08-1150Council File # J � b Green Sheet#3060316 RESOLUTION CITY Presented M{NNESOTA � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Deputy Director of Human Rights and 2 Equal Economic Opportunity be established at the rate set forth in Grade 028, of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it 0 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom � Cartei y Harris ; i Helgen ,� Lantry � Stark / Thune �/ � � Requested by Department oE Office of H R soutces By; � Approved by the O ce of Fi By: Approved by City A� ey Adopted by Council: Date rd�,�1�-�l//� �� `'��i� By: ^ Adoption Certrfied by CouncIl Secretary Appxoved y A�ay2 fo' Submissio C ci� By: � ` � Approve y a Dat U B Y' — I VSyshms Devdopment Sat�ov\Org Daign\CO�ultavbMcKeownU.isa's Clazs Work�Drc of B Y' HumP.c &EEO�ftesotuiion forD¢pnry Dv ofF6t & EEO doc � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �% � Cf� � DepartmentlOffice(Council: Date InRiated: HU _Human Resources o2_o�T-0$ Green Sheet NO: 3060316 Contact Person & Phone: �artment Sent To Persan Initial(Date tisa McKeown o itesources �� 266-6479 1 umaoResonrces De artmentDirector Assign 2 mancislServices ceSina� � Must Se on Counci{ Agenda by (Date): Number 3 i Auorue � For Routing 4 or•s Otiice Ma or/Assistant �oc. Type• RESOLi3TVON W/$ Order 5 onncil C' Canndl �TRANSACfION 6 Clerk ' Clerk E-�ocumentRequired: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) _ Action Requested: This resolurion establishes the rate of pay for a new posirion ritled Deputy Director of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opporhmity in Grade 028, of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule. Recommendations: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm everworked under a contrect forthis depaRment? CIB Committee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has This personffirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employes? Yes No Explain att yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, Whal, When, Where, Why): AdvantagesifApproved: ' Approvai of this resolution will aliow for appropriate compensarion for this newiy created class. Disadvantages If Approved: None. ��CE1VE� DisailvantageslfNotApproved: oCT 1 � LooU Pay will not be established for tkus new position. �::�A �a ;�������� Total Amount of Trensaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number. � Pinancial infortnafion: {Explain) I f Qctober Z, 20�8 2:44 PM Page 1 (�3-if5t� City of Saint Paul Human Resources Deputy Director of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity (Advisory Spec Only} Code:uuknown Description of Work BU: 17 (Salarv Info) Grade: not determined Effective Date: DR.P,FT General Duty Statement THIS IS AN UNCLASSIFIED POSITION. THIS CLASS SPECIFICATION IS FOR ADVISORY PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT COVERED LJNDER ANY PROVISIONS OF TAE CIVIL SERVICE RULES. Performs highly-responsible administrative and professional work managing a section of the Department of Huxnan Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity which is responsible for City huxnan rights enforcement, contract analysis and procurement, contract monitoring, investigation and enforcement, and capacity building. Coordinates contract-related activities to strengthen communications and relations between the Department, the City, the County, businesses, and other governmental units. Performs related duties as required. Supervision Received Works under the general and/or administrative supervision and direction of a department director. Supervision Exercised Exercises technical, general, and/or administrative supervision over assigned staff. Competencies • Demonstrates an expert understanding of best practices, theories, principies, terminology, techniques, and procedures related to an assigned section of the Deparhnent of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to provide diverse service delivery and resolve complex issues and problems associate with the work. Demonstrates an understanding of applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. Demonstrates an ability to apply that understanding in solving the complex problems affecting human rights enforcement, contract analysis and procurement, contract monitoring, investigation and enforcement, and capacity building. Demonstrates an understanding of applicable provisions of the Civil Service Rules, the Saint Paul City Charter, Administrative Code, and the Legislative Code. Demonstrates an ability to understand bargaining unit contracts and administer the provisions of such contracts. Demonstrates an ability to use a full range of current and modern job-related equipment, computer hardware, and software applications. Demonstrates an ability to appiy this understanding in accomplishing work-related tasks and work- �8-GiS� related research. Demonstrates an ability to evaluate deparlmental technological needs and evaluate advances in work methods. . Demonstrates an expert understanding of human rights and equal economic opportunity related policies and procedures. Demonstrates an advanced ability to develop, plan, and implement programs, projects, policies, and procedures. . Demonstrates an ability to identify and miuimize risks and liabilities associated with programs and projects and resolve potential problems or issues with the appropriate legal counsel. • Demonstrates an ability to plan and manage multiple and simultaneous projects that have Citywide and community impact, within negoriated deadlines. Demonslrates an ability to meet deadlines, establish goals, and define, measure, and evaluate project and program results. Demonsirates an ability to establish priorities for one's own work and the work of others. . Demonstrates an expert ability to analyze business informarion, assess business capabilities and capacity, and evaluate against program criteria or standards. Demonstrates analytical skills required to conduct research, compile and evaluate data, prepaze reports, and solve problems related to the data. Demonstrates an ability to manage successful unplementation strategies. Demonstrates an expert ability to work collaboratively with others to accomplish the mission and vision of the organization, serving as a liaison with City departments, local units of government, public and private agencies, news media, and the general public. . Demonstrates an ability to identify complex risks and liability implications involved in policy development, long-term plaxining, and strategy admiiustration. Demonstrates an ability to apply expertise in determ�ning methods and resources needed to successfully address risks, liabilities, and legal implications. Demonstrates an ability to successfully reduce the City's risk eacposure and to enforce loss prevention activities. • Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan and manage multiple projects that have the highest level of Citywide and/or community impact and may have changing priorities. . Demonstrates an ability to develop, prepaze, and implement a section budget and manage the associated funds. Demonstrates an ability to identify opportuniries and assist in the preparation of grant proposals. . Demonstrates an advanced ability to effecrively listen, speak, write, and interact in a tactful and persuasive manner. Demonstrates an advanced ability to resolve differences among competing points of view and develop commitment to mutually acceptable goals. • Demonstrates an ability to produce written and visual materials that aze easily understood by the intended audience/reader. Demonstrates an expert ability to represent the department at designated venues and to develop appropriate presentations and responses. . Demonstrates an expert ability to establish and maintain effective relarionships with federal, state, regional, and local governmental officials, City agencies, and other public and private organizations. Demonstrates an understanding and respect for the diversity of customers and coworkers, effecrively communicating with small or lazge audiences. D8-Il�a Demonstrates effecrive leadership by providing appropriate work direction to subordinate employees, promoting the mission and vision of the unit and the City, reinforcing desired wark behaviors, and encouraging the creation of a positive work environment for assigned staf£ Demonstrates the ability to facilitate the group problem-solving process, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates an expert understanding of the mission and vision of the organization and tl�e associated customer service standuds. Demonstrates the ability to direct service planning activities to conrinuously improve customer service. Requirements A Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, Human Rights or a related field and four (4) years of experience in the human rights enforcement, contract analysis and procurement, contract monitoring, investigation and enforcement, or capacity building. At least one of these yeazs must include supervision of staff. Experience may be substituted for education on a basis of two years of experience for one year of education.