08-11Council File # ��
Green Sheet # 3047668
Presented Sy:
Referred To:
Committee: Date
� WHEREAS, Ch. 2, Sea 2.02 G(6) of the Saint Paui Administrative Code authorizes Contracts and
z Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City property and sets forth the procedures for governing
3 the sale or donation of such property; and
5 WHEREAS, the Department O�ce of Cable Communications has video production equipments
6(see attachment A), and has determined that these are no longer needed to carry out departmental
� functions; and
z8 by the donee organization.
9 WHEREAS, said Department has received a written request from Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS)
10 dated September 12, 2007 (see attachment B) requesting that the above mentioned equipments
ii be donated to SPPS to help carry out its mission; and
i3 WHEREAS, the donation of such property to Saint Paul Public Schools would further the City's
14 investment in the education of the City's youth and, therefore, serve a public purpose; now,
t5 therefore, be it
1� RESOLVED, that the City Councii hereby authorizes the donation of the above described surplus
i8 property to Saint Paul Public Schools; and be it
zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Public Schools shall take responsibility for removing the surplus
21 property from City premises in accordance with the timeline mutually agreed upon with said
2z Department, and shall bear ail costs associated with the removal and transportation
23 of the designated surplus property, and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it
z5 FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shall have no further responsibility for said
26 property and shall not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other
2� kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property
Adopted by Councii: Date
Adoption Certified by Counci�ecretary: v
sy: ' _ Sd�
Approved by or. te ���D �
BY --�--��'-----� --
Requested by Department of: Technology & Communications
Form Approved by City Attorne :
BY: {7'�� 'Y/ � � ���it7�1' /
Approved b� r for�to C cil:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
TE — Technology and Management Serv
Contad Person & Phone:
Lude Passus
Must Be on Ceuneil Aaen
E-0ocument Required: N
Document Contact:
Contact Phone:
Total # of Signature
Council Resolution - Approval
1.._.. �.�.
itlations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1, Has this perso�rm everworked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Cable Communications has surplus video production equipment it wishes to donate to SPPS who have requested for such items (see
Attaclvnent A)
Ativantages If Approved:
Further fhe City's investment in the education of the City's youth.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvanpges If Not Approved:
Surplus equipment not going to Ciry's youth for educarion purposes.
Transacfion: $0.00
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
�► o
Assign 1
Number Z
Routing 3
Order 4
Green Sheet NO: 3047668
echnol and Man ement S
echnolo and Maqa ement Se De arlment Director �
' Attorne
a or`s Office Ma ar/Assisiant
i Clerk Ci Clerk
� �
(Clip All Locations for Signature)
CostlRevenue Butlgeted:
December 19, 2007 338 PM Page 1
�� //
Attachment A
Department Office of Cable Communications
Video Production Equipment Donation List
Recipient: Saint Paul Public Schools
Qty 2 .................... ITE Studio Tripod
Qty 1 .................... Panasonic MX50 Digital Switcher
Qty 1 .................... Tekskil CRT Teleprompter head
Qty 1 .................... Colotti Teleprompter head
Jesse Zimmerman - Re: equipment
T� �c.h VYI,(� i� J
From: <rich.currier@spps.org>
To: "Jesse Zimmerman" <Jesse.Zimmerman@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 2007-09-12 08:33
Subject: Re: equipment date
CC: <JERRY.SKELLY@spps.org>, <KENNETH.HANSON@spps.org>
I have had an oppoRunity to speak with CentraPs Television Instructor
about the equipment you have for our schools. They were interested in the
two Telepromters and iwo Tripods. We are interested in the Mx50 digital
mixer. We would hold off on the equipment racks. Thank you for your offer
and let me know what you need from us. When we get the ok ,we would like to
pick up the equipment on Thursdays does this work with you?
Thanks again.
Rich Currier
Office of Community Relations
275 Lexington Parkway North
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Ph: 651-632-6014
Fax: 651-632-6016