200439ORIGINAL r-CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI COU CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CVRESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM FILE NO. NO. WHEREAS, in the Matter of the award of contract for the Coring and Drilling of a fifty-two ( 5211) inch diameter hole at the end of the existing Sandrock Tunnel Sewer in ONEIDA STREET, approximately 120 feet northerly of the C.M. ST.P.& P. Railway Tracks from St. Clair Avenue to Grace Street, Council File 200014, approved December 13, 1960, be it RESOLVED, that this work shall be financed from the ,Perma.nent Improvement Revolving Fund, L -6294, which Permanent is to be reimbursed from sub -fund 12A -5 of the Sewer RepairFs Fund. 47.-- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen aM a -60 45MO.2 41T-n Favor 0. Against Council File No. 2110439 —By Milton Rosen - Whbreas,.In the matter of the award of contract for the Coring and Drilling of a fifty -two (52 ") inch diameter hole at the end of the existing Sand - rock Tunnel Sewer in O N E I D A STREET, approximately 120 feet north- erly of the C. M. ST. P. & P. Rail*hy Tracks from St. Clair Avenue to Grace Street, Council FIle 200014, approved December 13, 1960, be it Resolved, That this work be financed from the Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund, L -6294, which fund Is to be reimbursed from sub -fund 12A -5 of the Sewer Repairs Fund. Adopted by the Council January 17, 1961. Approved January 17, 1961. (January 21, 1961); 200439 JAN 1710 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 17 1981 Approved 19— Mayor 7 J ^ DUPLICATE„TO PRINTER ^ 200439 " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL L NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE JANUARY 17, 1961 WHEREAS, in the Matter of the award of contract for the Coring and Drilling of a fifty-two (52 ") inch diameter hole at the end of the existing Sandroak Tunnel Sewer in ONE IDA STREET, approximately 120 feet northerly of the C.M. ST.?.& P. Railway Tracks from St. Clair Avenue to Grace Street, Council File 20003:14., approved December 13, 19600 be it RESOLVED, that thie work shall be finmoed from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, L- 6294, which fund is to be reimbursed From cub -fund 12A -5 of the Sewer Repairte Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen SM 5.60 O!W 2 In Favor Against � 1? Adopted by the Coun 4 19— JAN 171961 Approved - 19— Mayor