202040r Original to City Cleric ' ORti DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY f'dQ_ • ORDINANCE NO. 202040 Council File No. 202Q40— Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE, 11976 —By Frank L. Loss - CHAPTERS 60 to 64 INCLUSIVE OF THE an ordihande amending the zoning 7 Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- 9 to Use Districts, height Districts TO USE DISTRICTS HEIGHT DISTRICTS AND and rezoning of certain properties in 7 the City of Saint Paul, as amended. REZONING OF CERTAIN. PROPERTIES IN THE This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS AMENDED. THIS ' ublicap for the` , preservation and vats y of the public peace, health, and safety. IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: NECESSARY FOR THE PBESERVATION OF THE - -.- PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to Light Industry District, to -wit: 1M 6 -60 .065y's City Clerk I Mayor All that part of Lots 1 and 2 Peter Thauwald's Addition to St. Paul, (John Larson); Lot 24 Fort Street Outlots, (John and Hannah Larson); Lots 1 and 2 Br19gb- SubdiVision,--(Nels 0. Granberg); Lots 3 and 4, Briggs Subdivision, (Mabel I. Drennen); Lot 51 Briggs Subdivision, (Nels 0. Granberg); Lot 6, Briggs Subdivision, (Thomas P. McMahon); Lots 7, 89 10, 11. 12, Briggs Subdivision, (Nels 0. Granberg ; Lots 1, 29 39 139 149 159 F. T. Watson's Sub- division of Lot 22 of Fort.Street Outlots to �r St. Paul, (Beata Sofia Bergstrom); \`O Lots 4, 59 69 79 11 and 12, F. T. Watson's 0 Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots to - St. Paul, (Sarah M. Goldman); o lying Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of Shepard Road and Northeasterly of the Northeasterly line of Homer Street. (All of which has been sold to the State of Minnesota for taxes). Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) ' Approved: Attest: 1M 6 -60 .065y's City Clerk I Mayor 1 . _ 202040 C 11X76 - 2 - That part of Lot 9, Briggs' Subdivision Tying Northwesterly of Northwesterly line of Shepard Road, (Victor W. Bruder); All that part of Lots 1 and 3, 49 59 6, 79 8, 9, Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace; Lots 1 through 6, Block 3, and Lots 1 through 4, Block 4, C. W. Youngman's Third Addition; and Lots 1 through 8. Block 5, Major's Addition, lying Southerly of the Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road Company as presently located (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Co.) All that part of Lot 2, Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace; tots 9 and 10, Block 5, Major's Addition; and Lots 19 and 20, Fort Street Outlots lying S'ly of the S'ly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul,& Pacific Railroad Co. as presently located; (The Webb Publishing Company.) That part of Lot 21, Fort Street Outlots de- scribed as follows: Commencing at a point on the W'ly line of said Lot 21 which point is 59.9 feet S. of the Northwest corner of said Lot, thence N'ly along-said W'ly line of said Northwest corner of said Lot, thence E'ly across the NW'ly line of said Lot, 77.42 feet to a point, thence SW'ly to the point of commence- ment. (The Webb Publishing Company.) Being further described in general as follows: a. A tract bounded on the West by the North- easterly line of Homer Street, on the North by the Southeasterly line of Stewart Avenue on the East by the Northwesterly line of C. W. Youngman's Third Addition, and on the South by the Northwesterly line of Shepard Road. _._. b. A tract bounded on the West by the East line of Lot 18, Fort Street Outlots, on the North by the Southerly track of said Railroad, on the East by the Westerly line of Lot 21, Fort Street Outlots, and the Southeasterly boundary 'of the part of said .Lot 21 not hereto- fore zoned Light Industry. _' Orizinal to City Clerk ' ORDINANCE 202040 PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. — 3 — c. A tract lying Northwesterly of Leland Street, and bounded on the Northwest by the Southerly track of said Railroad, and on the West by the tract last described. d. A tract bounded on the North by the Southerly track of said Railroad, on the South by the vacated alley lying generally parallel to and immediately South thereof, on the West by Leland Street, and on the East by the Easterly line of said C. W. Youngman's Third Addition. e. A tract bounded on the North and East by said Southerly track and the Southerly and Westerly line of Glen Terrace, and on the South by the Northerly line of Stewart Avenue, and West by the Northeasterly line of said C. W. Youngman's Third Addition. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publica- tion. 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil MAY 2 6 19` DeCourcy Loss In Favor Mortinsan Peterson Against Rosen MAY 2 6'96f Mr. President (Vavoulis) s Y Appro Attest: City Clerk Mayor ire s -so s PUBLISME) — % - • _ as - >. .' .. .. - •_ _ _ - - . - _ 5 ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL, IUXNESO_ TA V Y PETITION.•-TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO:` S840'1 THE''.BUILDING 'ZONE 0$DINAN-CE •' - February y ; 1961• TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR -AND CITY COUNCIL - c%o the City Clerk -pity of Saint'-Pau'l, Minnesota -�'-' Pursuant to Section ,23, -Ordinance` 5840 ?.•wear the undersigned-owners of, two- thirds of the several descriptions of real`estate•situated within 100 feet of'- the. -real estate affected, •hereby 'acquiesce; .kandrwe, the owners of 50% or' more_ of the _ frontage to be reclassi -fied,`petition.ygur Honorable•Body to rezone the following ' described property-- All I'A'a =.L, Lo• 's 1 and 2 Peter' Thauwa] d's Addition to St. Paul, (John Larson); y - Lot..-24 Fort Street Outlots,-- (John &, Hannah Larson); "" 7 Lots 1 & 2 Briggs:Subdivision,'F(Nels b.- ,'Granberg); { Lots 3 &'4, Briggs Subdivision,.(Mabel I. Drennen); :. r• Lot 5,' Briggs. S,ubdivisiQp�Y Nels 0.. Granberg); Lot..6, Briggs�Subdivisiofi,: (Thomas P..*Mahgn); --Lo ts T, 8,10;1 ;12; Briggs .Suiidivisiaxi, (Nets 0. Granberg) ; Lots ,1, 2, 3;,- 13,14-,15, - F. T. Watson's Sub Division of Lot 22 of Fort. tlots to St.Pauh, .(Beata Sofia'Bergstrom); - 1 5, 6,7,11 &d 12; '. -T.- Watson ! s. Sub. Division_ of .Lot 22 of Fort Outlots to St. Paul,- (Sarah M: .Goldman); - Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of ; Shepard Read eL K All o ich has been soldto fihe'JState of Minnesota for taxes), at part of Lot -9, ,Briggs' .=Subdivision lying Northwesterly of - S . Northwesterly line of Shepard Road (Victor W. Bruder);. All that part'. of hots 1 and 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 9, --Block 11 Kipp's Gien . Terram Lots 1 through 6-Block' -3, and Lots' through 4'Block 4;'O.W.. Youngman!s _ Third•Addition ;_ arid- Lots l,:through S'Block 5i °�+fajor's Addition, lying Southerly af- the. Southerly, track of .the Chicago; *Iwaukee; 'St:- Paul and , Pacific - Railroad Company as presently located, : (Ch�;cago,' Milwaukee, St. APaul `& .Pacific Railway Co., .;.: . Block 11, y _ All _• that part of hot 2/I�ipp's Glen Terrace; R Lots.9 and 10 Bloek,5, Majo`r's Addition; ,and.,; -Lots 19 and 20 -Fort Street Outlots lying S'ly; ,,of the ,S ! ly track of the Chicago, 1�i Waukee,_ St. Paul - &''Pacific Railroad Co. as.presentltiy., . located, ' (The Webb Publishing C�apai�y) . - ': ' That, part of_ Lot- 21 Fort Street Outlots described as folloy-is: Commencing ,at a point on the W' ly - line of ;said I;ot 21.which -point is a , '59:9 feet S: of the Northwest corner ,of said Lot, thence NIly_.along said.-W'ly line of said Northwest corner of said'.1ot; thence'E'ly across the•NW'ly line of'said Lot,•77.42 feet 'to a point, thence SW'ly to the' -: point of commencement,' (The- Webb Publishing- Company),. from a "B" Residential District to'a Light Industry District;' far the .purpose IL of, engaging "in -a general printing and = - p014shing business and activities ,' - related and incidental, thereto.,•'snd for, other light industry purposes. RECORD .O1�NER S G L R ' ADD N. `a)' Chicago,,Wlwaukee,'St:Paul' &' '' Paeifia Railroad= Company_ ' - '' : • 4 --41 inclusive 5:- Kipps Glen Terrace 5lanc�l` 6 'through -, , ` • 9 - inclusive 11 Ripps- Glen Terrace • - • - a `f •rte � t • , • • - - - i through . C . w. Youngman Third 4 inclusive' !� Addition'` t� ` -M; L l'through C.W.Youngmans Third- AZ inclusive. 3- Addition l..through ' 8-inclusive'.,' 5 Major's Add tiop 20;except that Fort Street Outlots _ part lying - SE: i ,ly - ` of a line extending from a point in the SW'ly 'point lot 20' }� distant 199.45 'feet ; P v 'MV ',7,q from -the most fl ` S' 'ly.- corner thereof, , ,'to a 'point : in NE' ly _ line -o ?got 20• distant- r '914- , feet 'NW from ' 1 _ Y ther most E!ly corner' thereof V'' ,- - =A7 ::'that part Fort Street Outlots , ... of .Lot 19 ,, .NW' of a line extending .- „ fromxa po# ' -in the W!1y line ,of Lot 19 ' y r - a dista_nt,lb.7. feet*. • -'; - . =N' from- the SW corner thereof measured along . _ > _ _ •rt - ._ �: � :'ly line to a point' in ' the E' ly line ' "of Lot• 19 distant 199.45' feet N' ly .-from SE' corner ,.• . - - • ,; _thereof; measured along : said�E',.y line' (Torrens) -- Y' r t - �. ,'y `9•, 18,} All that part of Fort Street OutloU Lot 18,. lying . I9W' IV - - _ , . "' _ �� ,• ti,"of a' lime `extending ;4 from _a point `in the ;W' 1y ` -line of Lot 1$ distant E, x.72 , :feet N' ly from the _ . 'tom -. •: SW- - corner thereof., • measured 2. along said W'iy line to a point in 'the E' ]y line of.-. said'Lot.18 distant 185,.1 , ,feet' N ly from SE- corner , - -'; thereof- measured' along' said E'3y' line, containing ; 21;11{.5 square feet more • or .` -_ less. - 2•. - - . � . • _ '� _ _ 777 . , - .• .i.: `- , .,. ''yam T' 3 `'.,f ;�.=; `5 •n .. - � s.: !. •t, Y . -r, o tt_ c . �_ - Ak f3ECORD OWNER OT+ - BLOCK ADDI ON' Chicago',Milwaukee,St :Paul,.' F . -5_,�a d ! Xoungmans ,Re« & Paci is Railroad Company _ b Arrangeme>it of ;:- _ Block 17 ` Fort Street Wtloti b) Webb Publishing Co. , j• :, `_ {:: 21 `6x,�6ptin 'the Fort Street;�Outlotc, �.'�P�•�-�- r - ; ° • `;` y following part - - ,_r thereof: Com =' ; men. at a; : *t - .� �: _ ? • �° point on the < . �iW _ _'' ' ly line of 1Lot:21,•which, - - : point` is -59.9 feet S. of eUe .NW .corner or said lot o thence • L: r N'ly, along -said - • ; ; _ • "i • �; - W'•ly line to said NW corner of" said lot ,thence ; E' ly`along N' ly , w ` _ •line of said, lot 7742 feet .to a ; i • y ; ,point, thence . r • Y . ;SW' ly to a, point of,. - commencement; the _ excepted portion 'of said lot con- r' tain'ing 2080 square fz• • ,.' feet more or less. - .r 18 through 21_ _ C.W. Youngman s inclusive , 7 Third Addition ; - , .. • • -- . • _ - - .� � _ . ' ' - _,'' _ • � Y ° 1, and ].2 - T: • .. - - • _ inclusive 6' " 7 through 16 t o i- ' .: •.• • - - , • • •, � � - . .. • • . ' - - . • ,_ •„ _ 1, • through � ," - ;, - • - � , inclusive',. 5 - r► (,�, :. ° ,8•' through X� _ inclusive 4c) Robert L. Ekstrand' ;' ,•'1g, except _ t' & Laura:Ekstraud- t that, part Fort:Street Outlots conveyed'to Y T ,• ,- ,. ` ±, . ; - : • ..;, �•'' �-_, ,- _ -' • _ _ `.�_ _ - _ - .f - - _ Milwaukee .8t. Paul- Ry..�' �CoraPany �by- Deeds 505. - C rF { _ _ 1, l + • µ { O•+•� t _ �. 1 �r ' • r t .tie i . L - ; t. - "' ... £ +E., i5cfr r �• _! ,(' - - { 't �:,;' .: i , s• ' t .- •k1' , . ` •• �Y.A,Y•,L3 - x ` ` E' 5. ` .1%'. r •- t''�F �. IV -RECORD OWNER SIdNAATTURE LOT t- BLOCK." ADDITION"-' d) State'-6f Minnesgtai 1 through 4 - -Peter Thauwald's �rriQ inclusive Additon:--, - 1,,and'12 22 Fort_ 'Outlots F.T.Watsonb ' - Subdivision Y 6 and 7 10 . KiPP's Glen, Terrace Addition. j r,%d�,�; 24 -_ � i • Fort .Street ,outlots �SE' -of the- _ - , i SE' ly line of .. Shepard Road ' e) City,. of� St. Paul - 13 through 18" Briggs• Subdivision 16,17, 8 22 Fort•outlotp F.T.Watson's Subdivision f) Berl L. Johnson�Jr' iti- -- ? -�_� �� -%4, g S k��{ � 10 _ _ Kipp's Olen and Doris I. Johnson �� , =' �4 f, Terrace Addition - _ husband- andtwife',�, k`1 J a M. Swans o 5 10 Kipp 's Glen ��; _ �. SAW, Terrace Addition te Y h) Erven T. - Weineck t _ _ . ..... 30s 31 !ate �.E, Ki Is Glen Ethel I. Weinecjs;wif '���w�" {r_�N�J`~[� �✓ %��r� 1 - -- errace Addition {. (as oint tiq �, u� dd , e e % _e ` i } S ate' e , o _ Minnesota ✓g e� `� �'� - Peter `Thauwald' s - Addition , ' _= 24 Fort- Street out lots Land-2 Briggs Subdivision '. -3 and 4 Briggs Sbdvision 5 Briggs Subdivision : ' 6 a Briggs Subdivision - 7, 8, i0; =' ; ` 1x1,12 Briggs Subdivision ` ,1'415 3; - 22 Fort 0utlots �' . , _ : •.:_ _. f ° :.. ''F.T ,Watsons ` Subdivision A' C7 7.7.; ' 122 Fort Outlots - 4 F.T.Watsons : Subdivision ' all the above ng:NOrthwest- "jy of the North-.- ; ' 3 westerly; Ible of Shepard Road, ex- cepting therefrom 'that '.part of. Lots __1 and 2 °,Peter Tha`uwaldIs Addition _ aken fox,'Homer 'St. y RECORD, OWNER BLOCK ADDTTTOM J)' Chicago,Milwaukee, Y St.Pa & Pacific R.R. 10,.4,5,. ` f 6;7,8,9 '1Z° Kipp,s Glen Terrace Addition 1 through 6Y . • i " C.W. YOU�gpm s y • . ` " _ ._ }- Third Addition 1 through 4' 4` -yC.W. Youngman's r _ _ w Third Addtion 1 through 8 -5 • = Major's Addition ]firing Southerly . " • of the Southerly . ° t rack 'of the ' Chieago,Milwauk ee' St. Paul and; - Pacific . Rail Company: - k) Webb Publishing Co - 2 z 3.1 _ Kipp 's _Glen' " r . Terrace- Addition y 7fI .Y9�10 5 Majox''s Addi ion _ t 19;,20 lying Fort Street Outlots S'ly of the ' dll_ : - -S' ly track of r.3 the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, = i Paul and Pacific - '? RailRoad Go. as • - presently :located. x _ i = _ ; 21 Commencing ` - =Fort' Street Outlots >at a' point on the W'.�,y lime of_ said - Lot 21 which pointn� ,:: -�. ;:•', A c ir'W .9 feet S. of r ± -the' _ Northwest , cor- ` riex of. said Lot, ap th c = • � �G,' _' . en e . N ly' along ly line o ' i es • ri, ' said • Northwest corner, of said Tot, • _ -• ' " thence • E' ly across. - the NW' ly line of ,`said Lot,' 77.42.. - - feet to a point, F .` ••- - f } {F , ' ' - : : thence SW' ly to : - „ the. point , of com- ` . .. � - . " +' • `' _ - - � -•r. +- .Y � _°sac r - - - mencement. ' 1) - , Victor W.� Bruder f 9 * . Part- ° $ l•Y S Briggs! Subdivision r orthwesterly of r } ,'", • . F ; . , • ° �a -,� ' : ° orthwesterlry line of Shepard Road i � ♦`� ` I '":`_ y i, - - • at _ •• : +} w "r'''ap {' - . t � � ,, y °q ''- ,; 6 ` - • t' -,k. -•� • t : - Sri a t ,.• _ '. • _ f STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY-OF RAW r IV - being,.first,.duly sworn,• deposes and etat�es - 4, that he .is the person w :circulated the v i•thin petition consisting of five pages; that. the parties: ,described above -are the owners respectively- of 'the .lots a placed, immediately following each name; that this, petition was'signed by each of _ ' said "owners in the' presence • of - this;.affip*' -and that the natures above are. the true and`fcorreet signatures :of each-,and all -of- 1 6 s es bed. Subscribed and, sworn to be_fo T. e'-,-me - Y this-, day -of,.' Page - 6 of " 6 pages. _ Pierce Butler III -, .. _: Notary. Public, Dalsot ' County,'..Minn. My Commission expires Jan. 4, 1967. w ,^ • �t. gip• • t a • • _ i _ _ 't s - ^- • - '_ • ' v� ta=i .+:5 "t,, f �'' .�' aa'; - - - r . y _ t _ • .. - - •''�� ,;_���a,,y�� •. = -ate- ��«{�' a - -. .• .- _ t .. ,. _ . `'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder SAY coo `" 7(' May 4, 1961 CIDUNS4 The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition to rezone certain property, being sever ,,t,,,��''acts of land lying between the south track of the Milwaukee Railr pur txaek and Shepard Road and between Homer and Glen Terrace, as more fully described in the attached file and notice of hearing, to Light Industry District. Very truly yours/ City Clerk (�7 0 MINNESOTA £<Z> Y.Y ...: k" RD OF ZONING,- CITY OF SAINT PAUL #7 �'11H W4. 251- 252.253 1715 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL s, MINNESOTA May 4, 1961 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the petition of the Webb Publishing Company to rezone from "B" residence to Light Industry property located in the area around Stewart Avenue. The description is a miscellaneous one, a copy of which is attached. On April 21, 1961, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficient with the owners of 46 of a possible 51 (90.29) tracts of land within',the re- quired 100 foot radius having signed the petition. The property under consider- ation is presently vacant, and if rezoned, the applicant proposes to'integrate It with a large tract of land adjoining to the south and east already classified light industry, for the purpose of constructing the new plant of the Webb Publish- ing Company. The property under consideration consists of five separate tracts of'land lying between the south track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Paci- fic Railroad Company-Ford spur and Shepard Road, and between Homer Street on the west and Glen Terrace on the east. The combined area of these tracts is approxi- mately 292,318 square feet, or 6.7 acres. Combining this property with the land already classified in the light industry district will result in a total area of approximately 161 acres. North and adjoining is a construction company equipment storage yard which fronts on Homer Street, the other land directly - adjoining to the northwest, in part, is the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company spur track right -of -way; directly north across Glen Terrace are single - family residences fronting on said street, and additional railroad right-of-way; south and adjoining is vacant land owned by the petitioner and classified in the light industry district; farther south across Shepard Road is vacant land; east across Stewart Avenue are single- family residences fronting on Stewart Avenue; southwesterly and adjoining is a single - family residence fronting on Homer Street, farther southwest and fronting-on Stewart Avenue,on the north side, are two single - family residences, also one two - family residence, on the south side, which is situated on land classified light industry. Field investigation discloses that a portion of the property to the northwest is presently developed with a light industrial use; the property, in part, to the southwest and lying southerly of Stewart Avenue was recently reclassified light industry. The soil characteristics of this property is sandstone, which presents cost problems'if it were to be developed residentially. In October 1955, the area under consideration was part of a larger tract studied by the City Planning Board office and the result of this study was that the area is best suited for light industrial use, which is also recommended in the preliminary Land Use Plan. It is the opinion of the Zoning Board that light industrial development is compatible with the best interests of the community and that the proposed develop- Webb Publishing Company - Page 2 meat will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the petition to rezone the above described property from "B" residence to Light Industry. , Sincerely, ,a--. H. C. Wieland Secretary ` Board of Zoning HCW :FGI Encl. Z. F. 4657 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 April 21, 1961 Pursuant to Sectica 64.06 f the Legislative Q®r a of the City of St. Paul9 you are hereby notified t t a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall at 10 :00 o'clock A.M. on Kay 4 1961 on the advisability of amending the Zoning Code by changing All that ,part of Lots 1 and 2, Peter Thauvald's Addition to St. Paul) Lot 24, Fort Street Outlots; Lots 1 and 2, Brigg's Subdivisions Lots 3 and - 4, BriggAs Subdivision; Lot 5, Brigg's Subdivision; Let 69 Bi°igg's Subdivim Sion; Lots 7, 82 10, 11, 12, Brigg's Subdivision; Lets 19 29 39 13p 149 152 F. T. Watson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots; Lots 4, 59 6, 7, 11, and 12, F. T. Vatson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots; That part of Lot 99 Brigg's Subdivision lying northwesterly of northwesterly line of Shepard Road; All that part of.Lots 1 and 39 4, 59 6, 79 8, 9, Block 319 Kipp's Glen Terrace; Tots 1 through 69 Block 3 and Lots 1 through 49 Block 4, C. W. Xoungmsn!s Third Addition; and Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, major's Addition, lying southerly of the southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Compgny as presently located, (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Cd,.) All that part of Lot 2, Block 1-1, Kipp's Glen Terrace; Lets 9 and 10; Block 5, Major's Addition; and Lots 19 and 20, Fort Street Outlots lying southerly of the southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. as presently located, (The Webb Publishing Co.) That part of Lot 219 Fort Street Outlots described as follows: C ncing at a point on the Westerly line of s%id Lot 219 which point is 59.9 ft* south of the northwest corner of said Lot, thence northerly along said wesfierly line of rbid northwest corner of said Lot., thence easterly across the northwesterly line of said Lot, 77.42 ft. to a point, thence southwesterly to the point of commencement. (The Webb Publishing Company). For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or Phone Ca. 4 -4612, East. 251. BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance File 152929 Page The Zoning Code requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance. �Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApifal 4-4612 °®'® April 20, 1961 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning All that part of lots 1 and 2, Peter Thauwald's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 24, Fort Street Outlots, Lots 1 and 2, Brigg's Subdivision; Lots 3 and 4, Brigg's Subdivision, Lot 5, Brigg's Subdivision; Lot 6, Briggs Subdivision; Lots 7, 85 10, 11, 12 Brigg's Subdivision; Lots 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, F. T. Watson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort,Street 0utlots; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12, F. T. Watson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots; that part of Lot 9, Brigg's Subdivision lying northwesterly of northwesterly line of Shepard Road. All that part of Lots 1 and 3, 4, 5, 6, 71 81 9, Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace; Lots.1 through 6. Block 3, and Lots 1 through 4, Block 4, C. W. Youngman's Third Addition; and Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, Major's Addition, lying southerly of the southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as presently located, (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Co. All that part of Lot 2, Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace; Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Major's Addition; and Lots 19, 20, Fort Street Outlots lying southerly of the southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. as presently located, (The Webb Publishing Co.) That part of Lot 21, Fort Street Outlots described as follows: Commencing at a point on the W'ly line of said Lot 21 which point, is 59.9 ft south of the northwest corner of said Loth thence N'ly along said W'ly line of said northwest corner of said Lot, thence E'ly across the NT911y line of said Lot, 77.42 ft. to a point, thence SW'ly to the point of commencement. (The Webb Publishing Co.) J Page 2 femnning the property to Light Industry District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, CH cp C. C. Mr. Schroeder, City Architedt % 0 BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance OF -FICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Hon. Bernard T. Holland Comsr. of Finance Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder March 17, 1961 The City Council referred to you for check as to sufficiency the attached petition to rezone the following described property to Light Industry District: All that part of Lots 1 and 2, Peter Thauwald's Addition to St. Paul!/ t Lo 24-i Fort Street Outlots ✓ Lots 1 and 2, Brigg's Subdivision r Lots 3 and 4, Brigg's Subdivision Lot 5, Brigg's Subdivision Lot 6, Brigg's Subdivision Lots-7., 8, 10, 11, 12, Brigg's Subdivision Lots 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, F. T. Watson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots Lots 4, 5, 61 71 11 and 12, F. T. Watson's Subdivision of Lot 22 of Fort Street Outlots That part of Lot 9, Briggs' Subdivision lying northwesterly of northwesterly line of Shepard Road All that part of Lots 1 and 3, 42 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace; t Lots 1 through 6. Block 3, and Lots 1 through 4, Block 4, C. W. Youngman's Third Addition; and Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, Major's Addition, lying southerly of the - southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as presently located, (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Co. r All that part of Lot 21 Block 11, Kipp's Glen Terrace;..-, Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Major's Addition; and Lots 19 and 20, Fort Street Outlots lying southerly of the southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. as presently located, (The Webb Publishing Company). That part of Lot 21, Fort Street Outlots described as follows: Commencing'at a point on the W'ly line of said Lot 21 which point is 59.9 ft. south of the northwest corner _; said Lot, thence N'ly along said W'ly liar of said northwest corner of said Lot, thence 4__3 said across the NW'ly line of said Lot, 77.42 ft. to a point, thence SW'ly to the point o ommencement. (The Webb Publishing Company). yi �G 'ery t y yqKZ ity C erk so I nntl►nll f I Ilttl -- /(/ ,/ dw pro lit -OAF S_A ,4I1, N }T: �' -P-LMTU�L�� M I N is • � 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted. Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson ,—. Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis DeCourcy ` Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen n Mr. President Vavoulis s 2,02040