200810PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINAR Council File No. 200810 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Improving VAN SLYKE AVENUE from North Lexington Parkway to Churchill' Street and HORTON AVE- NUE from Churchill Street to' West Como Boulevard all of which is to be known as COMO PARK ROADWAY by regrading, curbing and paving with asphaltic concrete; by grading; and pvingLStgti� alley –an d pl ivewnv� rer LV No--- - .... ---- __.. ----- _ The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Improvin'g.VAN SLYKE.:AVENUE -from North -•- Lexington,- Parkway -`to "CfiG raffl]'1"Street and HORTOfV AVENUE from Churchill Street to West Como Boulevard all of Nh is G a concrete by grading and paving. street_,__ al- )_ey.. .nd..dr °ivew8.y.,.r-eturnsi- by.-g"' adi ;ns �.. to.•be••• nown •••as'COMO'•'PARK-•ROADWAY "li- re radin curb�n and paving with as haltic- and "sodding boulevards at the new curb lines, by planting new trees where • - f'r....:..n.e cer s, - c•t io.. a r Y:.,.6y _ cons- t- CUC.t.i.ng:..sewer.. wa t r• -a d g as° servrce-•ronens f to property l+ ne ub eet .ma.ins.. /c�i s where fecessary;yyreconstruc.ting drainagf-j,faci 1 sties ;, by redos„ st �ctin�g . si- deulTU^ , curbs and paving on the in.tersectingjst�reetsv'ywhere , (r,, -� not in conformity with said improvement,„ having.., be.. en:. presented.- to••theYCounci•1 °•-- °•• of the City of Saint Paul, therefore; be it Gat��citiran• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vial Improving VAN SLYKE- AVENUE.from- North�Lexington Parkway to Churchill Street--•- ` _ and HOItTON AVENUE from Churchill Street to. West Como Boulevard all of which, is, r v' concrete; by grading and 'avin street, g," 9 P n °with�'as}l.ltic - ,- to.•,tbe -'{ mown :..as- .COMO,,.P-ARK,- .ROADWAY b re radin curbin and avi g 9 paving eet, alley and dr•i.veway,,,re _turns „_.,by,g.r_a�ing_._._. -_ N an'd sodding : -,boul"e'vard9” -di "'the new curb 'l ines; by planting new trees where rneces; a, , sary; by constructi.ng_„ sewe r,.,,. _wa,te.r..and...gas•..ser -vi=ce connee•tions°-fzrom,-street-m'a•i-nsz,-•- o property lei ne`s where . c T of sairy,:;� by. reconstructing i drainage fac i 1 i t i,es.;,• by' b; l- ,econs;trructi:ng'dsiGdewal -k's, cCrbs'.aWd'' �ing on the " "i`ntersecEi °ng streets where thco,toi�n1pnformity with said improvement, having been presented to the Council - - -- of�OLVEMofl`h�t Saint g0mliva=u e_ U i ta;iubelcHtz bo and 13 hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. i 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foritnr MV the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council- ............................................. L .......................... - YEAS NAys Councilman DeCou rcy Holland Approved.-------- ._.......---- • - - -•EE 1 -.. _ �J��......._...._.__ Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-54 PUBLISHED