201057� r / Oririnal to City ( ^k Council File No. 201057 Ordinance No. •x. 11931 —By Robert F. Peterson- �� An ordinance for the purpose of ORDIN limiting and controlling the sale, pur- chase and possession of certain vapor - C� of St.d Paul. extinguishers in the The Council of the City of Saint Paul i d Oran: PRESENTED BY � Does •. SECTION 1 �No person, firm or corporation shall sell, expose lfor sale, buy, exchanQe,! An ordinance for the purpose of limiting and controlling the sile, purchase and possession of certain vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers in the City of St. Paul. IN Yeas Attest: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall ' sell, expose for sale, buy, exchange, give, receive or have ' in possession any fire extinguisher containing any of the following materials: Carbon tetrachloride CC1 Ethylene dibromide CH2BrCH2Br Chlorobromomethane CH2BrC1 1,2- Dibromotetraflurg&thane �( CBrF2CBrF2 Azeotropic�chlormethane CM r Bromochlorodifluoromethane CBrC1F2 Hydrogen Bromide HBr Dibromodifu�oromethane CBr2F2 Methylene bromide CH2Br2 1,2- Dibromo-2- chlor -1, 192- tribluoroethane CBrF2CBrC1F Bromodifluoromethane CHBrF2 -1,2- Dibromo -2,, 2- difluoro.ethane Dichlorodifluoromethane � CH2BrCBrF2 CC12F2 Methyl Bromide_�CH3Br or any other vaporizing liquid not specifically approved by the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, whether laboratory "approved or not. Section 2. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, APPROVAL REQUIRED (a) I;t shall be unhwful for any person, ' firm or corporation,•directly or through an agent, to sell or offer for sale any make, -type or model of extinguisher, either new '- or used, unless such make, type or model of extinguisher has first -been tested and is approved and labeled by the Factory Mutual Laboratories, Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.,, or other testing laboratory approved by the Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau, as providing adequate and reliable tests and examination; and it shall be unlawful for any person to .deliver or make available for use in the City any make, type or model of extinguisher which is not tested and /or serviced as required in the standards of the National Fire Protection Association entitled "Standard for the Installation, Mainte- nance and Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers" (NFPA No. 10) dated June 1959, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and which regulations hereby are adopted and made by reference a part of this Code. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland ` Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against I Rose n° Mr. President (Vavoulis) A d• City Clerk 1M 5 -60 8 pprove . Mayor Original to City Clgk r 4 Vjk", ORDINANCE 201057 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.-/ Section 3. If, upon any inspection, the inspectors of the City shall find any fire extinguisher which is not in efficient operating order or is dangerous, or violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, such inspector or inspectors shall immediately impo such fire extinguisher and deliver the same to the Fire Pr vention Bureau and shall notify in writing the owner or tee person, firm or corporation in charge or occupying the premises from which the extinguisher was removed and the person who shall last have refilled or recharged the extinguisher of the defect or defects in such extinguisher. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith,' shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more tha,* ninety days, or by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) or more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. Section"6. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul Legislative Code, and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and /or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) AtteslL ;;(( w e City Clerk 116 -60 ,8 Passed by the Council Approved: MAR 2 2 1961 -- ' In Favor d A gainst / MAP" 2 2 1961 / Mayor ., . Original to City Clerk . ORDINA m CE r tt COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY r`c ` "tt y ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance for the purpose of limiting and controlling the sale, purchase and possession of certain vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, expose for sale, buy, exchange, give, receive or have in possession any fire extinguisher containing any of the following materials: Carbon tetrachloride CC14 Ethylene dibromide CH2BrCH2Br Chlorobromomethane CH2BrC1 Azeotropic chlormethane CM Bromochlorodifluoromethane CBrC1F2 Dibromodifuloromethane CBr2F2 1,2- Dibromo- 2- chlor -1, 192- tribluoroethane CBrF2CBrC,F 192- Dibromo -20 2- difluoroethane CH2BrCBrF2 1,2- Dibromotetrafluroethane CBrF2CBrF2 Hydrogen Bromide HBr Methylene bromide CH2Br2 Bromodifluoromethane CHBrF2 Dichlorodifluoromethane CC12F2 Methyl Bromide CH3Br or any other vaporizing liquid not specifically approved by the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, whether laboratory approved or not. Section 2. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, APPROVAL RkQUIEFs`D (a) It shall be unbwful for any person firm or corporation, directly or through an agent, to sell or offer for sale any make, type or model of extinguisher, either new or used, unless such make, type or model of extinguisher has first been tested and is approved and labeled by the Factory Mutual Laboratories, Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other testing laboratory approved by the Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau, as providing adequate and reliable tests and examination; and it shall be unlawful for any person to deliver or make available for use in the City any mako, typo or model of extinguisher which is not tested and /or serviocl as required in the standards of the National Fire Protootion Association entitled "Standard for the Installation, HaintC. nance and Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers" (NFPA No. 10) dated June 1959, a copy of which is on file In the office of the City Clerk and which regulations hereby are adoptod and made by reference a part of this Code. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss __In Favor Mortinson Peterson _ -_.._ —Against . Rosen 74r. PreAdent (Vavoulis) A- j- --oved:__ _ __.�_ City Clerk Mayo: 0ACIa.l to Uty 4lerh ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO, 201057 Section 3. If, upon any inspectbn, the inspectors of the City shall find any fire extinguisher which is not in efficient operating order or is dangerous, or violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, such inspector or inspectors shall immediately impound such fire extinguisher and deliver the same to the Fire Prevention Bureau and shall notify in writing the owner or the person, firm or corporation in charge or occupying the premises from which the extinguisher was removed and the person who shall last have refilled or recharged the extinguisher of the defect or defects in such extinguisher. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, or by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) or more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. Section 6. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul Legislative Code, and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and /or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor in Favor Against FROM: St. Paul Fire Dept. 201057 TO: All Members of St. Paul City Council SUBJECT: Ordinance prohibiting sale and use of Carbon Tetrachloride and related vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers. It has become a well established fact that vaporizing liquids of the halogen- ated hydrocarbon family (carbon tetrachloride, chlorobromomethane, etc.) commonly used in some types of fire extinguishers constitute a real and pronounced hazard to their users and to others who come in contact with their fumes. The U. S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare documents the toxicity and potential dangers of these chemicals in a 430 page volume on the subject. Occupa- tional Health divisions of many state health departments have done extensive work on the problem and as a result several states have passed laws limiting the use of vaporizing liquids. Among these are North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, California and New York. The Coast Guard banned the use of toxic vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers after December 6, 1958 and allows boat owners until January 1, 1962 to replace them with approved equipment. Fire Marshall's offices in many states ban their use under provisions of their Fire Codes which permit them to approve or disapprove of all types of extinguishers in their jurisdiction. In Minneapolis, the Fire Prevention Bureau prohibits their use and is empowered to impound any extinguishers found in use. This power is made possible under the language of a city ordinance which licenses and regulates the fire extinguisher industry. Here, we have long discontinued the use of these extinguishers in the St. Paul Fire Dept.and have instructed our inspectors to discourage their use in homes, industry and in automobiles. We have-snot been completely successful in that f hundreds of units are still in use ana because some of these extinguishers bear the F, UL label more of them continue to be fold. Further, glass bulb and pressure spray" 4 can types are continuously being merchandised by unwitting retailers and by enterprising door -to -door salesmen. Our own fire department records show one fireman killed and several injured t because of inhalation of carbon tet fines. Myron Longeway, age 39 of Ladder Co. #1 died on January 13, 1952 after fighting a fire in a dry cleaning plant where CC14 was used as a cleaning agent. The autopsy- report signed by Dr. Robert K. Grau, 366 No. Prior shows cause of death as uremia due to CC24 poisoning. Earl Bly Ladder 2, Gene Conrad, Engine 8, Archie Raines, Engine 8 and William Ehmke, Squad 1 were all hospitalized because of inhalation of CC14 fumes within the pas t year. Very briefly, carbon tet (and other toxic vaporizing liquids of its family) is absorbed through the lungs, the gastro - intestinal tract and the skin. It reacts to depress the central nervous system, causes degeneration of the liver and kidneys, and a serious imbalance of red and white blood cells. Its greatest danger comes with use in confined spaces and with contact with hot metals, Ironically, the extinguisher is ineffective unless used in confined areas and it is recommended for use mainly in electrical fires.where hot metals are certain to be encountered. In addition to its inherent toxicity in vaporized form, all authorities are agreed that it liberates deadly phosgene gas when decomposed by heat. Phosgene was one of the gases used in World War I. The U. S. Dept. of Health publication entitled ':The Halogenated Hydrocarbons- Toxicity and Potential Dangers" lists no less than 250 authors of papers, books and reports on studies regarding the toxicity of CC14- -each of them a crying indictment against its uncontrolled use. 4 4 An :'Ordi4anas fQzr the pifgosis 'of jimitirig anti 06fttr6ljing the eaie► purchase ' - a4d posets0iou of certain liquid Vapori.eirig f i to eact 4guUhere in the dity of St. Bain:. TIM, GOUNOIL OF TE CITY 07 SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seat "toe 1. Nd person. Firm or iipkperetion gliall. 6e xo :6zpoe6 fox• ;sale►• buys ezoh"eri gA�►e� rog6t1fe• or ho�re in posagasion an- f#w eatt'ing�ii her At using an 'y of bh® fol.lov ng saaterjj%' t (la(rbon tetrachloride 0014 tthyjo s dibroffi de 'QH��► -�$� Qhioro'bromomethime Qy2 of 1,2- pihromot atrafiuroeth"a QBrP2OBrlp2 Affieotxopf.ct ahlor�oeban.e. C�, _ . Bromoohlorodifl oromethane gtCly Wrogon MjroMide Mr_ Dioro Lodi uloromethane QB 2 '2 Methylene 'bromide} OU28r' 192- Bibromo- 2- chlor- , 1,2- trib5uoroethane 0Br)P2(3Br0'1 + Bromodifluoromethane 0"rI'2. _ 1.2- Dibromd 4,. 2 -d, fliforoethane 1)ichlor6&1f1uoromethene OA2 3r0BrF2. - 0012 'p Methyl Bromide 01.1 or any ' other -,japor sir* liq -4id tot sppOiftcal y' apprd*ad Fiy- the Chief- of the Fire Prevention Bureau, whether, leborato 'x a►pp 6ve4 or not. Se0003i .2. FIRB =WGUTSIM i. APPROT4, REgvi D (At). It shal1 be unlawful for .air persona; firm. off' :corporation,. diredtly oar through. en agent. to ee11 or offer for eels', ay A&e, type or model of eatin$u eher - -, either neM or- used, =lose suckl.;ma&e, type, -or model of oxti,nguigher- h6, first been, tested and le .tpproved and labeled b the F'aotory tuna ,e�boratoriee, t74de�ritere0 1&boradtorles', ins,.; or other Costing laboftto:i^y epproved 'by the Chief of `ire Pravice Lion Bureau, a<e providing adequate and rel,i6lt tdete and eaaminWoni kmd tt o l he "lawful for any person to deliver or zrke aYai,lsbls for iris in th Oi.tr Or make, -type art model of exti.ngu.isher which l's. not- tested. a_ridA ' eertrioe4 ae required, in the stawndards of the, NAtiou l ire- Protection Aseo - ast3afii ,, entitled "Standar& for- `the Installation, M4intenanae and Uee 'o P� itsb7 e' Fare' Erting�isher'e" 4NFPA No.10) dated June 19�9� a copy- of Which is on file in the. oft`id�► o#' the: City Olerk and wh oh regulati6f a heir by are adopted anti :pads �3 roferenao a pert of this Gods. r� pou•any, Ahepeati.on, the 3nepe0tort o:` the 01ty e 41 ;U64 MW Xite - e2#b 'Ashbr� vhioh a ,not to of �tdient operate, ug ordO& or' it d4bgeroue; or Qiolatee a#iy of the probe ozne of, thfe o>"d k olg such, epeotgx dx inePeu:�t;�e, eh�1� Immei��ete,� $�apourid euc}i i'�re �lst��Ap3�er AAd dellvvr, 'the _eame'to the rire povent3:on :ure*u kpd 01*11 now- v dzi wr tn$ thq owner or the pereanv A" ctr oorporatlo?n. _ -n o�atge off- oocupyi;n g _the. Prein'1em►e : r'o -which. the ext zigv eher wa,e'- rem6voct end the peisp)i Vho shall last. have roiled or rop arged the ext�.tigt�iahep of the de eqt or, defects. n �uo� a *t�Yigu�aliar: $ev.tion, �r per on, firm �r.o ',porat n whb � violate, .4xY of the prnJ,elone of th#s ord3riooe ora1_to Qomp]�+'tger'egith�, eiiel, be gni9$ Of A. a enieehgr erid t dreo$' ehae ,I 'be gi niehed by ji rigoum far, not isles t ten days• znor more than ninety deb$. or by a fZrie moteee than den dQ12ar $ ti.0�} r mote th= ore hundred flollaxd 4106,00 }'. $eriti#on 5. This oz+d3;haooe 92all teLkeF effeot and lie i.n force thirty (.�O) day's after it g passage., approval, axed publioetioxi. $eotioh 6i, Ms qTdinan a shall be deemed: a poxt of the St.. Pang: gi:elO#fie Oade;, a4dha17 be aorporated tiheren. and giYeaa as appropriate chapter 4t the time of the .:oe - 'relriei.on .ot tho eatd FROM: St. Paul Fire Dept. TO: ill Members of St. Paul City Cauncil' D //© J7, SUBJECT: Ordinance prohibiting sale and use of Carbon Tetrachloride and related vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers. It has become a well established fact that vaporizing liquids of the halogen- ated hydrocarbon family (carbon tetrachloride, chlorobromomethane, etc.) commonly used in some types of fire extinguishers constitute a real and pronounced hazard to their users and to others who come in contact with their fumes. The U. S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare documents the toxicity and potential dangers of these chemicals,in a 430 page volume on the subject. Occupa- tional Health divisions of many state health departments have done extensive work on the problem and as a result several states have passed laws limiting the use of vaporizing liquids. Among these are North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, California and New York, The Coast Guard banned the use of toxic vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers after December 6, 1958 and allows boat owners until January 1, 1962 to replace them with approved equipment. Fire Marshall's offices in many states ban their use under provisions of their Fire Codes which permit them to approve or disapprove of all types of extinguishers in their jurisdiction. In Minneapolis, the Fire Prevention Bureau prohibits their use and is empowered to impound any extinguishers found in use. This power is made possible under the language of a city ordinance which licenses and regulates the fire extinguisher industry. Here, we have long discontinued the use of these extinguishers in the St. Paul Fire Dept.and have instructed our inspectors to discourage their use in homes, industry and in automobiles. We have not been cothpietely sAdcessful in that hundreds of units are still in use and because some dk these extinguishers bear the UL label more of them continue to be sold. Further, glass bulb Arid pressure spray- can types are continuously being merchandised by unwitting retailers and by enterprising door -to -door salesmen. Our own fire department records show one fireman killed and several injured because of inhalation of carbon tot fumes. Myron Longeway, age 39 of Ladder Co. #1 died on January 13, 1952 after fighting 2 fire in a dry cleaning plant where CC14 was used as a cleaning agent, The autopsy report signed by Dr. Robert K. Grau, 366 No. Prior shows cause of death as uremia due to Ca4 poisoning. Earl Bly Ladder 2, Gene Conrad, Engine 8, Archie Raines, Engine 8 and William Ehmke, Squad 1 were all hosp ;talized because of exhalation of CC14 fumes within the past year. Very briefly, carbon tot (and other toxic vaporizing liquids of its family) is absorbed through the lungs, the gastro - intestinal tract and the skin. It reacts to depress the central nervous system, causes degeneration of the liver and kidneys, and a serious imbalance of red and white blood cells. Its greatest danger comes with use in confined spaces and with contact with hot metals. Ironically, the extinguisher is ineffective unless used in confined areas and it is recommended for use mainly in electrical fires.where hot metals are certain to be encountered. In addition to its inherent toxicity in vaporized form, all authorities are agreed that it liberates deadly phosgene gas when decomposed by heat. Phosgene was one of the gases used in World War I. The U. S. Dept. of Health publication entitled '-The Halogenated Hydrocarbons- Toxicity and Potential Dangers' lists no less than 250 authors of papers, books and reports on studies regarding the toxicity of CC14- -each of them a crying indictment against its uncontrolled use. Is* 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted- - Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ,,,,DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland Holland %� Loss Loss ry \ Mortinson Mortinson eterson � Peterson XRosen Rosen r. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis s .20 W7