202032ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 202032 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that upon the appeal of Bizanz Bros. Development Company, the off- street parking lot requirements we hereby relaxed to permit 56 -car Spaces fora 68 -unit apartment building on Lots 1, 2, 3 and the east 2./+ feet of Lot 1,., Block 3, also Lots 6 through 14, Block /+, all in Granport Addition, on the south side of Morgan Avenue and the north side of St. Paul Avenue, between Edgcumbe Road and Davern Street, in: accordance with plans approved April 16, 1961. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM s -so 2 0 Council File No. 202032 —By Frank L.I Loss — Resolved, That upon the appeal of Bisanz Bros. Development Company,' the off- street parking lot requirements, I are hereby relaxed to permit 56 -car spaces for a 68 -unit apartment building on Lots 1, 2, 3 and the east 2.4 feet of 1-, 4, Block 3, also Lots 6 through 14, Block 4, all in Granport Addition, on Ithe south side of Morgan Avenue and, the north side of St. Paul Avenue, be- j �tween Edgcumbe Road and Davern [Street, in accordance with plans ap -' (proved April 16, 1961. Adopted by the Council May 9, 1961. Approved May 9, 1961. (May 13, 1961) MAY 9 'MOZ Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 9 Q proved 19— )r Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 3 86 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: • MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder May 4, MQr £0 *ftA4 UjV i` . The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Bisanz Bros. Development Co. for relaxation of the off - street parking lot requirements to permit 56-car spaces for a 68 -unit apartment building on Lots 1, 2, 3 and the east 2.4 ft. of Lot 4, Block 3, also Lots 6 through 14, Block 4, all in Granport Addition, on the south side of Morgan Ave. and the north side of St. Paul Ave. between Edgcumbe Road and Davern. Very tru y urs, City Clerk C� MINNESOTA r k:46ARD OF ZONING,- CITY OF SAINT PAUL •'• " "f "• "•:iW 4k6j+.4S1 f`i -454 -48.1 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA .... ....... .... .. .. ......... :r May 2, 1961 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk t Building Dear Madam: �$ This is in the matter o 1) the appe 1 to relax the off - street parking lot requirements for multi- amily resident al development, and 2) an application for a permit to install and operate a 56 car private off- street parking lot in conjunction with a unit apartment building to be constructed on property located on the south side-of Morgan Avenue and the north side of St. Paul Ave- nue between Edgcumbe Road and Davern Street. The property is described as Lots 1, 2, 3, and the east 2.4,feet of Lot 4, Bock 3, also Lots 6 thru 14, Block 4, all being "in Granpert Addition. The property was rezoned to "C" residence on November 19, 1960, C. F. 199483, 5_Soor The site is presently vacant, and the applicant proposo develop it with a two story brick -faced apartment building containinganits of housing for senior citizens with 56 car spaces for off- street parking accessory thereto. This property has a street frontage of 575.2 feet on both Morgan and St. Paul Avenues, and a distance between the two streets of 138.8 feet (this includes a vacated alley adjoining St. Paul Avenue on the north) resulting in an -area of approximately 79,867 square feet. The adjacent land uses are described in the letter of appeal to establish a new building line set back on both St. Paul and Morgan.Avenues. Chapter 60.23, Section 3, paragraph "al' of the Zoning Code requires one parking space for each unit in a multi- residential development. It is the opinion of the applicant, based on housing developments for senior citizens'in other areas, that a need for a one- to-one off - street parking ratio is not necessary. There- fore, he is appealing for the relaxation of this ratio standard. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plans which meet the standards for this type of facility. The proposed development meets the required standards for building ground coverage and density. The Board of Zoning is of the opinion that the requested relaxation is reasonable. L A wlb r The Board considered the matter at its regular tang on April 6, 1961, and recommend 1) the granting of the appeal to reWx the off-street parking lot requirements to permit 56 car spaces for adjPunit apartment building, and 2) the granting of the permit for a 56 car private off- street parking lot on the above described property in accordance with plans approved April 6, 1961. How- ever, if at any time, the use of this structure is not limited to senior citizens, the parking facilities should be extended o provide one parking space for each unit in the building, or an additionalspaces. HCW :FGI Encl. Z. F. 4664 -5 �Si cerelY. c_ •0 H. C. Wieland, Board of Zoning ' 11.1 r DEVELOPMENT CO. 1337 ST. CLAIR AVENUE ST. PAUL 5, MINN. MI 8.3814 bD b� April 3, 196 . The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: "( � Paragraph Pursuant to Chapter 64.03 p g P h I, of the legislative zoning Code, we re uest the Parkin Lot re uirement fr_nm t e .uc r 1�for 1 aattio to spaces for a � *t proposed development. y�' AK!' rbiro' i�:. �" fsilfil4�.' �'^ 01ts�s116 'dCTrid.•�a,Y;t.54•7+':W The apartments are being developed for the oc- cupancy of "Senior Citizens" and are patterned after similiar developments in the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Experience has shown that -the car ownership in this age group actually averaged about 50 to 55 %. The ratio requested for this group of buildings is 82% and the rental of these apartments will be confined to pepple who are at least 60 years or older. FILED 961 APR 3 AN 9 38 We are enclosing a letter from Mr. George Bockl, who is the owner and developer of a 96 unit project for Senior Citizens; and another letter from Mr. Robert Kemp the architect who designed the buildings and is presently engaged in designing two similiar projects. We would also like to point out that with front- age on two Streets and access to the buildings from both Streets that we have 1150t of Street Parking for visitors. We ask that our parking requirements be establ- ished at 56 spaces instead of the requir$d 1 to 1 parking ratio. NPB /cm ,J FILE Sincerely, 7NIORBiRT E P. BISAN APR .5 19 CITY P' 61 SAin n 1Njv11+tlli n�• CITY CLERK'S rat F►t�' SAINT PAUL. MINN. I