolution violates the City's charter requuement. Total Amount of Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Funtling Source: Adivity Number: Financial Information: (Explain) October 14, 2008 1:32 PM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING c@ � ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT e . . Cecile Bedor, Drrector b�lf�r�_ CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL Christopher B Coleman, Mayor September 8, 2008 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Fwr�h Slreet Telephone: 651-266-6700 SainiPcrul,MIJ55702 Facs:mile I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the Gity Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 1, 2008, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Appeliant: Address: Purpose: 08-139-256 Stephen Law Appeal Stephen Law 451 Jayne St, between Conway and Wilson Appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 4- 1(Morton) Planning Commission Recommendation: deny, 9— 6(Alton, Commers, Faricy, Lu, Smitten, Ward) I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Lantry's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request wili appear on the Council agenda on or before the September 24, 2008, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Si rely, Patricia Jarnes City Planner cc: File #: OS-139-256 Appiicant/Appellant: Stephen Law Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTiCE OF PUBIdC f�ARING. The Saint Paul City CouncII will con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, Oe- toher� 1, 2005, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Thiid Floor, City Hall/Courthouse, 15 West Kello�g Boule- vard, St. Paul, NIN, to eonsider the appeal of Stephen Iaw to a decision bf the Plann- ing Coinmission denyuig establisk�ment of legal nonconforming use�status as a du- ples at 451 Jayne Sh between Conway Street and Wilson Avenue. [ZF OS-139-256] - ' MARY ERICKSON � Assistant City Councit Secretary Dated: September 9, 2008 (September 11) - ST.PAULIEGALIEDGER 22177993' �, AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTTON EQUAL OPPORT[JNITY EMPLOYER DEPARTMEM OF PLANNiNG & � ECONOMIC ➢EVELOPMENT Cecde Bedor, D�rec(or ���������� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Christopher 8. Coleman, Mayor � • September 9, 2008 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City tiall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ISWes[FourthStreet Telephane:651-266-6700 SamtPwl,MN55102 Facslmde:6S1-228-3220 Re: Zoning File #: 08-139-256 File Name: Stephen Law Appeal Appel{ant: Stephen Law Address: 451 Jayne St, between Conway and Wilson Purpose: Appea4 of Planning Commission decision to deny establishment of fegal nonconforming use status as a duplex (Zoning File # 08-107-826) City Council Hearinq: Octobet 1, 2008 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zonrng Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Decision: Deadline for Action: Staff Assigned: Approval Approval Approval vote: 4-1 (Morton) 0 people spoke, 1 letter was received 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received Deny, vote: 9— 6(Alton, Commers, Faricy, Lu, Smitten, Ward) Extended to October 28, 2008 Patricia James, 651-266-6639� Attachments: Appeal and supporting materials Planning Commission resolution 08-39 Planning Commission minufes, August 22, 2008 Zoning Committee minutes, July 31 and August 14, 2008 Deadline for Action extension letter Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File #: 08-139-256 Appeliant: Stephen Law City Council Members District Council: 1 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AN AFFIRMA'I7VE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER APPLICATION FOR APP • Depardnent nfPlanning and Economic Develnpmext Zonixig Sec&nn 7400 G}iy HaQAnnex 25 Wcst Fdurth SYreet Saiat PauI,1KN SSIO2-I634 (65I) 266-6589 APPLICAPI7 Ri�G�'cRTY LOCATION � �;� .� �,` �`" �"�` � _ � Name � .D �1�.V1 �i. ?..CLV✓ Address �S I �0.tA NG S }- : City s� {�0.u�. SL tKN Zip S.i l 1�1 Daykima Phone�pSl r�IO 77�� Zoning Fiie Fiame Address/Location usl �LW hC_ .��. 5�. (�U.+--�.. $S�1 � 7 TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal ta the: � Board of 2oning Appeals ❑ City Council Ci�y '(puMG ❑ Planning Commission Undes the provision of Chapter fi1, Sect+on � V vParegraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made bythe I � �o m A� f$Sf on - on ��� o . 20 . Fils Number: — (� X — /� ��s � (date of decision? CaROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel thece has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal mada by an administrative official, or an ertor in fact, procedure or finding made by ttie Board of Zoning Appeals or the P(anning Comm3ssion. The Planning Commission erred when it found that there wasn't evidence of 10 years of existence and thaf there wouldn't be hardship if the use were discontinued, and the application materials did, in fact, provide sufficient information to make these two findings. (attach additional sheet if necessary} �� 5��� • ApplicanYs Slgnafure �- Date � 2� �G City K:lfomssjappforappeal.wpd �iisroa �, � CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Ch�istopher B. Coleman, Mayor August 22, 2008 • . Stephen Edward Law 451 Jayne St St Paul MN 55119-4061 RE: Zoning File # 08-107-826 - Stephen Law Dear Mr.Law: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 25 W. Fourlh Stree[ Samt Pauf, MN 55J02 � Telephone�65l-166-6700 Facnmde. 657-2283220 On July 1, 2008, you appfied for establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex for 451 Jayne St. After a public hearing by the Saint Paul Planning Commission's Zoning Committee on July 29 and August 14, 2008, the full Commission voted to deny your request on August 8, 2008. Enclosed is the Pianning Commission's resolution stating its findings and deoision. The fuli Commission found that there was insufficient evidence that the second unit had been in continuous existence for ten years or that hardship would result if the use were discontinued. The Planning Commission's decision may be appealed to the City Council by filing an appeal and fee ($435) within ten days of the date of the Planning Commission's decision. In this particular case, the date of the appeal deadline is Tuesday, September 2, 2008, since the tenth day, Monday September 1, is a legal hotiday. Appeals are filed at the Zoning Counter, 1400 City Hall Annex. The appeal should be based on what you believe to be an error of fact, finding, or procedure of the Planning Commission. An appeal application is enclosed. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that all city action on zoning applications be compieted within 60 days of the date the application is made, but allows the City to extend this period for an additional 60 days (total of 120 days). In order to allow time for a City Council public hearing on an appeal while meeting deadlines established by siate law, the City of 5aint Paul is hereby extending the deadline for action on this application from August 29, 2008 to October 28, 2008. Please contact me at 651-266-6639 or by e-mail at patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions. Si rely, � .-� �r � � � Patricia James Cify Planner Enclosures: Planning Commissio� Resolution Application forAppeal Copies: File # 08-107-826 Zoning Administrator License Inspector Building Plan Rev'tew Disfrict 1 Community Council AA' APF[RMATIVE ACTION �QUAL OPPOC�TWITY EMPLOYGK O�-1 I 5(� � • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o$-39 date a�q�st zz. 2oos WHEREAS, Stephen Law , File # 08-107-826, has applied for Establishment of Legal Nonconforming Use status as a duplex under the provisions of � 62.109(a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property tocated at 451 Jayne St, Parcel Identificatio� Number (PIN) 352922310024, legally described as HUDSON ROAD GARDENS SUBJ TO ST THE E 1/2 OF LOT 8 BLK 1; and � WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on Juty 31 and August 14, 2008, heid a pubiic hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of � 61.303 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantiaily reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. An inspection of the property by staff from the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) on January 8, 2008, identified this property as an illegal duplex. Enforcement orders were issued. An application to rezone the property to multi-family (similar to the property to the west) was withdrawn by the applicant, who is now requesting legal nonconforming use status for two units at the property. 2. Section 62.109(a) of the zoning code provides that the Planning Commission may grant legal nonconforming use status to use of structures if the commission makes eight findings. The findings and the applicanYs ability to meet them are as follows: (1) The use occurs entirely wifhin an existing sfructure. This condition is met. The second unit is in the lower Ievel of the existing house (2) The use or use of simila� intensity permitted in the same clause of the zoning code o� in a more restrictive zoning district has.been existence continuously for a period of at /east ten years prior to the date of the application. This condition is not met. The applicant states that the property was set up as a duplex when he purchased it in 1997, and that he has been using it as such since that time. A former resident of the home states that when the applicant purchased the property there were appiiances in the lower level, and that they were toid it was being used as a dup�ex. An addendum to the purchase agreemeni lists appliances in the lower level to be soid with the property. The selier's disclosure statement at the time of purchase in 1997 includes the changes to the house entrance that enabled separate entrances io each unit. The applicant has submitted income tax records dating from 2004 that show income from the rental of the lower unit; however, records from 1997 to 2004 are apparentiy not avaitabte. The applicant has aiso submitted records from the Public Housing Agency showing tenants in the second unit starting in December, 1999. However, research by DSI staff concluded that ihe building may have been converted in 2004, and the record of the 1997 Truth in Sale of Housing folder lists the property as a singie family residence. Ramsey County property tax records aiso list the property as having one dwelling unit. moved by Be��us seconded by Morton . in favor against 6(Alton, Commers, FaricV, Lu, Smitten, Ward) C,�B-I F5� Zoning File # 08-107-826 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 3 The applicant has failed to submit sufficient evidence that the use has been in existence continuously for a period of ten years. (3) The off-street parking is adequate to sen�e the use. This condition is met. There is a two-car garage attached to the house, which is adequate for two units. (4) Hardship would result if fhe use were discontinued. This condition is nof inef. If fhe current use was discontinued, the appiicant would incur a cost for de-converting the property. He has provided a pro forma that shows loss of income to cover expenses for the house. However, this information is insufficient to establish hardship. (5) Rezoning the property would result in °spoY' zoning or a zoning inappropriate to surrounding land uses. This condition is met. While there is multi-family zoning immediately west of the property, all of the property along Jayne Street is R2 One-Family Residential and there is no duplex zoning in = the area. The District i Community Council and the Pianning Commission recommended denial of the previous application to include this property in RM1 Multi-Family district to the west. (6) The use will not be defimental to the existing character of development in the immediafe neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general we/fare. This condition is met. The property can easily accommodate the second unit, and there are other duplexes in the immediate area. P,rovided the units comply with all relevant building codes, there should be na danger to the public health, safety, or general welfare. � r 1 LJ (7) The use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This condition is met. The Housing Chapter of the Comprehensi4e Plan supports production of rental housing (Policy 5.3) and the Land Use Plan suppor�s a range of housing types (Objective 5.3). The District 1 Pfan (adopfed by the City Council in 2004) supports developing a variety of housing - types. • (8) A notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within bne hundred (100) feet the properly has been submitted stating fheir suppo�t for the use. This condition is met. The petition was found sufficient on July 3, 2008: 12 parcets eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 parcels signed. 4. The Pfanning Commission has established guidelines for apptications to establish legai nonconforming use status for duplexes. While not themselves requirements, these guidelines lay out additional more objective factors the Planning Commission wishes to consider in determining if the required findings for granfing nonconforming use permits listed in § 62.109 of the Zoning Code can be made. The Planning Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that for applications for nonconforming use permits for triplexes in residential districts, staff will recommend denial unless the following guidelines are met: A. . Lot size o/atleast 5, 000 square feet with a lot width orfront footage of 40 feet. This guideline is met. The lot width is 120 ft. and the lot area is approximately T4,880 square feet. B. Gross living area, after completion of duplex conversion, of at least 1,800 square feet. This guideline is met. According to the appiicant the gross living area for both units is approximately 2000 square feet. C. Three off-street parking spaces (non-stackecf) are preferred,• hvo spaces are the required minimum. A site plan showing improved (durable, permanent, dustless surtace) parking spaces must be provrded, This guidetine is met. There are two off-street parking spaces in the attached garage. There also appears to be room for a stacked space in the driveway. D. AII remodeling work for the duplex. is on the inside of the stn�cture. This guideline is met. Both units are contained within an existing structure and no remodeling is required. E. The proposed duplex structure is located in a mixed density neighborhood, not a homogeneous single-fami/y area or in an area where duplexes and triplexes are already corrcentrated to the • point of congesting neighborhood streets. This guideline is met. There is a mix of one-family, two-famity, and mufti-family residences in fhe immediate area, and muttipfe famity zoning borders the property to the west. �' /Iv� Zoning File # OS-107-826 Planning Commission Resoiution • Page 3 of 3 F. A code compliance inspection has been conducted and the unit is found to be up to the housing code standards; or the propeity owner has agreed to make the necessary improvements to bring it to housing code compliance. This guideline is met. City staff have inspected the property and found it to be in- code compliance. G. An economic feasibility analysis has been conducted for those cases where economic irardship is claimed as one reason for the variance request. Applicanf shou(d supply cify sfaff wifh fhe necessary infoimation. This guideline is not met. The duplex pro forma and information sheets have been submitted. However, the information supplied is insuificient to establish economic hardship. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the application of Steven Law for Establishment of Legal Nonconforming Use status as a duplex at 451 Jayne St is hereby denied. ►__J • Q� /J5� n Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes August 22, 2008 A meeting ofthe Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 22 2008, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center ofCity Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Fazicy, Lu, Morton; Smitten, Wencl; and Present: Messrs. Alton, Barrera, Bellus, Commers, Johnson, Kramer, Nelson, Spaulding, and Wazd. Commissioners Ms. *Porter, and Messrs. *Goodlow, *Gordon, and *Mazgulies. Absent: *Excused • . Also Preseat: Lazry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Janice Rettrnan, Ramsey County Commission Board, Patricia James, Lucy Thompson, Donna Drummond, Penelope Simison, Josh Williams, Greta Aiquist, Emily Goodman, and Sonja Butler, Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minufes August 8, 2008. � � I� MOTION: Commissionerponnelly-Cohen moved approval of the »unules ofAugusi 8, 2008. Commissioner Wardseconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair Alton announced that on September 16, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. the Planning Commission and staffare invited to the Alton's home for a fall social gathering. An e-mail invitafion will follow. Planning Administrator's Announcements Lany Soderholm reported on planning-related business at the City Council for last week and their agenda for next week. PUBLIC HEARING: Central Corridor OverlayDistrict DefininQ Western Victoria, and Hamline as Station Areas — Item from the Neighborhood Planning Committee. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Chair Alton announced that the City of Saint Pau1 P(anning Commission is holding a public hearing on the Central Corridor Overlay District: Defining Western, Victoria, and Hamline as Station Areas. Notice of the public heazing was mailed to the citywide Eazly Notification System list and all affected properLy owners, and other interested parties. 0��/5�, � add tfiese three stations. There is a tremendous desire in the community to add these stations. Chair Alton read the mles of procedure for the public hearing. The following people spoke: Brian McMahon; University United, 1954 University Avenue, Saint PauI, MN. Mr. McMahon's comments were focused on the Hamline Station Area, and he dish a Developrrcent Opportunifies Concept chart. The chart consists of three concepts, whieh Mr. McMahon referred to throughout his testimony. In closing he said that the critical issue is whether the City will allow development to happen between now and when the Hamline station is built that wi[I undercut our ability at some future point to do it right The Tazget siore at Hamtine will sell off iYS University Avenue frontage lots in the ne2:t yeaz and the developer will either put in what has been seen for the last five years, which is single story buildings, or be required to put in two, three or fow story buildings, with lots of housing, jobs and tas base. 2. Theresa Heiland, Executive Director of Union Park District Council, 1570 Concordia Avenue, Saint Paul, MN. Ms. Heiland referred to a letter from the Union Pazk's chair, Scott Banas that was sent to the Planning Commission and staff. The Union Park Cauncil recommends that the three potenfial stations at Hamline, Victoria and Westem be defined as station areas and that the Cenhal Corridor Zoning Overlay requirements that apply to other • stations on University apply equally to tfiese stations. 3. Vic Rosenthal, Jewish Community Action, 2375 University Avenue, Saint Paul, MN. Mr. Rosenthal said the communily is laeking trust that the Met Counci] and ofhers aze actually going to buitd these three stations. There is a tot of tension in the community as fo whether this is ever going to happen. Having the Planning Commission endorse the addition of these three intersections to the zoning overlay will send a message to the community thaY one more govemmenfal body in the city of Saint Paui is on record, together with the City Council and the Ramsey County Board, in saying that we believe the stations are ineviEable and we are going to do everything we can to make this happen. Mr: RosenthaT urged adoption af this overlay. M01TON: Commi.rsioner Wenc! moved 10 ctose the public hearing, and leave the �ecard open for w�ztten testimony submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 22, 2008, and to refer the matler back fo the Neighborhood Planning Commiftee for rwiew and recammendation. Com�nzrsioner Ward seconded the matinn. The motian earried unanimausly an a vaire vnt� V. Zoning Committee , ! _ NEW BUSINESS l �"J`' #08-107-826 Stephen Law — Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex. 451 Tayne Street between Conway and Wilsan. (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-b639) Commissioner Bellus asked for clarification of whether there aze nonconforming duplexes in the • azea, and the star[ing point for the 10 years existence of the illegal unit. �3 i i5� � Patricia James said that the other duplexes in the area aze ]egally nonconforming duplexes. She atso said there was written testimony from a person who was with Stephen Law when he purchased the property in 1997, and this person stafed that there was a unit with a kitchen in the basement. So there is conflicting evidence between what is on the Truth in Sale of Housing report and what this person said that she saw when the properry was purchased. Technically the 10 yeazs of existence woald start in 1948. Commissioner Bellus said that the main issue is the owner bought it as a single family residence, and it was identified as that at the time of the purchase, and then subsequently converted it illegaliy. Ms. James stated that the person who bought the house claims that �uhen he looked at the house it was a duplex, he was told by the realtor it was duplex, but the Truth in Sale of Housing inspection said that it was a single family and Ramsey County has classified it as single family Commissioner Bellus said that if it has been taxed as a single family residence, property taaces have not been paid as a duplex. And he has owned this property for I Q years or more. Ms. James said was correct. The person who bought the house says that when he looked at the house it was a duplex and he was toid by the realtor it was duplex. But the Truth in Sale of Housing inspection said that it was single family and Ramsey County has classified it as single fam i ly. ' • Commissioner Ivlorton said that she voted against this at the Zoning Committee because they do not have proof that this has been a duplex continuously for ten yeazs, and this condition cannot be modified. She noted that the reseazch by DSI staff c�oncluded that the building may have been converted in 2004, and the 1997 Truth in Sale of Housing inspection lists it as a single family residence. More discussion followed. MOTION TO APPROVE: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve lhe legal nonconforming use status. The motion failed on voice vote of I-14 (Alton, Barrera, Bellus, Dnnnetty-Cohen, Faricy, Johnson, %ramer, Lu, Morton; Smitten, Nelson, Spaulding, Ward and Wenc!). The Chair Alton clazified that the vote was nofa�rmatively to deny, but that the Commission failed to pass the motion to approve. Under Section 15.99 on zoning deadlines and procedures, if the staff recommendation is to approve arid the commission votes in opposition to it, then members aze required individually fo state on the record their reasons for voting against it. Accordingly, the Chair would like each member to state his or her reasons for voting in opposirion to the recommendation for approval. Commissioner Be(lus said that his major reason was that he cannot find economic hardship; in fact, there has been economic gain because the property has been taaced as a single family house, not as a duplex. He also did not think the 10-year continuous use has been proven factually. . Commissioner Smitten said her reason was lack of 10-year informarion. d � • Commissionei Kramer said he voted in opposition because of incomplete informarion on the 10- year time period and lack of available informarion to make an evalua6on on the economic hazdship: Commissioner Lu stated her reasons were the same as those of Commissioner Bellus. Commissioner Wazd stated his reasons were $�e same as those of Commissioner Bellus. Commissioner Spaulding stated his reasons were the same as those of Commissioner Bellus. Commissioner Barrera stated his reasons were the same as those of Commissioner Bellus. Commissioner Johnson stated his reasons were the same as those of Commission� Bellus. Commissioner Faricy said her reason was lack of the 10-year information. Commissioner Nelson stated his reasons were the same as those of Commissioner Bellus and also a tack of evidence, other then a statement by the property owner, that there aze more than 1800 square feet of living area: LTsually applicants give the Ptanning Commission floor pians with dimensions. Commissioner Morton said her reason is lack of 10-yeaz information. . Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen stated her reasons were the same as ti�ose of Commissioners Bellus and Kramer. . Commissioner Wencl stated her reasons were the same as those of Commissioner Bellus. MOTTON TO LAY OVER: Commissioner Kramer moved to delay the Planning Comrrrission's decisian for lwo weeks, extend the deadline for the addrliona160 days, and contac[ the applicant asking if he is witting tn waive his righfs unde� section I5.99 to extertd the deadline for another 60-90 days, giving him time to receive additinnaL information from tlie IRS on his taxes, and bring thai information back to the Zoning Committee. Ijthe applicanl refuses, this case would come back to tlze Planning Commission in two weeks for d final decision. Cmm�zissioner Wend secnnded the motion ROLI: CALL VOTE: The motioa failed on a vote of 7-S (Batrera, BeUus, Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Lu, Morton, Ne/son, SparrldingJ• MOTION TO DENY: Commissioner Bellus moved to deny the apptieation, based on lack of findings of economic hardship and lack of fzndings relative to meeting the IO-year coritinuous occupancy rulz Commissioner Morlon seconded the rriotion. Chair Alton called for a roll catl vote, requesting that the Commissioners voting in favor ofthe motion must state their reasons. ROLL CALL VOTE: The mntion ta deny cqrried on a vote of 9-6 (Alton, Commers, Faricy, . Kramer, Smitien, Ward). Tl:e reasons given were the same as those recnrded above. - D�-ll5,6 � U MOTION: Co�ninrssioner Wencl maved the Neighborhood Plannixg Com»zinee's recommendation to approve the resolution to adopt as addenda fa the Central Corridor Development Strategy. The molinn carried unanimously on a voice vote. VIII. Communications Commitfee � Commissioner Smitten had no report. IX. Task Force Reports None X. Old Susiness Nona XI. New Business None XII. Adjournment • Meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Sonja Butler, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Larry o rholm, AICP Planning Administrntor Approved / l C � D (Date) �('-'t�`' � 7r Maril i Porter Secr�tary of the Plannin ommission • ButlerlFleming\August22,2008 G!� /�5� � MlNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 14, 2008 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keflogg Boufevard PRESENT: Alton, Donneily-Cohen, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton STAFF: Patricia Jarnes, Carol Martineau, and Peter Warner EXCUSED: Faricy and Johnson The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Stephen Law - 08-107-825 - Estabfishment of legal nonconforming use status as a dupfex, 451 Jayne St, between Cpnway and Wilson Patricia James noted the changes in the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the Nonconforming Use Permit. Patricia James also confirmed that District 1 recommended approval, and there was 1 letter in support, and no letters in opposition. She also described the documents Stephen Law submitted pertaining to the renters. Carol Law, representafive of the applicant, stated they could try to get Stephen Law's income tax forms, but that it woufd be a fengthy process to get the recordsfrom the IRS. She exptained they established • there was a tenant renting the property in December of 1999. She reported that Mr. Law has stated he rented to a tenant prior to that whose name he could not recall. Upon the questions of the Commissioners, Ms. Law stated they went through the Cole Directory back to 1993 they found 5 renters beiween 1993 and 1998. Patricia James stated that the directories were inconciusive because there were never two names and phone numbers listed at that address at fhe same time. Ms. Law stated that her brother, Stephen Law, ftequentiy did not have a fand line phone, but used a cell phone instead. There was further discussion pertaining ta evidence of tenants for the last ten years. The public hearing was closed. . Commissioner Kramer moved lay over for three months. The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the Nonconforming Use Permit - Establishment. Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 41-0 with Commissioner Morton voting against because county records and the fruth in sale of housing inspec6on classified the property as a single family home. Adopted Yeas - 4 Nays - 1(Morton) Abstained - 0 � rafted by: Submitted by: Approved b. : � .����,�.� � ' � � ,�" w:�� Carol Marfineau Patricia James �� Gfadys M o�� i� Rzcording Secretary Zoning Section Chair �8-lG�C� MINUTES OF THE.ZONLNG COMMtT7EE Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali and Court House 15 Wesf Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Donneily-Cohen, Faricy, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Morton STAFF: Patricia James, Caroi Peshman, and Peter Wamer The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Stephen Law - 08-707-826 - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex, 451 Jayne St, between Conway and Wilson Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval with condition for the Nonconforming Use Permit. Patricia James aiso stated District 1 recommended approval, and there were no other letters in support, and no letters in opposition. At the ques4ions of the Commissioners, Ms. James explained the inconclusive evidenc� for the use being in existence for fen years, as laid out in finding H.2.2 of the staff report. She also stated the applicant had submitted income taic records from 2004 to the present showing rental income from a second unit at the property. There was a discussion pertaining to infarmation needed to prove the house was a dupfex for the past ten years. Carol Law, representative of the applicant, stated Sfeven Law bought the house as a duplex. Ms. Law referenced fetters and documents pertaining to both upper and lower levels. Tax retums are availabie from 2003 showing he has filed taxes as the renting party. She also sfated that there is a code inspection set up for Monday, to comply with the duplex conversion guidelines. The Commissioners requested documentation of who occupied tha house as renters from 1997 through 2008. The public hearing remained open. Commissioner Kathi Donneliy-Cohen moved lay over of the Nonconforming Use Permit to August 94, 2008. Commissioner Stephen Gordon seconded the motion. The mation passed by a vote of 7-0-0. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by: S mitted by: Approved by: r �-x'VIJI��"!v�-kiVl ,.�✓LQ.@/� � � Carol Martineau Patricia James Giadys on- Recording Secrefary Zoning Section ChaEr � . �� ZOMNG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT �� ��� 1. FILE NAME: Stephen Law FILE # 08-107-826 . 2. APPLICANT: Stephen Law HEARING DATE: July 31, 2008 3. NPE OF APPLICATION: Nonconforming Use Permit - Establishment 4. LOCATION: 451 Jayne St, between Conway and Wilson 5. PIN 8� LEGAI DESCR1PTlON: 35292231 D024, HllDSON ROAD GARDENS SUBJ Td ST THE E 1/2 OF LOT 8 BLK 1 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 1 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §Sec. 62.109(a) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: July 16, 2008; 815/08 PRESENT ZONING: R2 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEiVED: .1uly 1, 2008 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: August 29, 2008 A. PURPOSE: Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex B. PARCEL SIZE: 120 ft. (Jayne) x 124 ft. = 14,880 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: two-family residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: single family residential (R2 and R3) West: muiti-family residential (RM1) East: one- and two-family residential (R2) South: one-family and multi-family residential (R2 and RM2) � ►.J � E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 62.109(a) lists the conditions under which the Planning Commission may grant a permit to establish legai nonconforming use status. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A previous application to rezone this property to RM1 was withdrawn by the applicant (Zoning File # 08-040-506). G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 1 Council recommends approval. H. FINDINGS: 1. An inspection of the property by staff from the Qepartment of Safety and Inspections (DSI) on January 8, 2008, identified this property as an illegal duplex. Enforcement orders were issued. An application to rezone the, prope�ty to multi-family (similar to the ptoperty to the west} was withdrawn by the applicant, who is now requesting legal nonconforming use status for two units at the property. 2. Section 62.109(a) of the zoning code provides that the Planning Commission may grant legal nonconforming use status to use of structures if the commission makes eight findings. The findings and the applicanYs ability to meet them are as follows: (1) The use occurs entirely within an existing structure. `fhis condition is met. The second unit is in the lower level of the existing house (2) The use or use of similar intensity permitted rn the same clause of the zoning code or in a more restrictive zoning district has been existence continuously for a period of at /east ten years prior to the date of the application. This condition appears to be met. The applicant states that the property was set up as a duplex when he purchased it in 1997, and that he has been using it as such since that time. A former resident of the home states that when the appiicant purchased the property there were appliances in the lower level, and that they were told it was being used as a duplex. An addendum to the purchase agreement lists appliances in the lower level to be sold with the property. The seller's disclosure statement at the time of purchase in 1997 inc�udes the changes to the house entrance that enabled separate entrances to each unit. However, research by DSI staff concluded that the building may have been converted in 2004. The record of the 1997 Truth in Sale of Housing folder lists the property as a single family residence. Ramsey County property tax records also list the property as having one dwelling unit. The applicant has submitted income tax records dating from 2004 that show income from the rental of the lower unit; however, records from 1997 to 2004 are apparently not available. �d 66 � Zoning File # 08-107-826 Zoning Committee Staff Report Page 2 of 3 • from 2004 that show income from the rental of the fower unit; however, records from 1997 to 2004 are apparently riot available. (3) The off-street parking is adequate to serve the use. This condition is met. There is a two-car garage attached to the house, which is adequata for two unifs, (4) Hardship would result if fhe use were discontinued. This condition is met. If the current use was discontinued, the applicant would incur a cost for de-converting the property. He has provided a pro forma that shows loss of income to cover expenses for the house. (5) Rezoning the properfy would result in °spoY' zoning or a zoning inappropriate to surrounding land uses. This condition is met. While there is multi-family zoning immediately west of the property, all of the property along Jayne Street is R2 One-Family Residential and there is no duplex zoning in the area. The District 1 Commun+ty Councii and the Plartning Commission recommended denial of the previous application to include this property in RM1 Multi-Family districf fo the west. (6) The usa wi!! not be detrimental to fhe existing character of development in the immediate heighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general weffare. This condition is met. The property can easily accommodate the second unit, and there are other duplexes in the immediate area. Provided the units comply with all relevant building codes, there should be roo dar+ger to the public health, safety, or general welfare. (7) The use is consistent with the comprehensive pfan. This condition is met. The Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports production of rental housing (Policy 5.3) and the Land Use Plan supports a range of housing types (Objective 5.3). The District 1 Plan (adopted by the City Councii in 2004) supports developing a variety of housing types. (8) A notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet the • property has been submitted stating their support for the use. This condition is met. The petition was found sufficient on July 3, 2008: 12 parcels eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 parcels signed. 4. The Planning Commission has established guidelines for applications to establish legal nonconforming use status for duplexes. While not themselves requirements, these,guidelines lay out additional more objective factors the Planning Commission wishes to consider in determining if the required findings for granting nonconforming use permits listed in § 62.109 of the Zoning Code can be made. The Planning Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that for applications for nonconforming use permits for triplexes in residentia! districts, staff will recommend denial unless the following guidelines are met: A. Lot size of at least 5, 000 square feet with a lot widfh or front footage of 40 feet. ThPs guideline is met. The lot width is 120 ft. and the lot area is approximately 14,880 square feet. B. Gross living area, aRer completion of duplex conversion, of at least 1, 800 square feet. This guideline is met. According to the applicant the gross living area for both units is approximately 2000 square feet. C. Three off-street parking spaces (non-stacked) are preferred; two spaces are the required minimum. A site plan showing improved (durable, permanent, dustfess surFace) parking spaces must be provided. This guideline is met. There are two off-street parking spaces in the attached garage. There also appears to be room for a stacked space in the driveway. D. All remodeling work for the dup/ex is on the inside of the structure. This guideline is met. Both units are contained within an existing structure and no remodeling is required. E. The proposed d�plex structure is located in a mixed density neighbarhood, not a • homogeneous single-family area or in an area where duplexes and triplexes are already coneentrated to the point of'congesting neighborhood streets. This guideline is met. There is a mix of one-family, two-family, and muiti-family residences in the immediate area, and multiple family zoning borders the property to the west. • • Zoning File # 08-107-826 Zoning Committee Sfaff Report Page 3 of 3 a8 ri�� F. A code compiiance inspection has been conducted and the unit is found to be up to the housing code standards; or the property owner has agreed to make the necessary improvements to bring it to housing code compliance. This guideline is met. City staff have inspecfed the property and fourtd it to be in code compliance. G. An economic feasibility analy"sis has been conducted fo� fhose cases where economic hardship is claimed as one reason for the variance request. Appficant shoutd supply city staff with the necessary information. This guideline is met. The iiuplex pro forma and information sheets are attached. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of a Nonconformirig Use Permit to establishment legal nonconforming use status as a duplex for property at 451 Jayne Street, subject to the condition that any improvements necessary to bring the house into compliance with applicable housing code standards are made within six months of the date of the permit. • o� /I5� r�or�cor�FOS�unHC use ��s aPaueanoK Departmenf ofPianning and Econanic Deve�vPmem Zoning Section i400 Cily NatlAnnax 25 Nesf Fourth Streef SaintPaul, M!V 55f02-t634 °°�' (65t) 266-&389' Plame APPLICANT RRORE�iTY LOGATtON • V r ' C�:: Zoning OfNce Use Only �le�: 11 �1b'1g?.(p � 0. Q� Ter�trve earing Date: _� AddreSs � : .- _ -� . �-# c} -_ C�y , .S` � h L Sfi. ' 7p '� "� ���� Daytane Phone ��� Name of Owner (�f d�iferent) Contact Person (if different} :.. .:-.:a ..: • tegaf Descripdon Phone Gwreot Zoning {aitach additbnai sheet ff necessary) y`h PE OF PERMfS: Appticatton is hereby made for a Nancw�formir� Use Permft under P►o�s��� of Gha�er 62, Seaion 109 of tlte Zonirig C�: The permrt is for: C7 Change from a'ie �or�onfaming use to anothe► {para. c) ❑ Re-establishment of a non���n9 � vacan� fa c�wre ihan ane year {para. e} :Q EstablishmeM of legai nonco�om+NB �� S�� � use in existence at least t0 �Y�� (P� $) ❑ Eniargeme�d of a nonconformin9 � (Pa�• � SUPP4RTING fAiFt1RMAT10Dt: Suppiy 1he informati°� 1ha� ���� { O y°Uf � ��' PrsseaUPast Use �`�' t �- . . `i � Proposed Use ' � " € ''�' � A#tach ar3di6ona! shaets if necessary RECEIVEO lUI. 0 1 2QQ� Gt< t�� as requirsd ❑ Site Ptan AppilcanYs Signatare Revised 1/3/07 Q Consent Petition ❑ ��,� City Ag�t � S - . - . . _ - . ���1f �� _ . . . . � . � ZONING PE'I'ITION SUF'FICTENCY CH�CK SHEET ' REZON7�YG SCU�' . . . . NCUP , � FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED ��t��� r� �+, DATE PETITION SUBi14ITI'ED: DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: /" J��d DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIYED: DATE O�'FICIALLY RECEIVED: i , PARCELS ELIGIHLE: �� . PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � �- ' • PARCELS REQUIRED: O _. pP.RCELS REQIII$ED: ' U PARCELS SIGNED: ' � PARCELS SIGNED: . U � CHECKEDBY: ¢ �'O�['�A�ri� DATE:. i"J'��� — l� ' � " . . .. . . � . � r � . . . � N i4 . . • . _• . . . � . . . � . . � � � " . � � .. - . . . ' . . , ' . . J C� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF AD30INING PROPER?'X OWNERS FOR A NONCONFORMING USE PERMIT �/s5� RECEiVEtI Jt�L 0 1 2+��� We, ihe undersigned, owriers ofthe property within 100 feet ofThe tota( contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by AP�CANT within one year preceding tfie date of this petifion acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: A copy of the appiication of �� �� �� �� C� t�' �+ _ � t�-'� (name ofapplicant) to establish a �t� +�l � C�X, ".�' �b += �� r+.e i � li."� r!o� C. (proposed use) �. located at: (address of property) .�j , requiring avariance along vrith any relevant site plans, diagrams, or other documentation. WC COri3CIlt t0 the approval of this application as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. � �� i 9 rI a2�T'� • 3/162007 � a�✓ c�6yJ1�' NOTE: All informarion on the upper pordion of this application mu t be completed prior to obtaining eligible signatures on this petition. O�-l�5� f CITY OF SAINT PAUL � CONSENT OF AD30INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A • NONCONFORlY�1VG USE PERMIT We, the unders�gned, owners of property witkun 100 feet of the subject properry, acl�owiedge tt�at we have been presented with the following: A copy of the application of �l `� t`it"" �� ��'-'� . (name of applicant). to establish a� ,��- �'� r l � ��" �" �/�t n/C > • (Pmposed use) located Y'�� v' �Si �"- cs'� F r'�^,+,L JJ �t (address of property� ` requiringanonconforming usa permit, alongwitfianyrelevantsiteplans,diagrams,orotherdocumentatiott. R'e consent to the appsoval of this application as it was egpiained to us by the applicant or ivs/her representativ� Y . • ADDRESS OR PIN RECORD OWNII2 SIGNATURE DATE � /I 5lv � CITY OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PE3ZSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) :SS S ��le�" �'� J , 6eing first duly sworn, de¢oses and states that he/she is the �erson • who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of pages; that afbant is informed and believes that the parties described aze the owners respectively o£ the lots placed immediately before each name, that �ant is iaformed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of ihe property which is wit3rin 100 feet from any propesty owned ar purchased y petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date oftiris petition wluch is contiguous to the gmperty described in_ the petirion; that excepi for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner conriguous to the above described properry within one (1) year of ihe date of this petirion; that this consent was signed hy each said owners in the presences af this affiant, and ihat the signatures are Lhe true and cortect signatures of each and all of the pazties so described. ��'�/� � , ��1 �� . _ �. J Subscnbed and - s�wom to before me thic ��lay of dtt N-Z , 20 L�`�. t ATOTA .' USLIC - - -+�e. A RENAE WOLUN " i Notary Public �. Min�esota My �p�tiuun Ezpires,lamiary 37, 2070 JlN �� �J r•�► z. Xy 5Sl t `� 6 �j z � � �--��-�._ TELEPHONE NtJMBEli �'�CEI {lFp JUL D l 20p& D 8-615i� PRO FORMA iNFORMAT[ON SHEET FOR DUPlEX AtttD TR►PLEX COVERSIO�V CASES Addition of Units fo Structure NOTE: 1. Effeclive Gross lncome ={fofal rent income)- {Vacancy,'rfthere is any) 2. Operating expenses are fhe sum af the nexE frve Gnes, inct maintenan�e, insurance, ufilities, fyxes and others 3. Net Operating tncome =(Effeative Gross tncome} -(Operating Expenses) 4. Cash Fbw =(Net Operating fncome} -(Mnual de6f paymenf) econhardawxis / I � �� � � revised 728f03 ��W� � ��„� . t�N .�t`� . • . SUMWIARY INFORMATION SHEET FOR DUPLEX AND YRtPLEX COVERSION CASES Housing unit breakdown: EYisting °� Prnposed Number of units Z Number of bsdrooms in each unit `( 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Size of each unit in square feet Unft 1 l06(� . /Ot�o s�, P+ � Unit2 ro�° S° Unft 3 Debt: Initiai rinci a! amount i�'" oca —J ( QS �`< o W Initia! interesf rate - ZS �+ ��r Term ofmort a eidebtfina�cing � i� �` Y2t Time remainin on note 26 T'1 ?G xn/ Baiance on exisfin debt /�{o�c�� ` j��� �.%, " Rehabilitation Type bf improvements: � 'z" F'U+�G H95 i�"y� � u��- ������ wa,�.,�t a� �n+oDEU1G i7SC�Kfl,r�� � ��+ �lvz�u De�GKS. �D C+RO; �r ! ,1 t, r econhardlvroxts � � �� I Jl��rr S T , Qi�-�, S� lu.� �.4J ir � a8-i� 5� �� 5 � jz t7r- S v 6� �a Sp0 rev�sed 7f28f�3 U� � • To Whom It May Concern: I was with Steve Law when he purchased ihe property at 451 3ayne Stteet in East St. Paul. The house had a complete kitchen including appliances (refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, garbage ctisposal} and sink when he purchased it in I977.The reaitor told us tbat the property was being used as a duplex so Mr. Law continued to rent the property out as a duplex. This properly has 3 entry ways into the lower level and 2 entry ways into the upper IeveL This property was set up as a duplex when Mr. Law purchased it. Linda Knutson 651-295-8274 • • SELLER'S PROPERTY ��� � � DISCLOSURE.STATEb1EN7 D'Q /l �/ This fixm apprwed by th2 Minnesota Associa6on of U �O " REA770RS°, which dsclaims arry fiabii'rty arising out of use or misvse ot Nis (ortn • 7. Date 7 C , �' `. � 2. Page 1 of � Pzges 3. NO'iiCE: Tttls disciosure Is not a wartanty or a guaraMy of airy kind try the Sellei(s7 or AgeM(s) represenung 4. any pariy{s) In the traarisactton. The IMOrmation dlsciosed is given to the best of ihe SelkPs ImowMdge. 5. fi 7 a 9. �o. INSTRUGIlONS 70 BUYER: euyers are encouaged M thoroughiy inspeci the pmperty personaity or have it inspected by a third party, antl to inquire ahout arry speciflc areas of concem. INSTRUCfiONS TO THE SELLEA: (1) Complete this firm yoursetl. (2) Consult prior disclosure sta[ement(s) and/or In9pecflon reporf(s) when complaLng tttla fortn. (3) Descr169 wndWans attecting the property to Ne bes[ oe ro�r �,o�.��ege. �a} nx�n aaa�:��� p� w;ct, ya,r �;gnemre n acamo�st spa�e ;s .�qui�ea. fs� a�w.er ail questlons (6) @ arry Rertus tlo not epply, write '•NA" (�ot applicable). i�. Property loca[ed az �%� i �A i i� c ��� � 12. Ciry of --' A i.•! � County of / i; ,2' � 4 . State of i`�ii . �3 A. GENERAL lNFORMATION: 14. (1) When did you purchase or build the home? P�%�� �'°`-` �� ��� 15. (2) Type of Trtle Evidence: Abs[ract Q Regis[ered (forrens) 0 Unknown � 1G Localion of Abstract or Owner's Duplicate Certiicate of "rtle: _ -1Z Is there an exis[mg Owners Tiile Insurence poiicy? Yes Q No � Unknown ,0, 1& (3) Have you cecup�ed th�s home continuously for the pasi 12 months? Yes �'No d 19. If no, ezplain: 20. (4) Is the home suitaUle for year round use? Yes (�' No � 21. (5) Is the properly located in a designated flood piain? Yes 0 No �"Unknown 0 22. (6) Are you in powession of prior seller's disclosure statement(s)? (If yes, please attach) Yes � No [;�' 23. Are there: 24. (7) E�croachmenis? Yes 0 No [X_( Unknown � 25. (e) Covenarhs, Restrictions or Reservations (nonyovernmenta� aNectlng the use of the property?Yes 0 No � Unknown � 2& �(9) Easemenis, other ihan ullriy or drainage easemenis? Yes 0 No �,CUnknown � 27. (70) Comments: 28. 29. B. GENERAL CONDITION:To your k`rowledge have am of the tallowing co�tions previousry existed or do they arrently e�isi? 30. (1) Has Nere 4een any damage by wind, fire, ficod Os othes tlisaster(s) 3�. 8 yes, give deta(IS of what happened antl when: . (2) Has the structure(s) been altered? (.e. adtldions, altered roof lines, change lf ye.s, please specify what was done when ar�d by Whom fowne� or 3R �.�:�.. %. . - o..r.....v.l -t-. o�.,o.:J.b/�}1 1'9: 37. �, 38. 39. 40. 4�. 42. � 44. 45. C. 46. 47. 48 49. 50. 51. 52. sa u. u. 56. 57. 5$ 59. 60. 6Y. , 62. : Yes � No {S�" No 0 (3) Sal Problems? Yes � No � (4) Diseased Trees? Yes � No � {5) Mimal Infestation? Yes Q No � �s) insect/Pest Intestatiori? �'es 0 No j� . (7) Do you have or have you previousy had any pets? Yes � No 0 If yes, indicate type � h i and numbe� _? . (8) Comments: STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS:TO your Imawledae hare am of the followina condiGoas prevwusty ezisted ur do thev currentiy ei st (MSwers apply to all sVUaures, such as gamge and out-buildings.) (i) THE BASEMEMT, CRAWLSPACE, SLAB (a) Foundation problem Yes � No [� (e) Oram tile problem Yes � No Q' (b) Flooding Yes � No � (� Cracked floorsAvalis Yes [�`NO � (c) Wei floorsAwails Yes � No [� (g) Sewer backup Yes 0 No (� Leakagelseepage Yes � No [g�'j :^� (h) C�6er Yes,� No q, Give details to arry question answered "yes": � i �+G// qg_ - f IJL`%� YlL ` ° L4ft r oi_j. ;; {;/;i 1(,. {2) THE BOOF � (a) What is the age of the roofing marerial2 � '�' 7� @) Hes Nere been inlenor damage from ice buiidup? " ' �yq H (c) Has there been any leakage? Yes � No � (d) Have thsre 6een any repairs or rep�aeemen4s made to the roof? yys ry �i�re details to piy ques[ior�answered "yes": `i 9'i ' << i ` < -:;,- ! O � � , . . f _ �4G(� �. h.� (i ;�' "P � '�'"�,�.� i �' . , ���� � 63. D. PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEM DISCLOSURE: (A Pmate Se�yer System Disciasure is required by Mina S}atutes) b4. ChQCk appropriaEe Ooz 65. � The seller does not know of a pnvate sewer system on or serving the above described real property. �- � There is a private sewer system on or serving the above described real property. See Private Sewer Systsm Disclosura. �RIVATE WEIL DISCLOSURE: (A Well Disc�osure Statement and Certifcate are required 6y Mina Stalutes) ChecK appropriate box. 6 �J The seller certfies thai Ihe seller does not know of any wells on the abwe described real property. 69 � � The seller certifies there are one or more vrells tocated on the abrne described real properry. See Well Oisclosure Statemerrt. �. Are there any wetis serving the above tlescribed property Ihat are not�located o� ihe property? Yes � No �y Unknown 0 ��. Date well water las[ tested for contaminanfs� Test results attachetl Yes � No � �2- Comments: �. Is [his property in a Speciai Well Constmaion Area? Yes 0 No� Unknown Q r,'/� � Contaminated Well: Is there a weii on or serving the property mntaining contaminated water? Yes � No 0 Unknown � 75. BUq m29 (s�'ss) Ofi1GINAL COPY TO LISTING BROKER: COPIES TO SELLEA, BUYER, SEILING eROKEA. �: ., R L T Y, ' SELLEA'S PAOPEATY DiSCLOSUiiE STATEMENT 76. Page 2 0£ _�-.------- 77. Properp' rocated at ( I S i " i A_� h l� �T . 1 7& F VALUATION IXCWSION bISCIOSURE (Pequired by Minm Siatute ZT3.11, Su6d. 16) Check appropriaze bax. 79. rhere �s Ons Nor O an «clusion hom markea vatue r« nwne in,pmvemems rn, this pro�rty Anr wdluation exCusion w��+ecmina�e SQ upon sale of the pmperiy. and the property's estimated market vaiue for property tax P��ses �"'�� increase. lf a valuation exclusion g exists, 6uyers are enmuraged 10 look into the resultin9 taz m�sequences. 82. PddNonal commenis _ 83. G. APPLIANCES HEATMG PLUMBING ELECTR1C1il- ANO OTHER MECHANICAL SYSTEM'a: 8q. NOl"E: This secrion refers only to the vrorking condiCwn d the followin9 items. P�rs°^al Prope��y �s ���uded in Ne sale ONLY IF gs. speclficalty referencetl in the Purchase AgreemenC Gass out onty those Hems �wi physidly bcated on the pmPertY �g� InWarldn40rder . InNbAdn90rder InWorRiMJ NO YES NO � YES NO 8.' Dishwasher __ [� � Mtenna arid Ca61es Q 0 Pool and EAVipmerrt 0 � 89. Dryer L?�' � Ce'�Fng Fan , (�" O Ran9e Fioodls) L� 0 9Q Freesr 0 Q Cefmal Air Conditioni�9 � �: Securiry SY�m � 0 37. G° �e Doa �Pener Co�s) 1� � Cerrtml Heating Sysiem �" a� Smake Detectar (6atteryl �. � s2. mictwra�e � O 000r sd�s Q Q smof� Qe�cmrs (Harana2J �T O 93. Re�9eJa'e� Ordin Tile System � 0 Solar CalleCas 0 0 94. Retrigerator(s) � � o��+sr� � � SWplememalH�er(s) O O 95. SumP Pump � � F�aust Syslems � 0 ToBet Mechan��ns [�' � 9 � ��� Fl�e Sprinlder System � � Thall Air Conditioners 97. Washer' [�' � Fu�acels) � � Waiw He�e�s 51 .� � � sa wmaow a� co�amo�q�l 0 O Fireplace Mechanisms O O wazer rreazme� synem(s1 0 0 Wmace Hum�fier [] � Ftemed O own� D too. rnn�r � 0 c� o� �ae�fs) (�) C� � w�w,s LL� O iot. omer � � �oo a�o ae�rse Q 0��dow T��ms [� [� '102. Other Q 0 ��a9e Dispasal C� � W�ootlbuming Stwz � O 703 Othx 0 0 Innneralor � � OGrer 0 I� 104. hrtercom (s�` � O � i�r Lawn SprinMer System 0 0 a�� � ott��r O � 147.. commerns: X1 �� ' ��, � A!° � <• f c w: I... � a� r-�l �,`��-�n�.x �n 708. in C 'a1 r r l` PC � - �09. . �10. H. ENVIRONMENTAt CONCERNS: To your tTawledge a`e ar+Y W ���+n4 P�m on ihe pmperry? � 11�. qspeytos7 Yes � No [$ Uolmawn � Lead? (paint, plumbing, etc.) Yes Q' � Unknown [� 112. Forma�dehyde7 Yes 0 No�[� tlnknown � Aadon? Yes 0 No � Unlmown � 113. . HazardousaSU6stances? Yes Q No [S3 Unknown 0 Under9mu�d Srorage Tanks? Yes � No Unlmovm Q 774. Hazartlous Wastes? Yes [] No �' s Unimown � OtheR - Yes � No � Unknown 0 715. Give details to any question ansvere8 "yes'; . 11& 1�7. ' t'I& ns, i. �za m. i�. 123. J. �24. 125. 12fi �27. 128. LlST7NG BROKER AND AGEN7S MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS AND ARE 729, NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONDITIONS EXISTIiJG IN THE PHOPEFiTY. 13Q K. SELLER'S STATEMENT (TO 6e signed az time of listing) . 131. The Selle((s) heieby states Ne cnndrtion of Me property to be as slatetl above and auihorizes any Agerrt(s) represer�ng arry party(s) 132. in this transaction fi prwfde a copy of fhis statemerrt ro arry person or entiry in connectian wiCh ury adual w an6c'�pat� sale of 133. the PropenX �sa. �`c,�,u-fr�. � u �n,�w �o ilo q7 � . � �.� �.� 735. L. BUYER'S ACKNOWLEDGEM�be signed at time of purchase agreemerrt) - 73& WJe, ihe Buyer(s) of U�e pmperry acknavledge receipt of ihe SHler's Properry Diulosure Statement and agree that no represenlatio�s 13I, regarding the cond'�on uf the property have been made other than those made above. 138. : T:'� � �! ' � � - ,y-� . re�rn � . mw � ma.i �39. M. SELLER�S ACKN05NLEDGEMENT: (To be signea at time of purchase a9reement) 140. AS OF iHE O�4E BELOW. �ANe, Ne SelteKs) of the property, state that the conditlon of the property is the same, except changes t41. (ndfcafed ebove which have been inttialed and dated. �42. "t � : �: � � _ : . 4 -, _ � ` • � mw rs�n _ ' ' • . • 743 eUR �030 (655) ONqtiA� CAVY 70 tJS7�NG BfiOKER; COPIES 7D S4lER, BVYEFI, SEWNG BROKEfl. � � e •Borden REALTORS° PERSQNAL PROPEf�TY AGRE MENT 7. D2te �.Gt�`i /Di �� � 2. Page of Pages 3. W CONSIOEFATfON OF THE PA\'MENT OF ONE DOLLAR ($tA�} AND �THER GO00 AND VAL�UABIE CONSIDERATI�N, 4. teceipt of which is hete6y acknowledged, _ of ihe County of of Min�esota, herehy agree to sell and convey to 7, described Goods, Chattels and Personai Property. Ihe followic!g �L�e-� ��R�L�� "'_'��i.-� �-t/�-u-la-�� lf�s�-� j '�� y �l/J �t�.rnr� - //�Le_.c ]� ��«-y- � '�-e��"'�� ,��'. , -� ( � _,... .��,� � _—�'.�-.-� <� � -�- ` - / � �� / f�.�t� ��''�-""'` -f , V ��✓ �l -- fr� . �� '�'�� d� F�L. The sale and conveyance of the above Perso I�rpperty is su6ject to the successful ciosing of the Purohase Agreement 6etween the parties da[ed l� , 19_� �. pertaining to the purohase of t progerty at 0. / / �__ F _'� �i L 1 �Ly� � 77. Intheeventthesaleoftheabovedescribedpropertydoesnotclos hisAgr%ementshallbecomenullandvoid,withthepartieshaving 72. no furtherobligation to pertorm any terms of thts Ag(eement. 73. Seiler herehy covenaots a�d warrents that he is che tawEUi owner of sa�d PersonaV Properiy, and that said Perwnal Property wAi be 14. free and ciearfrom ail encumbrances a[ Ihe hme of sale. It is understood the Buyereccepts the property "as is." Upon the successful 15, closingoftherealestaiesaleoflheabovereferencedproperty,the5e11erwipdeliveraBilloFSaletoffieBuyertor[heahovePersonal i6. Property. � � � oi � ,, ; : � C . , ��— �v / � �s"'g' ' �- «, �� , . ,�� � ,a. � 9 � THIS IS A LEGA�LY BINDING CONTRAC7 BEi4YEEN BUYERS AN� SELLEAS. I� YOU OES�flE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPflOPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. 20. (E.91) . C�' ���G� �� __ _._�_. _ _ - -- -..-- ��8/12/2008) Pafricia James - Fwd Stephen Law.. dafes ! had PHA tenants...a ' _ , Page 1; �}�,L�s�p - � - - - From: <Iawsafety@aol.com> • To: <lawmaio@pressenYer.com>, <Patr+cia.James@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <lauraleemof... Date; 8/9/2008 8:43 AM Subject: Fwd: Stephen Law....dates I had PHA tenants...a Attachmenfs: Documenf.pdf —Original Message--- - From: Rich Perrizo <Rich.Perrizo@stpha.org> To: �awsafety�a aol.com Sent: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 8:19 am Subject: Re: Stephen Law....dates I had PHA tenants...a Here is the requested info regarding your resident. These are atl the payments paid to you to present. It looks like the 1st paymentwas made on 12/1199. The move in date for Lynn Cooper was 10/19/99, the move in date for F. Harris-Simmons was 1/1/02 and the move in date for Tamela Redd was 3/40/OS. It you need any other info, please let me know. There is no cfiarge for this since I just had to run these 2 reports. No research needed. Thanks Rich Perrizo 651292-6144 »> <lawsafety@aol.com> 8/6/2008 8:07:32 AM »> Rich, ?? I just !eft you a phone message.? 1 need the dates that ! had PNA tenants....it should be around the year 2000.? This is critical for me to keep the tenants 1 currently have (Tamela Reed and family).?? ?? If you could?email me this information today ! would very much appreciate it.? I am willing to pay up to $100 dollars.? Steve Law 651-210-7727 � i v�-iis� • SECTl01l� 8 HAP PAYMENT LIS'T PUBLIC iIOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL REPORTL�iG ON 4UGIiST 6, 2008 A3' 8:13AM Por 309-60-1406 Lnndlard Pbr AS1 Teaa�:s Par Period Segieaing OS/O1/1997.'_'hrough 68/O6)200H • Payramts blada To Laadlord: S 309-60-1406 5?SP88N 8 LSK 1'PS8IIt ZD 4�3-.1-6559 4'/3-i1-6554 4�3-21-6559 993d1-6553 9�3-11-6559 4'13-1i-6559 4'13-i1-6559 4�3-11-6559 324-66-5152 324-bb-5152 32E-56-i152 325-65-5152 324-6E-5152 324-66�5152 TeLnIIt RSne 14 12 CEeek Chxk HumlYec QatR Amo•3at P?�G3 1 Eayment Deacri.ptioa 136.00 Fiap Paymen[ . 54.00 PRORAT'n^J HAP FROM 10/19/19'v9 136.00 PR2RATEJ '[AP FROM 11j0111999 136 Ap Hap paymenC 236.00 Hap Pay.nen[ I36.00 Hap Paynent 236.00 Fiap Yaymea[ 136.00 fiap Paymen[ �50.00 61(Ol: ?ROi2M:^D }�AP ]50.09 iiap PaymeOt �50.60 Hap Payrz:eat Tsa.oa F�en eaymert 316.00 Hap Paymer.0 315.00 Hap Yayment CWPEit� LYNN CCJPE�2. LYNN COOPEQ. LYhRt C(Y32&.R, L`!h'K CV'JPER, L�T'IS C002ER,LIT.'F COOPSR, LYNt3 CT)OPS3, LYNCI HPFRIS-SIMIA�NS,PRE�ERICXA HAARIS-SIA4K)N3.e^RS'JE¢ICRA FV RRIS-SikJt-0N3. F^.EEBEKZCAA YSV17tI5-SI19M)NS, F&£�ERIC�TA }iPRRIS-SINMONS.FAEDERIC!(A HAIiA15-$iMMI0N5, FREDEYiC.�'.A Check Ztema Ia Salectafl P6riod 14 ChCCkB In SG1GCted POilOd la 'fotal Paymeats in &eleeted �Sod Number oi Chaeks Sn SelecGed Pesiod I�fi053 12/01/1959 1]E053 12/O1J1499 1'16053 12/01/1559 1�'1529 Cl/OIf2�00 3]8]99 02/01/2000 3d01&2 C3f01/2C;�6 :32564 63/61J2000 182453 CS/61/2000 ziznss oi{isJZeoz 213090 02/Oi/2002 214626 03/0!/2CO2 2151'!9 04/OSf2��2 219159 OS/0:/2002 219310 G5/Ol/2002 Payee Amounk $4,639.06 Fas This Period Total Amcuat $S,fi3B.00 Poz Thta Peii� • D�'�r(�� � 0 E < s. G u > V a o� � j g �oo c� vi vi �i vi vi e%t » t� � N b V v1 oe oo x m a �p �D 'A e ' a ¢a us w m ao m x x c c c c c o c o 0 0 0 .� .� .� .� .� . v: vs m fr. �n v: r } } } � } � ° n ° n w ° a o v o °�' `ar' c � �t z O QI � ° C ki t+3 ', � u? � � o a � < < ¢ � � aa - x° a � y N N N N N N .� M r n � � r n i,. O G r n ri ri m r - ' a.�+N � cac��aod d+ � ��,�y o E- °�,� < c� v° � G v �� O < n H n � ~ � 0 0 0 O � � o � « :3 `� R 4 A x � ti� � � 4+ � s d v d� o° u � � E�' V v v u u V v a�i c � F- F F E- F F U e s . c'. a � r c". ti q GC " E � � ° < < o � f C ��° o o a o � � � � d � m a� a c a r E 3 ° ° Q < d ¢ 00 3 'e � < z z z z � w z � w 3 " " Q o °�� � ,� y � 3 � ¢ # � � a ¢ ` o r Z � � ,. .. �, ., F x � N 4 A 1 c ° a°'i F ^ o o"' o"' c'"� o"� o£, a o N y``I !V '� N y N V� v N R� Z 'a u v� ^`u m� m � u d i s t o s o s o s o y a W o. G V o o V o V o U o V o E�+ C ° Page t oi I 0� //�� James - renters at 451 Jayne str.eet From: To: „ Date: 8/6/08 8:01 AM Subject: renters at 451 Jayne street Patricia, The resuits of the reverse look-np seazch for 451 Jayne Street at the St. Paul Public library are as foilows: (Library policy does not allow photocopying of the directories) 1994-1998 I3o listings. 1999 Polk City Directory v.3 new listing Law, Stephen E.;714-0550; Roob, John L.; Roob, Linda D. 2000-20Q1 No listings. 2002 Cole Cross Reference Directory new listing Timothy Tschida 651=731-9146 2003-2004 Na listings. 2005 Cole's Cross Referertce Directory v.2 '03 Mark Scanion 651-501-1587 2006 Cole Directory v,2 new listing Aric Leonard Simons no phone 2007 Cole Directory v. 2 new listing Laurie Lynn Cahill,Thomas Michael Cahill 651-731-9549 2008 Cole Directory v. 2 new listing Tamela Renee Redd 651-774-3177 � ere appears to be a delay in the reporting as I had a phone installed in 1998. Since then Ibe l�ad ne service through Comcast and T-Mobile that does not appear in the directories. Linda Roob and I had a discussion yesterday regazding the tenants. She and I both recall the first tenant being a woman that I rented to in late 1948. However neither of us can recall her name. Peace, Steve Law IYs time to go back to school! Get the latest trends and gadgets that make the grade on AOL Shoppinq. • STAMP - Acriviry Detail (��� ����v _ Mew Search STAMP - Activity Detai! Help usina Yhis r�por( 451 7ayne St Click �re to view atI activity for thts property I Nel Click here to access other apptica6ons usfng this address - GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Run Date: 07/16/08 05:18 PM In Date: 01/04/08 Status: Under Review Folder - O8 003755 � Entered By: Ferrare, Tom Ciosed: ID#: Type: - CS - CSO Complaint - Zoning - Complaint � Descriptfon: . - SFD used as a duplex. The basement has been converted to a separate unit. The basement has its own kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. The main front doorserves as the entrance to both units. The front entrance hall has been converted to a common hallway by providing locks for the upper and lower unit doors. The basement uniY can also be accessed from the garage and a rear door. The owner lives on the second floor. Comment: O1/07/2008 : Zoning Printed: 01/07/2008 Document: ' Zoninq=Duolex Iilegal• - Gene2ted: OS/30(2005 - Sent: OS/30/2008 DSI Photo Attachment Temnlate: - Generated: 01/09/2008 - Sent: 02/08/2005 Zoning - Du�lex Illegal• - Generated: 01/11/2008 - Sent: OS{ll/2008 Zoning - Du�lex I(Ig.gal• - Generated: 02/04/200$ - Sent: 02/OS/2005 - Zoning - Duplex Illeqai: - GenArated: 01/25/2008 - Sent: �O1J25/2008 * Note: Clicking on above document links may not reflect the exact formatting of the original document. People: Owner: Stephen Edward Law 451 Jayne St St Paul MN 55119-4061 651-210-7727 Info Value: Behavior Comptaint: No Possible Student Housing?: No Ward: 7 District Council: 1 Zoning Type: 07 - Illegal Dwelling DSI CS Compiaint Admin Assigned To: C50 Complaint Analyst Pool 651-266-8989 Next Schedule Date: 07/14/09 DSI Zoning Response To: Ferrara, Tom 651-266-9087 OS/11/2008: Orders Issued - 1/11/08 Letter requiring complince prior to 3/1/O8. - 01/14/2008: Orders Issued - 1/14/08 3:12pm wll to PO: will schedule inspection, changed mind and to remove second uniY; stated few days needed; instructed 3/1/08 is deadline for removal and to contad to set inspection prior to then. 1/13/OS 22:4Qpm voicemail from PO (SL) 651-224-7727: claimed bottom unit counted as part ot Mayor Kelly's 500 affordable housing units w/raised taxes; stated needs to get attomey, legai aide; Page 1 of 2 • � . fitmJ/�nam ci emani mn nc/CTAMPPrnnertv/PrniectViewer7fnlderRSN=152R674&folderTvne=C.._ 7/16/2008 STAMP - Activity Detail C� ! 1 � . Page 2 of 2 � 6I5� stated wili be put forsale immediately, will be part of lawsuit; will not let inspect entire properCy; financial & health issues mentioned; can meet M T or W. � Ol/Z2/2008: Orders Issued - 1/22/08 phone discussion w/PO(SEL) � 01/25/2008: Orders Issued - 1/25/08 email response to PO email w/previous Enf Notice attached and options to comply pasted )nto text & further speciFed required work must be done wlpermit. OSJ28(2008: Under Review - 1(28/08 two emails received from PO over weekend & spoke wfPO = set inspection appt for 3:30pm Wed 1/30/O8; explained appeaf process; gave rezoning & spot zoning lnfo and referred to PED for more detail; City web has more inPo on both processes; explained 440 )ayne = legal nonconforming. 07/14/2008: Under Review - 07/01/08 see = OS 107826 PC - Planning Commission Cases - NUP - Establishment - Duplex ...scheduled= Date of Planning Commission Decision: Aug 12, 2008 02/05/2008: Orders Issued - 2/4/08 letter & 2/5/OS email to PO - remove unit or apply for rezoning prior to 4/1/08 02j07l2008: Under Review - 2!7/08 voicemail from PO inquiring about being "grandfathered -in w/testimony from neighbors." Return call: clarified LNC not an option w/history check, rezoning is option; PO stated "do not know why you enforce this dumb code...could tie up the City w/complaints about people not shoveling sidewa�ks..." 02/il/2008; Under Review - 2/11/OS PED (PJ) email rezoning app has been filed 2J12/08 email to PO - enforcement staid until Plnning Commission ruling made 04/18l2008: Extension Grented - Rezoning 68-040506 Planning Commission decision scheduled for 4/18/08, = NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application ...be denied. OS/OS/2008: Under Review - City CouncN Hearing OH 040506 scheduled for 5l21/08. OS/19(2008: Under Review - Folder 08 040506 for rezoning "Withdrewn." OS/30/2008: Orders Issued - 5/30/OS IetCer to PO: The illegal second dwelling unit must be removed from the lower level of this property prior to 7)SJ08. � . 06103J2008: Orders I5sued - 6J13108 PED notified PO that app submitted 6-11=08 was i�complete. 6/3/08 5:33pm spoke w/PO 651-210-7727 & 6/4/08 email to PO: planning to apply for determination of Legal Nonconforming Use Permit; ORDERED application must be filed prior to 7(1(OS or the illegal second dwelling unit must be removed prior to that date; referred to PED for further info on payment handiing and required signatures. . 07J01/2008: Extension Granted - 6/26/OS emails = PO gathering signatures, etc. to file app for determination of Legal Nonconforming Use. OS/08/2008: Under Review - 1/8/08 inspection: single front door w/hvo doorbells; shared entryway inside front door w/deadbolt & key lock handle on door atop steps to upper level and door w/key lock knob in entry to lower level; brother of "tenant" downstairs answered front door and stated owner lives upstairs; notice left at upper door; photos. Dl/04/2008: Under Review - iJ4/08 email from Code Enf (3E) *history check in file verifies duplex use is illegal and was apparently done in conjunction w(a :anceled 2004 garege permit. *NO same(sim in Amanda. Located in a R2, records indicate one dwelling unit, and 2002 TISH & ?007 building permit state single family dwelling. ]1/30/2008: Under Review - 1/30/OS Inspection w/YD: the locking doors separating the units inside :he main entry were removed from the hinges, but present with focks still attached and no patching ione to the door frames; there were no other shared entries or open access behveen levels; a �ortion of a tomato planter was attached to the wall to cover the 220v electric outlet in the Iower evef kitchen and was easily removed while preeent; a kitchen wunter and floor cabinets were �resent in the Iower level with a kitchen sink and dishwasher attached; a stove was present inside he attached garage; a refrigerator was present in the iower-tevel kitchem, LNC status questioned, �ut again clarified not an option w/history check & 7H; rezoning discussed. �.._.��_______.....___,i�_.,..�c�rnw,rnn«,._,...ti,m_,.:.....c�:,...,,,_�o,.�,te,-ocrr—tc�a��nu,�t�e«�r..,,.o—r -r)����nn4 STAMP - Activiiy DeTail d� �� �� New Search STAMP - Activity Detai! HelQusin�this reDOrt IS Helo 451 ]ayne St Click re ro view all activity for this property qick here to access other appiications using this address - GISmo, MapIT, antl Ramsey County Info - � Run Date: 08/04/08 D4;08 PM Folder 08125595 ID#: SWtus: Closed � Type: RF - Referral - Citizen In Date: 08/04/08 Issued Date: Closed: 08/04/08 Descriptio»: Owner occupied duplex, PED/Owner want inspection. Conditione Nn C of 0 parentfolderfound. Peopte: Owner: Stephen Edward Law 451 ]ayne St St Paul MN 55119-4061 651-210-7727 Responsible Party: Stephen Edward Law 451 layne St . St Paul MN 55119-4061 651-210-7727 Property: 451 JAYNE ST, PIN: 352922310024 Info Value: Possible Student Housing?: No Inspedion Date: Aug 4, 2008 Inspection Time: 11:00 AM Egress�Contrulled?: No Referral Response Assigned To: Shaff, Leanna Comment;_ Exiting,-smoke detectors and CO alarm all in compliance. LRS Closed: 08/04(08 Resul : 08/04/2008: Closed with Comment5 Page 1 of 1 • • . httn•/lenarc ci cinanl mn ns/STAMPPrnnertv/Pmier.tViewer?devl7atahase=n8cfniderRSN=16193R5_._ R/4!?.OQR Community Councif . r1 � . 3uly I, 20d8 Re: 451 Jayne St. —Non-confomring Use Permit Deaz Ms. James, ��-1,l S6 Communiry Council Office Battie Creek Police Storefrorrt General Office and Distn�ct 1 News A Community Partnership 2090 Conway St, Room 726 2107 Old Hudson Road Saint Paul, MN 55719 Sun Ray Shopping Cen�er (651) 501-634� (phone) Sa�nt Paul, MN 5511 B (651) 501-6346 (fa�) (651) 702-6770 (phone) disirict1councilC�aol.com is5i) �7a-e229 (Fax� �.districticouncil.org diStrictlCPGQaol.com The District I CommuniTy Council Board of Directors met with Mr. Stephen Law at our April 28�' Board Meeting when he was proposing to rezone a portion of Jayne Street and Wilson Avenue. At that tima, we suggested to him that a more reasonabie approach to addressing his problems with tus property was to seek a non-conforming use permit. Now that he is seeking such a permit, the Council fully sapports his request. We feel that granting this permit will address both his needs and the concerns of the community that the current chazacter of the neighborhood remains strong. Thank you. Sincerely, Betsy Leach Community Organizer For the Board of Directors Our mission is to create opportunities for the peopie who live and work in our neighborhoods to engage with each other and with our govemment officials in prder to bu��d a more vibrant and welcommg community, ��� , ..t': � - � � �� � -_ __ � _ § F ey;{ � �*t�`.sc' "- �i+,_. . � �i, ._ t "` ^�+ #. ��� , � � ;8 � � , � �r�'��� ,. �� � ` < �'- ,.R �� _ _ � . _. . . : � � ,�-: ..f_ _ : ` " _ ..,; n��' +�a ° .n,� ` 'i - •?s-s , �,vt ������ r ��. � �� :- � � �� . �' : � ,� r _� .�= �� �.�..;: � ,� �� a � , � `�. .-... ... �'�,.� : - <� ;,.. : ;; ;; , - � Zoning File # 08-040-506 ��ii�� Page 3 . South on Jayne (east side of street) � . �•� • CITIZEN ?ARTIt,IPATrON �JISTRiCTS CITIZEN_PARTICIPA7.TON PLAfVNING DISTRICTS 1. ' RAY-BkTTLECR�EK�HTfiHWOQD .GREATER EAST S.IOE 3.WESI" SIQE" 4.OAYTON'S BL.UFF . 5.PAYNE-PNAl.EN 6.NORTH EN0 - 7.THOMAS=DAtE � �., _ ,_ __, a � � &.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY � r.'r�'" i ��' # ="���,.-• 9:4lEST� SEVENTH i o. cor�a � 11. HAML Ih(E-MI DWA Y 72.ST. ANFHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTQfY HAMLINE 14..GRQV€LAND=MFiCAtESTER • 15.HI6NLAND 96:SUMMIT HILL U.00WNTbWN �llS�, �:�I ."�°�"`'� i:'." --,� , -_. " . �? `� � �.. `��:.-; ; _ �� .� � _ _. r.... . T -�------F-�- ` S � `£� � i� .� � � . �„'�,. � . � -" , ° — `'-;"- -� :-C_ = ,, : _ �-- .� . _ - � , �' � ]� � � " -�: t ;� r r � � � � I. �. " � . s' T= c' ��� - � � rc � ,� - � " xt ; ' ; � r. t ->;. � - . _."_-� _ ` ; , � � � � ' � t � ! < ,�- � , � -�. W f -. �� r � � ` ����.��� � i � �. � � Y •� � } � � }. Q ;,��- .. 3 -` � 5 •e-�� ' . r ./` < � � (�^ t �#P' f5 �W �! � � �J �.' � T ' C . .. r ? i _,_ ��� �� M �� �Y. � ?-:( 1 �. ��/�� • r t F � t .� ~ _ \i j • ~` � S y : �- r ' F . t �. j ' ^r, �-� �-. . , � _e. �_ i � — i ; � r -� -^z: ..',l - � " � .,� c - T3� .�.� -t _ � 1 f � �' S � � �. � � F _ r _'� � v F �. i �" � 1 - e ^� :y_ ::': : �` _ y �.., �i�:; -�� � ;:�i �. -• 3 =i4 � �, �= � � ,----- � ��� _� APPLICANT ���'����' �� LEGEND PURPOSE !�F �� ����� ��� zoning district boundary FILE #�� � ��� ��°' DATE ` � "' � � �� subjed property n� orth-� PLNG. DIST � MAP # �� o one family •� � commercial �-- �� � � two family � .. � industrial A-� Q multipie Samily V vacant