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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t o , , CI OFFICE ���r� �,OT RE! Council File No. 202101 —By Milton Rosen:— Resolved, That the Council herebyi approves the award of the Purchasing, .-J Committee therefor and hereby awards COUNCIL contract for furnishing and delivering FILE NO• to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Traffic Control, -666 East, Third Street, St. Paul, Minnesota -2300 Automatic Type Parking Meters, Model GS-4a; (without expansion shield as- r semblies to THE DUAL METER COMPANY in a cordance withklay 12, 1961 City specifications therefor hereto at- tached, the Formal Bid No. 8284 of said Dual Parkipp ;Met°. r• t ��+r ^*a anci RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Traffic Control, 666 East Third Street, St, Paul, Minnesota - 2300 Automatiq,� Type, Parking•' Mdtersf vi-Itde1` GS' =4a; - ('wi'thout expansion shield assemblies) , to TBE DUAL PARKING METER COMPANY ill;accordance,with City specifications therefor hereto attached, the Forma. Bid #8284`9f said Dual Parking Meter Company,and sample meter submitted by,said Company, for the price of $48.76 each or a total of $112,148.00 (Lty of St.Paul reserving the right to purchase additional meters up to 10% of quantity indicated during period of one year from and after date of City Comptroller's countersignature on contract), less allowance of $30,659.00 for trade -in of 2300 used Dual Parking Meters, making net amount of contract $81,489,00, terms 5% 30 days, such bid ,being the lowest and said Dual Parking Meter Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is d1rected to draw up the properform of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. (Subject to terms of Dual Parking Meter letter dated May 12, 1961 attached hereto.) Formal Bid #8284. MaY 1 s COUNC N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ! DeCourcy°/ MAY 16 HoUa Aproved 19— Loss /� Favor Mor ' on Mayor _ n 01 -Against sen PUBLISHED O��C sS D s siPredent, Vavoulis / sm a -ao 2 DUPLICATE TO PRItJTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Y� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \S\ COMMISSIONER DATE May 3,21, 1961 ?4 021U.L it V0, Thtt the Co�ii boveby approve* tJw award of tbo pgrahasing Comittes therefor and hersby awardes con raet far furnishing and delivering to the Departa"t of Pabiic llbrks, Bureau of Traffic Control, 666 $east Third Str"ti 8t. laba, Yiaissota - 4300 Autmatie Type Parking Motors, Model 06-4aw (with *xpaaael" shield asspaablios), to T= DUAL PAW1W CWMY is aacoordo" with City smaifiaatifts tborefor hereto attached, the 1poraal Bid #8284 of said Ducal ParklW Motor Carpal, srid a wWJo motor submitted by said Cony, for the pries of $48.76 osteh or a total of $112,145;00 lECity of 0.Panl Voxoroitag the rl&t to pnrGhWW additiowl motors up to 10% of gaaa►tity indicated daring period of one year from and after date of City Comptrollor *s eamtersUMaters on c c tract)-, less a llsswtsoib of ;901,6W.00 for traado -ft of 2300 mod Dial Pal,rkiag Meters, saki" not aum at of 4mtre4t $811486 *00,, tares 0% 30 do" r awirsh .bid boiig Us lanst and said Dal Psarkiis lister Compmy biiag a reasonable aid reliable bidder and #Jw Corpmation Coos*l be svA hereby is directed to draw up the prowfora of aoetract therefor and #Ae proper City Officials hereby am aotboriaed to easc $* said a ©stract an behalf of the City of S aiat Pail. E Sub jest to toles of Dual Paarki,aag Motor letter dated flay 121, 1961 Att W d hereto.? lbraial Bid #8294. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor r Mortinson V Peterson -Against /cam Rosen v Mr. President, Vavoulis SM s.so q2D02 Adopted by the Council —19— TAM Approved 19— Mayor