202025Council rile No. 2b2025 By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy— Robert r. Peterson — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Milton Rosen— (�c Resolved, That licenses applied for 0202 1 CITY OF ST. by the Persons named on the list' N fdV attached to this resolution-be and the OFFICE OF THE ( same are hereby granted, and the! City Clerk is instructed to issue such' ��Enrjlr�� licenses upon the payment into the t�O COUNCIL RESOLUTION- City treasury of the required fees. i Adopted by the Council May 9, 1961.19 PRESENTED BY Approved May 9, 1961. COMMISSIONS (May 13, 1961) . RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Northern States Power Co. 825 Rice Restaurant Cigarette Canteen Co. of Minn., Inc. % John Wood Co. 509 Front V. M. Loc. George Schneider 1188 N. Dale Barber Simon & Co. Inc. 1830 Como H n Norman Bakeries, Inc. 2807 N. Hamlin n n Cal O'Brien 427 Van Buren a a Foods, M. D. P. W. PP. Gas P. Foods, M. D. P. W. I Veh. Veh. Peddler Foodstuff V.P. App, 14848 Renewal n n n " 14865 " n 14921 n n 29 n n n n n 81 n n n n n 84 n n If " G. Evelyn Berglund 1658 Selby Rental — Clothes & Attire n 89 " Buddies Food Service Inc. Centennial Bldg. State Capital Approach Restaurant " 113 " Marvin A. Merrick 719 Burr Butcher If 155 " William E. Jurney & Bernard P. Boemisch 516 Rice Foods, M. D. P. W. " 215 " n n 1 Veh. n " n S' �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci]Y 9 Igo 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy MAY 9 196 Holland ! Approved 19— Loss f Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm E -60 2