D001685C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Cierk (Original) SUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept: s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. � y� ,: r , - r ss ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Conslstent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.0T.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Housing Information Office to amend the '1998 Budget of the Housing Infarmation OfFite Fund, the Director of the Office of Financiai Services is authorized to amend satd 6udget in the following mannee DEPARTMENT 8 DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Housing Information Office Housing Information Services GL 065- 30131-0171 Full Time Permanent GL 065- 30137-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 065- 30131-0277 Other Equip Repair • GL 065- 30139-0368 Office Suppiies GL 065- 30131-0856 Data Processing Software GL 065- 30131-0857 Data Processing Hardware Mortgage Poreciosure Progrem GL 065- 30136-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 065- 30136-0564 Repl Housing Pmt CURRENT BUDGET 23&,171 70,564 1,121 4,026 5,000 1,896 APPROVED CHANGES 8,712 7,803 (1,015} (2,9Q0) (4,800) (1,800) AMENDED BUDGET 246,883 72,367 106 1,126 200 96 320,778 0 320,778 23,405 5,254 28,659 8U,OQU (5,254) 74,746 103,405 0 103,405 ��� m �4 A� r ed b Financial Services Dire tor Housing Information Office Thune r� 111111BHt FOR RoViiNG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET ���� pobl� �5 n,o 60183 crrvou»ra ❑ GIYAttOMIEY � blYttiRl( � FM�NC4L�Ff OR � AYtCML fqV/ACCTO � wvaeroannrcr�xn ❑ {CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR SIGNATURE) The St. Paul Housing In£ormation Office Director requests to amend the 1998 Budget of the Housing Information Office Fund. , PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfTI'EE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has th'w Pe�sorJfirm everworked under a coMract for t�is tleparlmerM1? YES NO tias this oersoMim evu eeen a city emWnvcev YES I� oces this P��m V�� a sldN na no�ma��Ya�eeased b1r a�Y currerit ciry emv�oYce? YES I� �: mis persa�rm s argetea venaorr YES NO dain al� ves anaweis m semrate sl�eet ana at�ach ro nrem she& Employees returning from Leave of Absence at a higher salary level than budgeted. Balances H.I.O. budget � MAR 2 � 1999 None Salary budget wi11 be out of balance o�Tn�t+sncnpnis 15,759.00 FUNDINGSOURCE O6S �CW.INFORMA710N(EXPWM COSTiREI(ENUE BI7DGESED (CiRGLE ONq YES � NO ACTNITYNUMBER 065-30131-0111