201088PRELEVMARY ORDERS Council File No. 201088— ' e Qi whereas, A written proposal for the PROPOSAL FOR I mal!ing bf the following improvement, + Improving MARION STREET f r o m 154 feet north of the centerline of an Fuller Avenue to University Avenue, by grading and paving with new con- crete base and asphaltic concrete sur- facing; by paving street and driveway PRELIMINAR returns; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities- by recon- structing the paving, curbing and side- walks on the intersecting streets where The undersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthefollo , not in �,...�,.�r.7 -. �.,�•,y �,.yuv,ty of Saint Paul, viz.: Improving MPOMO- .sii:E�fi From 15�+�i~ee� no.r�h "of`khe ceaLerl'l6e of- uller Avenue to ;— _UgjversJty Avenue, by.gr..adlhg.- ,and. - paving with..,new cgncrgte- base;�and..asphaltic- concrete . surfacing ;'by paving street and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs and side- ,walk5 ;• by° reconstruct °ing° storm° water -drainage facilities ;° by °"reconstructing ,-•thee- pavi: ,ng,, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; `by_gradirig W6-d jmprovi" g boulevard`areas;`6y consttuct "ng conduits "and app'i r�ten .irices�f gar. „.fttureo,,tr.•af•.fi cakitr., o� ...sys_te ®i...by�co�stru0tThg.& ne� �or�namental Improvement. tam; 'and dojng all other work which is necessary and:tncider>.tal to said ...... ..... ...................,(r•._. ....... . 0ounciillmmall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: , Improv.ing_ {A!;lgY STR>~ T from 1�4'feet -north 'of ..•tlm center'itne Q$- Fullar Ayenue1tCi University Awbnue,, by gradiog and 'perri.ng -With new concrete. base._ nd asphaltic .concrete g; by P _ ll street �nd;'driveway t�e�turrn; b'y cin'sfi�iucfi ng riew "curbs a di'side- ,walks; :by i=econatructVng- 4torai Water drainage fact•l tt e3t. by,.,re4p�stCuc_t:ing ,th.�l.pavin ., curbing and ;sidewalks o,n the. intersectjtig stee s where nol; 1.rt Cr�rrfors�ity wttfi said improveme, nt.; ...by ",.grad1.ng.-and-Improying .boulevArd areast•• y.- cons'truotIng-cendu1ts••and '- appurtitehancet for�nfuturetrtr.=afGftic }contrdl,isysteatx "by.constructing a new ornamental f' Wt 4- s em; grid �ci�'n� .a�'i ther `wor�C wFitch i:s' necessary and` 1'iicidental' to sand` mproyement. ABSOLVED, That the Con+rli.°--ioxer of Public Worlm be.and is hereby ordc ~cd and diru"t.icd: �. T9 investigate the necessity for, or desirability oft the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon_ all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 7 1961 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3000 7-54 MAR 7 '1961 Approved..................................................................... - ---- -- / / Mayor. PUBLISHED YEAS Nets Councilman DeCou rcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou l i s 3000 7-54 MAR 7 '1961 Approved..................................................................... - ---- -- / / Mayor. PUBLISHED