200431through its Commissioner of Highways, and the City, thereunder and thereby, oriciriai to City Clerk determined, upon the foregoing con- ' siderations, that such was necessary in the furtherance of the public interests of the State and the City respectively made and entered into that certain original written Agreement dated Jan- uary 25, 1960, and that certain Supple- Council'Flle No. 200431— Ordinance No. mental Agreement dated November 29, 11905 —By Milton Rosen— 1960, amendatory of said original Agree- ment by and between them, under and Aq ordinance prbviding therefor and pursuant to said Chapter 536, Session PF authorizing the issuance and sale by Laws of Minnesota for 1959, wh_ ereunder f t!2__rit, of Rai t_Paul of the bonds, of and whereby the State did agree to SECTION 4 That said City's proper officers hereby are authorized, directed and required to set aside annually from the revenues of said City an amount sufficient for the payment of the in- terest on said hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing' in such year and hereby are authorized, directed and required to make a sufficient tax levy for the payment of the same under and pur- suant to the [provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957- as amended. That such tax levies for all years shall r.1 • L An ordinance providing therefor and authorizing the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the bonds of said City in the par value amount of $7,350,000, authorized by Chapter 535, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, for the procurement by said City of the necessary funds in the amount of $7,350,000 for payment on account of said City's advances to the State of Minnesota, the latter acting in the premises by and through its Commissioner of Highways, therefor and not to exceed the said State's share of the estimated cost of certain State Trunk Highway Projects for the location, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of certain State Trunk Highways within the corporate limits of said City, which advances in said amount of $7,350,000 said City agreed to make to said State for said pur- poses under and pursuant to several Agreements made by and between them, authorized thereby and in accordance with the provisions; terms, and conditions of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959• This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. 200431 WHEREAS, Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, according to its pertinent terms, became operative upon its approval by majority vote of'the Council of the City, evidenced by said Council's Resolution, Council File No. 192221, adopted and approved the 7th day of May, 1959, and the Certificate of the City Clerk of the City incorporating a Certified Copy of said Resolution,, the printer's' affidavit of its official publication, and all other requisite data, filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota on the.21st day of may, 1959, in accordance with all provisions of the Statutes of said State in such cases made and provided; and WHEREAS, said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, among other things, for the purposes of expediting and facilitating action by the State on any State Trunk Highway Project for location, construction, reconstrue- tion or improvement of any State Trunk Highway, within the corporate limits of the City, authorizes an agreement by and between the State and the City whereunder Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 5 -60 OM 8 PUF3I,ISHED �--' — j Passed by the Council t Favor Against 200431 and whereby the City shall agree, in consideration of the undertaking I of any such subject State Highway Project, by the State, at a time specified in such agreement, to advance cash or engineering services, or both, to the State in an amount not to exceed that part of -the cost of such State Trunk Highway Project which is to be borne by the State, and whereunder and whereby the State shall agree to undertake and complete such State Trunk Highway Project and to repay to the City the principal amount of such advance, without interest, from the State's Trunk Highway Fund, in cash or by the issuance and sale of bonds, by the State, der the provisions of -Article XVI of Section 12 of its Constitution, in the amount of such advance to the State in consider- ation of such advance by the City; and WHEREAS, the early improvement of the State's Trunk Highway System within the City's corporate limits, to facilitate safe and efficient traffic movement, to cope with rapidly increasing vehicular traffic congestion and to solve problems of public safety therein, is imperative and a matter of immediate public necessity; that, for said public purposes, among other improvements, of such portion of the State's Trunk Highway System, each of the following described two separate proposed State Trunk Highway Projects, within the City's corporate limits, denominated for convenience hereunder as State Trunk Highway Project No. 1 and State Trunk Highway Project No. 2, respectively, is imperative and a matter of immediate public necessity, to -wit: State Trunk Highway Project No. 1: The location, construction, � reconstruction and improvement of State Trunk Highway No. 51, Snelling r Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to Midway Parkway, which shall include the acquisition of right of way, the improving and widening of Snelling 1 Avenue from Hewitt .Avenue to Midway Parkway, the reconstruction and widening of the existing highway bridge over the Great Northern Railway Company tracks, or, as an alternate, an underpass for these tracks; and,a separation of grade at the location of the present railroad grade !� crossing with Snelling Avenue and the Northern Pacific Railway Company J I tracks, together with approaches on Snelling Avenue and connections to and interchanges with the Northern Route and the proposed Kasota Avenue w r -2- 200431 Highway, both of which intersect Snelling Avenue at approfdmately // ?0 right angles. State Trunk Highway Project No. 2: The location, construction, reconstruction and improvement of State Trunk Highways No. 56 & 218, as the same shall be established pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of Minnesota, Lafayette Street Bridge and Southerly Approach, which shall include the acquisition -of right of way and the construction of a bridge extending in a southeasterly direction from East Seventh Street and - Lafayette Road across and connecting to Interstate Trunk Highway No. 9L+ and across the rights of way, yards and tracks of the several railroads and the Union Depot_Company., across the Mississippi . River, with the bridge ending at approximately St. Lawrence and Fenton Streets, the southerly approach to the bridge thence continuing in a southeasterly direction, crossing Concord Street approximately between Brown and Andrew Streets and extending southerly to the south City limits just easterly of Waterloo Street, and thence easterly from the east line of West St. Paul;.and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said proposed State Trunk Highway Project No. 1, inclusive of right of way acquisition, is $4,200,000, and the estimated cost of said proposed Mate Trunk_ Highway Project No. 2, inclusive of right of way acquisition, is *10,500,000, and such estimated cost of each said proposed Project would necessarily require a delay in its programming, planning, engineering work and execution if therefor reliance must be limited for necessary financing 1 to methods legally available to said State and said City, exclusive i- .. --.' ..... L: of those provided by said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959; amd WBER.EAS, the City has an immediate interest in each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project, among other things because of the salutary effect thereof when executed, which would result to the economic growth, traffic mobility, utilizations of its public street systems and other interrelationship to the Statel -s Trunk Highway System, :End the public safety of pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic thereon, and the State has an important and direct interest in the immediate undertaking and completion of each said proposed State Trunk -3- J 200431 llga � Highway Project, and the City's interest in and need for each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project within its corporate limits warrants its volun- tary participation therein as authorized by Minnesota Constitution, Article XVI, Section lt,� and said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, particularly in the preliminary financing of the same by and through its advance of cash or engineering,services, or both, to the State, which said proposed State Trunk Highway Projects would otherwise of necessity be deferred, with resultant appreciable detriment to the public interest of the State and the City respectively; and WHEREAS, the State, acting by and through its Commissioner of 4 ^� Highways, and the City, thereunder and thereby, determined, upon the foregoing considerations, that such was necessary in the furtherance of the public interests of the State and the City respectively, made and entered into that certain original written Agreement dated January 25, 1960, and that certain Supplemental Agreement dated November 29, 1960, amendatory of said original Agreement by and between them, under and pursuant to said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, where- under and whereby the State did agree to undertake and complete each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project and to make repayment to the City by the issuance of bonds of the State, in the principal amount of all advances thereby agreed to be made and thereunder made by the City to the State, not exceeding that part of cost of each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project required to be borne by the State and representative of 50 per cent of the same, and whereunder and whereby the City did agree to make such advances to the State in cash, in an amount not in excess of that part of the cost of each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project, in consideration of the State's agreement to undertake and complete the same and to make such repayment to the City of the principal amount of such advances by the City, such advances by the City to be made solely from the proceeds of its issuance and sale of its bonds authorized to be issued and sold for said public purposes, in the aggregate par value amcu nt of $7,350,000, under and by virtue of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, whereunder and whereby said City was authorized to issue and sell the general obligation bonds of the City in the aggregate amount not to exceed 08,000,000 for said purposes; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that provision be made for the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of its Bonds authorized 2,00431 . // j 6 .r by said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, in the aggre- gate par value amount of 07,350,000 for the procurement of the necessary funds in said amount for the payment of the aforesaid advances by the City to the State of Minnesota for said public purposes under and pursuant to said original Agreement as amended by said Supplemental Agreement, by and between them, which contemplates and provides, among other things, for eligibility of each aforesaid State Trunk Highway Project therefor and the grant of additional financing for the defrayment of the estimated cost of the same, in an amount equal to fifty per cent (50 %) of such cost, by the Federal Government to the State, by authority and pursuant to Chapter f, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive, Title 23,. United States Code Annotated, 1959• THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, from time to time, the bonds of said City, in the par value amount of 07,350,000 authorized by Chapter 538, Session Laws of'Minnesota for 1959, for payment on account of said City's advances to the State of Minnesota therefor and not to exceed the State's share of the estimated cost of proposed State Trunk Highway Projects for the location, construction, reconstruction and improvement of certain State Trunk Highways within the corporate limits of said City, which advances in said amount of 07,350,000 said City agreed to make to said State for said purposes under and pursuant to that certain written original Agreement dated January 25, 1960, as amended by that cer- tain Supplemental Agreement dated November 29, 1960, made by and between them under and in accordance with the provisions, terms, and conditions of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959• Section 2. That each issue of said bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the Council and shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear such date and mature at such times as such resolution shall prescribe, provided that the first installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment of each issue of said bonds shall mature not later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of the same; that no amount of principal of each issue of said bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed five (5) times the amount of the smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar year ending three (3) years or more after the date of issue of the same; and that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City, in the manner provided by law. That said bonds shall be in the denomination of X1,000 each and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6 %) per annum payable semiannually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that said bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Council of said City and approved by its Corporation Counsel; and that said bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council shall prescribe..-and shall be sold by said City Council for not less than par value plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after two weeks' published notice of the time and place for receiving bids thereon. That= the,,,proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bonds, as received by' said City, shall be deposited by it in a special fund of said City designated as "State Trunk Highway Project Advance Fund" and allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only for the purposes aforesaid, in payment on account of said -5- 'v 200431 . //?D ..- City's aforesaid advances to the State of Minnesota therefor, and not to exceed said State's share of the estimated cost of proposed State Trunk Highway Projects for the location, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of certain State Trunk Highways within the corporate limits of said City, which advances said City agreed to make to said State for said purposes, under and pursuant to said -original Agreement, as amended by said Supplemental Agreement$ by and between them,, under and in accordance with the prapis, ns, terms, and conditions- of said Chapter 538, Session Laws'for•1959• tThatithe proceeds of-the .issuance and sale of said bonds hereby are appropriated thereto and shall be used only in payment of said City's aforesaid advances to said State therefor and not to exceed said State's share of the estimated cost of said proposed State Trunk Highway Projects within the corporate limits of said City agreed to be made by said City to said State under and pursuant to said original Agreement as amended by said SupplementalAgreement _ by and between them under and in accordance with the provisions, termslrica,,at.the and conditions of said Chapter 538, Sessiftm Laws'-of Minnesota for 1959That .said bonds shah. be payable in lawful money of the United States of Officer;o£ said 'City's Commissioner of- FinmYce; -i�n- said- Gity- of- :Sain-VPau1= ;- or...at..the office _ of the Fiscal Agent of said City in either Saint Paul, Minnesota, or New York; New York, at the option-of the holder, and the full faith and credit of said City hq.reby are irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. Section 3. That each of said bonds shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of said City lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its uity Clerk, and (-counter- signed manually by the City Comptroller, and each interest coupon thereto attached shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile signa- tures of its said Officers. Section 4. That said City's proper officers hereby-are authorized, directed and required to set aside annually from the revenues of said City an amount sufficient for the payment of the interest on said hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in' such year and hereby are authorized, directed and required to make a suffi- cient tax levy for the payment of the same under and pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended. That such tax levies for all years shall be specified and shall be such that if col- lected in full they, together with estimated collections of other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations, will produce at least five per cent (5%) in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on said bonds.. That each such tax levy shall be by resolution of the Council of said City, which shall, among other things, irrevocably appropriate the taxebAhereby levied together with estimated - collections of other revenues, :'v,.,t AE - .nature .of_thase_to be represented by_ repayments to the City of its aforesaid _ advances to the State of Minnesota, by said State to such City, to the said City's Sinking Fund or said special Fund designated as aforesaid, "State Trunk Highway Project Advance Fund" for the payment, when due, of the principal and interest of said bonds. That such provisions of this Section are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the payment of said bonds and are not in lieu of such pledge. That a duly certified copy of said original Agreement and a duly certified copy of said Supplemental Agreement are filed.herewith, in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and incor- porated herein by reference with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if said original Agreement and said Supplemental Agreements were set forth herein verbatim. 10 prl¢inal to City Clark 1 - ORDINANCE 200431 • COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Lem Mortin san Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) e,, Attest:` City Clerk 1115 6 -60 8 —7— F E g 2 Passed by the Council (0 In Favor O Against Approved: F E B 2 1961 Mayor x Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Lem Mortin san Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) e,, Attest:` City Clerk 1115 6 -60 8 —7— F E g 2 Passed by the Council (0 In Favor O Against Approved: F E B 2 1961 Mayor I- WOOD. KING DAWSON & L OGAN ATTORNEYS AND CAJUNSEL L OF. A • AW DAVID M WOOD (1002 -1060) GEORGE O KING JOHN D D A W S O N LORENS F LOOAN RU55ELL MCINNES LcROY LOVE LEO E SABATINE Louis P. Sheahan, Esq. Director of Law City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: 48 WALL STREET NEW YORK 5, N Y January 13, 1961 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, AID TO TRUNK HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION We thank you for your letter of January 6 and enclosed copy of the Agreement and Supplemental Agreement between the State and the City and the proposed form of ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds to raise the necessary funds for advancement to the State pursuant to said agreements, which we have examined and find to be in your usual excellent form. Assuming that Chapter 538, Laws of 1959, was validly en- acted by the legislature, we will be willing to render our approving I opinion on the bonds to be authorized by the proposed ordinance. In this connection, in November 1959, you forwarded us the Journal of the House, 1959 Regular Session, together with a certificate of the Chief Clerk of the House certifying that the 1959 Permanent Journal of the House contained the official proceedings on Laws 1959, Chapter 538. Since we do not have in our office a copy of the Journal of the Senate, 1959 Regular Session, would you kindly furnish us with the same together with the Senate Clerk's certification that the said Permanent Journal of the Senate contains the official pro- ceedings with respect to said Chapter 538, or, in the alternative, with certified extracts from the Senate Journals covering the passage of said Chapter,538. We see no reason why the City Council may not proceed directly to pass the proposed ordinance authorizing the bonds; how- ever, we wish to advise you that we could not render our approving :/ L. I. Ssy. 2 opinion with respect to any of the bonds authorized by said pro- posed ordinance unless,prior to the release of such approving opinion, we are furnished with satisfactory evidence that the particular project for which the proceeds of such bonds are to be advanced has been legally included in the Trunk Highway System of the State. We observe that the proposed ordinance permits the -bonds to mature serially in installments over a period of thirty years while Section 12 of Article XVI of the Constitution, pursuant to which the State would issue its bonds in repayment of the City's advances, limits the maturities of such bonds to twenty years. Therefore, if it is desired that the maturities of the City bonds match the maturities of the bonds issued by the State, it would be necessary for the resolution fixing the form and details of the bonds to restrict the maturity of bonds issued by the City to twenty years. If the City desires to issue bonds maturing over a period of thirty years, it may do so, and, if it is desired to make the maturities thereof correspond with the maturities of the bonds issued to the City by the State, certain of the City bonds maturing in the later years could be made redeemable prior to maturity. With the writer's kindest personal regards, we remain Very truly yours, i ` 1 t Duplicate to Printer 4 a� ORDINANCE 200431 COUNCIL FILE NO. f/11 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �V An ordinance providing therefor and authorizing the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the bonds of said City in the par value amount of 1.1,'7,350,000, authorized by Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, for the procurement by said City of the necessary funds in the amount of $7,350,000 for payment on account of sld City's pdvences to the State of I•linne:.ota, the latter acting in the premises by and through ite Commissioner of Highways, ther for and not to exceed the said State's share of th- estimated cost of certain State 'Trunk HighwE.y Projects for the location, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of certain State Trunk Highways within the corporate limits of said City, which advances in said amount of X7,3501000 said City agreed to make to said State for said pur- poses under and pursuent to several. Agreements :jade by and between them, authorized thereby and in accordance with the provisions, terms, and conditions of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959• this is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preGervation of the public peace, health, End safety. IM,R+'pS, Chapter 5380 :session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, according to its pertinent terms, became operative upon its approval by majority vote of the Council of the City, evidenced by said Council',s Resolutions Council File No. 192221, adopted and approved the 7th der of May, 1059, and the 0 Certifice.te of the City Clerk of the City incorporating a Certified Copy of said Resolution, the printer's affidavit of its official publications and all other re,uieite data, filed with the Secretary of State of the :state of Minnesota on the 21st day of 21cy, 1959, in accorrl• nee with all provisions of the Statutes of s<id State in such c!sez made and provided; and V RFAS, said Chapter 538, Session L_ -ws of Minne..ota. for 1959, among other things, for the purposes of expediting and facilitating action by the State on any State Trunk Highway Project for location, construction, reconstr s- tion or improvement of any State Trunk Highway, within the corporate limits of the City, authorizes ^n agreement by and between the State and the City whereunder Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -60 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against '20 7 31' - * ..i sad ra* the OiV �ibtil *# 'fin_ eesu lderition or' 1. o ,,six T v uati • e�b� a t3.. �t t�. i i�r �r'� apc i br' tbi i tatilo t d ' w • - ^ �pi►a'�.ia iia shah c+el,: to A. 4406 o ox `e�niifar#a. �►erre� ; or both; ° to• +,h6- : uii im. � t r►t t td o�osdig tit :. r off` ii ' a.st U '1 =RC to '�a�em ', t i�a rji.Pi,djoOt vhlehrli ;to ;fie hofte b�► "thO X8444 �y , e SrA ­Rbae w Iaer armed. - wigr44 tb* * btsie ow. *Or .to to 4r-Uhe 0 ± , �: f, oQi�pieteJ'a�tch� to mr'� un t h r k'Oj� tl g' 0, � r o pry► tql -t hip 3t�► tha� x neipia luttgvit of ',Oudh- adr ta.# ' +X# ii i, 1,00r et, k '�'ni }. = ? ' Qa► tho I 'Auguft 'and tt�rt Af :bmoo, bY ' thd� ft#+ t # A t$ yrcav� at tote O "Arts rOU a 3 Q ate VonotlUfA 7}♦ I n ,$h4 Okata�a�tt off' :��h,1 ad�►�tc+� �6► .'t+hte gt%taa llv_ Obtldvi • ation or "euth A t'eade by" the , 'f o - ; • ; .._ t' ., .tha $rly 14,07 -avail mt_'ot: this � *-t_a'a Trunk X144 67 - 7.itt at�v0bin 06 Cftt vl� rpo faia3l Of +al:ei3t- t t, *; Ao' i y. .,' r ' �'n• }�_ a =., r3• . t,i �,0. ,. "t, _ '• .. ` T ps � ±• r ; iy', .,,'• +1 r, „� s - a . 5 kV • ", ' '' . .. , _ - r ` tr ltici o rretiah., to eo .i pia.Siejea cif >'pxcb c a s sty theraris I:V 4,,,: itperat a ' attgx' bi" ImAdigto 0101, .1c'rascsas ctb13a?p +wrpoa�t,:euta'otr.t1rQvee►ati, ott+��x. ton c► -the_ - Y #ltett�', t..`Tx't i r l gh eteei; eater •of they. i`o �o a fo it,! a� .� aye i,ar #� . a o o��rd ti . "1` ,a " ss�r 'VI jedii :4. l4t.4 n 'rip Vtty 0, .. 4, �aca aYr. i itz�` asi�4od �otmrOnOAcal, laorkandgt *e 4+.&te U�n�_ .. - ate r© ec nd t. i►us ht140ay Hjr4 Project.'?lo*,.,l on t . � ' 4p � t " # - � r • ; - ' s 4v#, -qmd pot or, ,Ot.tftiai pub�3O alte+e�ieSt�ir kv+• vi. , ; _ tSAO I x h�+a�y_Pro�adt tea. i the loaa�tiia � < i i�ta�iaot►i�a�� : . ♦ , _ ` ,,y ' _ "�1. 'y r r/y �y.1. �, lam• I. //}. 4 TL:J�h y'y� j •�yr� y_., .(.yy� T • �/{��`{ _ i' • '' _. • • • w '���et�atiq� �LT �1,Hp���_�[if�•µM.I. •�V�VMF,,•��1.�'�i ����f�� IWM�. ��+ '�'rR�.!M��'. ,, - .. _, �rmaua roti! .IWO* A'VinO to i A Pe ►!4Tr` "rr?�� �� �tba1.$i of' 'P ht a w4 to.Mi,4v*T P ]twsr,# the too.r,rst �uemte it "li,Y e, e-AgUng, 'fit ghit • -btdcl�ai, i�ver.EAei ,Q�e'� �t��ther�i � tjgciV,g, orii t as at tg net. ;` axi uac atrpa�a `or; ' ge tz ckit - _ ` 'grepi3�n off'r�it at'tja,ca o #iha ptagent- i�.iri+'�i ere.aE 'i pa taatl 'A+.h Vnip i :era , e8 the . �r ' it fX ... a► ►' b r' old `int"OhArl,gae %4,t b, t1iA'1 411L't• 4't�tag . C 19� . �'? �A1�4 .,i ILt' • 'Y - j, !.. .. - •} - .• - L. ', _ -, 2004 HighwoVi :both of Which intersect .Snelling -Avenue at'epproaimat ®1T_ '• _ right Wles. { State Trunk'Highwe� Project no: 2r. The locations aonstruc'tion; • reconstruction and improvement. of State `Trunk Highways 11o.? 48p'. . °S . as the - seine shall. bey ,established ptir�uant to the' 'agplicable laws o_ f the Statefof Xiiuiesot&,1 i,46y iie `€street Bridge - and Southerly -Approach .. - ' ' t why ch shall inciqcia •fhe` acqni anion of right of w4 and . the - construction of a -bridge emending in .a eoutheasterly._direetion fro ' East-•Seventh Streaet anarLafdyestte� l�oadr eicroae end connecting to Interstate_ Trunk ; Highway No. 94- and across the rights of ,vWp Yards 'an�- tracks ,of the „ ee�ere l' railroads and the. Upton .17e pot Compab acrue6 th l�iiasissippi Rivers. 'with the bridge: endin_ g ° at' 'approximately St:' Lawrence-and Fenton ~' Streets,` the_ southerly .approach to, the bridge - 'thence eontinuGing in - a southeapterly direction, crossing Congord Stresst'approximatply between, {Y '' Brown and ,Andrew Stroets''= and extendin •eotitherly to tie ,south pity; ' r limits just easterly,-ot Va- erloo- Street, and thence easterly .from' the' :�• east -line of. w®0t .St: - Paul ;, and VHMAS,­the 'estimated ,cost of said proposed. 8iate• gunk High1fo, Pro jbet No. 19 inclusive of right of way acgtd4tion, 'ie� - - o t of, said proposed Mate gunk H txa Y 14200,00©, and t heat ;astel c { - Project, No.' 2a inclusive" of right bi .way gcquiai:tioa, :is l0et 0,130 ©, aid such estimated cost of each'eaid., proposed Project xou1d aecesearily re*re ' a delay. in ito progrva wing, - p}.armt -4 ' engineering, Work and ezeboution "ii therefor i6liance must'be limited .for necessary financing _ 7 _-to methods legally mailable to' saieI State' and said City, ' enclusive , " r of, those provided by said {Chapter 538, Session ,Lana of Minne$ota. for 199; aid'.. -.�•-. �. - -• : - • . -• • , . _ •: - - , , ' . , '. .: ..- ' '. ' .- . the, City 'has an immediate interest -in each said proposed Stats'gunk Highway Project, among - other, things because of_ the salutary .effect thereof when ezeduie' which vould result to the y r ecanoeaia: growth, traffie mobility, utilizations _of its, public street ' ►atema and other . interrelationship, -to th® State: o Trunk highw'a'y _ Watts,', 'and. the public „safety. of pedestrians and motor vehicle ticafiia' rj thereon, end the Stato has an important and ,,direot interest in the ry ; ' f d eom let3ori of each;.sd Proposed `State Trunk ,., . immediate undertaking an p 201A31, $i hway Proje_et,, and the City's ,interest -'in and _need' for `'each said proposed -State Trunk Highway Pro j ect �ithin its corporate limits �•arrants is vial 3 1. i un= tary•.participation- therein as authorized ­by Minnecota Constitution, .Article XvI., SectiOni,`lr- an'd•Y sat d chapter '538t •Session tavo' of�l�innosota for 1959' ~ particulArly, in the :prelbminaiy financing . of? the same-by .and through its- _advance of-, csah or e�gineering services,or •both, .to -.the State, wbieh r said proposed State Trunk Hihwap.Pro jyects. "mould otlieri�ise of necessity -b6 deferred, with resiAtant .appreeiable• detriment. to the publ�ic'interest. + ' of•the State and the`-Citya:reepeetively; ?and YHFVF-AS,, 'the State; acting by eiae3'through its Commissioiaer of. ' - ` `t Highzaape� Aad the city, thereunder `and thereby., - determined, upon the - j lrr ..= foregoing consiclera.tioas� that, such was necessary, is the 'fur" therance_,of ` ,t a :r, = the publ$o. interests. of-the .State a nd the - (pity respectively, made and j ` `•' entered into that certain• original written,. greement dated ,January 25, - }`- '�• �� 19600 and that dertaiii' Supplemental' Agreement dated November emendatory - „of e,si: ^d,.;origincal Agreement by' and: bet4een them, under and pursuant to said Chapter 538, Session Laws of 3�innesota for 1959 xhQre- - under and,whereby the. State did •ogres to- undertake and, complete each' - said i prgposed�State Trunk, 'Pro j ct, and to make repayment., to the r ' City -by the ie$uance o€ rbonds of the State,.'in the principai amount,of: all :advances, thereby agreed to be made and"-thereunder made by the City,- . to the State, not eaxceeding -that part of cost of "each`s,aid proposed,-. State Trunk_Hlghway Project,re ;uired,to be.-borne-by the 'State rind - w representative of 50 per, "cent of the came.,- and yhereunder and-whereby s the City did agree .to make such advances to` the State in cash, in -an amount not in- excess of that .part of the -cost of each said proposed - " State Trunk Highway ProjACt, in"considerat on`of• the '.tate! a agreement th.undertake and complete the :same and to•make such repayment to the City- _ . - of the principal amount ' of such advances -by the City; such • advances by the Cjty to be, made solely ;from ,the proceeds -of its issuance and sale of its bonds”, authorized to be issued' and_ '- sold for said public purposes, in the,* aggregate par value `amcu nt of.,-'$7,,350,000, under and b , virtue , of . r said- Chapter 538, Session. Laws of Minnesota for 1959,- whereunder and �! - -. whereby :84d City was authorized to issue -:and sell. the general obligation' , - - ,.bonds off' the City ih the aggregate amount not to, exceed $8,000,000 1 for said purposes; ,sad ;- i REgS, it is necessary that provision be -made for the sauance an sale the (+ity; o_ f: Saint= Paul of its- Bonds authorized' by said Chapter 538; Session Laws, of Minneaoti for 1959; in4the--aggre -. - \ Yg &te.par *alue mount- X7,350,000 for ,the procur ®meat of the necessary = funds in ,said amount, for'_the payaent of • the aforesaid advances by• the -CitT to__th6, State of Minne-soto for_ sad d,- public purposes under .and pursuant to said original Agreement as amended by said Supplemental' _ Agreement, by and between them,`'whchT contemplates 'and providea, among other things.' {-fora .eligibility of ,each `afores 3 "$tate',TiKink "Highway .Projsot therefor and the grunt of additional financing for,the defrayment- of,the estim.ted edit of the game.,, in an; amount equal to, fifty per cent (50%) of such cost, by the Yederal Ooeernment to ,the . State, by authority'. and pursuant to Chapter 1, Sections 101 to-131 inclusive, Title 23, United States~'Code - Annotaaed, 1959. • ' -THE - COUNQIL' OF, THE °CITY OF _ SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: _ Section 1: -T the.,City :of Saint PiulFissue_ and ,sell, from tine to time, _ the bonds' of 'kaid City, in the -par value amount of $7,350;000- ' `authorized by Chapter, 535,., besaion -Laws of Minnesota •for 195% 'for payment on account of said.City's advances to the State of Minneeota therefor end not to exceed the State's , eh of the ®stimated' cost of proposed _ - State Trunk -, Highway Projects for th ,locati.on. construction, reconstruction and impro*ement.' of cei ttain• State. Trurik.Mghuays within the corporate limits of said City, Aich advaneI Jn• said .amou f, Of $7,350,000 said Ctiy -agreed to maker to said. State for, said purposes under and.pursuant to. that., certain . ' written original Agreement dated Jannaiy 25, 196 -0; as amended by that cer- tain Supplemental Agreement dated November.- 29, ,1960, made by and -between`' them- , under and in accordance Frith the- provisions, : terms, and conditions- .-. of _said, Chapter 538, Session LaNe .of 'Minnesota for• 1959• ; Section 2.- That each issue of said bonds shall-be authorised by- re.aolution of the Council ' ennd' shall be in the form ,of serial bonds and the same shall bear such d.te'sand Mature, at' such-times as such resolutionF `shall prescribe -- provided that the first, . installment -of each issue of said ".i bonds shall -mature -not later _than _three (3) years tron find after *the 'date' ' y.. of the ssme and 'the lash installment. of each issue of said bonda shall. ; -- mature not later than thirty (30) gears from and 'after the date, of the lamb; that no'amount of. principal of each issue of said bonds payable in any calendar year, -shall exceed five (5) tines the _amount of the smallest amount •; - of principal maturing in .any calendar year ending.' three (3) year or more after the dateL of issue of the • same; and• that_ said ,bonds shall be `issued and '- sold by said City; in the' - manner provided bf' law. "i'hat `said bondi''shall be in the denomination of $1,000 each and shall -bear interest not in access of six per, cent' (6%)' per annum payable semiannually according to interest f coupons to be attached to' the same ;' that. said bonds shall.-be in the form prescribed by the Council of. said, City and approved by.it_s•- _c6rPorati�on T Counsel ;•and that said, bonds, shall bear such interest as said .City Council _shall presc.cribei and shall be acid' by esid City`t;oun" 1- for not less' than par value plus ,accrued interest, 'to the highest bidder therefor, after-two' weeks' published notice of -the time and place for ireceiving bids thereon: That the proceeds from the issuance, and aale of said bonds; as' received by said City,., shall be,,deposited by•it in a special fund, of- sai.d_Citp designated as "State. Trunk Highway, Project - Adviince ,Fund*. Pnd allocated thereto : and subject to disbursement only for'the. purposes aforesaid, in payment on account of ;said t - 1 = City'a aforesaid - advances to the State of-Minnevota therefor,' and tot to exceed said State) a share of • the "esti.mated coat of proposed. State Trunk Highway Projects for the locations construction,' recoiistraction, and improvement of- certain ,State Trunk Highways witHin the corporate _livdta of said Ci -h advances said City agreed to make to said State for = said purposes,, -under and pursuant to said original Agreement, as amended • - - by said Supplemental - Agreement, bs and between them, under end in accordance . with the provisions, terma, and._conditionals`of said Chapter 5381•Session Laws' for;1959•- That the proceede' -.of the iJsauance and- sale- of said bonds hereby are Appropriated thereto and shall,be used only in payment'of -said -City! s' aforesaid advances to said St_ ate therefor: and not to ezceed." said _ State's share the' estimated cost of maid propoaediState Trunk - Highway - _, Projects irith3n the - corpurat►e� limits of:aaid'City agreed to be made by _ said City=•to'said State under and.-pureuant to, said original Agreement as-amend try'said SupplenentalA&eement .and between" them under 'and _ in accordance with the provisions, terms, and conditions'of said Chapter. _ 5380 Seeat�apz%; Laws of Minnesota. for 1959• That. said bonds shall be payable in lawfnl�Money _of the ,United _Stated of Ameriea*v at the Oflieeoof said City's Commissioner of Finance; An said City of-Saint Paul, or at the office -of the- Fiscal.Agent of.said_City.in either' -Saint Paul, Minnesota, or Hew' York; New = } York, �t ,the- option of the .hold.er,r `and the full faith and credit of said City hereby +are irrevocably pledged for -:the prompt and faithful payment ;of both principal and interest- -of said bonds._ Section 3. That each of said, bonds shall' be sealed by the j " facsimile of-,the Official` Seal of said City ,lithographed thereon and - signed by the lithographed -facsimile. signature of its Mayorp attested- by the lithographed facsimile signature of its City-Glerk, and'Ccounter- signed manually by the- City O.omptroller,- ,and each interest coupon - thereto attached shall be signed by the'lithographed facsimile s,.gna- turei of its' said. Officers. _ Section 4.: That said City's. proper officers hereby are authorized, ,directed and required to set aside annival.ly,` from the `revenues of said -City an amount sufficient for the payment of the interest on said hereby authorized bonds and. the principal - -of any such bonds maturing. in ,. such year and.- hereby'are authorized; ,directed sad required to make ' a suffi- cient tax levy for the payment of the- same under and , pursuant, to the 'pro= - visions _ of Chapter 475, - Minnesota Statutes 1957,, r.s amended. That' such tax •levies for all years shall ._be - specified, and shall be' such that- if- col lecied in'fall they, together with estimated collections of other revenues: pledged, for- the ,payment of said obligations, " will produce at lea$ti five per cent (5 %) in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on said .bonds. • _That each such tax levy shall be by resolution of the-:Council of said City; which shall, among oiher•-things.. irrevocably appropriate the taxes thereby levied together with estimated collections of other - revenues in the.nature of those to be represented by _ repayments to the .-,City of -ita aforesaid advances to the State of Minnesota, } by said State to :such City, -to -the maid .City's Sinking Nund or. said special Fund designated a.s* aforesaid,; "State Trunk 'Highway Project Advance Fund" for the payment, when due, of the principal and inteiest' of ,-said bonds. That such provisions of this Section are, in addition to the pledge 'of the'f�ill faith'and'credit_ of said City for.th_e payment of, said.bonds and are not in lfeu'of such pledge. • That a duly certified copy of said original -Agreement. and a duly_ certified copy of said Supplemental Agreement, are filed herewith, in -the office of the_,City_'Clerk of•said;City, and iaeor- porated herein -b>' reference with the-.•apme intent; purpose,_ and effect as if said original. Agreement and said Supplemental Agreements were'set' forth herein verbatim@ " DupUcate to Printer r ORDINANCE 200431 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk iM a -so s —7— Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against AGREEME -Ir'T THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this a day of 19_, by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Highways, hereinafter designated "the State ", and the City of Saint Paul, municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated "the City ", under and pursuant to Chapter 538, Sessio Laws of Minnesota for 1959, WITNESSETHs WHE;.EAS, said Chapter 539, Session Laws of '.Miri.;eso a according; to its pertinent terms, became operative upo!. its ^.;Sroval by majority rote of the "ouncil of the Cit„•, ev de vad said Cour.;;i.L's ..esolution, ,,oiincill m .j mile .10. �?r ?.� !it' a ap iroved the I to play of May tr►e ':ertifi,;ate of the 'pit; Urir:: of the Ct ' ;o-Di of said .:�sol•x`.io :, uh+ printer's a °;'.dares` o° `:ts o`iicial -;ubli:atio:., anZ all other requisite data, filed wit.; tho, Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota on the ?is play of May 175`.', in accordance wttn a-01 ).°o- visions of the Statutes of said State in such cases JAdf And 4HEf;EAS, said "hapter 538, Session Laws of :IiniPSOtr� .n: 1)59, among other things, for the purposes of expediting &Ile fa(Al- itating action by the State on anj State Trunk Hiahwa,1 Project for loostion, construction, reconstruction or improvement of any State Trunk Highway, within the corporate limits of the City, authorizes an agreement oouparable to the instant agreement, to be made by and between the State and the City whereunder and whereby the City shall agree# in consideration of the undertaking of any such subject State:Highway Projeot, by,th♦ State;at a tine speottied in such ogether with approaches on Snelling Avenue and connections to nd interchanges with the Northern Route and the proposed Kasota venue Highway, both of which intersect Snelling Avenue at approx. mately right angles. State Trunk Highway Project No. 2% The location, con - itruction, reconstruction and improvement of State Trunk Highway".. 10.5 & 218,as the same shall be established pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of Minnesota, Lafayette Street Bridge ►nd 5outherly Approach, which shall include the acquisition of ,ight of way and the construction of a bridge extending in a southeasterly direction from ::ast Seventh Street and Lafayette .oad across and connecting to Interstate Trunk Highway : +o. 94 ind a•.ross the rights of way, yards and tracks of the several railroads and the Union Depot ':ompany, across the ::ississippi ::aver ith the bridge ending at approximately St. Lawrence and Penton ,treats, the southerly approach to the bridge thence continuing in southeasterly direction, crossing Concord Street approximately etween Brown and Andrew Streets and extending southerly to the south City limits just easterly of Waterloo Street, and thence aterly from the oast line of West St. Paul, and v!'rii' %AS the estimated cost of said _-roposed State Trunk iighway :Project No. 1, exclusive of right of way acquisition, is 59000,0000 and the estimated cost of said proposed State gunk ighway Project No. 2, exclusive of right of way acquisition, is 11,000,000, and such estimated cost of each said proposed Project ould necessarily require a delay in its programming, planning, sneering work and execution if therefor reliance must be limitei or necessary financing to methods legally available to said Stat said City, exclusive of those provided by said Chapter to make such advances to the State, in cash, in an amount not in excess of that part of the cost of each said State Trunk Highway Project, in consideration of the State's agreement to undertake and complete the same and to make such repayment to the City of the principal amount of such advances by the City, such advances by the City to be made solely from the proceeds of its issuance and sale of its bonds authorized to be issued and sold for said public purposes, in the aggregate par value amount of $8,000,000, under and by virtue of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesot for 1959, and WHEREAS, the State and the City necessarily contemplate and intend to provide thereunder that this Agreement in respect each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project, for operative effect, shall be contingent upon the attainment of eligibility of the same therefor and the grant tD the State of additional financing therefor in an amount equal to fifty per cent of the said es.1mated cost of the same from the Federal Government, and and pursuant to Chapter 1, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive, Title United States Code Annotated, 1959; HOW THEREFORE the State, acting by and through its Commissioner of Highways, and the City, acting by and through it Council, under and pursuant to said Chapter 538, Session Laws of innesota for 1959, hereby mutually agree and provide as follow 1. That the foregoing recitals hereof, by reference, hereby are incorporated in this Agreement and made part and parcel of the same, all with the same intent, purpose and effect as if add foregoing recitals were reiterated herein verbatim: 2. That this Agreement is made under and pursuant thereto and is dependent for authorization upon the rovisions of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesot or 1959, entitled: "An Act pertaining to the city of Saint Paul and authorizing advances of cash or engineering services, or both, by the city o Saint Paul to the commissioner of highways, v, a ..Au ..6 Y�ii-i Vi, vances to the State by the City in cash or gineering services, or both, therefor under and rsuant to the applicable provisions of said Chapter salon Laws of Minnesota for 1959. 6. That the State shall be deemed to warrant unto the City hereunder and hereby the status of said proposed State Trunk Highway Project No. 1 as an integral part of State Trunk Highway No. 51, included within the State's Trunk Highway System, and as eligible to become and be the subject of the aforesaid contemplated Federal govern- mental grant for the financing of the estimated cost of th same to the extent of 50 per cent of the amount of such estimated cost1 that the State hereunder and hereby covenants that it will within 'a reasonable period of time, fully perform all acts and conduct all procedures requisite therefor, to the and that said proposed Stato Trunk Highway Project No. 2 shall become and remain an integral part of a State Trunk Highway included within the State's Trunk Highway System and, as such, eligible for the aforesaid contemplated Federal grant for the financing of the estimated cost of the same to the extent of 50 per cent of the amount of such estimated cost. 7. That the State shall procure and provide the necessary right of way for each said State Trunk Highway Project and that no part of any cost incurred by the State therefor or value represented therein is included in said aggregate estimated cost of said Projects hereinabove provided to be financed by said 50 per cent grant on the part of the Federal Government and by said 50 per cent advance by the City. 8. That the State, additional to all other obligations herein provided to be perforated by it, in such connection, shall without any unnecessary or unreasonable delay, proceed therewith and complete all necessary planning and engineering for each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project, hereinaboi generally described and designated for the purposes of the Agreement as State Trunk Highway Project No. 1 and State Highway Project No. 2 respectively, and shall, upon the com- pletion of such planning and engineering and the approval of the plans therefor, by the City, proceed to construct and complete each said Project in accordance with such approved plans therefor, with all convenient speed. 96 That, as aforesaid, the estimated cost of each such proposed State Trunk Highway Project to the extent of 50 per cent thereof shall be borne by the Federal Government and the remaining 50 per cent thereof shall be borne by the State, and as aforesaid such estimated cost, in each case, is the estimated cost of the subject proposed Project, exclusive of right of Way. 10. That the State, undler and in strict compliance with all requirements of said Federal Statutes, Chapter 1, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive, TitYe 23, United States Cdde Annotated, 1959, shall render each said proposed State Trunk Highway Project eligible therefor and procure the subject requisite -7- Fty in the principal amount of such advance made ythe City to the State hereunder, as aforesaid, by the State's issuance and sale to the City of ale, bonds of the State in the same principal amount and in consideration of such advance by the City shall coincident with such advance by the City and shall accompanied by a legal opinion thereon by either Wo King and Dawson, Bond Counselors, of New York City, New York, or by another nationally recognized Bond Counsel acceptable to the City, holding said State bonds to be valid obligations of the State of Minn* 15. That this Agreement in respect to the City's participation therein has been authorized and approved by the Resolution of its Council, Council File No. adopted and approved the 29th day of December, 1959• 16. That wherever used in connection with any foregoing provision for any such Federal Governmental grant for the financing of any such proposed State Trunk Highway Project the tern "estimated cost" shall be construed to mean the actual cost of the subject project as finally determined. That the State's aforesaid planning and engineering to be performed hereunder subject to the City's approval for each / such proposed State Trunk Highway Project, shall fully and precisely describe, define and delimit the same subject to such extensions, curtailments and variations of the sane as shall be the subject of the mutual agreement of the State and the City, approved by the Federal Governmenta. Agency having cognizance and consistent with said applicable Federal and State Statutes and applicable rules and regulation of Federal and State Authorities. Nevertheless the aggregate of the City's aforesaid advances to the State, hereunder, on account of the financing of the estimated cost of said proposed State Trunk Highway Projects, as aforesaid, subject to repayment of principal to the City, by the State, shall not exceed $8,000,000 nor shall any such reimburseable advance by the City for any said proposed project be in excess of that part of the estimated cost of the same which is to be borne by the State. That subject to the foregoing limitations and provisions condition precedent to changes in project plans extra provisions may be made for the application of City NOT ENCUMBERED i dvances hereunder toward defrayment of the State's cost STATE AUDITOR f extra right of way for any subject project in respect hereof all now contemplated items of cost shall have first .�...Ei4:::_.c..�.. son paid. �jt�.,.... �L.:..... IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to have been hereto affixed. Attests CITY OF SAINT PAUL-. ds By In yor Dated -9- ciwrppr ion ar Council Flle No. 196193 —By Adrian P. "��'.;r • - r•'..•.f•' Winkel— ' - �''r•'r'`}� Resolved, BY the Council of the City 1 ''.�•� •'- t'� of Saint Paul, that the presently pro- ' posed Agreement by and• %between the SL-•2 •. + .,'•F, ; :•i' State'oI • Minnesota. acting • bys and •�"'' ^i'',Y..�.'ir •• '_ _ . . through ifs Commissioner of Highwayyss r,', �` :'•'•� ; and said City of Saint Paul, acting. by and through Its Council, for the Pan- "' "'•-! �' , sing, engineering, and construction by STATE • OF MINNESOTA the State, of two separate State Trunkt>�Y•��:titFi�: Highway, Prolect�,�wlthin :the City's c. _COUnty of RamseyY jss. • - corporate limits. therein generally de- ti �.._.�L�.e.e..... xVt d as follows: z j Cl I Y OF SAINT PAUL'I '4•• State =Trunk. Highway Project wry'• ' No.- 1:•The focatlon; construction. r.',,.5 •. „ -' �••..Y.;?�••`:'�" . reconstruction and Improvement of ,,:.� , •: >,µ,; .,' State &Trunk i Hlahway s• No.i 51, �. �.. - Snelling Avenue from. Minnehaha ,,• �EE`' '.'"- Joseph: R: Okoneski, .................. City Clerk Avenue , to Como -Avenue! which �. ::S I +,... - •' ............................. ................... _..s ...... shall !include ! the) acqutsitlon a of •S r k °,��i, . Y rl trot -way,4 the i Improving • and +',' ...; ,4,. widening of Snelling Avenue from �- Minnehaha Avenue to cemo'wve- Of �t- _City Of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have ::.....• r - �• . nue, the reconstruction and 'wid- .:,. �� • _ �� erwtB Lof i the • exlstln6l highway •: 195192 t bridge over4the.Grea i. orlhern : t; compared the attached copy of Council File No ............ ............................... Railwayy Company tracks, or,- as an alternate, an underpass for.•. these tracks; and a acp aratbn of grade December 29, at the location of the Present rail- as adopted by the City Council ............ ........................................... 19.. road grade crossIn6 with Snelling Avenue, and-the Northern Paelfle Railway Company . tracks; together - h IDeCeIDbO.. 29) with n7roac ea on Snellin6 Ave- ; • ,? and approved by the Mayor ................................................... ...........19__.............. nue and connections to and Inter- ' changes ;withp the Northern Route R h ay,-- pb%ths0 ,which Intersect • with the original thereof on file in my office. Snelling Avenue at approximately right angles• ."State -Trunk Highway Project No., 2: -The location; constructfon. ......................................................................................................... ............................... reconstruction and Improvement of State Trunk Highway No.-56 and 2111, as the same shall be established pursuantto the applicable laws of ......................•••..._._........,......•••......._....,.._._..,..............._................... ...........,................... the State of Minnesota,- Lafayette Street Bridge and SoutherlytiAp- proach.1- which • shall • Includde • the ...._.....•••-,.......-•--••••• ............ ............................... acquisition of right of way and thc .............................................................. construction of a bridge extending In a southeasterly direction. from •F,aet Seventh Street and Latayetto ......................................................................................................... ............................... Road•acrossl and - 'connecting'to Interstate +Trunk Highway No. 94 ,• and across the rights of way, yards andtracks of the several railroads ......................................................................................................... ............................... and, the . Union • Depot - Company, Jf%ceross the Mississippi River, with ';j the bridge ending at appproximately St.- Lawrence and FenWn Streets, .......................................................................... ............................... the 0 southerly approach 9 to a the bridge the continuing In a southeasterly direction, crossing ................ ............................... ConcordStreet ■ ectlon ately in .......................................................... ............................... tween Brown and Andrew Streets and - extending • southerlya to • the south City limits just easterly of Waterloo Street,-and thence east- ......................................................... ...........................................................................•••- erly • from the east line of West St. Pa W:i the • et • c lmated cost rof . ;5,900,000. + ...................................................... ............................... ,,.. ....................... ............ .. exclusive of said at way acqubltbn, �+;1•+ ••` In respect of sa d State Trunk Ighway Project No.-I,-and -at the estimated costOf $11,00.00D.- exclusive of right .::........................................................................ ............................... of way acquisition? In respect of said ' s• + ''�, ��P 'r «'' far State . Trunk• Highway-. Project- No., 2, •� ,.• •�• � /J � hereby a is b approved .ands authorized subject to the provisions, terms; •and ' '• I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of _ conditions-of the same which•• emon` '' T.(t,� • •i� other,things,Ymake the Drovlabns.of1 •a ,s, o said j agreement,-* In? respect z to I each, •-/ said proposed project; contingent .9 id'orlginal andr.itl'e whole thereof. operative, effect ♦, upon the j ellSlb!]Ity t) of each Bald pro act; es u part of a(; f�s ! �..e_`• l �_s:j duly established ctatgTrunk Hle t of "• System; far nnencing 5o er Dent ot1t. •' WITNESS y;liand and the seal of the City of int Paul, Minn., said estimated cost by a Federal Gov 1 60. emmental grant to the State ther ioF :�': �) 1 t} f ry7 W under Cha ter 1,-.Title 23,• U S 6 :A1'3d pp ...A. D. 19........ - -•- 1959, and 50 per cent thereof by ad. """" •" vanes representative of that Dart o y'; • . /'��( said estimated cost to . be•, borne b �pp�� the State to be made' by Bald Clt ! •)� )/►�� Y.......: ..... .... .. ........................... t1 !: Cit e subject to'relmbunement to Bald i by the State, pursuant to Chappter 536, �� .t y Session-Laws of Minnesota for , 1 sole 959 m , such advances to be made ly fro proceeds of the issuance and sale by said City of Its bonds 1n the amount of. $6,000,0OO,�u•authorized by said last mentioned State Act; IP Resolved Further, That additional to the foregoing, said Agreement, by Its provisions, terms, and conditions, will impose upon the State,- emon` other - things, the obligations to furnish;' ex- • traneously of said financing;, the'ne- cessary , : right -ofswa I for.. each • said . •� - proposed project and to perform all acts and things necessary thereto and render each said project ell Is as a ' part - of said State's -Trunk HlghwaY System: for said Federal grant, under _ - said Federal Statute and for said it *a advance,- under said State Statute; In + respect of each -said ptopoxd project$ an c provides • that r "estimated •coat• ' . of any such project, ls�ss vaad therein in ,%nsfttlon • with a federal $govern- mental participation, shall mean actual cost of the same as finally determined; L* Resolved Further; -That said Agree- ment; as the same may be appproved as to form by the Corporation Counsel shall be executed In behalf of said -' City by its proper oftkers. WA — tad 1 e bj th Council • December Z9,' 1959. Approved December 29, 1959. (J'anuary, 2.P 1900) fig^` �ti': *J. ' ![. •'.y Y +.` SupP1.N0.1 52556 M Agreement between "IN The State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, and Th��ty�. o..�f.�t.... Paul i n sots :et State :'run;c Highway 'roject 40. 1 State Trunk Highway Project 70. 2 4R PLLMRNT;•L AGREEMENT his Sup ls�entul R P.rss%aent made and entoroP i"t and between the StC." of Minnesota actirg bf and. throe; ;h its . nnissioner of IiF;hways, hereinafter !lsaiz.i.teQ the "3tate" nn•:< the ity of Sal" zl, n .ru ni^ipal ,-orlo: atio:s of the S:,ta Of :'.inncsota, herei -i after the `:S the Stator nnsl the i:.it! ?!i'i m,• te: idateA Janu;; -, , 2 uhmre; n the it", w c n aj. is of to the ';tzte for the OF nni �e .. ",t.'iR ..i ;: ;31 .' i '$ ti.`'Ii''.: thm ".ia :ihi .'ti i:'Q' P..ts .f�11�':7j"•''. ..`a sai'� *ia .?'.:ill ,;r , :.a0. 2 ", 'iorr, .'..or a to 111 M F.:s Of v'' tnt 0 : 1:i+. ::i� Clrffl:J "o cc! ;O. 84"" Ai; r0laftlt- di f that an; ;)o:"tio!► of thes cp.,nnes tO :,e m de by .hp it; to °rie :e! �rou13 ;)ra Hp ;.jliP�, town. d the : 0 k STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) CERTIFICATE S . f w The undersigned, as the duly elected, qualified, and acting City Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul, and the official custodian of the original Agreement between the State of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul designated "Minnesota Highway Dept. Agreement No. C -2556 M," does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true photostatic copy of said original Agreement and all of the same. M (SEAL) City Comptroller of City of Saint Paul • 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) SS CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF RAMSEr ) The undersigned, as the duly elected, qualified, and acting City Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul, and the official custodian of the original Supplemental Agreement between the State of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul designated "Minnesota Highway Dept. Suppl. No. 1 Agreement No, 52556 R," does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true photostatic copy of said original Supplemental Agreement and all of the same. (SE-AL) City Comptroller of City of Saint Paul is 1 I 2n Laid over to 3rd and app (. I:S/: Adopted 2 / Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss A¢een Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis 8 20043.E Yeas Nays ,�eCourcy Holland �ortinsou N Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis