202747ly COUNCIL FILE NO ---------- 202-74 • By---------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------- Council. File No. 202747— In the matter �2 constructing public FMAL ORDER sanitary sewers n Upper Afton Road from ��,XtiMg Street Winthrop Street; Winthrop Street in . t from er Afton Road to Larry Ho Drive; in Michael Street from Upper Afton Road to Larry In the Matter of constructing ri Mitchell. Averup -frp-,.j MJ1.ae, Z A-, public- sanitary sewers inUpper Afton Road from Kipling Street to Winthrop Street;; in Winthrop Street from Upper Afton Road to Larry Ho - Drive.; " in Mli`cil�el,-.S'treet' from- Upper Afton Road to Larry Ho Drive; in Mitchell Avenue'from Winthrop Street to Michael Street; i . n Ruth Street from Upper Afton Road to Larry Ho Drive; in Powers Avenue from WinthroF-StreeTto Michael Street; and in an easement (to be obtained) an.B�qck-3,,Bat reek Heights ',Plat 1., from Mitchell Avenue JPowerstcAvenue; - ----- .. ........:........... . .. approved ........... ................ co struct public storm sewer in ZTVLAfton Road from Kipling Street InternA.last,40A-1 ljB.Lx Street. I .. ... ......... ........ ......... w. , t R to Winthrop, ,,in t,5eet.Wr,or� 11 rAfc 2,, oad to tj1V �j �Ll I Ss p;UXA Julwiat-�. ti )VD FM&�ffir, 1.1-Me(Lo'ounell jj�p,,, ,rpm .N ell, Avenue .a poinz jvu iee.T, easru. or winTnrop To a poinT, j,)u reez west or M1cnaej-'bzreiet; in J lie I r �1. A)v it, Z-;tIlAU. Wit, t:Jt Pcrwa Aven, e F 1 u3�Q at east of Winthro Stre t to Michael Street- T e ,,fep k.11 el.1UPV(Sre UP-' Y�l B 'Bdttl& reek and in the above described easeL R&"" Of fm- and in Mitchell-Avenue to Powers Avenue, Also construct storm water outlets from Larry Ho Drive to the Battle Creek in the following locations,: at Ruth Street; at Winthrop Street; at a point approximately 550 feet east of Winthrop Street; and at Michael Street; all of which is to be known as the BATTLE CREEK HEIGHTS ADDITION SEWER SYSTEM. C --an ittry rti iz '16 it Re-a• I fxcz Y-q,� ;... 4 '14 -0 la'Vy i',o U. —� , 0,'- +,% acka ;.%wo —v— — — F7�--f-,53— Micha,:61 Street) in 26we"rs% A nu fro Winthro Street, to Michae ,k Street;' and in an easement (to be,-o�taitbd) ala p Ant.,- 11) b hwlp m�eli Avonue M e sM er of u ic w orlis ne an � 01s '1'i0e1r1r1T)y8 ihNveAVeJi and q �&Jgq . , It HE '01; V 1� E , at ey ommuz, n directed ilprgrnr In yAdV 37 �jtj,gffl for P 7 "c 7 "I al., ug$ j"Liij d aa "I YT9.��A y-- v vrjre-A—tPAq, q pro- -1- manaex bzmat "rrOM-'Dllt'Clie'IX'AVeffUe"tO'UY*"HdWile; in Mitchell, Avenue from a point �luq � 7 f t gPu stC I , I of -% ,AtL apt �a oint 50 feet V est of Fichael Street in Po;ersp Ve r m & p big- 30-f V eatt-oryiftthro St 66t' f o Mi dbael-3treetj. and in the above described easement (to b%!ob edj ,iia B Battle Cree Heights Plat 1, from Mi-Cd� -IVWV-em' -to PR: P, City Clerk. ApAf100-,(DQ40tr4ct- storm Vater the iat'le Creek' _..--pAt1etr- from Larry Ho Drive to I 1-! " -6i�t; in. the following lbeation6v at Ruth Street; at Wi12t 01�--6 IqpproximAtelY 550 feet east of Winthrop St i.� W" J -�G� ,,-- 1, re.6-t;- hd iit -Xic el, Street; ........................... all of which is to be known as the,,,BATTL-E CREEK HEIGHTS ADDIT-i011-'SEM-,� Councilman DcCotacy - or. Councilman or Councilman HollanJ Councilman L-ss Councilman M-ortinson- Councilman Peterson PLTnT TQT-Tp Councilman Rosen Mayor 1NtVMft---- 0 2.55 2M 2 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A) 20, 7 . In the matter of _ _ _ _ _ - o _202384 r1 iAtcs Iiid � ?'. fit# ,t r ; iiF►, Ir t rip; tr t fr l rtta i , toer, . '!�_ ON*; 107 r_rao. �����er>MC� W1 n , ter± an y 1 w ; #+ em r6 AV fro, O - hoot, o -il I veook.g ,4d .10 ter. +'+t (W ab i d+ 1 #�i1 �S3s r s .O1 t' .06 a ro Hl.at�.vdQ:�±r#ud r Uppo►r�.',"4it�+r tv Also +!? 1�'d li° i1 r .�,g jA !ry or 1� n p S�t�Qetitr # ► cKn R ��re�4+ Irr► btvt 1xt1 EriF► +icfi b4 under Preliminary Order approved June 21� 196o To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of th above improvement is - - - - - - $ i ni , 084.1-5 ront The estimated assessment peiifoot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 15.52 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION I LOT I BLOCKI ADDITION II i LAND BLDG. !I I 1 I 2 I Heights Addition II $375 # 2 I 2 I " II 350 3 I 2 1. II 37 1 I 3 I it II 6o0 3650 I1 I (Battle Creek Heights Plat #1 3900 II I 2 I I " 1500 3 I I " II 1800 II 14 I I �I 2325 II 15 I I 1725 II I 8 I " 900 II (Continued) Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 ry CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. IIRange 22. I I 11S1500 $1500 Addit TOTAL 11 $15,615.$5,,150• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-297 Commissioner of Finance.° Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 8 :. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE May 24th �9 61 To the Commissioner of Finance of the :City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 197685 approved June 21st 19 60 relative to construction of the Battle Creek Heights Addition Sewer System and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 98.910.65 (See Letter Attached) err 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4* Improvement is asked for upon petition 1 t rx F +� Commissioner of Public 'Works "!�� � _.' "^"'.'�' r - per. , . -. w•� GEORGE M. SHEPARD l/.'� T Y 3 F D e �T� EUGENE V. AVERY STREET AND HIGHWAY ~ ter I • • a O •• S_ A I N T , k,C �M y ,I�y�ryv� M i� Il "CH'IFF ENGI{�IEER ENGINEERING COORDINA,TQR i� 0 et = y il�� {� �1"Capital rof Minnesota...' '_ ; ' c ! - e w A J,�'fy1.,COlTER ° "1�EUrERINTENDENT�.1 SANITATION DEPARTMENT~ OFPUBLIC WORKS'_ f - 234 i rH611- &�Coulrt Houses (2)" --� 3Z'EI N OSE Ni u i� �i' its Commiss ion er. -,' AM P. BEHRENS - - -- `% ID 11L _ - ................ -..P go, i Deputy Commiuioner.....� T--- May 24, 1961 Hon. Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: yes�is�9� I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the con struction of the Battle Creek Heights Addition Sewer System, under Preliminary Order C. F. 197685, approved June 21, 1960. Estimated Total Cost $98,910.65 Engineering & Inspection 8,991.88 Assessments 98,910.65 Cost per front foot 14.45 Frontage 6850 ft. Aspgsgved: j /— TEugV. Avery neer Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works ;vert��ruly, ohn A.. DesLauriers SewerEngineer RECEIVED MAY SE; mi DLRP . off' RNCE . . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul Minn. - - -- = - -- //--------------19- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -S i ------ - - - - - ------------ - - - - -- - --------------- - - - - ------------------------------------------------- ---- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - ------- - - - - - j . - from- - - - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- to----------------------------------------------------- ------------- 14 - -- --- - - - - - -- -------------------------------------- - - -St. A*e. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION • 2 ' MAR I OF NNIV 1 ' I _ /-t-ra� Vi' 6M 6 -66 2