202135Council File No. 202135 —By Milton Rosen — Condemning and taking a permanent �� easement 1'8" in width for the purpose .of constructing a retaining wall on the East 1' V of the North 83' of Lot 3, O ..............•� Block 3, Florence Addition to St. Paul, ... •_ Corrected Plat, and East 1' V of the PROPOSAL FOR IM South 82' of Lot 20, Block 2, Florence Addition to St. Paul, Corrected Plat; also a temporary easement 2' 4" in width for construction purposes on the west side and abutting the abovie and permanent easement. ,Also cond @g PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via,: C'ondemnin and taking a, permtnegt •saselnent!1 ls` nt�i.'dtti for' the pu�po §e of constructing a retaining ' wal,l - on the, East 1. 8 of the Ndrth '--83-•- of:,Lpt„3,,,:.BTvek 32 -�Florence•-,Addi',tion-,to 'St. NU V, .Coere6f6d' Plat;`.and .East 1' 8" of the 'South 82' of -o -t 20,, -Block 2, _Florence- Addition•_,ta .t orrected.Rlat; •al$o, a terapp vary "ease ien � g 1­44­ in wi- dth'for cpnsteuction purposes on the west'sido and abutting the _ ^above,. permanent..- ea 'se0sent{ ...... Ail. so,condemning , °and�takl`ng °an"easei t•'Tn °the'_1'arid. •` necessary lQforg�sjopes � "ecuti s and "fi�,lIS', including the right f irernoval: of lateral suppo'rttaccasioned °byl excdVift'i©ns-hth�reof"or constructi of slo es�itri, th® radi'n .� P of Marion Street from 156' 'North' of ff:ul, ter. -. Avenge ..to�.Unive'r- sl.ty'Av�nue r- • ..:�`• •••• g. uncl r�axe. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, .viz.: Conn inln .8(1Q t #{C�h �a rpt#nellt��1 ;. =►-.. �- ...:.:.............•- 9 P W1 ' Qr tha purpose-' cooft "ructlP- 9..0___:lie_�.el 1. na.W_ �ft: - Fiors:e',AddltQn to St, �'aui, Co�`raGted'iat, and o.the 'South 82' of fast t t... 2p. ::B1..2�:.'Florane; <Addi'tian,. tQa.:Str °Paul�iarretd",1s1t':aigo..,a. ,....,. fismpofa ry easernan_t '2' ''fit" fin. wf dtli liar r, nstrubtion purpos,�s, on �tha weOt: p.,,god:,abutti- n1a.the: atiojia permanenE "eas aant., t�Jc ri u+ing hnd takingl iin, a aam¢nt In the land h�nec�as�ry:,fo: tics; �t�pps• ��' cce�sle�ild .��f�;`�,�����:act�d1�ig =, the,• rl�9ht�- o�F` y:re�ive�•q�...f.aterai=.,... -. ieuppQrt casfone.d%. 0_,x0Aya"t.ione,. thereof or cons,tructy'on < f''' 1opQ .• '1t :tt�e: grading 10 t. cif 6r1, Street• om 1S6, iftr`t a..pp� F41 to Avenu to 8nive sttt p e' u 14 RP�3UL�'Y,D, What tl Commiss:oll r�Cf iflt}�lxc'lrtiik9 be all i3•70,;iry z,l�iibl�t,y n f;i "vestigatu the necessity for, or & irabihty of,-the making of said improvement.--- - -- - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. . / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......................................... MAY _1.610..... 'x YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCou rcy MAY -16 q4) HollandApproved ....................................................................... Loss Mortinson Peterson e Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-54 f