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08-1104Council File # 02� -/ I D�
Green Sheet # 3060576
Presented by
1 A resolution amending C.F. 277165, 7-21-81 regarding emergency succession of elected officials in the
2 case of an emergency pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 1.27
4 WHEREAS, In the event of °����'�� °'*��'� �r °����-�' a��°�*°- an emergencv requiring the declararion of
5 a state of emergency, it is found urgent and necessary to ensure the conrinuity of duly elected and lawful
6 leadership of the City of Saint Paul; and
7 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 1.27, Subdivision 3, the legislature of the State of
8 Minnesota has authorized the governing body of any municipality to enact such ordinances or resolutions
9 as may be necessary to provide for the continuity of its government and the emergency interim succession
10 of its key government officials, now, therefore, be it
11 RESOLVED, That the interim emergency successors to the office of mayor shall be first, the acting mayor
12 and then members of the council, and they sha11 succeed to that office after the president of the council, the
13 vice-president of the council, and council member in order of seniority of uninterrupted service on the
14 council. In case two (2) or more members of the council have equal seniority, the older or oldest in age
15 shall be deemed the senior member; and be it
16 FURTHER RESOLVED, In the event that vacancies occur on the council such that a quorum could not be
17 met, the person holding the office of mayor, be it elected, ac6ng or interim successor, shall appoint a
18 sufficient number of persons to the council as interim emergency appointees such that a quorum is met,
19 and said appointees shall serve until the vacancy is filled pursuant to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul;
20 and be it
21 FURTHER RESOLVED, That if the person holding the office of mayor is required to make an emergency
22 interim appointment to the council such that a quorum is met, he shall do so in order of council districts
23 starting with Couneil Distriet No. 1; and be it
24 FURTHER RESOLVED, That no person shall be designated ar serve as an emergency interim successor
25 unless he may under the Constitution or statutes of the state or Charter or ordinances of the city l�old the
26 office of the person to whose powers and duties he is designated to succeed.
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27 FURTHER RESOLVED, That ttus resolution shall be published as Chapter A-13 in the Appendix to the
28 Administrative Code, replacing C.F. 277165, 7-21-81.
Requested by Department of
Approved by the Office ofFinancial Services
Approved � ity Attomey
BY �d� ��
Approved b Mayor for Submission to CouncIl
Adoption Certified by CouncIl ecretary By
Approve y yor: ate �b u p
Adopted by Council: Date �1/�,��
y Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
CO -Councii
o�-o�TOB i Green Sheet NO: 3060576
Contact Person & Phone: � �
Council President Lantry i
Must Be on Cauncil Agenda 6y (Oate): Num6er
15-OCT-0B For
Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order
E-Document Required: Y
Document Contact:
Contact Phone:
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Glip All Locations for Signature)
o Cooncil �-�
i ooum c}rv co��u
2 City Cierk CiN Clerk �
3 � I
4 �
5 � I
Amanding Council File 277165, adopted July 21, 1981, regazding emergency succession of eiected officials in [he case of an
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB CommiHee
Civil Service Commission
Personai Service Contracts Musf Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this depaAment?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does ihis persoNNrm possess a skifl not normaily possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes IJa
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Oppartunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvanpges If NotApproved:
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
CosURevenue Butlgetetl:
Activity Number:
October 8, 2008 5:56 PM Page 1