200368t� r .T INTERMEDIARY ORDERS - `, --�,� —T Council File No. 200368 — In the matter of f MAP NO. 4 Condemning and taking e following th constructionofod WaII4 Dikes, Pumping Station 2tes, Structures and Slopes for FloorWN ^o�� tro l Purposes on the followirti'ji; �/p scrikt roperty 6 "'1 `COVINC 11h O b' " *1o' BY INTERMEDIARY, ORDER In the Matter of under Preliminary Order 200000 Approved December ].., 1960 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1 1000.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -7�#- day of +• V" iiii xjv . 1961 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and, the total cost thereof as estimated. File 15150 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays J��V 101961 Adopted by the Council! AN 101��9 !--In Favor Mayor D Against • The C. St:. P. N. & 0. Ry. R/W strip 30 feat wide ocro s Week 'IF " Robc­rt�- (gg son's Aeldttica to West. St. PeuI alld the =: part sir the C. S+t,.R. 14. �"� tl�, ity� R¢�f rOC n of i 'Robertson's A04blftian to t109t "t. Paul lying nor- f. her'ly WV aline 150 feet northerly from aad parallel to the southerly line of raid Bio -ofc iSg. That part of tots 2 t:hru 4, 0100, 188, Rober",Qn'z• Addition t :6 VasS St _E=gr-�, Block 188, Irvine's Addition to Viest St. i'aul' iyir;g r� of betweea Zhe Norbor ling as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineer's ftserlption approved iarfuary ]lilt, l00. and a lire beginning at a are said ilarbar Line at a a Ntt ,Enae of 65 feet Northeasterly from the interse-tion of said lins with the SoutImmstcrrly Bicae Df Lot 5, Black M, 1tvine -1,3 Addf- tion to West St. Paul; trhante bearing Wrtheast:erly to the point of iatersec= t i on of the Northeasterly line of Lot. 2, Block 18€30 Robertsoa l . Add W on to West St. Paul with tho Korthwesterly Rju llize' of the C. St:., P. N. & C`, R. f. Also that pant ea Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson "s Addition to Wert St. ?asl lying between the Harbor Line as described above and the line of the C.Sst. P. fl. & a. Ry. R /Wf m 1 41 1{ MAP no. 4 T1 7 Condemning and 'calcine the following lands for the cnns•tru a:lon of Flour lfalls, Dikes, FumPing Station Site$, Structures and Slopes for Flood Contral e Purposes can the frol lm-fing de:scr ibed property; ''4 r That part of Governs rz i nt Lot: 7 in S.E. 1/4 See. 6e T. 286 R. 22 iyi nq m h-. In tho foalo::fing descriih% ?Al line.& Carmnat4cing at they Southeasterly cc —nee Qa= "All '33 � � Block In Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing t,58 p � E. aloltc9 the U*rthwasterl�y� lute of E. Vater� Street a distance of 20.,t? feet; 023' .zz h t:k;enae bearin N. 31 W. parallel to the Northeasterly lies of 1Wcchs h 1101 and " ti''' .In said Addition €a distance of 320 feet to thta point taf I- 10nZnq ` of the property to be de.m r i bed; thence bearing N. 10231 E. a di t' —farce cif 35 faa ; i:h- 2,4140 bearing H. 31023' W, a distame of 20 feau tNe ma a is oaring N. 750481 W, a distance of 32.6 feet; thence bearing S. 31 23' E. W the point of bagiMing a distance of 70 fees:. "Nit part of Govemm. f Lot 7 In S.E. 1/4 Sec. 68 T. 28, R. 22 iyinq vaithbiz -...\ in t:he follwirg described Unesa Beginning at the South;:ast cos -nes, of Block "N" RoberLSQn'a Addition to beat St. Paul; tharrca br;a4q,29 98ortd,r�rostea-1 0 aioe;g the lior :easterly I Inn of said Block to; the .�xhnr�e iria�e ti�:n€:t •�cr'c 6� easterly agora , %e Line to the intersection wf.th a line pa al tal %..o :.rd 20 feat: Northeasterly from the Northeasterly litre of r3lobk "W; 5.��.fi,:.ze [i�iav- I cttj Scu thcas G9r l y on act i ci pca %'e l l el . line to tit@ intersection tt 1 th a V ne parr 6 i Q 1 r to and 300 fact Northwesterly from the Wortimesterly lime of Water S­.reetg Yitence Gearing Southw starly along sold parallel line to the extondRKl Uorth?* ` easterly f f ne of Block 41" a distance of 2g, feet and t hence beertnq Nor th- Wester•1y along said Northeasterly line to the point as begirml aal. _Lots I thre 3. Block "011, and Lots 1 barer 3 of Block 8ehr' Rervirv;an's Addition; to bast St. Pau; and the adjacent Crrmmere ;al Street as vacated and dieKrfi~otl by Co F. 138118,, 4proved October 22, 1946. Lot 4, BletIt "If' and Last 4, Block 1%111 Robertson's A.r.►dWan to i'sst St. Paul. Lots I End 2a Brock 110, gober'tson's Addition to Mast Stn Pied. F' 'rmoopt C.St. P. M. 62- D. Ry. R , Lots Ii thru 6, fijocls en�et� Robertson's Addl -tk � to Writ St. Paul. The C. St:. P. N. & 0. Ry. R/W strip 30 feat wide ocro s Week 'IF " Robc­rt�- (gg son's Aeldttica to West. St. PeuI alld the =: part sir the C. S+t,.R. 14. �"� tl�, ity� R¢�f rOC n of i 'Robertson's A04blftian to t109t "t. Paul lying nor- f. her'ly WV aline 150 feet northerly from aad parallel to the southerly line of raid Bio -ofc iSg. That part of tots 2 t:hru 4, 0100, 188, Rober",Qn'z• Addition t :6 VasS St _E=gr-�, Block 188, Irvine's Addition to Viest St. i'aul' iyir;g r� of betweea Zhe Norbor ling as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineer's ftserlption approved iarfuary ]lilt, l00. and a lire beginning at a are said ilarbar Line at a a Ntt ,Enae of 65 feet Northeasterly from the interse-tion of said lins with the SoutImmstcrrly Bicae Df Lot 5, Black M, 1tvine -1,3 Addf- tion to West St. Paul; trhante bearing Wrtheast:erly to the point of iatersec= t i on of the Northeasterly line of Lot. 2, Block 18€30 Robertsoa l . Add W on to West St. Paul with tho Korthwesterly Rju llize' of the C. St:., P. N. & C`, R. f. Also that pant ea Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson "s Addition to Wert St. ?asl lying between the Harbor Line as described above and the line of the C.Sst. P. fl. & a. Ry. R /Wf m 1 41 That land lying within the following described 11m: Co.-manciacg at a , point being the monument accated at the intersection of the Soutivaest 1y fine of Daniel Street and the Morthsesterly line of W. Water St' reeti the ; -oa bearing N. 51'036' W. along than SouthtmSterly Has of Daniel Street a distans: of 90 feet to tbz Point- of beginning of the proporty to be described; theme buinri ng ► N. :143u' W. '810ng tie O- ended Sr WMVIesterly line of Daniel Street -) dista =e of 132 feet; thereto: bearing 13. 37053' E. a distance of 26£0.3 feet; 1:.;ienvie bear - crag N. 34P 27' E. a disuzirze of 171.7 feet; thence 'at right angles h-aring N. 55033' V. :a dittance of 20 feet; thence at right ,angles bearing Il. 341V E. a distance Of 50 feet;- ttlelca at right angles begring S. 55033' E. v distance of 20 fleet; thence at right angles bearing N.-34 27' E. a distance of 490 feet; thence at right angles bearing H. 55433' W. a distance of 125 ``net; thence beam lag N. 3652' E. a di'st�ance of 84,4 feet; thence bearing M. 6A341 E. a distance .� of 433.5 feet; thence bearing H. 150364 11. a distance of jZ8.3 �eetz f�Q�ta gJ bearing Northeasterly to a point being the intersection of the erteced Uorth- ''�C easterly line of Lot 3, Mmk "Ell, Robertson's Addition to t-jest St. paut aild the U. S. Harbor ' Line as described fly the U. S. Corps of Engineer's description n Approved January 11, 194-0; tilsrtco3 bearing My. alCM9 said i•larber Uire to the Z point of beginning, all In SE 1 /4, See. b, T. 28, A. 22. h\COndemaing arcd t,atcing a p�iratonent, easement required for const ;-action, . uaintenanca,. access to levee, elosum structures of flood viall or scil:ers four . flood c ntrol purposes oo the f011owirig described pra,oper•tyb cftlihg at the Kor Llz.asterly -corner of Lot 14, Biath . 4, BaK:I I and Robert's Addi den to West St. Paul. County of Dakota Territory of Hf cuzesiova; V thence bearing H.'54038' V. slang toe extended Southwasterly ileac of, sasci lq� 0 distMce of 48.1 feet; thence beari€tg, M.' VOW V. a 41sta of .2.10 foci to thy- paint of beginning m+ the preper`ty to be described; th=e bearing No 53' late alvrag the Continuation of the tact described ling tea th(x �1iCC 14 _ iaaa thence bearing Noi -t easterly along the QhcWca Liana to Zia- irate -sectl�rr with the extended Sauthw, "- tevfy .lima of v ted Custer* Street; then*; befaring - S:'31023' R. along said uute'r;cled Sa a'thil astcrilr l ino Of Crasser Street to a " peaigat V6 fect NOrUlwastea1y fi*On the karthwasteriy line of said 131€ek 49 ' Ban €1 and Robert's kddl -t ian to Vast St. Paul, County of D &kota i err i f rQry of 11_ Hln- nosata; thence bearing S. 59938' W. a distance of 180 feet; thence at riobt angles a distonce of 8 feet ;' thw a at right znV,'Ts boa•r$nq ' Souti.Ate5ter1y a dist aRm, of 80 fr3et# thence at right angles bearipg goiotheasterly + a distance of 8 feet; thence iaMaa•isag Swit- hives terly to the pai►gt oaf :�gis-tiririg9 y all in SE 1/4, Sec.- bm T. as hC ®MI -MM1 ag at the Marl i4est =Rai of Lot 14, Block 4, Dazi 1 and R05. r S y Addition to West St. p au l , Ccznty of Ucota Territory aQ t4i nnesota; t.herca bearing U. 5403V W. along tko emended Souti- &,esterly lira of said Lost 14 A distaste of 48.10 feat, therze bea:lag H. 27053' t1. a diatama aP 210 feet to the point of beg i rmi rig of they pa opQrty= to be descr i bed; thaiwo beaa-1•rlg '''Z. ' $satag the cOnL €r ti+0n op <he 1 ;�t described Uno to th,,.y�' &ee Line �€hee beaaring ac��thp.estes°1y &long saki ShdrdE Line to toe Mtvrsection vii th a i Ine 24 feet Mortaje asterly frolj and paral iej to the Mortiaeastvrly I1-M a of Lot 1, Black IV Robertson's Additica to West St. Paul" them bearing S. 310234 E. along said parallel linen to a point 3911 feet Hori;NM ter•ly frc) the Morthi esterly Ilan of dater Stroao, ;; thence bearing S. 75`*IA' E< <r distance of 32.60 feet; thence bearlag M., 33%,A. a, diste=e of 82 feet; t€ encz, bearing Northeasterly to the point of be$ApjOg all in SE 1/4L Ste. 6, T 28, R. 22. ®2.a r' A ,{ 1 Condemning and taking a pvrmaneat easement required for construction and maintenance of a project sewer and relocated city water main for flood corctrol ` purposes at the land lying within the followlag described line: Coarmrccing at the Southwesterly corner of Block i 183, Robertson's AMOCO to West St. Paul; thence bearing N. 31023' W. along the Sout,iwasterly -line of said Black a distance of 160 feet t the Southwesterly corner of Block "01 in said Addition; thence bearing N. 180531' W. a distances of 1264.3 feet to She point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing S. 67 34, V. a distance of 260 theme bearing N. 28900' E. a distances of 50 feet$ thence bearing N. 63 Cql E. a distance of 228.1 feet; thence bearing 5.15 360 T. yytoo the point of beginning a distance of SO +set all in SE 1 /4, Sec. 6 p , 1. 28, R. 22. Condemning and taking 0 permanent easement required for construction and maintenance of a project sr:+aser for flood control purposes on that property lying within the following line: Commnzing at the aoutheasteriy corner of Block 194; lrvino's Addition to Test St. Paul; thence bear gig' N. 5io36' W. along the exSended Southwesterly Ilne of Daniel Street a dl$tance of 222 feet; these H. 37 53' E. a distanto of 268.3 feet; t6si!�e' bead N. 34027' E. A distaracse of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles bearing N. 55'33' Vz a disuse of 20 meet to the point of beginning; thence at right angles hearlrig-N. 3427' E. a distances of 50 feet; thence at right angles bearing No 55033' W. a distance of 40 feat; thence at .right angles bearing S. 34027' W. a distance of 50 feet; thence at right angles bearing S. 55033' E. a distance of 40 feet to the point: of bpg €nning, being part of the S£ 1/4, Sec. 6, T. 28b R. 22. Cor dam i ng and taking a per menent easement required for tho construction and maintenance of a project serierr for flood control purposei on &,a following 4escribed property-, That part of Lots 4 and 50 Block 188, Irvine's Additions to West. Sec. Paul lying within the fvlloydng described line: Beginning at a point being the Intersection of the Southwesterly lime of Lot 5 of said 61oc1e and the U. S. Harbor U ne as described by the U. S. Corps of Engi racers d6scr i prc i c a approved January 11, t940;-thence bearing N. 33056' E. along send Nartwr Lice a distance of 65 feet; thence at right angles bearing S. 56004' E. a dicta =e of 30 feet; thence at right.argles bearing S. 33056' V. a distame of 65 feet; thence at right angles bearing N'. 569041 W. a distance of 30 feat to Vie point of beginning, and all public streets, allays and ways contlgesous to the hareinabove &.sc:ribed lands and upon which said horeinaicwe described lands or any of tie safre Abut, heretofore or hereafter vactrted, together with all lands and interests in lands which embrace every such contiguous public streets, 'al ley and way. 6ndeemi ng and taking ea tt�-a;rorary easement required on the-following ., described property for the construction of flood walls and dikes for flood control.. purposes on the following described property: Lots 3 and 4, Black "Alto Robertson's Addition to West St. Pawl. 1J 3 C EQ w >Ay That part of Lot 4, Block 188, Irvine's Addition to Best St. Paul. and Lets 2 thru 5, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to best St. Paul, lying within the following described lines: Comaming at a point being the intersection of the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineers description approved January 11, 19400 and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of Block 168. irvind's Addition to West: St. Paul; thence bearing N. 33 056' E. along said Harbor Line a distance of 65 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence at right angles bearing S. 56004' E. to the inter - section with She Northwesterly R/W line of the C. St. P. K. & 0. Ry.; thence bearing Northeasterly along'seld R/M line to the intersection with the North- easterly line of Lot 2. Block 188, RabGrtson's Addition to Mast St. Paul; thence bearing Southwesterly to the point of beglanIng. '�i lfvroe'4 Rdd�an fo %✓eat .Sf• /90,0 That part of Lists 5 and 6, Block 188A vacated Myrtle Street: and Lots I thru 7,. Block 189, Irvine's Addition to best St. Paul, lying Southeasterly of the Harbor Liao as described above and the following described line: Beginning at a point being the intersection of said harbor Line and the Southwesterly lino of Lot. 5,. Block 188, Irvin ®'s Addition to best: St. Paul; thence bearing S. 560041 E. at right angles to the harbor Linea a distance of 30 feet; thence at right angles bearing S. 33056' W. parallel to and 30 fact Southeasterly frran'tho Harbor Chas to the Intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot 3. Block 189, 1rvine'5 Addition to West St. Paula thence bearing Southwesterly to a point: on the Sau► imesterly line of Lot 7 of said Black 189 at a distance of 25 feet Southeasterly front said Harbor Line; thence bearing Northwesterly along said Southwesterly liras of Lot 7 to the Harbor Eire. The Northliestert,y 5 feet of the Southeasterly 65 feet of Lots t and 4, and the Nortimsterly 30 feat of the Southeasterly 90 feet off Lots 1, 30 5 and 6. Block 1919 Irvine's Addition to West Sts. Paul. The Nostlnvesterly 25 feet of the Southeasterly 90 feet of Lots 2_and_4. Block 191, Irvine's Addition to hest St. Paul. That part of Lots 4 and 5. Block 188, Irvine's Addition to Vest. St. Paul. lying Northwesterly of the Kortlw.esterly il/W line of the C. St;. P. H. & 0. Ry.; Southeasterly of a lima parallel to and 30 feet Southeasterly from the Harbor Line as d -eseribed by the U. S. Corps of Engineers, and Southeasterly of a line parpeadicular to said Harbor Lisle and 65 feet: Northeasterly front a paint being the Intersection-of said Harbor dire with the Southwooterly line of sald Lot Sand Northeasterly of a line perpendicular to said Harbor Lime from a point Being the intersection of said Harbor Line with the Southwesterly liege of said Lot: 5. W 4 O 14AP No. 4 Co:adomming and taking the following lands Walls, Diftes, Purmp&nC Sta€ ion Sites, Structures Furposes can the i'011a01711rt3 &-wrribed property: for the construction of Flood � and Slopes, for flood Control That part of Govoared: eat Lot 7 in S.E. 1/4 Sec. 69 T. 28. R. 22 1�ytnq trith -`` fn the foilovJirrg desea•itcd llneo COMWnciaq at the Southeasterly cores~ o .� Bloch "A" in Robertson's Addition to least Sic. Paul; them bearing C „5g�'37D h E. along the MOrtheaestcerly l i e car E. Water Street a distance of 20 ,.fl fe:a: v 7 therxe bearing H. 33 0231 W. parallel to the Northeasterly Tina of B. ckc, "All *% and 411 in said Addition a distance of 3201 feet to the point of 1.eg44ni tg • y of the property to be descrilted;, thence bearing N. YOW E. a dlstara,-e c,f 35 feet; faience bearing ll. 31 0231 bl. a distance of 20 feet* Vie=e bearing W. 7504$' W, a distance of 32.6 feat; thence bvaeireg S. 31623' E. to the oint ' Of beginning a distance of 70 feet. 4j i'ita:at part of Government Lot 7 in S.E. 1/4 Sec. 6, T, 28D R. 22 lyi rq with- in €ho following described lines-, Beginning at the Southeast corner- of Black 11P.11 R rtcson's Addition to West St. Paul; theme iboarMg irerl:hwos ter lV,.-I along 03 Wr bposter•ly Utw of said Stock to the SfidM Line them.~ flc,-rW- easi:orly a8ora ni$,koc;e Line: to the intersection with a I Inc par-al lei o and 207 feat Northeasterly frora the Northeasterly line of Black t°li7°; zharr]e bear- _.. ing Southeasterly on said parallel line to 06 intersection talth a liae parallel tad, and 300 fcaet NOrth:p•aaterly from the Northwesterly lira of Water SXeet; i:6rerr0e lae)t i ng SGurchWester l y 810 sold parallel 'fine to the ext nde d c rtia� easterly lino of Black "fill a distaesce eef 20 feet and 'theme bearing flerth- � a.aseerly•along said Northeasterly line to the point oa beginning. Lots I than. 3, Bloch: 'tell, and Lots 1 thru,3 of Black 11WI Robarvion's Addi ticm W 140st St. Paul and `ciae adjacent Cornmerclal Street -is vacated and desorlbed by C. F. 93$118, approved October 22, 1946. Lot 4, 810cls "it "" and Let 4, 91=k "W", Robertsbiv`s AddiVan to U ::Tt Sec. Paul. Lots I cad 2, Block "A". l abertso,i's Addi tioit to M_gt St. Paul. €»a4c0pt C.St. P. ['11. B 01. Ry. RM, Lots 1 thru 6, stack °0 '� Robes tsc n °s Additiop to West 5,:. Paaa]. The C. St. f . A. & 0. FY. R/W strip 30 feet wide across Mock, IIVI Roberti., ,stock I ga stagy °s Add;tlan to Ves- St. Paul and th-n- part of the C� St.P. 4. C, a. Ry. P in l.et If Robertscn's A061 t i CO W 1405tc Ste. Pau I Iyia q nerther Ill of a I Ina 150 foot northerly from and parallel to the southerly Une of said Bl,acrs 188o That part of Lou 2 thru 4, Stock 18€3, €ahertsonl; Addit[G.'o to V'Bs4 L 5t. Paaoti, ti F3lCuk 188, Irvine's Addition to Idest St. Paul iying r f oT u aan the sfarbar ?ins as described by the ' U. S. Corps of Eagi no"Ir• ° s P fS descrtp,tion approved January 11th. 1940. and a line beginning at @ p.,iint on �b staid harbor Line at a distance of 65 feet Northeasterly front the Intc sez0coal 3 of satd 11A8 with 00 SOUVUleste"ly Vim- of Lot 5, Black 1€38, levi€el.3 Addi- ttan tm l -nest St. Paul; thence Ucarlay Ilortheasteriy to the point of Intersec- t i ern of tfte Nar^theass tzar 1 V Me ne of lot 2, Block 188. Robertson's Addition to UeC.at St. Paul 'ratio the Northwesterly R* Bate of the C. St. p. 14. &. C, Ry. Also that tort of lot 1, Block 188, Rob3rtsosa's Addition to West St. : tut liting between the Harbor Line as described above and the Nostlt.,esterlV head of the C . St . P. M. & 01. Ityr. R/l. to .I 0 That laud lying within the following described line-, Coiencing at a point being the monument located at the intersection of titea Sa'uth, ;jastarly tine of Daniel Street and she Northwesterly line of N. plater S4 :rent; theme bearing N. 51036° W. along the Southwesterly 14ne of Daniel Stre " a cl`asta+, <3 oi% 90 feet to the point, of beginning 4f the property to be described; thence buar-i ng N. 51036' W. along the extended Sout1wiesterly line of Daniel Street a distame of 132 feet, thence: bearing 14..37°53' E. a distance of 268.3 feet; t- lent: bear- ing N. 340 214 E- a ddistartce of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles hz aring ' M. 55033' W. a distance oil 20 feet; there at right angles hearing i3. 34oi7,' E. a distatzce -of 50 feet; theme at right angles be rfn!R S. 550331 E. i) distance of 20 fees:; thence at right MOOS bearing M.' W971 E. a distance Of A•;ii eet'; thence at right: angles bearing N. 550333 W. a dlstatice of 125 &et; thence bear- Ing N. 3652' E. a distance of 84,4 feet; theme bearing 0. 67 34' E. a di mama!~ of 433.5 feet; thence bearing M. 1,50366 W. a distanice of €28.3 feet; thence bearing Northeasterly to a point: being the Wersection of they exterideed North- easterly lima of Lot 3, Block "E9°, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul and "C the U. S. Harbcw Line as described by they U. S. Gong of Engineer's description approved January 11, 140; the i=e bearing SI1ly. along safel Harbor U e to they Point 09 beginning, all in SE 1/4, Sec. 6, F. 280, R. 22. K Condemning a6d eking a Vprmanent easement required for constrr.ction, % Malin' tecaance3, access to levee, closure structures of flood wall or smers for h flood control purposes on the fCrlleriing described property: b ComeneThq at the coriter of Lot 14, Block 4, and Robertrs Addiiloa to West St. maul, County of Dakota Territory oe t-fr esota; thence bearing M. 540381 W. along the extended Satattr astev -1y 'lima of said lot a dittame of 48.1 feet; tivv�co bear -lag Pie" if531 V. a--d €stame W 2113 foet to tta9 POint Of besginning of the property to be described; thence be:arlr Nom 53' W, along tho cons i nun V an of the lost described l i na i o the Sh6m ��ej therze bearing Northeasterly along .thaSh#tM Liner to the taw *sectlen ��, with the euteQnded Southwesterly; line Of vacaread Custer Street; therr o bearing S. 310''23' E. along said extended Sauthi4a3sterlyt l i -nez of Custer Street to a point 2125 feat Northwesterly from the Narthwasteely line 4f said Block 4, Bat i 1 and Robert's Addi t ion to West St, Paul, County of Pi tyota Tarr € 4ory of Minnesota; thence bearing S. W381 14, a distance of 180 :feet; thence at right angles Bearing Mortixvastarly a distarme of 8 feet; thejwe at right cj-agels tjeariRg Souttm,esaerrly a distiaree of 80 feat; thence at right angles bewaring .1ioutheragterly a 4istarxmco of 8 Teat. thence bearing Soathwesteerly to the poitrt ego bvgjnnirg, j. all In SE 1/4, Sec. ds T. 28,. $. 224 s CCgU.0 acing at the War ttwest Corner of Lot 14, Block 4, Bax3? and Robert's Addition to )Jest St. Paul, County of Dakota Territory ear €4innasot,_ ,j z :Rten+ce *� beajri#v N. 54' °38t W. along tho emended Sout1wiesterly line of said Lot 34 e, distaime of 4€3.14 feet; thozce beaj`jnq U. 27'53° W. a distance a 210 feet to 00 PGint of beginning of the property to be described; thenco b aring 3s W. along the cent Itustloy oe the last• descrdtead lint) to i:he 6A6r;P_- _7UPe)l theerce bear;-ng along said 6b6ft Une to the inuirsehtioe . with a line 20 feet Worti;essterly from avd parallel to the Nartheast�irty ll=c of Lot 1, Black tTW1 Robertson's 6AddWea to hest St. Paul; twine bearing S. 310239 E. aping sa ;d parallel line to a point 390 feat Uori:iH :rar;terly frc� the Northwesterly l i na of eater Street; thence tearing S. 7501 )8° E. a dlstence lu of 32.6,0 feet; thence bearing tjb._ 3AA. a distance of 82 feet; theric : bearlrg NC Northeasterly; to the poUA of boginning aI1 In SE 1/4. Sec. 6,, 'T. 28, R. 22. 0 V 2 [A i Condw.ning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and maintenance of a project seY:er and relocated city water main for flood control purposes on the land lying within the following describers line: Commenzing at the Southwesterly corner of Block 183, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing N. 31023' W. along the Southwesterly line of said Block a distance of 160 feet tS the Southwesterly corner of Block "E" in said Addition; thence bearing N. 18 531' W. a distance of 126.3 fact to the point oc beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing S. 67"341 11. a distance of 260 feet; thence bearing N. 28000' E. a distawe of 50 felt; theme bearing N. 6300h l E. a distance of 228.1 feet; thence bearing 5. i5 W E. to the point of beginning a distance of 50 -feet all in SE 1/4, Sec. 66 Y. 28, R. 22. Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for constructfan and maintenance of a project sewer for flood control purposes on that pro-party lying within the following liege: Commencing at the Southecisterly Gagner of aleck 194, Irvine's Addition to West St. maul; thence bearing N. 51 °36' W. along the ensend©d Southwesterly line of Hansel Street a distance of 222 feet; thence N. 37 53' E. a distance of 268.3 feet; thence - bearing M. 0027' E. a distance of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles bearing N. 55"33' Wi a distgnze of 20 feet to the paint of beginning; thence at right angles boaring-N. 34 27' E. a distance or 50 feet; thence at right angled bearing M. 55°33' W. a distance of 40 feat; thence at right angles bearing S. 34027' W. a distance of 50 Meet; thence at right angles bearing S. 55033' E. a distance of 40 feet to the point nt of beginning, being part es the SE 1/4, Sec. 69 T. 28D R. 22. Condemning and taking a permanent easawnt rewired for the construction and maintenance of a project sewear for flood control purposes an the following -described prWrtyS That part of Lots k, and 5, Block 188, Irvine's Additloa to West. St. Paul lying within the following described line: Beginning at a point being the ieetersextion of the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of said Block and the U. S. Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of, Engineers descripticn approved January 11p 1940;•thence bearing N. 33056' E. along said harbor Lira a distanco of 65 feet; thence at right angles bearing S. 56004' E. a diata =c of 30 feet; thence at right angles beering S. 33055' W. ,a distame of 65 feat; tcherme at right eagles bearing N'. 56904' W. a distance of 36 feet to the paint of beginning, and all public streets, alloys and ways eontiquouv to the hereinabode described land$ and upon which said hareinabove, dascrihe:d Ibnds or any ©f the samai tabbut, heretoforo or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and interests in lands which embrace every such contiguous public street, alley and way. Chndemning and taking a temporary easement , required an the following described .property for the construction of flood wells and dikes for flood control purposes. on the following described property: Lots-3 and 4, Block "RI "8 RWmnson's Addition to West St. Patel. -3U That part of' Lot 49 Block 188, 1 rvine's .Addition to West St. Paul, aced Lots 2 thru 5, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West St. P4ml, lying within the follming described liras: Commnaing at a point being the intersection of the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineers descriptian approved January 11, 1940, and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of Block 188,, Irvine's Addition to Mast St. Paula thence bearing N. 33056' E. along said Harbor Line a distance of 65 That to the point of beginning of the property to be described; theme at right angles bearing So 56004' E. to the inter® sect1cm with the Northwesterly R/W line of the C. St. P. K. S 0. Ry.; thence bearing Northeasterly along sold R/W line to the intersection with the North- easterly line of Last 3, Bloats 188, Robertson's Addition to Vast: St. Paul; thence bearing Southwesterly to the paint of begiatntng. ����// 1 f� 1rV1 S gdkfiah +. VYCSr' St: laMt That Part of Lou 5 and 6, Block 188j,vacated Myrtle Street and Lois 1 thru 7. Block 1898 Irvine's Addition to West St. Paulo lying Southeasterly of the Harbor Line as described above and the following described line: Beginning at a point; being the intersection of said Harbor Line and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5, Block 1880 Irvine's Addition to Vast St. Paulo thence bearing S. 560040 E. at right a;Vles to the Harbor Lice a distacscs of 30 feet; thence at right angles bearing S. 33@56' W. parallel to and 30 feet: Soutchvestorly from the Harbor Lire to the Intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot 3.. Block 189, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point an the Southwesterly lino of Lot 7 of said Block 189 at a distance of 25 feet Southeasterly from said harbor Line; theme bearing Hortiviesterly along said Scutinvestreriy lime of Lot 7 to the Harbor Line. The Nort~h'desterly 5 feet of the Southeasterly 65 feet of Lots 2 and 4. and the Northwesterly 30 feet of the Southeasterly 90 feet: of Lots 1, 38 5 and 6. Block 1918 Irvine's Addition to'West St. Paul. The Nortinvesteriy 25 facet of the Scuthraasteriy 90 feat of Lots 2 and 4. Block 1918 Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul. That part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 188. Irvine's Addition to West St. Pau18 lying Northwesterly of the NorMiesterly R/W line of the C. St. P. H. & 0. Ry. m Southeasterly of a live, parallel to and 30 feet Southeasterly f'rw the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corks of Engineers, and Southeasterly of a lire perpendicular to said harbor Lino and 65 foot: Northeasterly from a: point being the Intersection of said Harbor Line with the Soutinvestarly line of said Lot 5-and Northeasterly of a line perpendicular to said Harbor Line from a point: being tho Intersection of said Harbor Line with the Southwesterly line of said Lot 5. a4o