202190r i � Original to city Clork I 0R�DI ! �o COUNCIL FILE NO. 2021 ENTED BY �'�L� may �r RDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325021, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service. Bureau. of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914,1 as. amended. This is an, emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .SAINT PAUL DOES, ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance. No. 325021, approved August 20, 1914, as, amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in the indicated grades, under the heading ''Exempt" the following titles: Title Grade Index Clerk - - Municipal Court 37 Senior Clerk -- Conciliation Court 41 Senior Gle rk- -Municipal Court 40 Senior Clerk -- Traffic Violations Bureau 40 Senior Clerk- Typist =- Municipal Court 40 Senior Clerk- Typpi"st -= Traffic Violations Bureau - 40 Senior Clerk- Stenographer -- Municipal Court 41 Senior Clerk- Stenographer -- Traffic Violations Bureau 41 Senior Bookkeeper Cashier -- Municipal Court 52 Cashier -- Traffic Violations Bureau 52 Court Reporter -- Municipal Court 53 Court Stenographer- -Municipal Court 54 Deputy Clerk -- Municipal Court 55 I Section 2. This ordinance' is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the' preservation. of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1961. APPROVED Yeas Councilmen 1 Per: �� Na*' Rolland Loss Mortins Peterso Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: � 1 City Clerk im 6 -60 8 .. Approved: H File No. 202190 — Ordinance No. ' 3—By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- -iard T. Holland —Frank L. Loss - Mifin A. Mortinson — Robert F. arson; Milton Rosen — George J. gulls, mayor— , ''ordinance amending Ordinance Wjj,1 entitled: '�A minlstrative ordinance relat- 4 :y,,``�vil.� 1. r _ ssroner Passed by the ecii J,UN 2 Tn Favor Against Approv JUN 2 ION V Mayor YUSLISHED � r ID d - � CITY CLERK 202.190 1*A4 trolstIA'! -to Ow Oliva sorvitt Surou of 014y. bt s"Piwo Alp rov p; Isoptov*4 A-usm A% 1914, 1woud,64 TWO to an om-otionoy odia"po 9*Ad*md As0*00w tor ft -p�po#oiratioo, of, tho pubUo pwoo tosl* sad TIM Cou"OL., OF "M .8*4W4 111, 11W **,*mon&d# bo *"the ** la&c*tod Sr*06* uodst, TWO $woo clox-11P somor cUth" samor 41ork-1 Sftior Clork-1 06MOr C100,04 f*Wot. 4010k-S sentor c0%w PAM =0 *ADS 0*6,126010 -approvo Au 4 .4w go. 19140 it Ureby fowiko* sm"dod'ut t"oovttog, w U11414149 ox" "V tho fonowifts fftuot a ca"t 06u.st, Repo rwroimWelim 4012, Municipal Stcuft 2. Tbi* ordinsuo V0446t*4 #*too kosl* "A Wotyi. sectlop $6 TM* 114d 4010V July As 4904 , lU � ,)UN JUN I-Vt - , ilowuntcl*, COW ,ourt -00" 1I 41 40 40 40 t4o 141 41 52: 02 33 auto it hest uy d#&1xr*d to U #A emorso4ey got AbAu 0&0 4464t a4dW in forco fpa� 2 i - - 2n Laid over b 3rd and apI Yeas I Nays DeCourcy I Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis 8 Yeas Nays - PeGeereq, Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis � 202190