202060I� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2,02060 I, 4 CITY OF ST. "PAUL ' COUNCIL NO +�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER nATc I RESOLVED, that the Council-of the City of Saint Paul, having approved Low -Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1 -5, composed of Rondo Freeway Sites 8, 11, 12 and 13 by its prior resolution C. V. No. 199730, and having thereafter approved Low -Rent Housing Project Site 9 and the Hollow Site,'by its prior resolutions C. F. No. 200682 and C. F. No. 2006'8/+, respectively, as proposed by Housing and Redevelopmet .Authority of the Cityof Saint Paul, Minnesota, in each instance, does hereby approve the consolidation by said-Authority, of said Site 9--and said Hollow Site rand said Project No. Minn. 1 -5 so that the same shall represent and be designated as Low-Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1 -5, accordingly extended. `Council File No. 202060 —By George J. Vavoulis, mayor— Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having approved Lo Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1 -5, composed of Rondo Freeway Sites 8, 11, 12 and 13 by its prior resolution E -- - - F. No. 199730, and having thereafter approved Low -Rent Housing Project Site 9 and the Hollow Site, by its prior resolutions C. F. No. 200682 and C. F. ,No, 200684, respectively, as proposed by Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in each instance, does hereby approve the consolidation by said Authority, of said Site 9 and said Hollow Site and said Project No. Minn. 1 -5 so that the same shall represent and be designated las Low -Re it Housing Project No. Minn. 1 -5, accordingly extended. Adopted by the Council May 10, 1960. Approved M8y 10, 190. (May 13, 1960) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis am B-6o o!� 2 Tn Favor Against MAY,019M Adopted by the Council 19— � 0196 proved 19— Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE PrE0 D% theft the Council of they City of 8eint PA14s hiving approvmd Lw, -rant Rousirg Project go* Mm. 1-5, 004080d Of 1'A"eo fretvar 1" os $, 11, 12 and 13 bjr Its prior regclution C. P. wo. 1997309, ead btvvi tl er4aafitee= tp;�roved i,m ;4e>;at T1ouiming Project :its and the Rsailo iteo tT its prior are solutions C. 't, ';ice. 20002 and C. ?* $a* 20004P re +tpactirely, as* propored by Roudng ftd. Re eeveaxapmet Amtho rity *f the cltyot Patot Paul., - 43n 'nes of 'A, in saach iasUvice, eoetg hcreeby tpp rov# th.c cogool i dttion by aTid Authalrlty* or said Site 9 end asid 15ollov :'ate And smid Project qa. giroo 1-5 so that tho sore aba11 mprostnt rind bo 4#rip. "te d ae LOV -Pont -9ausitg Proje :at No. Mon* 1 -51 test or0ftS1)r a ;ten' od, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 6.60 2 - 7 In Favor () A gainst M AY 10 196 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor 17 „ ll ll HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 4, 1961 Honorable Mayor and City Council 2QU60 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: I AUTHORITY\- 60 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7524 JOSEPH F. GABLER Chairman CLAYTON G. REIN Vice Chairman HAROLD J. MORIARTY Secretary CARL CUMMINS JR. Assistant Secretary FRANK H. DELANEY Treasurer On November 18, 1960, your Honorable Body approved the provision of Low - Rent - Housing gKgAe_c =Sloes Minn. 1 -5d co ose cif thc�,s��>d o reewa; Sites 8, 11,. 12 and 13, (Counci1 Fi_& 0 29Z_Ql., Thereafter, on Fe ruary 3, 1916-1, your Honorable Body approved the provision of Site 9 and the Hollo -- Smote- wi-- ,t-hout-- a- p-r -o j,ec.t number desi_ is on ouncil""Fi1e os. 200682 and 200684). For purposes of economy the Auth r, y included Site 9 and_the_Ho11o�,T bite in project Minn. 1- 5-in preparing a Development- ProgriT for said Project. T�iis evelopment Program, a copy-of-which has been filed with the City Clerk, has been approved by the Public Housing Administration for construction of 187, Dwelling Units. The Authority requests that your Honorable Body approve this consolida- tion in Low -Rent Housing Project Minn. 1 -5 of Site 9 and the Hollow Site and the provision of,this project as consolidated. Respectfully yours, James T. Hart 40t 1 jt l I rr- 40t 1