202061PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' r Council File No ......... ....:....____ Council File No. 202061 —By Milton Rosen— and Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Construct public sanitary sewers in Morningside ingsi eoDrivpepefrom a PR as iio Eastview Avenue; in Eastview Avenue from a point 30 feet west of McKnight TThe undersigned hereby proposesthemakngofthefollowing public improvement b W nhooa wo mop Stfm 90 feet I south of Upper Afton Road to . , .i s • +" .� _ }F ��. yr.." y•. y1� f ,Avenue. E`i St 'l nc� ...... L'.... Via. •w.t��}•.•u r- ...$..... , f, .�.. .,]nT.... .. y��.ar,a_. .,Y: r.... ..:ls.4 r -.,- .,,:r +: [..: „._.....c .... ^s....n _..aal.w _, y.' Construct public sanit`a�r►�seWers in Morningside Drive from a point 150 feet south --of Upper-Afton---Road to• Eastvi-ew° Avenue;"•i-n• !.Eas'tvie ..Averiue"f -rom a poi n.t "'30 "'feet' west of McKnight Road to Winthrop Street ;, and i n 'Wi nth_ rop Street •from a -.point 40 feet south of Upper�Aftori•Roed to Eastview Avenue. " "�' "" _ -._. ----- - ---Al sow-- cons�truct••a••s•ani• tar- y- s,ewage--•pumpfng° -stati °on° i•n °'-an eas'emerit -(to °b obtai ried) on Ith eew us9t si detof Wig. hrop Street at -thew i nte!�si cti on with lEe stvi ew Avenue. Also construct a sanitary sewage force main from the -above desc fbed_`pump` sta -� ti on east along Eastview Avenue from Vin hr #oJpr•Street•••to'•Mornf ngsi de °Dr ivy ;i� *ah s�o""' `- across an easement (to be obtained) nearCothe� southeasti j i nes_of Lot 21 and Lot 12, Block 4, Afton Heights•Addition, from Morningside Drive to the existing sewer in - Ki- pling•Street. .. ���. _..... .._.� Also construct public storm sewer �tK4p�,ing.,Strr Ct from Dellridge Avenue to Longfellow Avenue; in Longfel1oWAVenue from Kip]-in'g'Street to Morningside Drive, i n ,Morningside Drive f rom. L,ongf el l ow •A,yenue to • Eastvi ew;.Avenue;.•• i n Eastview Avenue from a` p'oi'nt' 545' feet west of - McKnight Road to Winthrop - Street; in Winthrop Street from a point 590 feet south of Upper Afton Road to the south line of Section 2, T -28, R -22'; rand•.i'n Wi hihr. op S.ti eeti, zex'tended (to be _o o ened) '�f ec '- the south ' 1 i'ne' of Sect -i on'� 2; T �28:; R =22; s.ou,thta"ppr_ox`i,matel` ;-27,.5 feet rto1 %an �exi'sti ng� creek -runni ng ..through "the- MEw6,of ;rSecti on Aft- .......... ±1,�T -28;;. R'- 22..41. �., f .,:� i,: _'i,., .,r � Stz'v ft •:� Fait;, � ec. i�t1i13 oi_ rst . �: * ~� f tk�";11r¢e�s' (lam •►'n� —T -- - -- — —3 - -- qt so. construct. a-- sanitar -_ ...sewa e - u i n i stab on >1 =n • a�i -eases�ent•- {to� -be- obtained- Y r y g -ip mp g on the west side of Winthrop Street at the i- ntersection with Eastview Avcnua. hitk�xaK b.en pre°i'ntea to the ui uneli c1 t1W L.�y;nt Srint 1'aui.._..._ .. :.,... Also construct a sanitary, sewage force main from: the above described pump sta- t�trfon'"�e-as`tltalong Eastview' Avenue, from Winthrop Street to Morningside Drive; atso across "aii' e�seriieritL(.to5bel'olitai he�!!n'earFtie �s'outheas`t'e?1.iries: "csf`• iLatd.' ' d Lot :12, Block 4 .:A too .NNei: hts. Ads it -on 9Fr F1o�rr��n�gside� AD;ri;,yetohA;texis,ti'ng sewer in X. 1 .ucq�.i,aiy t� .tc L� #ct ..i CI�,.�Q..1i.k� Kiplirig Street. I ;2 Lo iuvesdg;tr the n fnr.;, extent and estigvitl cns£ of snld imrAo - etnort, Frd th-� tdtsd.o;.bt therc�;lr 'Also fonstruc pub , �c s torrA sewer' m ip1 i ngy Street from Del 1 ri dge Avenue to , ,Longfe 11 oar Avenue; i*n ` -& fellow IAvehte k4rk,i pi i ng Street to Morningside Drive'-#, ' in �Mor.ningsi,dejcDi•:iver from.�Longfei LowY'Avenuetio Eas.tview_Av�eciu'efe4fin: Estvieu�YAvehue from aipointt5�45,nfeet� Vest tofo McKnight tR0ad, toAj,,nthi-�op;.Si reet; i'n. Winthrop Street f rom a poi nt 590 feet sout� o upper -Af ton Road to the south t i he of Section 2, T-28, ,(R -22 ) , and ' i h,Wi nthrop Street,,, extended ('to' be opened), from the south 1 i ne' of Secti oh 2, T4 2 R -220 s "oath° app" roximately` °275'feet' -td-iiVexi sting creek runni hg through the NE&ofs Secti on R =22: - -- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - -' — _AVY i�I Councilman DeCou rcy WIp, Holland Approved .................................................... Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen- . ........ ......... -- ........ _._..__ - _- MR. PRESIDENT Vavou i i s Mayor. 3000 7-54 lo -VUBLISHED -