202058[Council File No. 202058 — By Milton t! Rosen — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ CITY OF S� Resolved, That the Council hereby J approves the award of the Purchasing •,' y contracts afor e furnishing etheyDepaii- OFFICE OF THE,ment of Public works with the fol- lowing approximate quantities of Ag- COUNCIL RESOLUTIO Compt s f for date of City countersignature on con - PRESENTED BY ' tract to March 31, 1962: C PRESENTED I BY J. L. SHIELY COMPANY 36,915 tons Sand, 145D tons Gravel, 2300 tons Limestone. -A5( -tons Lime- NO. RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing the Department of Public Works with the following approximate quantities of Aggregates for period from date of City Comptroller's countersignature on contract to March 31, 1962: J. L. S HIELY COMPANY 36,915 tons Sand, 1450 tons Gravel, 2300 tons Limestone, 850 tons Limestone Aggregate, and 4000 tons Limestone Screenings - for the contract price of approximately $58,331.70. LANDERS- NORBLOM- CHRISTENSON COMPANY 600 tons Mineral Filler for the contract price of approximately $6150.00 ARSENAL GRAVEL COMPANY 18,335 tons Concrete Sand and 50 tons Gravel - for the contract price of approximately $25,253.95 DRESSER TRAP ROCK COMPANY ` 500 tons Rock for Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course, Class A - 1 -1/4" to No. 4 - for.the contract price of approximately $1835.00 all in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #8283 of said bidders, they being the lowest responsible and reliable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is authorized to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Formal Bid #8283. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson - Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM a•eo 0 2 CAI 1 p Aso Adopted by the Council 19— of I0. Al 1 ,Approved 19— ►r f /Mayor PUBLISHED"' / CO j DUPLICATE TO PRINTER r •!~ .k,i C,�i8 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. !!! llllll OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE K COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE May 5, 1961 AftOLVS'D, That the Council hereby apprevis the award of tho P;wok esixg Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for :t%raishln the Vppartaeat of Pioblic Works with the following approximate qwatities of Aggregates for period fros data of City Coaptroller's countersignature on coatraot to Xwmk 31,, 1963: J. L. SHInT CDM PAUY 369915 toff Saari, 1450 toear Gravels 2300 toss Limestone, 850 tau Limestone Angregate, &lad 4000 tows Limestone SoreNOW - for the contract price of approximately :58.,331.70. LANVM-NDRB1AK-=12TXN0ON COMPANY 600 toss Mineral Filler for tho contract price of approximately $6150.00 ARSIiAL GRAVRL COMPANY 18,335 Coons Co- moreto Rand OW 50 toss Gravel - for the ooatrast pride of approxi"tely► $25,353.85 DS=lR TRAP 110Ct COMPANY OW two Rack for Asphaltic Concrete w aarigg Course, Class A - 1 -1/4" to No. 4 - for the contract price of approximately $1835.00 all in. aoc ardaaoi with City speoifleations tberefor bereto attached and the Formal Bid A3283 Of said bidders, they being the lewst responsible and reliable bidders, and the Corporation Cemse1 be and hereby is amthorised to drag up the proper fors of acsstracts therefor., aad the proper City officials hereby are autkoristed to exgemte aaid contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paml. formal Bid 08483. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1 5M • •60 .01IYo2 Tn Favor - 0 Against Adopted by the Council AY 1�� 9— 'low, Approved 19 Mayor