202056Council File y 202056 —By George J. Vavoulis, ma a or— t Whereas, A sudden and unexpected ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK emei ency has arisen and th C it fED BY p f CITY OF specifically so finds and expre ses INCIL t eulisfoecg legal: NO concepts resulting from declarations of OFT law by the Supreme Court and by virtue of modifications of existing stat- COUNCIL RESOLUTI utes as a result of recent legislative enactments. this -Council has deter- ` mined that additional assistants are needed in the office of the Corporation Counsel and that funds in the present budget are inadequate to supply pres -{ ent needs; and WHEREAS, a sudden dorc. epm�a.� °&r61j1L9ncy has arisen and the Council specifically so'finds and'expresses herein, that - because of changes .in legal concepts result- ing from declarations of law by the Supreme Court and by virtue of modifications of existing istattrtes s a result of recent,.legislative enactments, this Council has de- termined that additional assistants are needed in the of- fice of the Corporation Counsel and that funds in the present budget are inadequate to supply present needs; and WHEREAS, an emergency borrowing under Charter Section 206 is made necessary to secure the requisite funds so as to properly protect the public interest and the lives, s4fety, and constitutional guarantees of the inh5Sbit_p4ts of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be ' it - RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Comptroller be and hereby are authorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed $17,640 and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan, a promissory note payable to such party or parties, bearing interest at the rate not to exceed 5 per cent per annum, said note to be payable 1=- ._.one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to Corporation Counsel Salaries, 3 -A1 Fund, all of said sum to be expended for the purpose of payment of salaries of three additional assistants to be hired by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis eM a -eo 2 Joseph J. Mitchell :'ity Comptroller l�_puty mptroller Favor c Against MAY 10 1969 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 10 19 1 19- Mayor PUBLISHED - — r 3 ' l