200823URLVINANdI33 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Council File No. 200823 — Ordinance NoS 0 200.03 C17 11925 --By Frank L. Loss— { ; An ordinance amending the Zoning I Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive o£ the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts;, /) Height Districts and Rezoning of cer- PRESENTED BY �� COMMISSIONE — ` tai. properties in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva -, — tion of the public peace, health and' An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR AIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Ahapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislati 6 Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following dejaeribed property from "B" residence, -�-- to Commercial District: Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's 2nd Addition,to the City of St. Paul, on the north side of E. Acker St. between Jackson;St. and Lightner Place Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and ,be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. .N COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland (/ Loss Mortinson V' Peterson --/ Rosen / Mr. •President, Vavoulis sM a.6o 2 k In Favor gainst Passed MAR 71991 - Avlep*d by the Council 19— 7 1961 - A proved Attest: 'City Clerk MAP 19- r i Mayor PUBLISHE'D L O R D I N A N C E DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL FILE NO.�,'•� ORDINANCE N0. An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,, Chapter& 60 to 64 inclusive Of the Saint Paul Legislative Codej as amOndedo pertaining to Use Districts$. Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace., health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ME$ MAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code Cbaptera 60 i to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul LegslatIve Coder as amended *, pertaining to Use Districts$ Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties In the City of Saint Paul* be and the same is hereby further amended so an to rezone the following described property from "B" residence to Commercial Districts Lots 20 21# 22 and 23 Block 3, Drakets 2nd Addition to then City of Sti, Paul$, on the north side of E..Acker St, between Jackson St. and Lightner Place Section 2. This ordinance is hereby* declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necespary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shah. takes effect and be in Force upon Its passagex approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas s DeCourc Y Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Attest; 5M 6.60 a 2 Passed MAR 71961 e:d by the Council 19— MAR 71961 Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against y C er N �• VAN Mayor George Vavoulis and Members of the City Council Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madame: August 16, 1960 34 E. Sycamore St. Paul 17, Minnesota I re This sakes reference to the rezoning petition of 3 lots on Acker Street, between Jackson and Lightner Place. It is the petitioners (Robert Leman) intent b rezone this property from 118" Residential to Commercial and erect an Oil Truck Transport Garage. Since the petitioner has failed to gain the required number of consent signatures on two previous occasions and had received the City Councils' permission to withdraw his petition ( "at this time ") at the July 15, 1960 Council Meeting, it would seem only fair to the residents of the area that oppose this rezonement that insofar as the petitioner has had ample time to make his petition sufficient; the petitioner should be notified that the present petition be declared void. When, after the proper time has elapsed, the petitioner would then have the privilege of originating a new petition. As I mentioned before, not only would it seen fair to all parties concerned, but it is, I understand, the proper,, procedure in matters of this nature. I would appreciate your giving this utter your serious ' consideration and will look forward to your reply. Thank you. Sincerely, c`�01--- Kathleen Flaherty r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Feb. 9, 1961 FEB 10 1981 C0gpj)R&(jupj i;INNSIL The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition to rezone Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's Second Addition, on the north side of E. Acker St. between Jackson St. and Lightner Place,-to Commercial District. Very truly yours, 9 a r� ity Cler MINNESOTA s RD-OF ZONING,-CITY 431 -131 -133 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA July 29, 1960 This is in the matter of the petition of Robert Lehman to rezone from "B" resi- dence to commercial certain property located on the north side of E. Acker Street between Jackson Street and Lightner Place. The property is described as Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's Second Addition. On May 18, 1960, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficient with the owners of 20 of the 29 (68.96%) tracts of land within the required 100 foot radius having signed the petition. In a letter dated July 6, 1960, the Commissioner of Finance reported this petition to be insufficient in that two signatures had been withdrawn, thereby making the petition insufficient with only 18 signatures out of a possible 29, or 62.07%. The property is presently vacant and the applicant proposes to construct a one - story concrete block garage building to house the four oil transport trucks of the Lehman Company. The site has a frontage along Acker Street of 160 feet with an approximate depth of 108.5 feet, resulting in an area of approximately 17,360 square feet. West and adjoining is a single - family residence fronting on Acker Street, farther west are single - family residences fronting on Acker Street and Lightner Place; north and adjoining are single - family residences fronting on Syca- more Street; directly east and adjoining is a vacant lot which fronts on Acker Street, farther east is a single - family residence fronting on Jackson Street, and a multi - family residence which fronts on Jackson Street; south and across Acker Street is a newly cnnstructed trucking garage which is located in an industrial district. �J Field investigation discloses no basic objections as the proposed Land Use Guide Plan indicates the highest and best use for this .property to be industrial uses. The City Architect has ruled that the proposed develppment is proper- in a commercial district. Based on the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the petition to.rezone from "B" residence to commercial the above described property. The foregoing report and recommendations are submitted despite the fact that sub- sequent to reference of this matter to the Board, the petition is insufficient due to the withdrawal of two signatures. The Board has received an informal opinion 'of the Corporation Counsel to tbeeffect that any deficiency in the matter of the assents to the proposed rezoning effectively may be supplied at any time prior tW Lebman'- Z.F. 4455 Page 2 the enactment of the necessary amendatory ordinance for the rezoning. The jurisdictional assents must represent the written acquiescence, in regard to the proposed rezoning, on the part of the owners of at least two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate within 100 feet of the real estate sought,to be rezoned. It is our information that two assents, in this petition, necessary to the original sufficience of the assents herein, were withdrawn after the submission of this matter to the Board of Zoning. Sincerely, 741';4�^Z4' 4�'V H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning HCW:FGI Encl. A.V. 4455 b`M 1•rz -mE r�_i- ._I,_ t , _ 0 '', • _ �r i AkL,'' 1 � � f ., f�. ' , ''�� i� �,,. Y r'� � � � %- ! i iZ �. � 4 �.-a � i , - - � _"E . t � ' 'e 4�': x t •�• t v'Ry y �'• J fR_ I '�+ Y dam. f } ate'_ ., . -.. .•'�... tyt .,. _))r.R�� /y �+� '?l -�d; - fj -- j�--- •'_"_. _ -i,i _ - _ - APPLIURT.* Alvin J. Lr,3.,rLn ZOO 4455" - j Dp:FE: MY 26, 196£9 OHIO M_73. 13.712e I -; Piit►MSM To rezon5 fz%w "Bi° waaldencc� to Cwmemial distviCt. Z" a mro foot PUTIT10H $3:rs B: Q ('20 be a P0301blo 29, 63,93 %) Ply_,?APT9 BY THE Cx'f's P":AU i EMM r SAMN PhtULa WIME' 'A U 3'a X� < ::.' R . OF ZONING, - CITY OF SAINT PAUL •:�7P.O.�i:iwss1 -1s1 -153 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL ],MINNESOTA ............... July 11, 1960 1 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is with reference to the matter of the petition of Robert Lehman for the rezoning of Lots 20, 21, 22, and 23, Block 3, Drake's Second Addition from `LBt1 residence to Commercial district. The accompanying petition was reported sufficient on May 25, 1960. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting held on June 14; 1960, and the application was laid over to the next meeting pending receipt of more detailed plans and proposals for the use of this property. On Vuly 6, 1960, the Commissioner of Finance reported to the City Council that this petition was now insufficient because of the withdrawal of two parcels of land. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on July 7, 1960. The Board took this action because it had been advised informally by the Corporation Counsel that his office was checking the entire matter, and recommended that the Board of Zoning proceed with its review of this application. Again based upon the informal opinion and recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, this application is now being returned for the purpose of establish- ing a bearing date. The Corporation Counsel has advised this office that, if the petition is actually and legally insufficient at this moment, the necessary assents might and could be obtained prior to said Council bearing. Rot ng Therefore, we request that you follow the usual routine in establishing a hearing date for this application. HCW :FGI Encl. CC; Mr. L. Sheahan Mr. L. Janes I Sincerely, H. C. Wieland, Secretary Board of Zoning OFF4CE _OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Oct. 28, 1960. Hon. Bernard T. Holland, Comsr. of Finance. Attn: Mr. William Tschida. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Will you please re- examine the attached petitions for rezoning Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, Block 3, Drake's Second Addition from "B'! Residence to Commercial, and advise the Council as to whether or not the petition is now sufficient. You will note the supplemental petition dated Oct. 28th which was filed today by Joe Dillon. Very truly yours Girl G� City Clerk MINNESOTA P CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 44612 July 6, 1960 ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have reexamined the petition filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's 2nd Addition- - North side of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson Street _ and because of the withdrawal of two parcels of land it now makes the petition insufficient. �Yo - .truly Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance WJT:hp cc: A. H. Schroeder cc: Zoning -Board �I CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY, Commissioner iig Deputy Commissioner Theodore ' A . f�bveland 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 To the Council City of St: Paul Gentlemens "® May 18, 1960 I have examined the attached petition filed in the matter of rezoning LEONARD C. SEAMER Valuation Engineer ELTOR A. DEHN Asst. Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier HARRY A. JOHNSON Chief Clerk Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drakets 2nd Addition — North side of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson St. from a Class "B" Residence District to a Commercial District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, Vs. Donald M. DeC our cy Commissioner of Finance WJTs cp Attach. c.c. to Mr. Schroeder 0 J CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 °'® November 8, 1960 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: S have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 20, 213 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's 2nd Addition-- - North side of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson Street_ from Class 11B" Residence to Commercial and find that said petition is.,now .sufficient. BTH:hp ccs A. He Schroeder City Architect Yours very truly, Bernard T..Hollandy4� Commissigner of ki�ace a ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier 1-.i• OE' -I,CE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House Sts Pall 2, Minnesota iJ Zoning Board 13th Floor Building Gentlemen:' July 5, 1960 AGNES O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City-Council referred to you the attached letter of John and Esther Van Cleave withdrawing their names from a petition to rezone certain property in the vicinity of Jackson and Acker (Drake's Addition, I believe). If it appears that these withdrawals may invalidate the petition, we suggest that you refer it back to the Finance Dept. for further check. *9. 4ee chlk► ✓ //, e// 19.P t Very truly yours, ' City Clerk MINNESOTA $.cc, OFFICE OF' -CLfTY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St., Paco 2, Minnesota May 24, 1960. JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Herbert Wieland, Zoning Board. Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Zoning Board for recommendation the attached petition for the rezoning of ?pots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drake's 2nd Addition- _North side of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson St., from class "B" Residence District to commercial District. Very t y yours `t Ci r clerk �.. t MAY 2 5 19b� CI'I pLAN jx1NG BOAKO MINNESOTA 8, �'I A ' COUNTER PETITION - OPPOSED TO REZONING LOTS 20, 21, 22 AND 23 NORTH SIDE OF ACKER BETWEEN LIGHTNER AND JACKSON STREETS. Petitioner's intent: Build a Oil Truc_�t�ge Garage. 7 et� I / 1 e+ PAV �Y. PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840 THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE TO THE'HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL coo The City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota -October 3, 1960 Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate, situated within-100 feet of the..realres.taie affected, hereby acquiesce, and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Lots'Twenty (20), Twenty -one (21), Twenty -two (22), Twenty -three (23) Block Three (3) Drake's 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul, from a "B" Residential to a Commercial District for the purpose of building a garage. Record Owner tur Legal Description Jerome Walker Lots 12 and 13, Block 3, 4V -�_ Lots TZ and JM;, Block*, STATE OF'MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) G• , 1 c tm Ps T , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition, consisting of one page,.that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant; and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3A-.e, day of Getmd3l4a, 1960 S MONENA CHRISTENSEM Notary PUMG, Dakota County, Minrl, My Commission Expires May 8, 11964, ivy 'tl -.t Y•"'•S - ,''� apr :�F - ` -S.'�a'- a• •ns +: " _ _ . . _ _ .�k. _ R _ , ~A' -'i. '. .., °1 :r•'}'Y3rr •T*• R' .... Via, • ` � ' f ^y- ', ^' � 1'e >.:� 3 �• r ,• ,' _'l 'r- r. _ r '� r !� ar �,�4'•;,I.. _?: ' �• ..•1-=� -` r�;�` �' -'� r.* - .`i 1 _, - _ - ,, .r �.'� _ a w - •• -• . - • F - 4 ti _ = > _ ryr " t i��. ;r, 'w" J ,''Y.= t., V � L a- � `�•'t n' i, L. i �c ` e J r ' J + - ..�e �- `t::�' -�Y' � - 'Ij•Lxi ':r;.- 2. xC, - ,�•_ , '; a . >•[i C• ,K. •._ 7 -, . - L• PETITIN T0: MND_= ORDI M' N5 840 , _ THE imjnb .zom ORDID"CB ' - ` _- ''4- _ ••�" r' I''�, r 'i, _ ; _ _ - -i. ' ' . y -• a �isw' - . � r'L - r i{F' � -�. r <'r _ _ ` - •- - 'r�•.0 _` -'S -'J p° .'... `}�A�; y�, .�//•.�=n4 " + •�'r{*•rE�y` • /�ry�' /'1t HbNORABLE •' mA vok `AD1I1' 'CITY COU�TCT.i•; - . °• .� - • • �� �' :�, ' "r . , .rs ' ` - - `; - •7••6 •ti. - .�i i•r..t y°•" y,. C� y a +,r Y ,�,_ `•_. •Y J_' _ , • __ �, > .. t -• x ,1 << Ar. The: Pity". 'Clark,., G, tp`'of _Safi t Peiil,, Mi:rii ioto October .3, 1960',- , ,Pursuant to- Section-' 23;--'Ordins�aee.'S840, we', -the undersigned owners •k ' , og ` two - _thirds' of �te _YiQVSra1 'dedciptiaris: i�f -rea`1 estate, eit>atea '. .: <r • ; : • Irithin 100, feet., of _ the teal, istate affected, hereby Acquiesce, :_ iad" -WSR�' .thq ownsri of -50� or`foore_ of tho frdntage 'to 'be reclaseifidd, -•l �f ,.. : .J -x —• - .. . petits- oa'.gaiir gdnorable Body to .ripzone'' the following ' described' �s. .•Y. property a,- t ` • �. s° ,: i' Utz -= Twenty 'Twentq -one Ztiia�ty -three (23)' Block' Three. `(3) ', Drake I's x--Zna `d - � - � • . - '' - �2 r.�a, ,,.'_ �:r �•� ,A dition -to. "the City-_,o9 fit. `Paul;. y. - '` { - `` .' - t.. ,` ,y:• a r.�t :..'_" + •:,•. • �^ r , • ': r -� r+ .• ,.- '•r: - > S , -'° from, a "B�'.r Reiidantial. to•�e�Compiercal =District f4rY the yurpose, ��';° : ` r ' ' • r } p } of build_ ing' a. �gaicage: ,',' * ` , '' ,,. R Record Oimer' -- Si natu >.' r r i - Legal. Description - r Jeroae Walker !sots '1i• and.,:13', `- Bloc)Cs 3; •. - -a.: ra. _'�A L}4•l; John .R. Vail. Cleave >" `i. `• Lot's .'12 and 13 Block' G,,. s . : a,t : •, f' , 'gither B: Vaq .Cleageti t ;` tSTAT8�.01�-��SINNg,$OTA �• "F , _ ,,?•, j �`.:. �. _ ��. •,; '`- ': _ .,; - - , Ain Ja4 •n w,.r « -.• - - -: � __ � � - � ��,`, ) .�V•° •, �n:r •�+ _'�- t',.F- > - •� - 4♦ ;f:. ' ' ' _ ••.a :, .. •�- . ift OF RAMEY - _, - ._ '�t•" ' = ` . ; A: __,L . Janes '••r.. .�.. ,.r_" _ ,, j' - ,'•� ' - - . � - ' • . - - _ r .,'being-first duly sWoY=n', L"•r'O _ ,sr , -' . da ases.=iri_ dJ'atates that ..ha is -the :persoa :Who . circul_ ated t" within ' _ _• ' ' =} Petition, cons iating' of,one page, that- t_ ha parties described 'above' '. - -: owners •eepecti�ely bf. the lgts .placd i�mediately following' ''• "ti t�,'taoh name ;'.that'- this petition was signed _ by,' each of. said or�nard in _ y ` the`prosenca'o "this .,nffi$nt;,_And that the signaiurea above axe: the - Y true and i c_ori ct-'siij uses of 'each 'rind ali-sof the parties. so = described •- .- . - -•:, . - '- •r _.+ _ - �% .y ~�,? -,.ice_ • •l. �.;" y`� .• '_ � ;'..' - J -•, _ r•. Subscribed and 'aworu' -fo- v_ --,this 28t1 day-of _'October; 196.0 ^ s. w "b�' �, •e•. TLa- '_Y, %;�^f i"C/ra.0a /- - - _ • r •.� - ' a . _ ''�'r • } _'� • l ".. L ' . s Q a, = JVi4Pf�_�`lPe CHRIST�f�!$E{��' is �'� _' , 4 * , _ r , •� r e+ °F4o4ary PUbllar. D�kOte::C0unty,'MSt1d1 r :" ,MY Commission Expires _May 8; "I1964s... = r' °t°k -_ ".:1,`S' - - °it �i=,'t �,- - .t� ;Y.Y` ,. ,1�_� _ 4_•r .., .. �, r•• - ... - 3r - "- _ - -i_ _ � �- _ � ,i ry1 :•�-, a i .it• '4„'Y_ t•r' - '' , - '�."- - :S. ;t` _ rr v „ � � ;l ' - - is � .. , • -�'' r�. Y -`, ♦�.7r ` ?.H -`> *� _..'l> 3,' _•' _ i:l•. - T� __ _t7 ^ r� ,f. _. -' - - "i "- j,` ,.Y ", _ ' - - -. '.f }, ,.f; -- - 'f` 'rT ��, ''- ry�i.>° •' = °~-w..:�+•1: - _'>' ._ ,.rx � ,.?!' =i�r .,T =.''.i �_•j, r ;� r l .! „1 - ,•S L_ 1" _ •.4 w .gs "� �. �, ^. - _•'` ' l�'a; e'� " . r F ".r- - . _ f .._ - � r r , .7 _ A. - ' ' `af .�. - - gyp,• }. ' 4 "• -- SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION a ;- ' INTITIC . MD A 5840 " - - THE BUIID00 ZOIRE ORDINANCE TB THE BatORABLB MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL a/o The City Clerk City of- Saint Paul;•, Minnesota ' , Augudt 24,' 1059 . _ Pursuan t ,to Section 23 • Ordinance', � 0, we; ` 'the undsrsi ao- thirds :of ,- ' the s"►iral descriptions of real iistate 0itusted within. 100 feet of the. real, QatatQ affected, he' 604 and and Me, the owners ` of 5% or sore of•thQL front able, , Body to rezone the'Yollowing.'described property: Lots ZtveAtq (�0) • jTwmat =ono $1 Tweh� ; tp ` $2 Tventy= thi*ae (23) , Block Three (3) ; . �Drom's 2nd ,�, _ • Y "'Addition to the City. +of St. Paul• _ From at "B" Reident ala Caws ala , i to a r 1, District. got the ob building a gara go. GL. RECORD O#1HFit. :V , SiGMURB IXOAL DESCRIPTION Alvin J..• Larson 755 Jackson Lot 1 Block 3 Bather Larson 755`Jacks6n ' - Susan $. ,1T. Nalaeki 755 Jackso - ' Lot 2 - ~ Bl tiok 8 •�� . , . Robert N Duna r' .1086 Blair Ave. slain! M, Koran 978 Front George' Blank •r. •Z5 Mounds' Blvd" r r . > . ' •- Lots 3 and 4. 81661t' 9 Mildred_ L. BI a" 75 Mounds'_Blvii -, .:a :..._ •` _ Wrie BurtonN. 777 .Jackson # shots 5, And d, Block ,3 George Bunk > 75 Mounds Blvd; Lot .v y • ' 81cak 9 Kathleen 8. � Sycamore „i, Lot 8,” Block 9 . Wry Kinney 28 E. Sycamore _= " Ann Kiaaay Michas 1 Kinney _ . ) Lot 8,; Block 3. Wtth�r Kinney 28 E.. Margaret.- kin-Day Wry, Trowbridoo. - Frank J Bickford J' ` 2); Ems' SvrSIDUi'e�..�. ' Lot 10, Block .3, Ida M. Bickford .2 6 m Luther 8: [igit 20 E. Ssrcam_ore Lot 11, . Diockry 3 v r Sy�a Cora,.. M. ' Hight - _ 20 E_ m_ore RRCOO 0wlt8R _ _ , ; , - istmTORH L£tillti DRSC'RMION . Jerome Volker 16 `E: Sycamore,, 14U'12 and 13; Brick 3 i .L;�ght�r _ r•;>zhl;ner ;....�.. -_ ' • : '' _ - �' '762 F P�.ai'.irr.i Oli o UT5- the ' Lot. 11,= 'Hlocic.3 ' iati�n�- Santf • ' . y - -- _ ... . 1 • P e • } .,_ -. Lot, • I3a 5, - . $. 2- o•_c.k yam R ] Lip- tnr h a 8anna Jar$ low, L '_ '. _'.t '• J. • _.. .� f •f 7611 LLRhtner F1acd i' • , tot ' 1H, Blocsk3, except South 3,teax _of said lot- -- '�:' _ :-{'a° • - - Tl John- L. Sian : Y , �:; 762 Li�hther P18ee Lot 17. auc' the 66uth" test" 1 M iOO�� ` 1 •; ' . -Qi Lot 16' Block `$ �"• , F' Patrick L. Wine ' E - Acker � The I West 40 feet of Lot IS _ ! sad tbs Test _40 test of the, f 'South 8 i~}et - of LOL 17 iA .. Block • 3' l iiva Brodersen • 11 E Auer , Lot IS.I.fxcopt the, Weijeriy 40 ` F soft. thereof. the South 6 toot Edith 'Brody en `. oof 'Lot 17; iscspt the Westerly •40 feet `ttlOre.Qf, 'and 811'of Lot. 19 r y. Bock $_ nY I18on i 8 E:" 5 •amore' Lot tom. Block S. 4 John S 636, Lahore Rps1d hots '4,, !i, O,. 8, "j a j� �,. i0 soot Zi,lodC. 4 John R: Van Clesive' ' tner ce 7� = • Late 13 acid 13, _ Block 4 • . 1sther B Viii Cleave _, _ .tiH ' y_ . *�'t �r " "•�. , (;matt Northorn r HY `= - - - U-t 14.0 Block 4 - 1 Rallwar- Corpanq _ - ;' ST Oounty of `Aaasa►.y F�OBBRT LS�AIt be first, duly airorn; dipcisss and `states thiit. bp. is the - 06rsbn whb - cirdUlated the- within petition donali�tinit of 'two pages t •. that ?,iii; partiis described - above are the._ owvMrx t*mpaictivsljy of '.the lot's plac6d' im6■ diatil follo�r T y each norm t tut this petition was signed by::each 'oi. said omero . in the se of this atfiaat i and that, the iilnlitures nbflve are th e t aqd corrects a of -Mach and ail of -the pirties so do cri.bed' Subscri6od acid �irorn,.to befoi�e'iiv' thiau . J •` �' day,,�t_ �, r .._� 19$.9 - ' ' ' * � - •' ;�olary Publics Dakota County,` Minn. -My Commission Expires May 8, 1964y _ R ` 't f PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE,NO, 5840 THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE TO THE 'HONORABLE. MAYOR .AND CITY COUNCIL c/o The City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota August 24, 1959 x Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 58402 we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce, and we the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Lots Twenty(20), Twenty -one (21), Twenty -two (22):a Twenty -three (23), Block Three (3), Drake's 2nd .Addition to' the City of St, Paul, From a. "B." Residential to a Commercial District -'for the purpose.of building a garage. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Alvin J. Larson Lot 1, Block 3, Esther Larson Susan S. D. Malaski 0) Lot 2, Block 3 Robert H. Dunn- Elaine M. Koran ) George Blank l L Lots 3 and 4. Block 3 Mildred L. Blank `f Marie Burton d ' %��(jJ -U f _ ���_ Lots 5 and 6. Block 3 George Blank Kathleen E. Flaherty ' Mary Kinney Ann Kinney Michael Kinney Matthew 4inney Irene Jamison Margaret Kinney Mary' Trowbridge Frank J. Bickford Ida M. Bickford Luther H, Kight Corar, M. Bight Lot 72 Block 3 Lot 8, Block 3 Lot 9, Block 3 Lot 102 Block 3, ' ,Abb,� Lot 11, Block 3 �iN"/ J RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Jerome Walker Lota 12 "and 13, Block 3 obfi�l -L�CE� -fat. r ) braha Li. ht er ) Lot 14, Block 3 Eleaaa:L" L. �al'81iT tQj Lot 15., Block 3. 0 Hanna Sarslow i�. ,Lot 16, Block 3, except South 3 feet of said lot { The North X30 Feet of John L. Egan hot.17, and the South 3 feet of Lot 16, Block 3, Patrick L. DeVine The West 40 feet of Lot 18 — - and the West 40 feet of the R D `^ South 6 feet of Lot 17, in Block 3 Marius Brodersen t 18, except the Westerly 40 - - feet thereof, the South 6 feet Edith Br6dersen 4 ' f Lot 171 except the-Westerly 40 feet thereof, and all of 'Lot 19 Block 3 Raymond A. and 17i�.� 1 �. Trx,��C8r1�an gl#,'711 Lot 242 Block 3 John. E. - BlomquistR.� Lo, s �, 62 7, 82 917• 10 and 11, Block 4 John R. Van Cleave Lots 12 and 131, Block 4 Esther- B. Van Cleave Great Northern BY Lot 14 Block 4 Railway Company St. Paul, Mpls., Manitoba STATE OF MINNESOTA ) + SS. County of Ramsey ) ROBERT_L'i AN ,,being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is. the person who cireulated,,the- within petition consisting of two pages; that the parties described above are the -owners' respectively of the lots placed immediately following each.name;that this petition was signed by each of,said owners in the presence of this affiant; and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each-and all of the parties so described. r Subscribed and sworn to before me this Q __,2,001-day of of 1959 ALEXANDER L JAtiE$, JR.' _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, MMp. My 99mmiSsion Expires Aug. 5, 1960, 1 l CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 44612 r• November 23, 1960 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen, I have re- examined the petition filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, Block 3, Drgke's 2nd Addition- - North side of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson Street and because of the withdrawal of two parcels of land it now makes the petition insufficient. BTHihp ces A. H. Schroeder cc: Zoning_Board P1 Yours truly, � Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance r .21/1 November 21, 1960 Honorable Mayor Vavoulis- Members of the City Council and City Clerk Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sirs: Please be advised that I recind my assent vote on the matter of a petition to- rezone Lots 21 -22 and 23, and 20, Block 3, Drakes'2nd Addition, located between Jackson and Lightner Place, -from "B" Residence District to a Commercial District. Yours truly, OAKLAND etVAETE IZY TS; AC k 42—V- s Z 25 9 Zo Ze /A .�� .LL�rmr m q4 Yomr.Ow� Lb 1 •li_ � < 5 AC k 42—V- s Z 25 9 Zo Ze /A .�� .LL�rmr m q4 Yomr.Ow� 7�6 .c� ST. APPLICANT€ Robea•i,` Lebnan• Flue No, 4455 DATE-s Uny 26, !U60 MUSE AMMERS: 4-lit PURPO 40 SFi, To rezone from B " residence to Commercial district lot) foot PETITION SIGNERS: (k8 of a possible 29, 62,07 ,) F EOPERTY UNDER WNSIDERAT �ON: E��� PREPARED BY THE CITY PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 •li_ � < 5 14 /9 2d al zz a 2 /b i 7�6 .c� ST. APPLICANT€ Robea•i,` Lebnan• Flue No, 4455 DATE-s Uny 26, !U60 MUSE AMMERS: 4-lit PURPO 40 SFi, To rezone from B " residence to Commercial district lot) foot PETITION SIGNERS: (k8 of a possible 29, 62,07 ,) F EOPERTY UNDER WNSIDERAT �ON: E��� PREPARED BY THE CITY PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER DF FINANCE St. Peul 2, Minn., Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative odo of the City of St. Paul, you are hereby notified that a 'public hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on juiy29ia60 on the advisability of amending the Zoning Code by changing 9rd erld +i nn +a the City of St. RAW from "B" Usn =fuse District. District to a- Commercial District. L.oeated nn the' nom aide of Acker St. between Lightner Place and Jackson St. r � 4". m, . For further= i call at Room 1315, Court. Housewer CA. 4.4612, Ext. 251 -_ Page— Fileq s COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE The Zoning Code requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance 46' CLASS OF f SERVICE WE STERN UNION SYMBOLS Thic is a hsc message DL =Day Letter unless Its deferred char• attar is indicated by the NL =Night Letter proper symbol. TELEGRAM SF -1201 LT= Inational • Letteternr Telegram W. P. MARSHALL. PREsmEwr The filing time shown in the dare line on domestic telegrams is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt Is STANDARD TIME at point of destination • 1050P CST FEB 8 61 MC454 .� • • M SPA156 PD STPAUL MILAN 8 1040P CST i • HONI MAYOR GEO VAVOULIS AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL DLR AM STPAUL MINN r • AM IN HOSPITAL AND CANNOT ATTEND FEBRUARY 9 HEARING ON REZONEMENT OF ACKER STRgET TO COMMERCIAL STATUS PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT 1 AM OPPOSED TO REZONEMENT AND BEG THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER • AND UPHOLD A RESIDENT OWNERS RIGHT IN THIS MATTER • MRS ROBERT VAN CLEAVE 764 LIGHTNER PLACE, s�� �� • ' N• • �E;N -oR,s o��1 °E • In A\Y 1g61 P M • � � F EB 9 ' 1q�1'�1� ►�1¢ • ' �►$1�1'',�C`I�1� • • Adopted by the Council 79 Yeas -'\peCOURCY HOLLAND \ \ '- LOSS \ �ViORTINSON 'NPETERSON `MR. PRESIDENT (VAVOULIS) Nays .e_—. s is 2n a, a Laid over to 3rd and app o2 Adopted- Yeas Yeas J Nays De ey / r i DeCo rcy olland- 1 0ll I d ort, son o;erc inson � eP terson / rson / r .•/ Room Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis s 200823