202175, ,GINAL To CITY OI;jRg� ti. PRESENTED I COMMISSIO y � • ' `T CITY OI OFFICE OF T COUNCIL RESOLUT Council File No. 202175 —By George T. Vavoulis, mayor — Whereas, Under Title I of the Hous- ing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Adminis- trator is authorized to extend financial assistance to localities in the elimina- tion and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and Whereas, Under Section 102 (4) of %Title I, The Housing and Home AdminisxF -'to. ,.m ay.. makP.a d. NO WHEREAS91under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949,, -, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial assistance to localities in the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS, under Section 102 (4) of said Title I. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator may make advances of funds for the preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plans for urban renewal areas of sudh scope that the urban renewal activities 'therein may have to be carried out in stages over a period of not more than 10 years; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and',Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, prepare such a General Neighborhood Renewal-Plan, presently estimated to cost $6,037.00 in that certain area, proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey,-and State of Minnesota, and described as follows: Hollow General Renewal Project, Bounded generally by St. Anthony Avenue, North St. Albans Street, University Avenue and Western Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, as follows: 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is an area of 'such scope that it is estimated that the urban renewal activities therein may have to be carried out in stages over a period of not more than 10 years. 2. That the undertaking by the Housin�oa development Authority of the City of Saint Paul preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n DeCourcy ' Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a - ®o 2 Tn Favor I Against i Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor f 0�::�'5 ORIGINAL TO CITYzMgRI(. r.. CITY OF`" __PAUL cOUNCIL NO-!` -` OFFICE OF THE Cl-' FILE - CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GE14 -ML FORM PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER �k'T t 2_ 3. That it is cognizant of the int htion of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul MinnesCt6 to undertake an urban renewal project promptly upon completion of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and the preparation of an urban renewal plan for such project, which project shall embrace at least 10 percent of the Urban Renewal Area and shall be of the character contemplated by Section 110 (e) of said Title I. 4. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal assistance under Title I, including the-requirements that a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan conform to the Workable Program of the community, as set forth in Section 101 (e) of Title I, and to a general plan of the locality as a whole, as well as those requiring a feasible method of relocation and the provision of neces- sary local grants -in -aid. 1 5. That it is the intention of this body that the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan will be used to the fullest extent feasible as a guide for the provision of public improvements' '.in such Area and that the Plan will be considered in formulating codes and other regulatory measures affecting property in the Area and in undertaking other local governmental activities pertaining to the development, re- development, rehabilitation, and conservation of the Area. 6. That the filing of an application by Hou Mesota and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, / or an advance of funds from the United States in an amount not to exceed $6,037.00, for the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. Ma off_ { MAY 17 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy SAY 17 1961 Holland l Approved 19— Loss I In Favor Mortinson �4 Mayor Pc teY'n= Against Mr. President, Vavoulis )_UBLISHED % I eM a -eo clQ0o.2 j `t QUADRU . pppGGgyy PLICATE TO DEPARTMENT� �' /� 4 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAB w WRVfiU3.0. ; UAd0r- TWO 1 01' the HoUsi Aot of 1944 ,# X10 at ndedt �� I��L���m �� ���a �����i� �.d��. e�t�r8t�z� is atlthOrIgOd tO 4Xt0dd f �nolal a uslatanoe to 100411itiex in the elta#uatiou and pr8V404t1*n of this spread of their sJuss and UrbsA 'blight througb the planning pad UndortakIng of urb6n renaval projecta; md ASw IUndar Seatiqu 102 (4) of aoid Vitle l�. Th€� Housing and Hv� »inano a�dmttlstrztar may make advaraees of fuu4s for that p pa9►ration of General Neighborhood Renewal Plans rar urban. re owal arean of "dh scope that tho urban renewal. aetivitles tharoin any ha to be carried out in stages ovor a peria id of not Isom tbft 10 yesrol and W>M :S #. lit is deelrable and in the publio .intereat that tho Housing sito 9e4evelopment Autiwrity of the city of Satnt hauls, Hinnegota - prapara ouch a 4eneral Xei bo�rbood Remewal P1ika& pr sonny estlaatad3 to east $61,0.37w in that certain area, proposeed ate an Urbon tienswal Area 'situated In the MY *t Saint Fatal# County of Ramss+ o anA- State of "Inn oota# O dose'r0ed an follows$ Hollow General Renewal Project, f PoutdC d amorally by Ste Author 00 ua #. North St. Albano Street, Unii atty Avonae and Wootern Avenue. Novo Tf '=Pro , 13B IT R SMW by the C oUno ll of tho City of Saint P 'dnit as rollt�tta.s l* That Itho proposed I1r'ban Renewal Ares described sabova is 4n area of such scaope that it to estimated that the urboz ranowal aotiv� -ties therein may have to be carried out in #taps ovor a poriod of net Dare than 10 years. 20 Th4t tho uadert ing by the Houain � d0V0lr� out Aat�rlty of the City of Saint Pani. o 0 pr4)pa ration of a Go eral. V'eighbarhood Renewal Mn for tho proposed Urban Rene al Aron doaaribed above is hereby approved# COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 0.60 QMN.2 In Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor QUADRieL* -ATE TO DEPARTMENT I � � • I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nATF- That It JA oogar4nt or they tntenttu>4 off`, the a' - 4ft3+ I�1 l t A}i' �3Qlr' : ► ' tho C " d hint PaUl, MinnesotV to undertolte an ur n reaewal p j�ret.. p t . Upon o letiea Of the -0e ral V*i$ t r i d 9940 rral 11144 84d the proparation. of an: tin role a4 p ,for Wah pro tato, - Ohlrorh Pr4.30et ant she11 h obardot #r o to ' tta $01A1 110 (e.) 001 TW* 10 4 -, That 'At to a0 - 19412t Or tue 0eaait� e t ►t art i . 000d �+ "nn r"Nug ond oarrying out of urtan r<enft 'r+eatrni nS'etie ete, iml' 04 t r � e tij, tat a eras 0f1 tWrh �e l Plan 1264 R tom. � ���e. �roerso `' t comatif aft a i_ . of �► j+�j (0-) or T t't'10 T ** a�& to a gonor al plan-v plan-vt the, 100auty ae, ai A0141, an, veli as thosto requiring 4 reasi; le lea . th off' rat1 ati a the 0 i of, noon �w sary 1,90,41 anta«.n�. 4 1 the N Must "tit vie arreetits Prr erty favommmol aetiv 60 Tt and4xkpt 004nae Of' �xnd' i ,f Renewal plan for i hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Loss Mortinson .retersan- -Roseir- Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 8.80 2 t J# tho 114t tlt 04t t to b4dy tbA40 L en a Plan will bo UXe4 to th* U10 as a Sold* for, t . rovixi�l� or in X40h Aron, And that �► P n wiU, be ate eodee and othor r0auutor oftsuroo n t Area n In torta4 0har 140AX Vie» the 4*V# ,0P nt r itasti='s 4*0 *fto"att" 'or tie �reav a its stnoat a o t a bority of the City" of 6aint a a the 'itod,' State* aad anon t not the preparation of a Genera. Neighborhood Urban Renewal Area described, above is --In Favor ►d Against MAY 17 1961 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 17- 1961 Approved 19— Mayor r - r General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. 3. That it is the intention of this body to undertake an urban renewal p loject promptly upon completion of the General Neighbor- hood Plan and the preparation of an urban renewal plan for such project, which project shall embrace at least 10 percent of the Urban Renel 1 Area and shall be of the character contemplated by Sectionl110(c) of Title I. 4. That it islcognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of such urban renewal projects with Federal Financial assistance under Title I. including the require- ments that I General Neighborhood Renewal Plan conform to the Workable Program of the community, as set forth in Section 101(c) Of Title I., to a general plan of the locality as a whole, as well as thole with respect to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid. I 5. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of',the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States in an amount not to exceed $6,037.00 for the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved and that the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application with the Housing and Home Finance Administrator and to provide such additional information I and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Administrator land to act as the authorized representative of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. i �t RESOLUTION N0. 61 -3 April 12, 1961 WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial assistance to localities in the elimination and prevention of the spread of I their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and I WHEREAS, under Section 102(d) of Title I, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator may make ladvances of funds for the preparation of General i Neighborhood Renewal Plana for urban renewal areas of such scope that the urban renewal activitiels therein may have to be carried out in stages over a period of not more than 10 years; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and' Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota prepare such a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan presently estimated to cost $6,037.00 E in that certain area, proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, and designated as the Hollow Renewal Project and described generally as follows: Bounded generally by St. Anthony Avenue, North St. Albans Street, University Avenue and Western Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE) BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment t t 'Saint Paul Minnesota , as follows: Authority of he City of I , 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is an area of such scope that it is estimated that the urban renewal activities therein may have to be carried out in stages over a period of not more than 10 years. 2. That the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority I of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of the preparation of a I G-= 7 10/20/60 CII'TIFICATE OF S :70_12TARY The Undersigned hereh- certifies, as follo:-rs: (1) That he is t'he dbily nualified anc' actinr Srcrot_ar�;� .•f the Housing and R.nci�volorrr ent Authority of the City of :saint Paul, Minnesota, herein called the "Local public A g -ncy" an, �:ie ;seeker of the rocorc's of thIe Local l u;lic Agency; (') That the attached Ruohit i on �jp�j,� 37 _ iv, a Holiow GMU true and correct cop. of the Rase, ut. ; ,, hjo _ f -j _37 as executed on the d (S) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal cif the Local "tiblic Age Icy and this Certificate is hereby execut —) unHer s, ch official seal; (4) That the un lersigned -is duly awthoriz -ri to execute i;l-,is Certificate. I;; IIT;.ESS WHE;,ST, the unc :ers. m-ci has nereunte sct :is hand this 12— day of G HOLLOW 4 a r Form approved Bad[et Bureau No. 63- 8725.6 - N-6 ( 2-60 HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCi PROJECT LOCALITY URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATI,ON PROJECT NAME SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET HOLLOW PROJECT NUMBER (if known) INSTAUCTIONS: Initial Budget: Prepare original and i copies for BBFA. Submit original and 3 copies in Binder No. 1, and copies in Binders No. 2, 3, and i. "Initial Revised Budget: If with amendatory application, follow Otherwise, submit original and 3 copies to BAFA. Budget" in- [BUDGET NUMBER strsetions. S MISSION (Check and complete one) t Cl ACCOMPANIES FORM M -6100 EXECUTED ON April 12, 1961 [] REVISES APPROVED BUDGET NO. Date TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA i TO BE FILLED USE ONLY FOR BUDGET IN BY BBFA REVISED BUDGETS REQUESTED LATEST ADJUSTMENT BUDGET APPROVED BY LINE NO. ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION FOR 6 MONTHS APPROVED BUDGET (+ or -) HHFA FOR MONTHS i 1 ADMINISTRATION: a. ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD AND SERVICES (R 1410.01, $ s 29500.00 s R 1410.09, R 1410.16, R 1410.19. R 1416) b. TRAVEL (R 1410.05) I 2 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (R 1475) 3 I LEGAL SERVICES (R0410.0;4. R 1415.01) 1. 4 SURVEY AND PLANNING (R 1410.021. R 1430) 31000.00 5 LAND SURVEYS AND APPRAISALS (R 1410.022.'R 1410.028. R 1440.02, R 1440.04, R 1440.05, R 1445.01) 6 RELOCATION PLANNING (11410.023. R 1443.01) 100.00 7 SUBTOTAL 59750.00 8 RESMVE AND CONISNGENCIES 28%.00 9 TOTAL (line 7 plus d) s $ s 69037.00 s le PY0 SPWTION FEE 11 TOTAL SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET s $ $ 69037.00 $ (lice 9 plus 10) Approf►al of- the Survey and Planning Budget in the amounts d for the time period shown in column (c) is hereby requested. I Anri1 12,1 QA1 HOUSING AND REDEVfttPMENT AUTHORITY Signature of Autho ized Zficer OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Assistant Executive Director Local Public Agency I Title The Survey and Planning Budget is hereby approved in the I amounts and for the time period shown in column (d). Date Signature Title GNP do u��.• i r m 8 C d { 0 o H �a { o a '"' 0 H 5 5 o a a a ' 0 U ,+!ymay w w I p m mpp� C CD C CD p ° c r• z ID p [rJ F F c O i cF C per• ° p H C+ O O c c+ O i [ dpi A in p p b O a a H H C C FMb p H ~ Fp-+ N M O O H N N C C• H H C O O O r• m C cp+ H M �! W H f f-• H F+ C C+ O 2 W C H CD f f!1 � W F C+ r W P PS O ( O O O• I:Y O (DD O O ' 'O ; ;a x x c 0 0 P) -9 C4 C4 C N G a �o H C C C CD C me " "d o 0 lz G � 9 C O 0 CD N N a m C o o C °r ai p CD b App o CAD O p p {a p 0 { 0 CA 10 o 0 0 9 � C+ p p h h! }F�+� Cp�� 1 1y O O�pq p CD c+ M W W � � QQ M M a a x x `G C+ h hM+• p pp� M CL P Z Z7 I I - CD n n•C F- A A H H a a o r• � (D C M O �+ " O p ( CD W �� M O c W. M {bp � �••�' ( by c c+ ' m d (A y = � b c+ A y '.N C CD p� n O �c•+} r• H a p y = I CD C O U H. p C ypy»D ' r. p p cF p O 0 CD PD r p I C b CADS O b C U] H a a a 0 p C. p A O O • p• O p 9 W W C H P P� A O O •~� p C p 0' D pC� H CD y y� H. 0 W W. Q p pis Q 0 0 DrL f fBD C 6 cF jD c ct . .� O O a CAD O C CO+ A A O A A x x p � P PD U1 CD fD p c+ CD 0 F F F p p r p r ry � O• c+ p) p W CD C+ pp D CCC U DHQ C CD J J p H H. C CD H. Ul O p F' ►i m A C CJI PD O O• t � 1 m c C CD � �O O O cOh W p pcil A N m m p t�C� � x p a m m ► pAs pp x pA F B C m m b F F+ N N 9 w C Cr " CD CD cr O O p o g C C CD CD CD c� aka CD W CD lD A Aw P pypop o O C+ b b U Ul y p' lD A A n ��r+ O O O F--• y y� y H CD n n m FOA O m CD u CD o C CD ° ° y y � ui C C+ C CD C �C+ o 'C+ ° 0 O O U n p p O m O C C CAD 0 U� CD n cF 'y r N c4 i ii N ( M p �Cy+� c N O O C C p• PD H H CAD N (AD M CD 0 0m F s r r M M� p a� p� t trf PD CAD 0 0 C FF,• s N C CO CD V w m N CD C w c c C p H C C+ C CD cr+ w w CU 0 0 m C m M b C) p C f CD CD � �. y y a a , ,d p CCDD a CCDD co WW m C C fO. p p O a p ^ ^�• r rf] H H- A CD UJ H. CD r r r• c cr 4y� x x r n r ym H F�J GCO ~ rn p p c c O � c c a C+ C C° + a � ` `" v v�D, 0 N CD 0 a by C a � (D N c C) b W cF r• (D a p .� o o c c+ p a o p ^ r C U CD b b cF r r• O O u u+ ^ rte• e e. C UU11 N A c4 CD M (� C CD cF c c+ k U3 w (HD N N f f± 0 pCpT� C A @ 0 0 I IA-• c4 O 7 7 « « r rA+ ` ` + � �� O r-b '" p O 1 1 M M G A N U7 O CD U UI w w W W A C+ O i O O H 1�--' ? N W CD pp ' H M M M C �+ y O n y w r H I-b B � CD P PD c+ A N N p C p p - C O r O F+ 9 O 9 - O p F H N p CD m p 9 c+ CD p p C m O p CD P PD H c Q c+ p. v p F F+ W C+ O t rr C b a CG''' O O a (�D W ' o o I H IOC, F0 H N C CC+ m �+ CD u to Q QQ m (D te'�1 a h �J N 9 CA oho cn cid W I 00 Oo N N CA N 1 O� O mot. - -0 T T t7 C ° x to aim —!2 —mm > I O n = T a � N (A a a y 0 a C C O a•r p � » a » a.w.o QX w p a » ^ta: a ^ oi n O o S to b OWN to n -. CA o-a W T-i 1p m �. m — -4 p z o C 3J a c� c Q T —I l� $ r 0 m W t7 aaoM: O Zs �.�m M.,. co r W N n m C4 om A _ ° D c� z "a s H b! 2m ^ o' m 3 .. C.) 2t m °A� > v �0m C m Z CIAO O C m a r n > • - 0 a � ty' Q m qq r C C M � O A A m n rn n A O O ' A o .0 ` O > C m z O ° o � j Y cn � � N `'` O 2 " O ■ = a > o '� m y w , p 10 O N to Q QQ m (D te'�1 a h �J N 9 CA oho cn cid W I 00 Oo N N CA N 1 O� O mot. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY APPROVAL Neither the local planning agency nor any other public agency is required to designate an area as I urban renewal area.. However, in its August, 1957 publication, Community Plan Repert Number 6, Proposed Renewal Areas, the City Planning Report did recommend renewal action in the Area. State and local law does require that the City Planning Board must review urban renewal plans prepaid by the Authority and prepare a written opin- ion of said plans. tiJhen the urban renewal plan is submitted to the gov- erning body for its decision it must be accompanied by the Planning Board's opinion. GN -103 HOLLOW 0 � 0 OF RENEWAL What i� cdrideived is a Gerieial Neighborh6dd henewa]. P'ro jdct that would enaoin= pass an area immediately west of the Western Redevelopment Project. The area is situated between an existing major arterial street, University Avenue, and the Interst Ite Freeway now under construction. Construction of the Freeway has and will to a great extent physically separate the area from once neighboring areas and community facilities. Although the area is destined primarily for neighborhood conservation treatment, portions will be selected for clearance, particularly in the eastern one-third of the project area. The tentative phasing of renewal activity within the GNRP area contemplates an initial clearance project east of Mackubin Street. The boundary of this project has been given some consideration. Further study will define it more exactly. One or two smaller areas are also being given consideration for clearance although on the whole clearance activity I will be highly limited with emphasis being placed on conservation within the majority of the GNRP area. I A public improvement that will contribute to the area's well being is now under consideration, with approvals expected, by the Board of Education and the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings. The improve- ment consists of a new combined elementary school and playground as a substitute for an elementary school separated from the area (and proposed to be abandoned) by the Freeway and an unimproved playground that is to be a public housing site for tIhe elderly. The Board of Education had origi- nally intended to locate the elementary school in the Western Redevelopment Project, but after additional study had determined that the school popula- tion would best be served if the school was located farther west. The first project would include lIithe proposed combined school and playground site. GN -105 AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES Enabled by State legislation and local ordinance, the Housing and Rede- velopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has had the power to tax real estate within the City for the purpose of financing urban renewal activity. In terms of ( p resent day assessed valuations, the one mill tax levy can generate approximately $250,000 per year. During the contem- plated eight years of thel Riverview Urban Renewal Program, the total tax levy could amount to approximately $2,000,000. The cash contribu- tions necessary to meet the budget requirements of all existing Title I and other urban renewal projects have already been either allocated or earmarked for these projects. The staff organization ofjthe Authority will be maintained to assure continuity of the program; At the disposal of the Authority is a Plan- ring Division in charge of preparing plans for urban renewal and public housing activities and a Dlevelopment Division in charge of executing all approved projects, both urban renewal and public housing. GN -106 HOLLOW r �• I ESTIviiATED, COST OF FIRST PROJECT In the sight of recent estimates of cost and also preliminary determina tions of.th$ pro3ect boundary an estimate has been made in sufficient detaii to conclude that the Lost df the di-A pr'63eA kould regitiro Capital Grant funds of app roximately $1,984,800. The area is primarily residential in character with approximately 50 per cent in residential use. A detailed estimate follows: COST ESTIMATE ITE11 I. Gross Project Cost A. Surveyland Planning $ 3,000 B. Administrative Expense 10,000 C. Legal Services 4,000 D. Acquisition Expenses 5,000 E. Real Estate Purchases 520,000 F. Relocation 13,000 G. Site Clearance 50,000 H. Site Improvements 40,000 I. Disposition 5,000 J. K. Interest Contingelcies (Except A) 4A,000 34,350 Total 1 $724.350 GN -107 r? ITEM II. Gross° Project Cost A. None -CAsh Grants =+in -Aid Gross Project Cost (item i plus Item II) Bib- Larid Disposition Proceeds Net Project Cost Federal Grant (213 x 2,545,186) C. Relocation Payments Total Federal Grant Local Share (Minus No Grants -in -Aid) } $ Sb;000 774,350 126,,, boo 648,350 432,230 14,000 446,230 166,120 el 9 DESCRIPTION OF PLANNING WORK The scope of the activities covered in the preparation of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan,lwill be restricted to those'hecessary to pro- duce a plan meeting Urban I Renewal Administration requirements. It will not include the development of basic planning decisions which are to be provided by the City Planning ':c=ard in the form of a Comprehensive City Plan, The General Neighborhood Renewal Plan will not be a substitute for the survey and planning activities for each of the urban renewal t projects contemplated in the project area. It will be used as a general guide for determining the nature, the extent and the degree of urban re- newal activity to be developed in all and portions of the project area. The following is a list of the studies, surveys and plans to be completed and specific problems for whhich solutions will be sought: 1. Prepare a comprehensive plan for the project area and por- t tions of the neighboring areas to show the relationship of existing and proposed streets and highways, community facil- ities and zoning. IThe plan will include the following: I a) Accurate Descript -ion of Project Boundary b) Land Use Plan c) d) e) (1)� Population densities (2) Building coverage and other building requirements (3) Special laiA uses related to the avail- able transportation facilities of water, rail, highway and air. Community Improvements and Public Facilities Plan (1) Approximate location and general char- acter of existing and proposed major highways, streets, utilities and other similar public improvements (some of these were previously identified in GN -105) I (2) Approximate location and general char- acter of arW transportation terminals contemplated and their relationship to the overall plan. Delineation of Urban Renewal Areas I Requirements for.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Properties ON-121 i H0LL~0W f) Identification, by Boundary, of Anticipated Pro- jects Involving Title I Aid Together with Contem- plated Program of Sequence and Timing 2. Prepare a report on the marketability of all land to be i cleared and to be,made available for reuse. 3. Make preliminary 'estimates of Federal grant and local aid requirements for each proposed project delineated in the General Neigh4_)rhood Renewal Plan. 4. Make an analysis of f a.' ?: relocation requirements and re- sources needed tolc. -ry out the projects delineated. 5. Identify all actions :equuired to be taken by the State and the City of Saint Paul in order to carry out the Plan, including: a) Zoning changes, b) Modification or improvement of codes and or- dinances regulating the occupancy and construc- tion of housing and other structures. c) Provision of facilities and improvements, in- cluding current estimate of cost and timing (some of these'were previously identified in GN -105)0 GN -121 H 0 L L 0 W e • The most recent 67orkable Program submitted for recertification, dated March 1960 was denied acceptance by the HHFA due to the lack of approval by the governing body of a minimum Housing Code. On July 14, 1960, a Housing Code was adopted I by the City Council and the Workable Program has been recertified for one year i i as of July 15, 1960. I Since the Workable Program submission of March, 1960,the City Planning Board has completed Community plan Report No. % Proposed Plan for Public Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, and drafted the Proposed Plan for Thorough- fares and the Economic Study. The latter reports should be completed by midyear, I ' 1961. During the current year 1961, the City Planning Board will commence the prepara- tion of a comprehensive plan taking into consideration those elements of the planning program already completed and those yet to be completed this year. i GN -1 1 HOLLOW • The following is a breakdown of the survey and planning costs estimated for budget items R- 1410.09, R- 1410.169 R- 1410.19 and R -1416 in Form H -627, Lines la and lb:l Line la R- 1410.09 The cost to the Authority of its contribution to the retire- ment plan covering its employees averages about 8 per cent of the salaries. R- 1410.16 The Authority may,prepare and publish a final report on the proposed project after the survey and planning period. It is estimated that the cost of such a report may amount to $50.00: R- 1410.19 The cost to the Authority of the prorated rental of office I space, the cost of telephone charges, postage, office supplies, stationery, maps,1blueprints and photographs has been estimated I to be approximately $275.00. i i I R-1416 I It is not expected that any cost will be generated for this account on this particular program. 1 Line lb R- 1410.05 The cost estimates of travel includes the estimated costs of two trips to the regional office in Chicago by persons repre- senting the Authority at a cost of $65.00 per person per trip for a total of $130.00 and the costs resulting from automobile usage in conducting surveys and examinations of the project area. The latter has been estimated to cost approximately $20.00. GN -1 HOLLOW • All planning costs will be paid for from the planning advance applied for. GN-1 HOLLOW-, LEGAL DATA Form H -6103, Legal Information, was last submitted in March, 1960. No changes have occurred since that GPI -153 HOLLO