200475Oric 6FFICIAL PROCEEDINGS authorized to pledge the full faith, by bond counsel as to the vali OF THE COUNCIL `b cVedit and resources of said City. That thereof, at the .time of delivery said Bonds hereby authorized to be such bond. issued and sold by said Port Authority, in the aggregate par value of $2,500,000, SECTION 3 ORDINANCES and in denominations of $1000.00 each, That such bonds both in respec' Orifflnil to City Clerk ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 13 -3- and to authorize said Port Authority to pledge the full faith,,credit and resources of said City for the payment of such bonds as the same shall be issued and sold, pursuant to the authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 4589 as amended, and pursuant to the authority granted by this ordinance;;by said Port Authority;; NOWT, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAItl"PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subject thereto and in accordance with the applicable provisions, terms and conditions of this ordinance and those contained in said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, hereby authority is granted unto "�:�e Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, for its issuance and sale of its bonds authorized by Section 458.1939 subdivision 1, of Minnesota Statutes 19579. Chapter 458, as amended,,--in the aggregate par , value amount,..�of, $2, 500,000.00, •for its procurement of the necessary funds, in`•said amount of $2000,000.00, for its defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by it for its acquisition of waterfront, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in conjure tion with the Federal�Government and separately, all pursuantlto the provisions and by thority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, C pter 4 8,, as ame de , and in I anticipation of the receipt by Po Autho ity: of payments, appropriations,nts, profits and in k come from other sources.. 1 shat 'be executed arld authenticated by toe "printed; +engraved o "r` lithographed facsimile signatures of its President and.its Secretary. That if approved %by resoli�t`ori 'of said Council';' any'of `said` Bonds' may-' be made subject to re- �'z, de tion and .,•^mp..r f� „prepayment at the option,,pfi said.,Port Authority at_ -such time ,� • �and� price or price "s'''and' upon such notice as sliaTI' be` provided in" 'said `reso lutiol That each said bond shall be in substantially the following form , f 1 r ` f pproved by the 'Corporation �_ �! � Lwhich(has -been prescribed "'by�said1Council`and'a 'v' `� Counsel of said.City, with suitable variations as to. serial designation A 4:1L+r ....y . r- •'r err. 4 .r - ' {•aY , -.. ..... r P a and number;- •place °of payment rede tion' rovi`sions; interest rates., amount, s, and nominal date of issues Yeas Coundlm:r. Xaya Ptls�cd by the COU11.41 s l?eC011.l•c� •I I�eterton ' itoren Att i `i tv ( %Mc 1, Original t. city clerk ' µ - OR]}INANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 004 -5 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE .NO.. / 6 Authority, was prepared and presented to said City Council, by its Secretary, in behalf of said Port Authority. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, being duly advised,in the premises, finds and determines that it is urgent and necessary that said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, bonds of said Port Authority in the aggregate par value amount of $2,500,000.00, necessary for the procurement, by said Port Authority of funds in said amount of $2,500,000.00, for the purposes set forth in its_said Resolution, to -wit: the defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily to be in- curred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of water- _ F - front, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by auth4ity of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropria- tions, rents, profits and income from other sources, a duly certified copy of said Resolution being filed herewith, by reference, is.made part and parcel hereof, and it is now the intention of said Council to grant,author-ity therefor, to said Port Authority and to prescribe • .4 ^ 4 the form and maxi.-mum rate of interest thereon and to provide therefor Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ins a -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor A gainst Duplicate to Printer :. I r ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing therefor and granting authority to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue and sell the boads,of said Port Authority authorised by Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chap er 458, as amended, in the par value amount of 2,500,000.00, for the procurement by Said Port Authority of the necessary funds, in Said amount of *2,500,000.40, for its defrayment of'the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of grater front, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks.. wharves.. piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in con - Junction with the Federal Qoverrmoht and separately, pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957., Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the rooeipt by paid Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents, profits and income from other sources;. prescribing the amount and form of such bonds and the maximum., rate of interest which shall attach to the same; and providing that such bonds shall be Secured thereby and authorizing said Port Authority to pledge the full faith, credit and rosouroes of they City of Saint Paul, a city of the first class or the State of Minnesota, in which said Port Authority has been created, as security for the payment of said bonds. WHMAS, The Fort Authority of the City of Saint Paul did heretofore adopt its resolution No. 133, dated December 13, 1960s thereby expressly constituted its application therefor, and did l / thereby request the authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Seotion 458.193, Minnesota Statutes 19570 Chapter 458, as amended; for 'the issuance and sale, by said Port Authority, of the bonds of said Port Authority, in the aggregate par value amount of 42,504,000.00otor the purposes not forth in said resolution, a certified copy whereof, pursuant ;o, as and for such application in behalf of said Port Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk iM s -so a Passed by the Council Favor Against Approved: DupHwte to Printer ORDINANCE 20.�475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - 2 Authority, was prepared and presented to said City Council, by its Secretary, in behalf of said Port Authority. W EREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, being duly advised in the premises, finds and determines that it is urgent and necessary that said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, bonds of said Port Authority in the aggregate par value amount of ;'295009000.00, necessary for the procurement, by said Port Authority of funds in said amount of u2,500,000.00, for the purposes set forth in its said Resolution, to -wit: the defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily to be in- curred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of water- front, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropria- tions, rents, profits and income from other sources, a duly certified copy of said Resolution being filed herewith, by reference, is made part and parcel hereof, and it is now the intention of said Council to grant authority therefor, to said Port Authority and to prescribe the form and maximum rate of interest thereon and to provide therefor Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M a -so OM,8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor A gainst Dupliewte to Printer ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2 . Authority, was prepared and presented to said City Council, by its Secretary, in behalf of said Port Authority. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, being duly advised in the premises, finds and determines i that it is urgent and necessary that said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, bonds of said Port Authority in the aggregate par value amount of ;'295009000.00, necessary for the procurement, by said Port Authority of funds in said amount of X2,500,000.00, for the purposes set forth in its said Resolution, to -wit: the defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily to be in- curred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of water- front, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 19579 Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropria- tions, rents, profits and income from other sources, a duly certified copy of said Resolution being filed herewitht by reference, is made part and parcel hereof, and it is now the intention of said Council to grant authority therefor, to said Port Authority and to prescribe the form and maximum rate of interest thereon and to provide therefor Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ire s -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 200475 PRESENTED BY - 3 - COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. / and to authorize said Port Authority to pledge the full faith, credit and resources of said City for the payment of such bonds as the same shall be issued and sold, pursuant to the authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and pursuant to the authority granted by this ordinance, by said Port Authority ;; NOW, THESEFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA IND PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subject thereto and in accordance with the applicable provisions, terms and conditions of this ordinance and those contained in said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, hereby authority is granted unto V�-' Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, for its issuance and sale of its bonds authorized by Section 458.193, subdivision l,of Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, in the aggregate par value amount of $2,500,000.00, for its procurement of the necessary funds, in said amount of $2,500,000.00, for its defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by it for its acquisition of waterfront, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both In conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in "'anticipation of the receipt by lsaid Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents, profits and in- come from other sources. Section 2. That said Bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear date the 1st day of the month in which the same shall be sold; that the first Insrtall.• ment of said Bonds shall mature not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment of said Bonds shall mature not later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of the same; that no amount of princi- pal of said Bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed five (5) times the amount of the smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar year ending three (3) years or more after the date of issue of the same; and that said Bonds shall be issued and sold by said Port Authority, in the manner pro- vided by law. That said Bonds shall be in the denomination of $19000.00 each and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6 %);per annum payable semi - annually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that said Bonds shall Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M a -so Q94.8 Mayor Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE .,4_ x:004'75 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 20 be in the form hereinafter prescribed by the Council of said City and approved by its Corporation Counsel; and that said Bonds shall bear such interest as said City - Council shall prescribe and shall be sold by said Port Authority for not less than par value plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after two (2) weeks published notice of the time and place for receiving bids thereon. That the proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bonds as received by said Port Authority shall be deposited by it in a fund of said Port Authority allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only in defrayment of the costs and expenses necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of waterfront, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other re- lated port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations; rents, profits and in- come from other sources. That said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority, The First National Bank of Saint Paul$ or such other Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority as shall be appointed by said Port Authority, at Saint Paul, Minnesota, and hereby said Port Authority is authorized as security for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds to pledgd the full faith, credit and resources of said City. That said hereby authorized bonds to be issued and sold by said Port Authority, in the aggregate par value amount of 02,500,000.00, in de- nominations of $19000.00 each, shall be numbered 1 to 2500, inclusive, and each shall be entitled "Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bond, Series A ", and shall bear such interest not in excess of 6% per annum as shall be prescribed by said City Council by resolution. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman of said Port Authority, attested by its Secretary and countersigned by its Treasurer, and the interest coupons shall be attached thereto and be executed and authenticated by the printed engrossed or lithographed facsimile signature of its Chairman and its Secretary. That each said bond shall be in substantially the following form which has been prescribed by said Council and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said Citys Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk iM a -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gain at Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / No. - 5 - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES A $1,000000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paulin the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of 19_____., together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi- annually on the f rst days of and , in each year, as evi- denced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed Interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority, The First National Bank of Saint Paul, or other Fiscal Agent as said Port Authority shall designate at Saint Paul, Minnesota; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul are hereby ir- revocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500#000) issued by said Port Authority for the purpose of procurement by said Port Authority of funds for the payment on account of said Port Authority of the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of, waterfront, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and separately, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of ,':': - -Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents, profits and income from other sources, thereunder, and in accordance with the pro- visions, terms, and conditions of Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended. This bond is issued pursuant to Ordinance No. , enacted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul and duly signed, attested, and authorized by said Chapter 456, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, also by Resolution of said Council No. _____i, passed and approved 19!„____, and under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with the Charter of said City of Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M s -so ,s Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE -6- 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO Saint Paul., as applicable thereto, also by resolution of said Port Authority No. , passed and approved , 19______, -, under authority thereof and in all respects in full compliance of all applicable provisions of law and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended. It is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions required by the Consitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that neither the total indebtedness of the City of Saint Paul not that of said Port Authority# including this bond, exceeds any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF$ the said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by its proper offices has caused this bond to be sealed by the facsimile of its Official Seal$ litho- graphed thereon, to be signed by tts Chairman, attested by its Secretary and countersigned by its Treasurer$ and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the litho- graphed facsimile signatures of itsdChairman and Secretary$ this,_,_,_._Aay of $ 19�. Chairman Attest! Secretary Countersigned: Treasurer COUPON No, 6 On the first day of # 19, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paulo promises to pay to bearer Dollars ( at the office of the Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority$ The First National Bank of Saint Paul, or such other Fiscal Agent as said Port Authority shall appoint, for interest due that day on its Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bond, Series A. dated Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM a -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against DupHcat. to Print.r ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - 7 - , 19 , No. . Chairman Attests Secretary Section 3. That such bonds both in respect of the principal amount of the same and in respect of the interest thereon, shall be paid by said Port Authority from tax levies provided therefor and authorized by said Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, and from the earnings and all in- come received by said Port Authority from whatever source derived, That said Port Authority,in the event of the is- suance of any of said bonds authorized hereunder shall, be- fore the issuance of the same, levy for each year, until the principal and interest are paid in full, a direct annual tax on all the taxable property in1said City of Saint Paul in which said Port Authority has been created, in an amount not less than 5% in excess of the sum required to pay the principal and interest of the same when and as such principal and interest mature and after such bonds have been delivered to the pur- chasers, such tax Bball be irrepealable until all such indebt- edness is paid, and after the issuance of such bonds no further action by said Port Authority shall be necessary to authorize the extensions, assessments and collection of such tax. That the Secretary of said Port Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of such levy to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the county in which said Port j'_uthority and said City are located, together with full information regarding the bonds of said Port Authority for which the tax is levied and such County Auditor ithall extend and assess the tax so levied, and shall do so annually until the principal and interest have been paid in full. That any surplus result- ing from the excess levy herein provided for shall be trans- ferred to a sinking fund after the principal and interest for which the tax was levied and collected has been paid; provided, that said Port Authority may, on or before October 15 in any year, by appropriate action cause its Secretary to certify to the said County Auditor the amount on hand and available in its own treasury from earnings or other income, including the amount in the sinking fund which it will use to pay the principal orlinterest or both on each specified issue of its bonds and the County Auditor shall reduce the levy for that year herein provided for by that amount. That the amount of funds so acquired shall be set aside by said Port Authority and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against 'Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor IM MO s Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. / C 3 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. be used for no other purpose than for the repayment of the principal and interest on such bonds. That all such taxes being authorized to be levied under Section 458.1939 Minnesota Statutes 1957 as amended, pursuant thereto shall be collected and remitted to the Port Authority by the County Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of law governing the collection of other taxes and shall be used solely for the payment of such bonds when due. Section 4. That said Port Authority shall provide for the exercise of the authority hereby granted for its issuance and sale of its said bonds in the aggregate par value amount of 02,500,000, for the aforesaid purposes, and the pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of said City of Saint Paul as security for the payment of the same, by its appropriate resolution. That in each such instance said Port Authority shall "'make due compliance with all applicable requirements of this ordinance, said Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, and all other applicable laws. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publi- cation. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Ileff— Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk / IM 6 -60 OM08 / -0 FE13 3 1961 Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against Approved: Mayor Or1IItn¢l to CIO Clerk J PRESENTED BY ORDINANC; CO - 4 - IL FILE NO. DINANCE NO, 200475 be in the form hereinafter prescrib d y the Council of said City and approved by-its Corp a ion Counsel; and that said Bonds shall bear such i e est as said City Council shall prescribe, and shal U sold by said Port Authority for not less than par alde plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, fifer two (2) weeks-published notice of the time and place fo rjeceiving_bids thereon. That the proceeds from the iss ante and sale of said bonds as received by said Port Auth ity shall be deposited by it in a fund of said Port Author ty allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only in defr ym nt of the costs and expenses necessarily to be incurred said Port Authority for its acquisition of waterfront,, rian and other lands and its construction of docks, wha ve , piers, dikes, and other re- lated port facilities, bo i conjunction with the Federal Government and separately a� l pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said M esota Statutes 19579 Chapter 4589 as amended, and in anticip ioh of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, ppzopriations, rents, profits and in- come from other sources.- /ghat said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States•of America at the office of the Fiscal #ge t of said Port Authority, The First National Bank of Saint P ul, or such other Fiscal Agent -of said Port Authority e' s all be appointed by said Port Authority, at Saint Paul, Minn sot &, and hereby said Port Authority is authorized as secur ty for the prompt.and faithful payment of both principal and /nt, rest of said bonds to plegge the full faith, credit and esdurces of said City., That said hereby authorized bonds �o b,6 issued and sold by said Port Authority, in the aggregate parivalue amount of $2,500,000.00, in de- nominations of $1,000.00 each, shall be numbered 1 to 2500, inclusive, and each �eneral shall be entitled "Port Authority of the City of Saint Paull Improvement.Bond, Series A ", and shall bear such /interest not in excess of 6% per annum as shall be prescribed by s,Aid City Council by resolution. That each V/ of said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman of'said Port Authority, at�tes�ted by its Secretary and countersigned by its Treasurer, an the interest coupons shall be attached thereto and be executJpd And authenticated by the printed, engrossed or lithograph'ed/I'facsimile signature of its Chairman and its Secretary. ,hat each said bond shall be•in substantially the following fo m/which has been prescribed by said Council and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City: Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 5 -60 8 IM 5 -60 s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst Orlaincl to City Clerk � PRESENTED BY ORDINANC: CO — 4 — L FILE NO, INANCE NO. 2004'75 be in the form hereinafter prescrib d�y the Council of said City and approved by its Corp a ion Counsel; and that said Bonds shall bear such i e est as said City Council shall prescribe, and shal b sold by said Port Authority for not less than par alde plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, f�er two (2) weeks published notice of the time and place fo receiving bids thereon. That the proceeds from the iss ante and sale of said bonds as received by said Port Auth ii�`y sha,Yl be deposited by it in a•fund of said Port Author ty allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only in defr ym nt of the costs and expenses necessarily to be incurred aid Port Authority for its acquisition of waterfront, ip rian and other lands and its construction of docks, wha ve , piers, dikes, and other re- lated port facilities, bo i conjunction with the Federal Government and separately aAl pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said N esota Statutes 1957, Chapter 4589 as amended, and in anticip ion of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, ppopriations, rents, profits and in- come from other sources. hat said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States.of America at the office of the Fiscal 'gent of said Port Authority, The First National Bank of Saint P or such other Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority a� sll be appointed by said Port Authority, at Saint Paul, Ntinne'sot�, and hereby. said Port Authority is authorized as securA ty for the prompt. and faithful payment of both principal and /int, rest of said bonds to pledge the full faith, credit and esdurces of said City., That said hereby authorized bonds o b6 issued and sold by said Port Authority,, in the aggregate par value amount of $2,500,000.009 in de- nominations of $1,000.00 each, shall be numbered 1 to 2500, inclusive, and eachZshall be entitled "Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul Improvement•Bond, Series A ", and shall bear such /interest not in excess of 6% per annum as shall be prescribed by said City Council by resolution. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman of'said Port Authority, at�tes�ted by its Secretary and countersigned by its Treasurer, an the interest coupons shall be attached thereto and be executed And authenticated by the printed, engrossed or lithograplled 'facsimile signature of its Chairman and its Secretary. Q each said bond shall be in substantially the following f .m which has been prescribed by said Council and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City: Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M s -so Oegos Passed by the Council Approved:. Mayor Tn Favor Against Orhrinal to city clerk J i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUN L FILE NO, OR INANCE NO - 5 - UNITED STATES OF AMER A STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY 0 SAINT PAUL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BOND_ SERIES A / 2004775 No. x1,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Port Authority of the City of Saint'` Paulin the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota , cknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby pro ises to pay to bearer the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,0 0.00) on the first day of , 19 , togethdr with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at t e rate of per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of and , in each year, as evi- denced by and upon the presenteition and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they sever lly become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at t e office of the Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority, The Firot National Bank of Saint Paul, or other Fiscal Agent as saia Port Authority shall designate at Saint Paul, Minnesota; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of thelCity of Saint Paul are hereby ir- revocably pledged. This bond is and of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of T,wo Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) issued by said Port \kuthority for the purpose of procurement b_ said Port Authority of funds for the payment on account f said Port Authority of the cost and expense necessarily�to be incurred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of ,waterfront, riparian and other lands and its construction of docks, wharves, piers, dikes, and other related port facilitie both in conjunction with the Federal Government and spparat ly, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of. -.d'Minnesota Statutes 1957, Chapter 458, as amended, and in ari��icipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents,.profits and income from other sources, thereunder, and in accordance with the pro- visions, terms, and onditions of Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as a ended. This bond is issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 1, enacted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul and dulty signed, attested, and authorized by said Chapter 456, Minnegota Statutes 1R57, as amended, also by Resolution of said Council No. , passed and approved , 1� , and under authority of and in all respects in full c mpliance with the Charter of said City of Yeas Councilmen Nays l Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk im 5-GO 8 Mayor orlcinil to City cleric PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE /NO. ORDINANCE NO. 2.0,0475 Saint Paul, as applicable thereto, also by rrdsolution of said Port Authority No. , passed and approved , 19 , under authority tAereof and in all respects in full compliance of all applicable provisions of law and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statute 1957, as amended. It is hereby certified and reeited that all things, acts and conditions required by the ConA itution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter /of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done,, and performed in regular and due form and time as required by/ law, and that neither the total indebtedness of the City of Saint Paul not that of `said Port Authority, including this bond', exceeds any constitutional,' statutory, or charter limitation. i i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thg said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by its proper offices has caused this bond to be sealed by the facsimile pf its Official Seal, litho- graphed thereon, to be signed by the Chairman, attested by its Secretary and countersigned by/ its Treasurer, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the litho- graphed facsimile signatures /of/AtftXhairman and Secretary, this day of i Chairman Attest: Secretary Countersigned: Treasurer No. On the fi Port Authority of t bearer Port Authori other Fiscal interest due Saint Paul G Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk lM a -so s COUPON S. t day of , 19 , the City of Saint Paul, promises to pay to Dollars /at the office of the Fiscal Agent of said e First National Bank of Saint Paul, or such as said Port Authority shall appoint, for day on its Port Authority of the City of Improvement Bond, Series A. dated Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY - 7 - , 19 , No. Attest: Secretary COUNCI NO, ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. That such "bonds both in respect of the principal amount of the same a. d in respect of the interest thereon, shall be paid by sai Port Authority from tax levies provided therefor and authori ea by said Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, a�}a from the earnings and all in- come received by said Port A thority from whatever source derived. That said Port Authority,in the event of the is- suance of any of said bond authorized hereunder shall, be- fore the issuance of the �ame, levy for each year, until the principal and interest ar6 paid in full, a direct annual tax on all the taxable prope ty inr -said City of Saint Paul,.in which said Port Author3,,ty has been created, in an amount not less than 5% in excess 6f the sum required to pay the principal and interest of the sag�tte when and as such principal and interest mature and,after such /bonds have been delivered to the pur- chasers, such tax.�sha;Ll be irrepealable until all such indebt- edness is paid, and after the issuance of such bonds no further action by said Port Authority shall be necessary to authorize the extensions, ass ssments and collection of such tax. That the Secretary of sod Port Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified copy o such levy to the County Auditor of Ramsey County,-Minnesota the county in which said Port Authority and "said City are located, together with full information regarding the bo ds of said Port Authority for which the tax is levied and such ounty Auditor shall extend and assess the tax so levied, d shall do so annually until the principal and interest h e been paid in full. That any surplus result- ing from the a cess levy herein provided for shall be trans- ferred to a s' king fund after the principal and interest for which the tax was levied and collected has been paid; provided, that said Po t Authority may, on or before October 15 in any year, by app opriate action cause its Secretary to certify to the said County Auditor the amount on hand and available in its own reasury from earnings or other income, including the amount in the sinking fund which it will use to pay the principal rainterest or both on each specified issue of its bonds and the County Auditor shall reduce the levy for that year here n provided for by that amount. That the amount of funds -so acquired shall be set aside by said Port Authority and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor im 6 -60 8 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota • PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) from a District to a District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RFrnpn nwNP.R STGNATIIRE U)T BLOCK ADDITION state of Minnesota) County of Ramsey )ss being first duly sworn, depos that be is the person who circulated the within petition co pages; that the parties described above are the owners resp placed immediately following each name; that this petition said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the s the true and correct signatures of each and all of the part Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public, Ransey County, Minn. My Commission expires Z -1 ?/2/54 i i s and states sisting of ctively of thb lots as signed byIeach of gnatures above are eg sp ,-described. Page of Approved as to form Office of the Corpo pages. tion Counsel QmdrapHente to Depertmenl ORDINANCE 2'004'75 COUNCIL FILE NO. ' 13 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An *W1w * r"Iftn4 thorefor wW a ft" authority to rort Auttority of th* qtr of Saint ?"I to low " "n 'tw bo s. of "id Port Authoritr kUthOft"d by Xinft8ota $UtUtox 19570 r as �d in the value a t of r ..04, for phi Vroo�mt said fort Aut trity of the Ir o*ssary rw%dss in sald mom t of WV* x.600* for it*; rant of tip Wmt *Spsmo nw rossax r to bo ur by said ftrt Authority for its "quioitUM of water fxont$ rlp"*Uo art othor I*nft it a 4anstruation of d0* 04. %har'n`ess V1*ra, d a# and othor MAW rt f"ilitiits# both In oon- junvtion with tho Yoftral Oo"rra tt and "PAVatoly,, Vvsuaht to the provialo and by autborlty of s"d .ftn"6rtota, tut" 1957,p . t jpt*r 1 " "ftAods and in aotloljotion of tho ro"ipt;► by sad ftrt Authority of , --amonew"'�, ►ropriattc # mt* profits, anti $motes f other souroosj pr b the s"Mt and forts of such bowlt 004, tbo wa z*tl(r of lnUraat WhIah shall attach to th# s proylding that ,inch bars ii, be *iiurrd tberoby Bend Authorls s"d. Port Author4ity to p1+e4 tho full faith* sit and. rasourots of 'the City of Saint fouls a aitr of tbo first 014" of tho Stat o of *1r4 taota# It whieh odd ftrt Authority has b*m arsatsd# at amurity for tho Vayowt of .said boads .� WIUMM# fort Authortty of tbo 101ty of mint ftul did hfrotoforo adopt: its resolution Wo, 133# dated r 13# 1960# rrob r o0rssoly oonstltuW its appli"tion t orofor# and did thsroby "at tho autbo :ration of tho mil of tom► City of Saint Va"„ Pursuant W So0104 458.193, XLM*ootA Statutes 19570 C*ptor So, " "wA*d* for issuan" *M Gala* by "Id Port Authoaty# of tho UoU of "Id Port A thorny# In the mate Par valus a ht of two.owoo, tor th* purposes, sot forth to raid rssqlution* a oertifird oqW Vorsot o Pursuant thorotoo ss and for sub saWe tion in boholf of sad fort 4 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im s -so s Passed by the Council Tn Favor Approved: Mayor Against Quadruplicate to Department ORDINANCE 2004 � 75 • COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. !► 2 Authority* eras propared and pressnttd to said City Councils by ita ; toretary, in behalf of said Port Authorityo WHER M3', the Ccfunoil of the C-It r of Sniff PSUI# balug duly r-avload in the pramiaoxt finds and dotermines thtl+t it is urrent and necessary that said Port Authority of tho City of Ss t Paul issus and sell# at trill tiro# bonds of said Port Authority in the aWroVte par value amount of V ^21300#00#0# neeessct>ry for t ho i ure mont # loy Said x ort authority of f, =ds in saW amwnt of v*2 # , -*00,# for the j3urpo"* set north In Its said :lesolution, Uoowits they defraymut of the cost and exponsa neoes arily to, be it'- curred bV sz14 Port Authority for Its acquisition of water - frontj riparian and otbor Innds and its cotstruotlou of dookso wharves# Viorst dices# and other rolate~d port faoilitiesi both III con junction with the Vederal Govornment and separotoly# all oursuant to the provisicsis and by authority of or+ld ftnnasiotn 0`tatutos 1937# U;Zaoter 400 as timendad, arA in antialpatioa tioast rents, profits and luaoxae from other sources* a duly certified aom of sald 1t,esolu'ti boing filed horewith, by referencog is "os ;part and Parcel herone`t and it io now the intention or Xald CoUnoll to grant authority thorafor, to sAid Port Authority and to proseribs the form and r- x1muri rate of latorss; theroon arA to prov'ido therofor Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 111 6 -60 8 Passed by the Council Approved:. Mayor Tn Favor Against Qmadraplicate to Department ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. and to nuthorizo said Fort 11uthori:ty to pledge this full 2004'5 faith, credit a'-nd. the of actin City for the paymont. of such. bonds a1.7 1fhe siry•M a t,1f nll be issuod E,..7 #d cold# -,iu "auant to the authority of an-1 i Hinnesotn Stntu,te's 19570 C:htipter 458# as amondod o and pursuant to the nuthQrity grr nted by thie ordinance,, by said ."ort 3�uthoritY#; .104, THE-117-Y03t., THE' COU11CIL 00 ML CITY OF Sooti.on 1. That sub j+ of thereto and in aoaordanee with the provisions terns and conditions of this ordinance aril th0so contained in said Minnesota stntutes 19570 Ch )tor 458 as alondod, hereby ;^uthority to grnnted unto i Port &uthorty Of tho City of Saint caul, for Its issuanes and tale of its bonde authorizod by Section 49.193, subdivision 1t 0f 31nn480ta Statutes 1957# Chapter 458 as amended, in the a <�*ro;��zto par value amount of, �! �'�� for its proouroment or the neces x,y funds, in said amount of X20500#000#00$, for its detraymcat of the oust and expenso, noeessnrlly to be inau"ed. by It for its aoqutslti.on of waterfront; riparian and other lanC4 and its construotion of dooka, whn'ryos, liers, dikes# and other rolated port ftellities„ both. In aonjunotion with the Federal G'overn�3tnt 4nd eapnr, tel7, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of Bald 4inncaoth Stotutos 1957r Chapter~ 458# as cmendod, =.gad In" ant,icipntion of the rocolpt by'' said Fort Authority of payments, appr opriatiOnx, rents# profits and in. coma frop other couroos. - _— ____ _, —_� j�l�- •aria' p�_��-- •`- . -..�.. �Srf'� ^`yam �, i ,,4 •...i -O.}, "} v ` "'.rt, �� _�y'�:! Z":_� �. ' ,3 , '4`A : ) 'J'�. �'.i; 'i •_ c. ..t? � ��.•��...i A� ,;t: ;!^ C'^ t ,r-r�; 7r i,..aLtC `.�".;'�Y� f? �i .. , riT ,•_ N .� �''jY' - ,'�:J. E' �.�}„ -_ s' s... F .r.��,= t�,T., •x �`t'itji4;,"T_ j fr��fi_'.(`4.�,. -� ~. • �4 r .ri.: �. ;•� -:,i` it i,lYr 7•. ?,' -_ zi Q-� •c .�y I,'� • { _.- 11. :i�• tryy y�n�s- � , � � F�' "= ';i,'� {s � .-. .1.:ZJ ? _} Y Tc ' ^.<• '..t; r '':� tiJ rit '.emu 'Sh•,: 14t i. ,t -..• e. ;::J.:...' � =� � i i °^• •�T .�•� �'. ,a a,C Nrf ti:. -�.t1 -T ..i .�+{� •_ J._:_ •S f !�Ccv ±.�; �f.�a[1 - trfii. •rt r.,+ -. !` �' 1 ri,�'J..- .,,'�.kVT' 3• !_..'- _ rr '`•'`'? •:� ._ -� •_ 'G;,ikf'y''F y� -s, r..... ¢ � � �` i • 1� �-T = ". i'r w; � r t. � : • �,rr tt •F i'i xT ...1 `'' .t 1•.L �� Y ^ ,f.` *. ::J•rJe'..,� r.� ♦•^y`M1 .. jr �Ji -•4 Sc: !'v.T,�`t."i • G FT "`- .•' .��'- i'ri., �:.: ".•rr�y -. j7rV .s -�� v` -• ♦1- r"�:ir. 4_ ti tSi�, ,.� �# �,, ,c _.� , " -Y �. �i.;t;, ^ c.t 3" �. ,sueLr•`. S'�. .1, �ri: ,ri t:_ -•1 ,! -.J'. .J ` -. ,li.' vo '- •c:�}� :, f• "'� �r "` � '+"��� l•!L- r: i.4fi 9 tea; .n X r1 �t:i _R' ^•fir✓ ' �. �, ,, ,{ �,t'. = i.. r �t'-�; �•,f' - irk �` i:� c.� ;,� .,. "a ..' ='.'�•. b r . I'sj ; -. 'f.'� . -. •..� - Cj+r ..a., .�x� � j {�5- � • }J `� ?f- _ ...,' S, .��; }� `.� _F -• ii y ES :L•�`i r r, 9 t• i k e i i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BOND. SERIES No $1;000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Port Authority of -The City of Saint Paul,, in the Counter of Ratsey -and State of Minnesota, acknowl- edges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the sure of ONE THOUSAND ,DOLLARS on the first day of together -with interest ,thereon at the . rate of per cent per a=an from the date hereof { , _unt 1 paid, payable , 19 "and semi - annually thereafter on the girst days of and _ iri each ear y ,, interest - o- rdatizrity tieing .evidenced by .and payable in accordance with and ` upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both - principal and interest of this bond are payable in 1 � rfu� moree '&,,the Uhited States of America at the office of in and for the prompt payment of this bond,-botE principal and interest., when ` due, •the full faith' ;14credit - and "resources , of the Cityy of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably_, pledged. -i This bond -is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sure of' Dollars {$_ i-iired,by said Port Authority for the purpose of procure= ment by said Port Authority: of funds _ f_or_T-the- payment , on -- alceount,_ of said Tf -- Port`Au�Yicjr3 y of 'the c`q`st and expense necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for its acquisition of waterfront,'riparian and other lands` and its construction of docks -, wharves., piers, dikes, and .other related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal Government and-sepa- rately., all pursuant to the provisions and by authority'of Minnesota Stat- uses 1957, :Chapter 1+58, ad amended, and in anticipation of the.receipt by said'Port Authority of payments,'appropriations, rents, profits and income •'from other sources, thereunder, and in accordance -with the provisions, terms, and conditions of Chapter -1584 Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended., This bond is issued pursuant to Ordinance No. , enacted by the Coun- cil of the City of Saint Paul, and,duly signed, attested, and-authorized by said Chapter 458; Minnesota Statutes 1957, as ame_ndea,•also by Resolution of said Council No: , passed and approved - 1 19w, •_. and under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with the Charter of 'said City of .Saint Paul, as applicable thereto, also by'•resolu- tion of said _Port Authority- Ylo. ; passed and approved , 19____, under authority thereof and in all' respects in full . compliance of all applicable provisions of'law and Chapter 1+75., Minnesota Statutes 1957; as amended. It is hereby certii'ied and recited that all things, acts and con- ditions required by the Constitution-and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said,City,to happen and be done and performed-precedent to and in the issuance of -this bond have happened'and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as. required by law; that prior to the issu- ance of this 'bond said Port Authority has levied for each year; until the principal and interest are paid- in'full, a direct annual tax'on all the tax- able property in the City -of Saint Paul in an amount not less than five per cent lh excess.of the sum required to pay the principal and interest hereof i aoaaaq - �saaagtq pus TsdTouTad aq,. Jed O!. pa.ITnT)aa UMS auk aO, ssaoxa uT 'U90 aad 9ATJ uvq'4. ssaT a.ou WnOMV us WE Tned WTBS JO AM auq. uT -4 aadoad aTgs , -xin eqq. T Ce _uo xin Tenuae 4o9aTp • 8 , `TTna u2 PTsd aas q saaagUT pus TsdTouTad aqq- TT14.un i{o89 aOa PaTJnaT ssq Sq.Taoq�nV gaoa pTvs puoq'sTga. jo aouu -nssT a�q. o .zo2.zd 4sqq :MBT.fIq paaTnbea ss amT!. pus maoa anp. pus asTn2aa u2 pamao,Taad pus auop uaaq puke pauaddsq aAiRq, puoq sTq!. ao : aou8nsst aqq. uT pus ' Yoq..qu9paoaad pamzoaaad pus auop aq puu- uaddsq oq. Sq.TO p28s jo aa! asg0 aq� pub s�osauuTY1 ao aq sa S `eq�. ,TO sMBT' pus • uO��n� T� suo0` aq� �q paxTnbaa suoT!�Tp -uoo pus sa.os Is2=q-4. TTe Teqg P94T00a pus PaTJT!.aao J�gaaaq ST U r ss ..`L96T sagna.'ea.S .s�osauuTW 'Qj aagdegb 'pine .MST` JO saoT'sTeOad 9TgB3'TTdd'8 TTs "ao aousTTdmoo TTnd uT s oadsaa`TTe u2 pus avaaagq ��Ta�q�n8 aapun ` 6T _p9Aoadds pus passed oK ��T.zoq�ny.�aOa PTes Jo UOTq. - nTosaa Sq osTe 'OPaauq. aTc{eoTTdds ss `Tnsd -4uTvS ao &q-TO ,Pees -,To 'aaa-aeg0 ' aqq. u14.TM aou'GTTdmoo TTna uT s!�oadsaa TTe fiT Pus 4q Sq.TJOTW8 iapun pug. r ` 6T ` paAoadde pus passed ' 'ou TTounoo pTss"ao' UOI�nTosag Aq osTe Irpapuams ss `L56T sagn4v!!S eq- osauuTW 'BS� aagclm p2es Aq P9zTaoq!�n8'pine 'Paq-sa448 'P9u2Ts STnp pus `Tn'ea a-uTeS aO_ Kq.TO aq!. -3:0 Tzo -uno0 aq! .,-.Rq pal.osua ' • ou aoutuTpao -off. !.usnsand panssT - sT puoq sT14L : •papuams ss `L96T sal.ngsgg sgosauuT 'gstt a9qdWO JO suO2!.TPuoo pus 'smaa!� Isui2s2aoad aq4 q42M aouupa000s uT pus "aapue an na -qq. Isaoos 'xaq�o mc)aa amoouT pus s!.Tjoad 'squai 'suvTq.,eTadoadde '8�41aurk8d JO .4Tjoq!.ny 9.aod Plus , 'Aq gdTaoaa aq� go uoT- .BdTz) -gue uT pus. ipapuaue ss 'gstT aa,4deg0 -qet�S inosauuTK -ao L .&q.Taoggns Sq pus •.suoTsTAoad aq!T oq. quensand TTs 'gTal.td -sdas pus quawuaaAo0 Tvaap9a aqq. g4TM UOTq.oun ?uoo, uT ga.Oq `s9T!MT0s,T gaOcl . "P9WGTa -z aaqMo Pule-'saTcP 'saaTd 'sanasgM �sXoop ao u:T40nagsuo0..sq.T puIe spUST aagav pus ueTasdTa '!.�uoajaaa.ex,jo-uoTq.Ts2nbo.s sq.T aoj f_q.I.zoggnV.!jaod pTes -Rq paaanouT aq o!. AlTausseoeu asuadxa pus -gsoo aq� jo &- T40ggnV gaP(l_ _ pies ao �un=Ds _uo_,4u9uussd;aq�'aoj spun;290. 4I=qqnV-a:zo pies�Iq uam aanooad jo asodand aq� aoj .9-4paogiiiV q.aoa, pT.es .Cq panssT saBTToQ JO urns aq� oq- ajs89aS2s- aqq. uT 8ui4unoum saTaas s jo auo -sT puoq sTuy •pe2paTd ATqeDoAaaa2 Rgeaaiq aas TriBa 4uTn jo .9,4TO aqq. ,To - saoanosaa pus !.Tpaao `gq.2sa- TTna anp uagM 11!�saaa ,4uT pus TBdTouTad- g4oq 'puoq sTU4 ao - .uauLNd Zdiuoad auk log pus, UT TO aoTajo aup- !:8 soTaaum ,ao, sa,.s!�S P:al.TUn 94q.- ab Aauom TnrmsT uT aTgeSvd aas puoq sTq� � jo saaagtrc pus •TedTOuTad q,.og ' • arip amooaq RTTeaaAas -Aagg ss suodnoo !.saaal.uT paxauue aqa ao aepuaaans puu'uoTgv�uasead-uodu -Pus T�TM aousp.z000s uT aTgvS-ed pus &q peouapT -&a SuTaq ATangim oq. gsaaaquT ' 'aue.9 .g6sa uT pus ao'shap q.s.z�a aq� Uo aaq,�saaaq,. k[- snuuu -Tmas Pule �6-1 ` -. aTquked 'pTsd TTqun ' aoaaaq aq.ep aq! . mo x T -umuue xad• quao aad, JO a!Pa auq. 4s Uoaaaq'4 4saaa4uT' q'4.TM aa'TpDB04 , jo -Jfsp !�saTa aq� uo S2iMo(j Q.MaORL ano jo urns aqq. aaasaq off. Sed oq. sasTmoad j�gaaau paATaoaa anTuA aOa pus,aMO oa.,TTas!.T saSpa - TMOU5[os' `u�osauuTK ao a�e�S Pus Sasmsg ;TO ��uno0, aq uT `:Cued 4uTBS 3o k,�To ' aqq- ao J�q Taoq nii mod aq,4 �vq� `SMaM -ad SSM JCS MaK TN MONX OOo`T$ O - "� mHSS , - ' AVC1 S ivs ao OLIO mu a0 Mili0HS,f y IHOCI " XaSkM do MKMD ' • { i 'voiHaw _do SMSLLS =R11 , when and as such principal and Interest mature, which tax is irreppalable until all such indebtedness is. paid, and may be reduced' only, in ifie'manner and to the extent - provided in said Chapter 458; that additional taxes, if necessary for full payment of such principal and interest, are required by law to be levied upon all such property without limitation as to rate or _'amount; and that neither the total'indebtedness of 'the -City of Saint Paul nor that of said Port Authority,- including this bond, exceeds any constitu- tional, statutory, or charter limitation. _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said'Port- Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by its proper officers, has caused this bond to be sealed by a fac- simile of -its Official-Seal lithographed hereon, to be signed and counter-_ signed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its President and its m it's- Treasurer, attested by-the manual signature of its Secretary, and each "of the interest coupons hereto annexed to be.executedand authenticated by the lithographed facsimile signatures i of -its President and Secretary, and . has caused a'truecarid correct copy of the opinion rendered by bond counsel' as to the validity.of the 'issue inclu_ding.this bond- rendered at the time of delivery hereof, to b6-printed on-the reverse side of this bond; and has- caused this bond to be dated as of the;.' day of , 19 ` _ -^ l..f�•, �tt .r � -„ •�' a `, - . P'r (Facsimile signature) President Attest:' Secretary 'Countersigned: _(Facsimile signature). ; Treasurer COUPON. No. �. = , On the first day of , 19 , the Port Authority oft the City of Saint Paul,'promises to pay to bearer DOLLARS at the office of in , for interest due that day on its Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul'General _ Improvement Bond, Series , dated 1-19 -, No. (Facsimile signature) President Attest : - (Facsimile signature) Secretary m - There shall be printed'on the reverse side of each bond a true and correct copy of the•text.of the opinion rendered by bond counsel as to the validity thereof, at the time of delivery-of such bond. Section 3.- That such bonds both in respect of the principal - amount of`the same -and in' respect of the interest thereon; shall be paid by said Port Authority from tax levies provided therefor and authorized by said Chapter 458, _Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, and from the earnings and all income -re- ceived by said Port Authority from whatever source derived, to the extent that such, earnings. ant.i.n"*b �kt4 �ao for such purposel*+'" ` n-7.� awi.i....i•aay...i . a....rS..,... ��.h.FdvW.L.sY - • _ .-. -. — ----------------------------- ________ — That said -Port Authority, in -the event } of the issuance of any of said•bonds authorized hereunder shall, before the'- issuance of the same, levy for each year, until the principal and interest are paid in full., a direct annual tax on all the taxable property'in said City of Saint Paul,'_in which said Port Authority has been created, in an amount not'less than 5% in excess of the sum required to pay the principal and interest of the same when'and'as'such principal and - interest mature, - -and, after such -bonds have been delivered to the - purchasers, such tax shall be irrepealable until all such indebtedness 'is paid, and after the issuance of such bonds no further action by said Port Authority -shall be necessary to authorize the' extensions,, assessments and collection of such tax. That `the Secretary of said Port'Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of such levy to--the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the county in which said Port Authority and said City are located, together with full information regarding the bonds of said Port-Authority.for which _the taxis levied and such County Auditor shall extend and assess the tax so levied, and shall do so annually until the principal'and interest have been paid in--full. That any surplus resulting from the excess levy'�herein -- provided for shall be transferred;to_a sinking fund after the principal and , interest-for which the tax -was levied and collected has been.paid;•provided, that said Port 1uthority may,` on'or before-October 15 in. any year, by appro- priate action cause its-Secretary to certify to,the said County Auditor the amount on hand -and available in its "own treasury from earnings or other in- come, including the amount in the sinking fund which it will use to pay the - principal or itterest,or both on each - specified issue'o£ its bonds. and the --County Auditor shall:teduce the levy for that -year herein provided -for by -that amount., Thai'the amount of funds so acquired shall be -set aside by said Port.Authority and be'used fir no other purpose'than for the repayment of the principal and interest on such bonds,- That .ail such taxes being authorized to- be.levied. under Section 458.193, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, pursuant = thereto- shall�be- ,collected and °remitted`to' the Port Authority by the County Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of law - governing the collection of other-taxes and_,shall be.used solely -for the, payment of such bonds -- when, due. Section 4. That said Port Authority shall provide for the exercise of the authority hereby granted for its issuance and sale of its said bonds in the aggregate par value amount of $29500,000, for the aforesaid purposes, and the pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of said City of Saint Paul, as security for the payment of the same, by its appropriate resolution. That in each such instance said Port Authority shall ?make due compliance with all applicable requirements of this ordinance, said Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended,`Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, and ail other applicable laws. Section 5. -That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publi- cation. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland L086— Morti nsan •� Peterson Rosen Mr. President , (Vavoulis a. FFg ; 3 1961 Nays Passed by the Council Tn Favor gains - a' when•and as such principal and interest. mature, Which -tax is irrepealable until all such indebtedness is paid, and may be reduced- only-in the manner -,and to the. extent- provided, in said Chapter 458; that additional taxes, if necessary for f ll payment of such principal and interest,.are required by law to be levied upon all,such property without limitation as to rate or amount,; and that neither the total Anaebtedness of the City of Saint 'Paul nor that of -said Part.Authority, including this bond; exceeds any constitu- tionea, statutory,.or'charter limitation. - IN WITNESS WHF4REOF, -tlie said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by'its proper officers, has,,caused this-bond to be sealed by.a fac- simile of its Official Seal lithographed hereon, to be signed and Counter- signed by the lithggraphed facsimile signatures of its President and its Treasurer, attested. by the manual signature of,its, Secretory, and each of the interest 'coupons, hereto annexed to be executed and authenticated, by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its President and Secretary, and. k' has caused a tree and correct copy of th0 opinion rendered by bond counsel A s to the- validity of the .issue including this -bonds rendered at the time of delivery.hereof,.•to be- printed on the-reverse side of -this bond, and has,; ' caused this bond to be dated as of the day of ; 19, ( Facsimile si$naLure) f = :President Attest. = W Secretary. Countersigned: (Facsimile signature) w ,. • Treasurer On the first day of ' ; 19 -,- the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, promises to pay- to,_bearer DOLLARS at-the bffice of - ' in .' , for interest due that day on its Port-Authority of the.City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bond, - .8eries , dated • {Facsimile signature) President Attest (Facsimile signature) :.. Secr etary ' V s° 'There shall be printed on -the reverse side of each bond a true and, correct copy-,of, the text .of the :opinion rendered by bond counsel as to the validity thereof, at the time -cif-' delivery of such bond. Sectiori'3 That :such bonds both in respect of the principal amount of the same and in • respzct of` the' interest thereon, shell be paid-by said Pont Aut}sor3ty from taxi levi:e's provided therefor and authorized by said Chapter 458, Minneso�a Statutes 1957, as'amended, ,nd etom the earnings and all income re- ce;LVed,by said Port Authority from whatever source derived to the extent that such ` earhi..gs ` ead ` income are -determined by the _Port Authority to be available . for such purpose., cop 1 .- -3 M - That -said Port Authority, in the event of the issuance of any of said bonds authorized hereunder shall, before,the issuance- of the same,. levy for each year,, until the prineipal'and interest are paid in,full, a direct annual tax,on,all the taxable property in,said City of Saint Paul, in which said Port Authority has been created, in.an. amount not less thiL'.-5% in excess of the sum.required to`pay the principal and interest of the same when and as :uch;,principal and interest mature - and, after,such bonds have been delivered :to the purchasers, such tax shall be irrepealable until all such_indeb- tedness is paid, and-after` the issuance of such -bonds no further action by said Port Authority sb,411 be necessary -.to authorize the extensioris, assessments and- collection of such tax., That 'the Secretary of said Port. Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified - copy of, such levy to` the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Mirulesota, the county in -vhich said Port Authority and said City are located, together with full information regarding t$e. bonds of said Port Authority foxy which . the tax is levied and such County Auditor shall extend and assess the tax' so levied, and -shall do so annually until -the principal an<d interest have been paid in full.. That any 1, resulting frog the excess'levy.therein provided for shall be transferred to a sinking fund after the principal and " interest for which the tax was levied and collected has been paid; provided, - - that'said Fort Authority may, on or before October 15•in any year, by appro- priate action cause its Secretary to certify to the said County Auditor the amotmt -on hand and available in its own treasury from earnings or other in- cone, including the amount- in the sinking-fund-which it trill use to, pay the prindp l -or interest or both,on -each specified issue of its bonds and the County Auditor•shall reduce,the levy for that year herein provided for by that amount. That the amount: of fundst,so acquired shall be set aside by said Port Authority and be used f6r %nog other 'purpose .than for the repayment of the principal and interest on.such bonds, That,all such taxes being ' authorized,to be levied -under Sectioi2 45$.193, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, pursuant thereto shall be co11e_etedand remattedzto -the Port ; :Authority by the' County-,?r- dasurer in�- a.ccordarice with' the p�^ov signs '6f law governing _the collection of other ;taxes and shall be used solely for the payment of Mich bonds' when z dtie': Quadruplicate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCI CO "* 4rt IL FILE NO. RDINANCE NO. 200475 bet in tho form- Aeraitaftsr prssari �' th* council of said City e a rE97e�4 Its Corp ` t��n C&=S It =d that said Dmdx _ ll beer such lut coat a* said City: Cmacil sh*U pr* ribee sud shams. sold by saki Port Autharity for not css �han par v ue plus scoru*4 interest. to t e highest bIdd' r ther+t f ory ter two (2) wooks published notice of tbo time a , plooe fair recaiylts bids thoreon* That thr proceeds f _ the Is. as and s61s of xcid brands as roa+siv*d br aaid P' t Autho sty 1 b*11 be deposited by it in a fund of said Peer Author y allocated, thoreto ethd sub400t to disburoeont ably i dsfra .+sat of tbs costs ant ox ensox neote sarlly to bete in d h said Port Authority for its a oquIsition of water t` t par.iao aAd other lanU and its cftstruatUft elf docU I a eat pt elms# dlike s and other rep• l4t*4 port falacilltlow' #- t in co iJunation with the Federal Goyorwaftt md separsts aia pursuant to the prov ie i Mf a-Ad by aau'thwi.ty of said MIL, to statutas 1937 eMpter 481 of at"440dt and in antlelp;wc i of the rebol pt 16 said Part .Authwi y Of paym ent*# p rtatiotse rents., profit* *U4 ird- ante frow .otter soura � T t. said Umds shall ba payable in lawful amsy of the Units States or Aworioa at the Office or the risaal gant of said Port Author�it�r0 Theo First Hatimlal Bank of :Sai - Pasul# suot other Pisara1 agent of said kart Authority a- shall he ppointed by sari Port t►uthoritflr at Saint Pause $ian to# and h by saM Port, Autbority is au'thorlit0d as eeca>r ty fbr the P t and faithw pa nt of both principal and interest of sa d bon4s to pl edgd the W1 faithe credit and *sources of eta City« That said herob aeuthoi*isoA bonds bs lsstued and old by sa14 port AutWltro In the aggreaglate r value aunt o 099 . a In do-* noatnatio�tsra of 0 Oe .00 eesoh, shall b e _ Mure r'*d I ttO 2W, 11101usiVee6 and ash shitU be eutiti "Port Authority of the city of Saint P ui General 1"roreia m BerA Series A** and shall "oar i.nt er+►at not in *xoos of �AA per annum as aball be prescribed. y said City O coal by solution. TbAt each of said bonds #1 '11 be si ed by the C irk of said 'Port Authority# tasto4 bg � Sooretary a _ *ouutorz1Smd by Its Troaturer„ a d tine int*rssslt ctu # &a bs attaohod thereto and be sxao t*4 an4 auth#Ati.oat*d by the rintod a er4po9s od or 11thw1a h*d taa>tsiolle vlpatur* of it Cbairswn and its Searettarro That aaoh said b9nd *M11 be i substAntially the follo'ei arm which has been pre>laiarlbod bir said counoil and >iappr*rod, y the Corporation U&Jnsol of said Up Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -60 s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Qaadrapllcate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINAN .. 5 * MUM STAUS ATS OP It CflUXTY OF � cmUxMUM sx� E 200475 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. A1.1LUT A ITY OF SAS PAUL ,'I= BOND A Not \ / 311. 0* HSV,4 )ILL aa BY T E PRESENTS* that tue Port Authority of t # City f Dint Pail in, the ew o ty of Isy and Stats f xi sota t, aclmwi as itself to owe and for value receiv bar, romisso to Psy to tearer tho sums of One � nd p r : A#000*00) on th* firat day of .+�� 9 to othar with inters$ tho r t fx a "e >E Unt # at tho rats of por osnt per a= b ra a sons "On liy tau . rs days. of ,,-4 in sash yoarf aes *yt-* donned an upon t r. anon at and . surmder of the om*zod iuteroat ompot s as th a verally bocce dins* Both prinalpal and intaereat of this a payabi.s In lawful aonsy of tho Untted Stetas of Aoar a at the officer of tho Fiscal Agent of staid Port Authc ity# Pixy. t Hat.�ama Sauk of Smi.�nt Pau. or *Wisr Flocai A n as oni .Port Authwi.ty shall daa4 U at Ssint Pain hinnue otal and , or the praa:,�t payreont of this bond both prInaipal sud into r st, at naturi,t w the full fa�ith# orerdit and resource of then CL t of Stint -Paul acre horoby ir«e rsvpcably plod edM This is ' xe or a a rises aae kmtIng In tha p2gregato to the off' 'faro MAU Ply* Hundrod Thousand ' Mo a.rs (321,300, istuod b sal. Port AuQwrity for s pure of procu t said Port Authority of funds for the payment on a count of said Port abority of the coast Viand , xg*nsee► nee saris to Ater iaou by **id Port Authority for its aagt.W . on of votsrfront, ri . rian and other lands cud its grtr. tion of Aso whaVrsal piers# dikes# :anal. oth eyr reisted fa ilitits 'bow in nonju . tan with tho 864eral 4o er ez t aVA s arts ate. uran t tie the provisions and by authorit or f.. ar i n tsa Statu't s 1957p Chaptor 438p as aondsdfj a in i�nti,aipation. off` tho aro elpt by said Para Authority of .4jaMtso appropriationst, re s- profits and i,nomm frogs other s csa, tlisroun'der, and in nc Sow* with the per. visions# to a, and awditions of Chapter .- ee Hian"ota S tatuts l9 as amonded # This bood is is d pursuant to Ordinance 11* enacted by tho Counoli tho City of Balm$ PauY - sad e y sianodt at osts4*. and sot 1"d by sari Chapter 43 # mi eso stratutos' 195? as asernd auo by Re0014ti of said Counoll Ho* *sad a approved 19 aud. uutharity .o and in all respe s n l odw ante with the Charter of aid City of Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im a -so OE20.8 Passed by the Approved: Mayor Favor Against Qvadtapllcate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 40 COUNCIL FILE NO 2..0047 ORDINANCE NO. I I q I Saint Paulo ra nppllaablo therato also by resolution or said Fort Auth rity ��o. �► pessod and Approved Un or utharity thoroof and in all resjpei s in fug. 00-11 lianoo of .11 applicable }rovioions or law nod Chapt r 473v iftnnes to Statutos 1937# as amondedt It lts,h roby corti ficd end �rcoitod. that all thi, s # acts and c�ond0 roquired by the Cottsitu,ticm and Uwe of tho Stato Of Hinnea . ota and o Qbartpr of Onid 'City to happen. ny%d be done and pa or.-led p acodent to sand In the lesucnce of this bad have hap;) gad nu beon 'one and prar,fomed In regular and duo roan and ti. as equirod by late% and that nelthor the total i,ndebtadnct3 of they City of r-aint Paul .nor that of said Fort - uthority, inalu thlis bona. exceods rmy constitut1cmi $ ota -tutu ryo, or charter mi.tntion. III fITHESS L4'P#, the said Port tuthorltV of tho G i ty of S.iat Paul,, b i proper offi cos has oauscd this bond to bo seaaod by the 081 Ile of ito Official Sonit litho- graphed thereon,, to o ei ed by Its Chnironn, attested by Its ,�ocrotary and o0unt sigue by its Traesurer and eaoh of the irtorost coupons ho sto att ed to be executed by the litho. raphed ftasioils i1platures of ltd. -Chairman end iecrotary, 4f 19 i Attos y coull WbPON Ito, ¢. n the first day of d l cl the Fort Ruth city of the "i.ty Of �� 'i�aral, �ro� to pay to bear -or Otters at t e QFi'ioe t�f the is a �+c;nt of said Fart Au ar~itys First tiationol Bar* of oNdin�t� Paul, or such otbor F seal Agent as n -nid Fort tluthwl.ty s l a ppoint, for inter t dine that deny an its Fort )'.uthorit o the w ity of aaiut eul Gerttral Improvement Did # Ssries Al aced Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourey Holland Loss T„ Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor Qcadrepticate to Departmecl ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY '07.0 Attoot # COUNCIL FILE NO 2004'5 ORDINANCE NO. I I 3 sM:tt?lhit ah boada both in respect of the principal rz nt of he saa and in re"et of the interest thereon shall. be ;p aid Sort Authority from tax 10VIOS proyi,deA thorefor and rized by an1d Chnpter 458,E 11innexots :statutes' 193?, as coo d and fry the oarntMas and all in- come r.eo- lived, b$ said `uthori.ty from whatever source derived. That oald Port Authori.tya in tiro event of the I$- Banco or uny of said n s authorized h.orcunder shall, be. fora the issue ranee or ti s mta levy for esoh year# until the prinoipnl and interest are a1d in frill, a direot onnunl tax oil all the taxable pr )erty n s _qi'd City of Saint Paul, in e�itich said Port Aut rimy lbaen aroatedo in an amount not loss than 5; in exc# of the ura required to pay` the prinatpal and i<ntereSt of tho . ano When I nd as suoh princi.pnI rmA interest wturc aadtaf'ter ou bonds ha v been delivered to the pur- chasers, oh tax 31 'tit en �daeblo until all suoh tndobt- dite is is pa .dt an af'tor the iss -Ance of such bids no fUrth�cr notion by, acid Por . 'uthori.tyr shwo be n€cessury►' to authorise tho sxten0iono# as esamonts Dnd co d. totion. of such tax. That the Seoreztw y dt aid Fort Authorit shall forthwith Nrntsh A corti.f'i.ed copy .f such lovy to the County Auditor of haasayr County HiAnekso tho county in whin sntd Port � uthority� 011d, sad C,tty ar imrited, togather h full information ati.on rogarding tho da of cnid Fort Autho ty for which the tax is levied and such County Auditor Khall ox nd and assess the tax so levied, And shall do so annunlly U1 the principal and Intor ost vo boeu paid In full. Tha any surplus result- in ; fro:a tho o cess levy horain provided f r shall be 'trans- ferred to a a king fund aftor the pr+inai. and interest for vhioh the tnx uns laviod and coy leetod has on ptidi proyidede tbat said j?o Authority mays qn or beforo 4 ber 15 in n y aar4 1�y :app opriate aotion cause its georeta. to certify to tho aald "ounty iudltor the amount oa hend dwailnblo in Ito own reasuryr from earnlogs or othor Inc inoluding . the amount n the sinking fund wh1oh it vi,ll use o pay the priuoipal rtitntoresit or bath on eaoh spaalfled i U0 of its, bands and he C+a�rnty Auditor ithall reduce the levy for that yontr horo provided for b7 that cmount. That tho unit of full is 80 oqui.red shall be sot r-sido by said Port A. 'hority and Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 5 -00 c0so4 Passed by the Approved: Mayor Tn Against Qaadraalicate to Departmeal 1 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 204'75 be used Cir no o .hel' ur iose than for th9 �'0;"' m t of tho prinoipal nn .d inter. t on such 'fonds. That all uoh takes being euthorlz*4 t he levied under 3aati �� .. # HinrWoota ststutes 1957 � aconded t pursuant thoret s11 be toll ootsa and r+rraa tted �av :part Authority day' the Co nth Treasurer i*4 a000rdan; o wit the prt3yisjono of law gove {tvZ t�aa��ycol�!leartiOn. }}� .i other. e1 iK..4 UR1 L�.Ta il3ilirlkWft,1�Y o�iv4V3� �bonde whert a * 19"cotion 4* That #aid tort AuthOrlty Is%ll provide for the +exercise of the authority hersb granted for its iosuance end aaale or its said, bonds in the aggregate par value amount of V2#5W 440* for the nrorsvai4 purposest and they pledso or the full faith o"dit and reswrote or aanid :'ity xof a�ayin�t Pauly. .�jas asou}r�it y for the, payment of the s me# b�Y its t$,pproprlg4 reaolutioA. Mt in oach -such Inat'+inao Sold Port Authority silal.l.'waka sue Qwapllwar.'a with X11 appllccc- alo requirevents of this ordinrnoai said Chapter 458, Ill ncoota Sty {tutor 1957t es cmanded, Qmptor 47.51 V #'Juilosota S tatea 19570 as nmended# and all other rapplicablo laws* Zoation $�t That tills ordinance *hall tome offcat and be in fordo V31rty days niter its pasasage, approval, and publi- cation, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Lesa- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -60 8 Passed by the Council Approved: FEB 3 1961 Favor Against CF g9 1961 Mayor Orlaiaal to City Clark PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO 200475 be used for no other purpose than for the repayment of the principal and interest on such bonds. That all such taxes being authorized to be levied under Section 458.1939 Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, pursuant thereto shall be collected and remitted to the Port Authority by the County Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of law governing the collection of other taxes and shall be used solely for the payment of such bonds when due. .33 -� - PORT AUTHORITY No. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM Deco 13, 1960 OLVWo By the Port Authority of tha City of Saint ; a=10, that it has bum aecesszxy that said Port Autbority borrcw funds in the a> wunt of $2, 500, 000 by the issusaace and sale of its bonds in the aggrGgata Par Val= amount of 42, 500, 000, Zr tine dsfraYmnt Of the cost and enpewra necessarily to be incurred by said :art Authority for its acquisition og waterfront, -ViNwian and other lands and its construction og docks, rdharves, piers, dikes, and. oucher . related port facilities, both in conjunction with the ftdora1 Government and separately, Eali •pursuant to the pro- visions . and bar authority of Captex 45S,. Ximimmata statutes Anhatated,, and in aantickpati ®an of the * recelpt . sip ;d Port Auth©r ity of paywaats, aparopriatioras, rents, -profits and. iiicoma €gem Other sources; and that "id ftrt Authority does hereby con - stitilte this resolution as its applicai tion therefor and flocs he -tebgy a� esty�, the jauthorization of tlxa 'council of the City of Saint Paul to a granted by p m ngs, p ranant to Section 458.1 '3, Minnesota Statue M s� Statues Mated, for the isuanc* and sale, by said art Authority of the bonft of said .art Authority in said a�gV_pgate per value amunt of $ * ,SOO,OQO for said paw ®sd J' OL , •dry said part autinmrity, that its . sedretaxy be and hereby is dimet®d to prepwe a crtJ #o_d. copy og We resolution and to present taQ Sari fort- -twith to said City Council as axed for such 2ppllcatieaa, in bebalf of said Part authority' far such M -COSSa authvrisatia n and the grant ©f the own for the laouance of said bonds of said P61•t Authority in said aaggrcgafC-6 Pw Value awvunt Zor said pur Posts. R. W. _,Jobason Sacretazyc.L e .' Adopted �� �� 1960_ L' o 4:; ff Zzv- x JAN 181961 President, Port Authority LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation Engineer fELTORA.DEHN, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ornisla 2 Valuation Engineer FOREST W. CROWLEY, BUREAU OF VALUATIONS Valuation Technician 286 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota 8 January 26, 1961 To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen and Madam: 'With reference to the referral of the opinion dated January 12, 1961, by Louis P'. Sheahan, dealing with the method of determining whether or not petitions for re- zoning are sufficient, I find that the current opinion conforms with a prior opinion dated May 18, 1955, which this office has been following. The signatures of contract purchasers have been• - honored in determining whether the owners of two thirds of the parcels of land within the consent zone have joined, whenever the petitioners submit the contracts to this office for examina- tion. I believe that the suggestion made in the final paragraph of Mr. Sheahan's opinion is sound and that the zoning ordinance should be amended so as to clarify the situation. Attached is a copy of the form currently issued for circulation in rezoning petitions. Apparently the purpose of the column headed "record owner" was included in this form in order to enable the petitioners to make a list of those eligible to consent to the zoning. In practice we have found that this list is made in such a way as to make it difficult for this office to determine whether they are the signatures of the owners or merely a list compiled by the petitioners. In the light of the opinion as to contract purchasers, I believe it would be advisable to redesign this form: I would further-recommend that the zoning ordinance be amended so as to require the petitioners to furnish a certificate of ownership by an authorized abstractor and should also be required to attach a notarized statement,to the petition certifying that he has determined that the persons listed in the statement are the only contract purchasers of the lands affected, or that there are no contract purchasers, as the case may be. CApital 4 -4612 ln, •if s rr. Very truly yours, Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer jt E .. f - _ a C E R T IFiICATE December 22, 1960 I, Robert W. Johnson, Secretary of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution No. 133 is a true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul at its regular meeting held on the 13 day of December, 1960. l ROBERT W. JOH N Secretary 'Port Authority of Saint Paul = is I 2n Laid over to 3rd and app - 'J Adopte Yeas Nays✓ Z ( Yeas Nays DeCourcy "%DeCourcy Holland Holland Loss 1.eee► Mortinson d `Mortinson Peterson `Peterson Rosen \ Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis 200475 a