201033ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � v ii�� o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /0 March 2, 1961 COMMISSIONER ` 111���eJ ( DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. G.A. Bartlett 1614 University Gen.Rep.GarageApp.14349NOL, Harold B. Whealen 2105 Ford Pkwy. Arie Mann 255 University Fred L. Hensel & Frank Schneider, Jr. 159 Lafond LeRoy M. Pederson 470 Edmund Rene J. Philastre 1365 McAfee Mrs. Clarence Miller & Florence Harrington 1665 A Rice COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rasm Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 8.60 2 r —_In Favor — Against Ldy.DC Plant " 14692" "" Hardware 11 47 111" Gen. Rep. Garag e" 140 "N" Auctioneer " 142 1111" Photographer " 143 1111" Orig.Cont. " 145 110" Council File No. 2D1033 —By Mrs. Donald! M. DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson —v� Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same e hereby granted, and the City Clerks instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council March 2, 1961. .Approved March 2, 1961. (March 4, 1961) MAR 1,1961 Adopted by the Council 19— �• 19�� pprove� MAR 19— Mayor