200829ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII, RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ /{ `.� DA7F COMMISSIONER l COUNCIL 200829 FILE NO RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes its proper City officers to•enter into an agreement between the Minnesota Highway Department and the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul providing for preliminary engineer- ing required in connection with the Water Department utilities relocations under S.P. 6280, T.H. 35E, West Seventh Street to Mount Airy Street, a copy of said agreement being attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as if the same were set out herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 8 -60 2 JTn Favor Against Council File No. 200829 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- Resolved, That the Council of the City of-Saint Paul hereby authorized its proper City officers to enter into an agreement between the Minnesota Hig hway Department and the City of Sam t Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, of the City of Saint Paul providing for preliminary - engi- neering required in connection with the Water Department utilities relo- cations under S.P. 6280, T.H. 35E, West Seventh Street to Mount Airy Street, a copy of said agreement being attached hereto and made a part hereof by ref- erence as fully and completely as if the Fame were set out herein verbatim. Adopted by the Council February 15, 1961. Approved February 15, 196Y. (February 18, 1961) Adopted by the Council _ 19— i5 °161 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER + CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE REMOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes it proper City officers to enter into an agreement between the Minnesota Highway Department and the City of Saint Paul and the Board of mater Commissioners of the City of Maint Paul providing for preliminary engineer- ing required in connection with the Mater Department utilities raloeations udder M.P. 6280s T.H. 35E9 West Seventh $treat to Mount Airy Street, a copy of said agreement boing attached hereto and made a art hereof by reference as fully and Completely as if the same were set out herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM 5.eo QW2 In Favor Against j'' Adopted by the Council 19— � (k�lJli Approved 19— Mayor h 4 • ,pore 3045 MINNESOTA NIiNrAY 1EFAITNENT IaO0829AOR[OtE1R No. 52990 DEPT. IDENT. ITn ALLOT. (YM. AMOWT F.NCLNB. EST. AN'T. NUZIVABU S. P. N*. f P*Om" Agreement between The State of Hirnlesota, Department of 8:1.1s, sad St Baud 29.4rdof Water Cowlagiogrit is Ret •© nary Engineering for City Utility Relocations on T.B. 359 V. 7-th Street to Mount Airy Street. TIM AaRMM made and entered into by and between the City of St. Paul, Minnesota acting by and tbronh its Board of Water Condstdoners, hereinafter called the "Board ", and by and through its City Council, hereinafter called the "City", and the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Highways, h©reinafter ealled the "State ", VIT$TH THAT t '48 RUS the Bureau of Public Roads when acting in 000peration with the Highway Departvwnt of the State of Mlineesota is authorised by Act of Congress to make Federal Aid Funds available for the purpo3e of prelin Inary entineorim, in- cluding the locating, making of auiveys, and the preparation of plans, specift- cations end estimates in advnnos of construction operations within the State of Minnesota, and SAS the State is desirous that the Board omplets such surveys, plane, specifications, and estimates for the relocation of the Beard owned utilitte3 located on Trunk Highway No. 35B from Veit 7th Street to Mount Airy Strest,,imloding inter.. changes at east Lmd west junctions with Trunk Highway No. 94 (but not including the W. 7th Street interchange) within the corporate City limits, and the Board is willing so to do upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, and 32990 a � WMZA the Comissionsr of M4 Mays has determined that relocation of the utility facilities owed and operated by the Board is necessitated by the oonstruction of the Project hereinafter desaribsd, and the Hoard has re• quested to be re god for gwb relocation, and WEMM policy' and prooedu" Mamas j0.4, dated Decewher 319 195,79 duly issu*d by the Federal Biginny Ad d nistrater and made a Part hereof by refer - enoe prescribes tics extent to "ob Federal funds may be applied to ooets incurred by or on bsWaf of utilities in the adjustment of their facilities required by the construction of M*My projects under the sgervisicn of a state higbwy department. sm, Tmnr=, in consideration of the foregoing and the provisions hereinafter stated, it is agreed as follows' 1. Th. Board will aabssquent to the execution of this agresoent and ap- proval of the project by the Bareau of public Roads, proceed to Complete the nec- essary preliinary wagsneering for the relocation of its facilities bn t rash Ri.gb=y So. 356 in substantial accordance with preliminary plane prepared by'the State for htgtMY construction designated as State Project so. 6280, federal No. MM. Proj. Lei 35x-4 (19) 110. 2. The esti]iated cost of sash prelielnar7 e00naering is 68,500.00. if it appears to the Board at any time s*s•quwat to the date of tbss agreement that the actual cost of snub preliminary wogineering will ecoesd said estimated coat, the Board will iamsdiately so notify the State *n writing thirsof, and such notice, after approval by the State and Division Engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads, will have the effect of sounding this agreement so as to include a new estimated cost of such preliminary engineering. i-M 5z"0 v 3. It is oontewplatsd that the Federal 0ovveroment will reimburse the State in the amount 'Of 90 MOM of the pr UmInsry enii�eeriag ossts paid by the State to the Board. The statemaet to be rwMiibed by the Board ohrll,aiow z the actual cost of work Performed by the City harewWer. The actual costs, of such PrellmdruLry engine rin6 shall be deternln d by the State and shall be paid by the State out of trunk highway funds, provided, bosever, that the amount to be paid by the State for such preliminary aagir1eering shall not Wowed the amount on which the Federal Govern bases its rinbarsemant for such costs. Tt is aocpre sly understood that the State my pay up to 80 percent of the =wmt shown on said itemised statement without prior audit of the accounts by the Federal Government and without Prior de},srminawim by the Federal GovW=mWt of the amowt anon which it will bass its reiabnreeaent to the State. It is fvrtior OxPressl,T mderstood that in the event that azw amount paid-by the State is in gzosss of the amount upon which the yedaral Gov bases its radnbursa®,ent, the Board Won notlss from the' State, shall lorthadth POT oser to the State the differanoe between said am eats. 4• This dement is made in acoordapcs with and pursuant to said FbSigq and PrOftdure Memorancim 30_4, dated Drcember 31, 1959, and any snMlarents. and revisions thereto, subject, however, to ths�pvvia Ona of applicable Federal Lxa and subject to the p2 alone of Knasota, Lxa Of 19591, chapter 5oo, Article II, Section 46, awd arq other laws APAlicable. Said MomwIdnm 1, inelw1i g aiw supers_ ments and revisions thereto, is as much a part of this agreement as though funy set forth herein. 5. It is farther agreed, ar7U3iIW to the 000trary herein notwithstanding. that the Coamiiasiouer of Sighs is acting in hive official.oa ci � ty only, and does III not UWMrtgo bere'it aW pwoom, iiabd Utr or daptUm of &W bind or water's '"t' go~ for biassl=r bis agentag asrwanta Or ONPIMsss• . { this aP,�t SMn boom* bin" and �teatirr�s0 it s�rra71 be 6. Betere a by ruol*tim of the %ard brad by rasdutim of � City ogw'dl` °f"s �� � srati State o�tioers u the law rj Pi's~ city and shall also rsoeiwe the appe�oRa'1• nida in addition tO for Cos isol of Buss. M, Tg TMW WmM the partiog Ilan duly ommmted tbis apvwmt by their duly authorised oftiown and caused their "Spsetl" seals to be Ito affix"* (City Sear C�� � ll�. Countersipsed 7 !r ipprov" as to fom aid syscltl0n caiib an (Board Seal) • ' Approved tar the Board r r W Commissiocers BY r Cey■dsaio�wre � a• n IEPAR rIW (F HIMU•W Reoo�nded for Approval: --watilet TaVboor es �•eom�en a Hoer Approved as to fora and execution: �a LI.-' STATS OF IIINUSSOTA 8s COMfff Cir RAINY STAn Cr HINIM T A L. P. Zimersian Comissioner of Highways Date e of rsene On this day of 1961, before r personally =WT4-190�r'ao me to be the t- Tor`i�P;�ZiaNrvan, Comi.aeioner o g UB a the State of Minnesota, and the person doecribed in and mho executed the fore - going instrument in behalf of the State of Minnesota, and the Comissioner of HigbTays, and acknowledged that he executed the sane as the free act and doed of th© State of Minnesota. t V OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE POSTPONED HMIN§t. Paul 2, Minn.,_.-F&rqa 1961 You are hereby notified that the I Council of the City of -St. Paul will consider the. matter of application, of 740 River Drive Inc., for permit"'to install -and.' oper ate a 164 car private parking lot in c.on junction_ with a 2.2- stoxy, 1644_ unite e a p ar _'tment"bldg."at.'Phe BE corner Highland Pkwy and imissi iNver Blvd.- a n at a a,, earink will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall. Building. in the City of St. Paul; at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on vebr'ita 1961 - BERNARD T., HOLLAND File 15175 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter -requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.