D001683C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR roved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financiai Services - Accounting 1 � t - Requesting Dept No: r,��O� I .3 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of tfie Office ot Citizen Service to amend the 1998 Budget of the General Funtl, the Director of the Office of Financial5ervices is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIViTY AND OBJECT: CURRENT BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET Citizen Service Property Code Enforcement GL - 001 A5113-0111 Full Time Permanent GL - 001 -05173•0219 Fees Other Professionai 5ervices GL - 001 -�5113-0228 Telephone - Gellular GL - 001 -05713-0856 Data Processing Software GL - 001 -05113-0857 Data Processing HaMware GL - 001 -05113-0518 Mayor's Contingency 750,816 10,795 4,SU5 25,499 34,734 0 • Vacant Building AAonitoring GL - 001 -05114-0111 Full Time Permanent GL - 001 -05714-0299 Other Misc Services GL - 001 -05114-0439 Fringe Beneflts Summary Nuisance Abatement GL - 001 -D5115-0219 Fees Other Professionai Services GL - 001 -05115-0439 Fringe Benefits 769,981 0 U 1,022 33,646 22,000 161,063 15,825 47,670 70,000 13,679 (19,165) 10,795 4,805 24,477 1,088 (22,000) (1,218) 159,845 15,676 31,501 7,218 48,888 (16,105) 53,895 429 74,10& 1,134,886 0 1,734,886 c��` m� 3�� -� 9 Approve y: Director of Financiai Services Date �=_/��7ze(�/l� !�- l%zr�`^ �/'�'�� i Seryices - Property Code Enforcement Lee 266-8822 03-22-99 M149F.RSFOR RWIING oI�EF i GREEN SHEET �I DEPAR]MEN'tDIRECfOR � � Cf1YATIORNEY � O2 FINANCIALSVCDIRECIUR a4 � MAYORI�1SS151'N11) n # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR oES�o al of Administrative Order Budget Revision to cover 1998 year end variances. CONTRACfS MI75f ANSR'ER THE PL4NNpVG COFAIISSION _C18 COhAffI]EE _A_STAFF _DIS]RICICOURt rvo. 33848 p�a �� :4Y�1 crrcccewc FWANLW. SVCS-ACCONYI WG. CR'LLSFRVICECOM1All5SI0N 1.Flastluspeiwd5cmevuwo�kedimde�awntmctforthisdepanmeut? YES NO _ 2. Has Nvs peiwNfirm ever been a ciry employee7 _ YES NO �? 3. Does tltis persodfirm possess s skiil not normaily possessed by any current city employee? YES NO all yes answers on OPPOA'111M15'(VJhq Whaz, Wheq Nhere, Why)' authority needs to be moved to cover 1998 year end variances within the Property Code Enforcement activities. APPROVED. activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. ���El �EG� � 2 g 1999 �r�� �C�t�� �ISM VANTAGES OF NUT APP&OVEO� �ctivity will show a negative vaziance in 1998. rnenmotmroerrseNSncnon_ 584 COSf/REVENUEeODGEiEp(pRCLEONE) ( YES ) NO �� �csamc� General Fund Ac„v,Tx�En 05113 05114 05115 NCIALMFOAMATIWY (F�P1AW)