200278• i fn .t In the Matter of INTERr"DIARY ORDERS /.r Council File No. 200278 — In the matter of �JAP 5 Cogdemning and taldng the follow- ing land for the construction of Flood Walls, D_ikesTPumping_Station_ Sites, 'Structures and Slopes for Flood Control 'Purposes on the following described 20�2no property: F. NO - That land lying within the following S Commencing eat a the monument located point t the intersec- tion of the Southwesterly line of Daniel St. and the Northwesterly INTERMEDIARY ORDER A under Preliminary Order 200001 approved December 111, 1960 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the. same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 20,000.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of January. 1961 , at the hour of 10 (clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. F:Ue 15151 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4 In Favor Against 'JAN 31991 Adopted by the Council 17 1 s C ho er ng emd teldng the fo%loving land for the construction of Flood Walls., Dikesa Amping Station Sites, Structures and Slop= for Placed Coeizol Purposes f 1 on the f*32awInS described property: That land lying wl tbla the foZ ming described Litre; 0cmencing at a point being the mommunt Located at -the intersection of the SamthwestetlY lim Of Daniel. Ste s md the Northwesterly 11ne .af W,. Water Ste; thence bsaring 11e 510 V We aoD9 the IWesterly line of Daniel St* a diste ee of 90 ft. to the point of brazing of the property to be dwer'ibeel; theme bearing N. 51' 361 Rio along the exbnded S=tlu esterly line of Daniel St. a distance of 132 ft.; thence bearing S. 360 340 W. a distance of UZ ft.; thence be&wing S. 58" 3.10 We a distAmee Or 250 ft.; thmee bearing S. 81° 02' We a distance of 4% ft.; thence beari -ag So 2° 21* We a distance of 60 ft.; thence baarirtg S, 880 570 Be a dis-umce of *336 ft.; thence b6� Se 3° 03* Be a distfMce 0f 142 ft.; thence bearing S. 33° ' 1 art. a distance of 389 ft.; • thence bearing Se 4'1* 179 W. a distance cW 326 f ,,; hence beariM Southeasterly to the point of iaarteseet3on of the hior'GhwesteP1y right - of way line of the C. St. P. Me & 0. Ry* and a line 25 ft. SalecIvresterl,y fra-a the exta:nded. NoMeasterl.y line of 1st, 13, Rosencs Addition; thence beariM Northeasterly a1mg said right -of -sue line to the Smthueaterly line of Lot 6,, Dloek 20% Irvine °A Addition to West St. Penal mad, 90 fit. it= the SOUthsest corner og se3.d lot; thence beam Kmrtheasterly along a line 90 ft,- NOrthcresterl y frcm and gam lel to the SouthOmterly l,ineaa Of Blocks 205, 213 and 1,94 'in said Ir%dne °s Adolti on to West St. Paul,, .a dlstame of 1060 J%. to the point of beginnings beimg pDrt of S.W. Sec. 6,, T 28, R 22 axed N.W. t See. 7, T 28, R 22. ffim S V :Ft;. w va c r T w :1 9 �4eateUeQ . _. ea ..- � .r ... �. - .. .+ter 4•. -.. rZP • • -._r1. e -u+,. v t C am- That part of Dl o& 12 DMOO' n° s Addition to 821fit Paul IYIng Southerly of a line parallel to and 60 ft. the cantei 3i6. a the C. St. P. HO & e. Ajr: main track; Northerly os aline paraU -el to and $0, kt. fbrthwe berly Rream said center- line; Westerly of the emended Northeasterly Line oL'; 101,, ,Rosen Ad&tjon" Sic. Pte, Mina.. Easterly bf the` Westerly line of said block la Dawson 3.& A&U-U n to St. That trla%,aw Ia rce1 cif �t C Oliv6rls Addition to &iC�st St. aul of the Easterly line of said jot "C"; Southeasterly' of a Line � �? tLa �� /esiegr�l. -r �.�'.el. � �� 60 J.lie� NorUnmsteavly from the cera bet Lime of the C. St., P. A. & 0. Ry. main - 4 -vack, and ; NorthOwtesly of a line Puallel `m and 25 ft. Withwect.erly from the extended Northeasterly Bile of last 13, "Rosen Ad&,tion", St,. Parma P•ilnn. Lot 11, "Ro3ea Addition"., au. Pwl,, Mm. owepb.lor that par'G taken. -tor Wo eater, St. Also that p'=u't of accts 8 tbxu 10, "Rosen Ad itice, St. Pauly Ydmn.9 lying between the SOutheasterly dine Of W. W &mss St. as describe by the VlaLex St. z Qgening C.F. 153880 approved Oeb. 1.0, 1954 and the roiiovjza g describerd. Une; DegEuning at the pmf at .of lntersectiOn vk tb* Ncn.4theaOterly Une of said not 8 and said South. - easterly line of hater Sic.; thence beexiM Sou: l westerly to the Interaect:i.ou idth the ftr+theWterly litre or Lot 10 at a distance of 15 ft. Scuthsasterly frm sad Southewterl y line of Water Ste; thence nearing NMthwesterl y eUng stAd dre hea.stea:ly Line of Lot 10 a di.stmee of go :M.; thence bearing South uester3,y to a point an the Srruth' Wt_-r4 Une of LOt 10 Mt a distfimee Of 10 ,ft- SOI&t,heasUrly fpm sale Smth- easterly Haze of Water ft.; thence bearisag Northwesterly along said Soutlrfester3.y line of Lot 10 to ,then Soixthewte r:Ly lime - or ivater St. .. _l- - y Lot 12, "Rosen Addition ", St. Pant., VAnn. e:sckyt for that part taken for W. Water St. Also thmL- part of l e bs 13 € nd , r'7 l4s "Rosen A dition" a Sto Paul, Man. and Block ix, nOz C ddiU on to St. Paul, lying yeVtm m he Soukheazt rly line of R. Water ab. r r as de$uribed by W. dater Sts • Op mAng C.F. 133980 apXove4 .Oct. 109 1950 and a l iu 8. ft. Smtheaet from and parallel to said S=tbeasterly 31 a og W. Water St. " at part Of Block 19 Devimean0s Additican to St. P 9 ' lqy ng betwem thz Wortiwesterly Line a % Water St. as described by the Water St. QpenlAg C.F* 151" approve Oct. 10= 2950 and the following described. lize: Hegit Ang at the intersection of sold MrUvrezUwly Lime VZ W. Water St. and the eftended XcrWmsterl y line ©f lot 89 "RCsm Addit.9aer St.. Paul, �L' m.; thence bearing NOrthwesilerly along 4a-0i.d coed fforthess£wly line cc hot 8 to a p Aub 12 ft. fftm the NorUnresterly litre of V, Water Ste; Umce bemri.ag SauWvesterly alcag a line -parallel to and 12 ft. `- ffbrthvwterltiy _ fxm the Northmmterly line of Water St, to the extend SoxthwesterZy Lane of .Lot 109 "Rosen Additic e s € t. Psm., �iirm.; thea��� „b ng Howl: i ester. y ala3w wAd. extended Southywtx °ly Bare a Lot 10 to a Wint� y from the center 31ne of the C. St. P. He .& oe Rye mat n track; the=e bearing SeatUvesterly paraUel to and 10 fb,. Southeasterly fin Said center line to the iuterseetion �Oirh a line 1. iel to and 25 ft. Southwester3q free the extended Northeasterly line of Lob 13, "Rosen Amitim% St. p•��`�144�„��� =.; thence bear Southeasterly al=gg 1a8't`l. L�escrib6d line to a -point 12 3. �+. Teo hww erl y ft= the Nox terly line Dui V. Water t�. . as described by said gpezdrkj above; thence bearing ScutWasterly 12 ft. Northwesterly $`fig and pmallel to said ffort,7MMSteVjy line Of W. Water St: to the inbersQ- c't-iicn with the Westerly line of Slick .10 lesson °S Addition to St. Paul; thence bearing So westerly alb said line to the Hcn thvw Gerly line of V. hater St. That pu-t of Jo t "C ", W..L &s Additici.to West St. Paul., IyIM within he :?o..'.i,(nTjmg described lime: Begiming at the po a b a intersection of the Easterly line of said Lot "C" with the Northsm..st*Ay line of Wo Water $t. as descAbed by the Water St. ag C.Fb 153980 approved Oct. YOn 1950; thence bewing Bmthwesterl-y g said 1 �e;a' er3.y line cxP W. 'Water St. a distance of 160 ft,; tb.�ce at right des -s- - bt�z�g ff =1Y �s a4 a dunce of lE ft.; thence: at -X�L�t: angleo bearing North- . . eaoterl y along a Une parallel tC and 12 ice fidrilr rr iter3.y Vcm seirl Northwesterly lime of pro Water St. to the interseeUm with said •Lasterly ]Ana of Lot TIC" thence bemUg Sauthwster4 a.l=g .said pasterly line, of Lot "O" to the po t, of beginning. An 8 1%. strip or land lying Southeasterly a? au$ adjecent to the Sm bbeastorly lime of [rater St. as opened an lying within the fallowing described :line: ni B� ng et the intersection of Sseut levee line and L. line or let "C`T; thence S=th an lest lame 97 ft.; thence Southwesterly 60 ft.; thence -Xor hcrly 72 ft, to a paint on eadd levee lime 97607 ft, fin intersecticm aZ =dd. levee line and W. line of East i or Let "eT'; `hence d sad levee line .-0 beg zming, being part of loot "C" .1 O ivw2s Addition to West St. Patel.. j% /so peep or the Easterly I of Lot "C°., Olives °a Addition to West St. Pawl9 lying within the follo ing described line: Come'nc7ing at the i.nterseetion of the West; line (29 the Easi:erly z of ' "C" end the Southeasterly Une csf W. Mater St;.,; t bmee bawing Nertheasterly almZZ 8614 Soubheasterly Une of Water St. a dis'clmee Of 9{.07 ft, tO the point Of being Of the jwopeecy to be € escri'bed.; therme f beariz�g Suuther2ty along the 0outhaesterl.y line of the land described above to a point 8 ft. Southeasterly fran the, Sou#t as"uer2y line. of Vatw sto; thence being Southwesterly -alaM a 311 parallel to eAci 8 'ft. Sa:.xt�berly f� the Sdutheasterly l.i.ne of Water St. a distance. oaf' 30 Tt.; ti:eng -it -ri &t des bearing I�haester'l;y to fte S eassterlay line of Ifate —r St.;; thence bear *ice Nozathewterl y alb s,Ad Seketheasterl y line of Water St,, to the point of nS• __ _ M•.S-..f ". -�:• +-ice � .... __ _ ...-. -. - fts. Cmdwaving and taUng a pm+r��vtc?�nxt emenant, regared for the cane=&Ana and __. ice of a pwjeet sewers on the fo] Lmdag described. propa'iy: ° . v wv o 2W Vacat Short' Ste. 341mng within the fallviing described Lim: Beginning av a point caps the Statla ter3,v ]bane cf lot 6, Block W30 Irvine% Addit1cm to Went St. Paul at a distmce aC 90 ft. Torcthweste}rly frcm the Swt Mt ammw of sad lot; thence bewiW Southvwterly along the Northvesterly " lim at iae 0. St. P. M. & D. By. to the intmwztim with the Ncrrtl=3 y line of the BW k see. 71 TQ2ft', R -M; the=e bear3vg Msterly elong said Orly lim of the Rid k Sec:. 7 m distance of 60 ft.; there bearIM Northewterly to a point an mid SouthHwterly Una ce Iat 6 We. a distance 4' 70 ft. Northwesterly of 'the S=Umst corwr aCi mdd lot; thence bearing Narthwwterly along mdd Souftmatwly line of Lot 6 to the poInt c t begimi rs . and taking a permanmt sit required Sor fte construction and ice of access rmp to levea ca the follaving desarlbed pmPa"ty: _Loft 4 and 5a Black 2D30 DndneOs MUtion to West, St. Ema. Condamdg end trying a pemenent easement mquired fcsr the ctcr strwtion wd mr,dnUmmee a a project seuw crn the 961.1ovimS described may: That part of Bloct 1., DaamcmO s Addition to St. Bm1j, 14-InS within the f'sall(adug deseribed 11ne: Beginning at a pint on the extended. Nc heasborl<y Line of Dot LL, "Rosen Addf.tlan° A St. Paul, Irdm. at a distance of 10 ft. ?.brthwwbar y of the center line of. Um C. St. Pa M. & -0. Ry. man tr4ck3 thence bang Northwesterly alb, said eta Nwtheasterly line*. at Lot 11 to the intenection vith -the Uorthwest=4 R/W Une of the C. SAC. P. M. & 0. Ry.; thence bearing thcewter3y t9 mg said HoW li nce to the intexsdeticm with the Northerly line off' the M j See. 7a T- 28N, R-22W3 thence bearIns Rssterly alcmg udd lime a d1stance of 60 ft*; thence beariag. South - sesterly to the point of bang. Condeaning and takira a permmmt e:asenmt regpdred, far the a onstr-�acUon cmd mW alb-cmance of lei closure straet=e can the 263.lavlM described property: In the NW t, Sec. 7, T-28, R -22, -r mb part of Block :l,- Dmmon" s Addition to St., Paul, 1;fing within the fo3.]assn; deseribed line: &- gLnning at a plaint aa a Zane which is pmrallol to and �5 fto SoutInm-sterrly .from the extended NbrtbA add erly Line of ;.not 13, "Rosen AdditiczVp St. ftu4 Ya.. at a &s once of 10 ft. Sontheasic,,—aly frera the cenher . line of _` he C. St. P. ila & 0. Ry. min ' k; thence b lag, Nwthwes°rerly along said lira to a point .10 ft. Nor hmesterly From said center, Une; thence bea ui Horthewterly allsang .s line parallel to end 10 ft. Xwthweaterly from the cew er line of the Co St. P. M. & 0. Icy. rEn truck to the i.nterseetieu with the extended Fortin. - awterly Une of Lod 11., -Rosen AAclition% St. Fa3.n, Munn.; theme be-wi g *South- easterly aUmg wAd extended Northeasterly line of Lot 3,1 to a, point 10 ft. SWWJ-- e sstcrl<y' from said cencw line; thence bemfng Saouthvezter y along a line p Uoel to and 1.4 ft. Sautheasterly fart the cereber line of the By. main tr ctk to the point of 'beginning: anal .s. public sets, alleys and vW cea&%%cusp to zhe hereJxabnve dcescADed 3mcle and -opam t hi0i W.id hereinabove described. I =& or aV cT the s e abut, heraWore or hereof ter s'acsted, together Trdth all ids and inter'est3' in lafs Vb1ch embrace evevy such crsratAZtwuB pub3le street, alley Lmd v,%y. _3� . Aid Condam ng €3a tee a tAmporzvy +eascaaat reared on the fcaUvwirZ 1woperby for the cowbrucUon of flood wallea ' dikesA lrumplg station' sites and otb {� stz.tOnAw :for flood control VzWsesi The ZortInresterly 25 Ti ' of the S=W ms 90 ft: oC Lots la 2 and 4,s Black 194,1 Irvinal's Addition to West St. Fina. The Nwwwasterly 5 ft. aC the s=tJ=sterly 65 ft. a 1, 2 and 4 and the Horthnfestealy 30 ft. of the StautheasfiAw3,y 90 ft. of Lots 3a 5 and 6, Block 194p A ,tioa t® Wait St. b'MI. The fiortnfestea].y 30 fta of the ScntbhaMtArly 90 ft. 02Lots 1 amd 2, Block 203, Irvine °s PAILt .on to Wiest St. F.-na. Also the Nathwestea'ly 6o Pt. of the South eashw4 90 ft. of Lots 3 and 6, of and E3.ctrk 203. The Iwthwwtorly 46 ft., of the So eastern alb ft. of Lots $ tbru .6a Black 2050 Isdne°s- Add3t2tja to west St. Pea ;wick addr'tlonal ri9Af fo -f; 1 to Ele-v. 7o3. o That part ag vacated Short St. and Block 206 in Irvinets Addition to F9est St. FaILIS VS xorthQV].y Of the N0 ehW1Y line of the M k, See- 7, T-28A0 A-M; and Northerly erf the Worthwestwly line ca TA.. Water St. and S=.tb.Wjy of the 50iac.- 4orfibr3y line or lot 6,r Block 205, IrvIw. °s Add3.ticu to West St. Pma and Southerly of a line run better a point on said Southwesterly line of Lot 6 at a distame o:£ 70 Fla WorMwer€terl,y frm the southeast corner of eadd lat 6 to a point on the Northerly line of the M j, Sea. 7 at a ftstance of 60 fir. Easterly Zrm the Point of lubsrsection or ,said line with the Northwwterl,y 0 iine of the C. St. P. M. & 0. By. That VWt, of Block 1, Dawaan °s Addition to Sto Palul lying within the fallmdag deseribed line: Begizml ag at a point being the Intersection of the Northme wterly line of We Mater St. as described by Water St. O�n3xu C.P. 153980 ag roved Oct. 10, 1950b with, the exuded. Northeasterly Una of Lot 8, "Rosen Addition% St. Pa I., Iran.; tuts bearing.Northwesterly ram said extended- NorU=zberly line carf Lot 8 a distance of 12 f"c.; ' thence bearing Sauflnmsterly a loM a Zino paraV ei. to a:ad 12 ft- ZortWesterly frm the said Rmthwesterly line of W. Water St. to the intersectirua with the extended Northeasterly- line of Ic: 3.1, "Rase$ .A.ddi °+' on ", St. PZNI,7 Tum.; thence bearing Northm+-esterly a1mg said Fortherasterl y line of Let 11 to a' point 10 VG* Northwesterly from the center l.ii.ne of the C. St. P. M. & 0. £moo mmin track; 'fence bem7ing Nor" i*rly to a po3.at On the r'4rtherl,y line of the ' ffil k, Sane. • 7, `? -2819, R -2V5 at a distence of 60 ft. Rssterly fry. the drat of 3aatea.'stetim, of seid line with the I Orthv sterl,y H1W line 09 th* C. St. P. M. & 00 Ry.? -thence bearing Hence .y along the Mrtherly line of the Mf L Saes. T to the interseeZion with `the Nwethwestarly line of W. dater St.; thence beau sad Saiec irtTesterly along said Xarthwe6terly line of . Mater S4. to the point of bcZEnning. That pzart of l ats 7, 8 und. 9 ufts a A,c7AItIon ", St. Peal, MUM. IYIAS wlthiu -aim following described line: Beginning at c Foi3ri being the ijrcersection of f ho : ou�htl easterly line of W. water St. as described by the 'dater St. Opening C.P. 1539W a0mved Oct. 10, 1950= with .tae Northeasterly -line of .tat 8,0 Rosen °a Addition; thence bea-a'ing ftutTsz'iesi eriar to as point Ou the Sazfthwesterly line of lot 9 a� a. ` distance of 15 fv. Southeasterly from said Ssuatbmsterly l-Ine of w. gates St.; 'Siheae¢ baaring Stautheasterly along "said Southwesterly 21ne of Lot- 9 a distance of 30 Vb,; theme n" g NorthewUrlY to a pow on the Northeasterly Une of Lott 7, "Rostra. Asld'i'S;3oi1 "9 ;a't. Paul,, MArm. a dieba ce Of 30 ft. Soututar y frm saM aSimet ea ierly line Of Water St.; thence bcstirag N=thgIeterIy along said. Ilortheasterly line of ,Lot 'E' to the int rsection vith said Slaaathessterr4 lime or water St.; thence bem4nG Scrath -• vesterly mug the Southe-2-Sterl y line of Vats St. to the point' of beglinnirig. -4- ,x That per: Of Block 1, Dmwm°s Addit3a n to St. Pma lying betwen the Westerly line of Uiso_n Addition St. Paul,, a 31M p ls1, to m4 95 ft,p South terly i$cn the extendeai NWWMSterly line of I0A 13, "Rosen. As3d4.t5tan "4, 3t. Pmal, Mutt. and f a line parall e1, to aural 12 ft. NMvWReaater?y from the Xorth�Tezterly 21ne of W. Wad St. as described by the Watier St. OPMiM C.g. 3.539$0-sygroved Oct-. 10, 3.950 end Southeasterly of a iim parallel toamd 10 ft. Rorthvester2y from the center U-ne at the C.' at. P.o M. & 0. gyo Me ft track.. Tbat P=t of Lot "C ", OQliVer° s Aaticm, to West St. Paul, 3 yh* vithin the rollov9ag des bed line: Commeing at a point being the :L&Axsect an of the ftrtImstowly Une of V. Water St. as described by the Water St. Opanizmg C.F. 1539W apMoved. Oct.. 10? 1950: with the. Ewterl y Um of said Lot "C "p ' thence bearing S.cbhw ater4 along zed. NorUma3terly line of Wad St, a dis mee of 164 fta to the point Ge bed of the grey to be described; bed; thence. at ri&t engLas bear322g Aorta uesterly a distance of 12 ft.; theme 'swing Northeasterly' 81=g a ]_i. ae paraUel -'to and 3.2 ft. fimt westcwly i�omi sated 3�thwesterly 313ze of Va lmx St. to the intesr- sectim wi%U ssd d Easter4 3.3,m of lot "C ".j the�ace beirittg Hoe4herly along said Easterly line of LotR "C" tO the inimve ablcan Frith a line paral2,et to ate. 25 ft, G S�est�exly fzm the extended I��, a ly Sine or -T� 13, "Awen 4ktwticn ", P are l sto i'WI# rs.o; the=e bearlrg Nordwwtarly along acid w.ne to e in'tersecfon vith the Northm;tGrIY R lime of the C. St. P. M. & 0. Fly.; thence beerfA9 Smtbmster'ly aal omg said Fly. WW Une is tlae jutwasecticm with the extgne. 4 Lime or Lot 13, "Rosen Additim% M. Pmla ifUm.; thence tearing Southey along said extended, Soiathuesterly Une of Tat 13 to a Point. 10 ft, Southeacterly ftw the ce^srter line of` a qa St. P. M. &, 0. F�yp i track; tiaa Ce bemring Southwesterly along a line Parallel to and 10 ft. Southaaztmly fm= said cam line a 438 ay of 420U £t.; then.00 at right: engl.� beaM.ng Southeasterly to the i seeOUGh, With the MwbhvWtG ►1� line of Water St. thOnaa bearing North- easterly along said Northta ea4oerl<y 3.1ne of Wo Water St. -60 the- point o? beginning. That_Pwt or Lots 13 end 142 "Rosen Adds tine, St. Maul., I nn. and Block - i Daveoa° s Mica to St. FP ql lying 'within the kd2l avdug described lines: Begs nrm _ tee. the Solih ster4 COMer of 10t 13, "Rosen Addition!' St. iaa1, Mm. thence bem-i ng. Northwesterly along than Northeitstwl y line of sold lot td a point 8 f to So►ut:hec�,st,erjy frcmi the Smth(stw y llae of V. Water St. as described by the WWI St. Opp; thence booriaZ Sau'thwe3tceT1y along a 3AIl3 8 f'c. Ssutheas Wjy XA-M and parjjjel: to - the Sauheasta rly Une of 11. Water St, to the intersect -Ion, - xdth the wasatarly 21ne of Block 1, D°.r -son4s Addi•aon -thence beaximg Southerly along mid line to a polwb 38 ft- Southewterly fram the3Southeasteely Une of W. Vater St:.; thence bearid lortk=ster3y along a lime , paraU el to and 38 ft. Southedatei tly frcm the aouthe ste�-ly line Of Waiter St. to the iaberseation u'i`ch 16e Southwesterly line of Lot 1 .v "Rosen Add3fi,iem`°, St, Fatal, Nunn.; thence bearing Scautheastexl�.ry aajoug said Sout weata rly Sine 6f JAt 13 to the South�mst cornea-cf. said 3.ot; thence bearing Northeasterly 8IOng the Southeaetetly lime of Lot 13 to 't.'te paint of beg:i miug. The Satheasterly 30 Et. of the 38 ft. strip of land Southeasterly of and s&jacent to the Seutheasterl.y Line otZ Watw' St. a * opened and lying within the following deasczib*. 3,tne: Be&Enn1vg• at the intordection of the Sdutxh Levee Linz and the East line ae Lot . "C ", Ol:iver ° s As tion to Vest; St;. Paul; thence Stout a on East line 97 ft*; thence Southwesterly 60 ft.; .thence Northerly 72 ft. to $• point on sald levee line 97007 ft;4 f)?= the interseeti6n of said levee line Ead West line of Eat * of Lot "C "; thence along amid, levee liner to the point of begi nrdng. :�. phi: of Lat "C", QUV6's Ad3ticrt to West St. Pip lying VWAn the falloviag described lime: Ca e� at the intersectICA of the Westerly line o? the Easterly a aV lot C em. the Soutb eastex3,y lime of Wain St. g thence best* masterly amid Smyd easterly line of Water St. a distance of 97.07 ft.; thence be YM Southeasterly along the Scutbamsterly lim of the property descilbed iaoimamW above to a point 8 ft. SouthGaSt rly f= the Southeasterly l tale eak' Wad St. mbieffi is the point Of bgannUig of the prapmV to be dweribed,; thence bearing Soutbfiasterly eJ.cmg the Southweeberl y' line of the proper dweribed lampaw;--W to a point 38 Pt. Southeaster].y farm the Southeasterly lim of W. Way St.; thence being Southtresterly elong a line pmmliel to and 38 Ott, eute4y from the Southeasterly line a Water Sto a distanee of 40 gt.; thence at right angles bearing NorthrieSter y to the So Wmster4 line cW If. Water $b. g thence bemr3ag K'ariheaater3,y along MAd S=Lhea3twly line of Water rta is a point 67.07 ft. th6asteriy rram the 2»tersfttim or the Westerly 33ne of ^. the Easterly Of Lot "C" md the Southea3ter3y line Of Water St.; thence at right angles bearlsw Southeasterly a distance of 8 ft.; thence at riZWG angles bearing -thM easterly along a line 8 ft. Southeastwly Prom and pwal.l.el to the Southeasterly Mze of Wstl�r St. to the yAnt of begLuming. -6- Condemrdng and tea ng the following lend for tche consbme bion caf I?lccd Wans., Dikes, Pawing Station Sites., Stractures and Sl opm for Flood Control Purposes ¢ on the follau1mg described property: ghat land lying witbin the foli owinE described Sine; L Conmencing at a point beIM the monument located at the Inte oecUou o.? the SoutMmsterl„y l rte of Dmiel St. and the Northwesterly line of NP Water Ste; thence bearing R. 510 36° W. along the 9autjrv�°jy line o3 Dwdel si.-6 a distance of 90 :ft.. to the point of begirwIng of the property to be deseribed3 thence bearing u. 510 36, W- sloS the Mcbm ded SOUtI WAeray line Of DMdel St. a distAinee of 132 ft.; thence bearing Sa 36° 342 W. a distance of 108 ft.; thmee beam S. 58° 31° We a distame or, 250 f't., tike bearing S: 810 020 We a. list W" of 486 ft.; thence bearing S. 2° 21° We a disfcance of 60 ft.; thence bearing S. 880 570 E. a distance of 336 ft.; thence bearing S. 30' 039 Ee a distance of 142 ft.; theme bearing S. 338° 470 V. a distance of 389 91Lq thence bearing S. 470 179 W. a d2st- ce of 326 ft.; th=e bearing Southewterlv to the ;point of intersection of the gox rasterl.y right -of -may - -line of the C. Ste P. M. & 0. Fly. and a line 25 ft. Soul stony fro% the extended Nar t erly line of ]Lot 13, Roseu°s A&Iltican; thence bearing NorGhels•terly along said right -of -mW Line to the South#>resterly .11ne of lot 6, MAck 215, guineas Afi�dltloh to West St. Paul. sud, 90 fit. 9tom the Southwest comer of said lot;; thence bearing Northeasterly along a line 90 ft. N6rtnmwUWly from and parallel -to -am Southsasterly lines of Blot 205a 203 and 194 'in sa$d lrvsme" s Additioa to Nest Ste Paull a< &steaee of 1060 ft. to the point of beginnftg., b" part of S. T. Sec. 6, T 28, R 22 and. N.W. k See. 72 R 22. w i ti Y O 09 the Y b O _ D v e w w• . o e r a a ter. o That part of Block 1p D=Tson° s Addit3oa c© Sai>st FWa lyying Southerly of a line parallel" to and 60 ft. Northwesterly fr(M the center limo of the Co' Sto Pe Mo & 00 Rya main track; Northerly of a line parallel to and 10 ft„ Northifesterly )'raim said ceatnr Iine; Westerly of the extended Northeasterly line of Lot 11, "R.osen Addition!' St. Pau., Minna Easterly of the Westerly line of said shock 29 Dawson Ia- Additlen. to St. Paul. X That triangular parcel 4f Lot "C% aliv&.Os Aaldi•tian to West St. Fain., lying westerly Of the Easterly ]due of said ,Wt "C"; Southeasterly pf a .line gW�ailel to and 60 ft. 1ForWwesterl y fron the center Base of the C.j St. P. Me & 0. By. MR-in traesa and Northwesterly of a line parallel to and 25 ft. SoutIrTeste 4 from the extended Northeasterly Una of Lot 13,1 "Rosen Addition", St. Paula Minn. Lot 11.1 "Rosen Addition "p S•t, Pain, FAnn. except for that parr, taken :Gor W. Water S,L. Also that part, of Tints 8 for a. 10p "Rosen Additican, ", St. Paul, Ai nn. s lying been the Southwzterly lire of W. Waters-b. ac. describe by the Water Ste QDening C.F. 153980 approves oct. 10, 1950 and the fallowing descr3 'oqd Une: Beginning au the phial: of Intersection of the NOrthewterly line of Sa dr Lot 8 and said Souther ewterly ,line of "T ter St.; thence bearing S013thweSterly to the i nteraecti on v ith the KM_MGastealy• iine of Lost 10 s-t a distance of 15 ft. Saatheasterly from sad Southeasterly line of Water St.; ^ice bemIng NortbNesterl y e3.ong said Northeasterly line of Iat 10 a di.stianee of 10 ft.; thence bearing SouthresterZy to a point an the Southmestenly line of ILot: 10 at a distaaee of 10 f4:e Southeastewly from said Sovth- eastWlY Une of Water St..; theme bearing Northwesterly along said Southves+ erly nue of lot 10 to the Saatneaster y line of ':inter St. -1- Lot 12y "Rosen AdtUtion ", St. Pau 1y IMAnn. except for that part taken for W. Water + ' St- A3,so that Part OZ Lacs 13 and ltaa "Rcasen A&Utiorm "a Bt. Pmals MAnn. and ' Black 1, Dawson °s Action to St. PEmal, Iying bet;rem the Southeastwly line of W. Water St. as describaA by W. Water St. 03eming •C.P* 1.53980 aped Oat. 10, 1950 cmd a. line 6 8, ft. S=UIGsst from and paraUel to will Southeasterly line or W. water St. That part CC Block i, Dsone s Addition to St. FUU1,, 3,ving bees the Northwesterl.y line or W. Water St. as described by the Water St. OpmIUS C.F* 153980 spproved, Oct. 109 1950 an the following deseribeft Line: Beginmim at the intersection of ofidd RorUmfe rly line of W. Water Sto and the s&=dad Northeasterly line of Int; 8A "Rosen PAEUGe, St. Pte, Minn.; themes bewing Northwesterly staff; said ext4mded Northeasterly line of Iab 8 to a pmInt 12 ft. fNm the KbrWr4esterly line of W Water St:.3 thence big Southwesterly al=Z a line parallel to and 32 ft. Forth -imsti ew Ly frm the I€carthwesterly line of Water Sto to the extended Soh- wasterl y line of. Tot 10, "Rosen Addifto "A St:. Paul, 1 .; thence be vg Northwesterly along q?aid extended SOutaVeStCwly lino of tat 10 to a pow ftzthrwterly gtc= the center line of the C. StLa P. Mo ';& Oo Ayo m'afn track; theme bearing Sothvesterl<y parallel to Find 10 ft. Southsmst:M1,Y fam said center Une to the intersection with a 31me p<=7.1el to anal _2� ft' masterly f'rQm' the MMGndGd NortheW6wV2y line Of Lot 33, "Hosen Addit'iW!D Sts taUI, fasa.; thence bear'dng Southeasterly along last described lime to a point 12 ft. Northwesterly fret the Northwsterly line of ff. Water St. as described by said qp�ming above; Vzemce bearing, 8mrWr#esterly 12 ft. Northwesterly x'Vam Ond PMMUel, is said fforth�_ est erl~y line at W. Vatw St. to the i ntersect;ic m with the Westerly line of Bloek is Dawi mgs AdditIoAn to S'Ga Paul; thcaee bearing Southwesterly al,cmg paid line to the &orthvesterl y line c t W. Water St. X That part Of Lot, "C ", Oii4rl s Addition to Test St. Paul:, 31,711kq, vri`thi n the f'O..1 GwIng . dewscri'bed. 21ne: Beginning at the point of intersection of the masterly line of said Lot; "C" Idtb the Wsrth*aesteily lime of V. Water St. as described by the %eater Sic. OpsAing C.Xi, 153980 apl=ved Oct. 10, 1950; thence bearing Soubbues3'terly along said XbrUww'Gwl y line of W. Va4el- St. a distance or 160 ftb 3 thence at right angles bearing Westerly a distEmcer or 12 ft.; thence at right call.es bearing Ilorth• WAterl y %1 =9 a Line Pwmllel to M. 12 ft. NOrthWasterly from smi d tNoriUmesterly line ©P 11. Water St. to the intersecfilen w4th said fly 312e of Lot "C "; •tbmee bearSag Salthwesterly along -sad Easterly Line or Lot "C" to the point of bcginning 0 An 8 ft. Strip of land 1Y'In.g Soubbewberly of aEd adjacent to the ScLtheasber3,y lire of Water St. as opened and lying within the f'oUawing described line: Beginning at the intersect ion of So ath lei lie an E. Zi n@ of Lot "C "; thence South ran Fast aline 97 ft.; thence SmAhweaterl y GO ft,; thence Northerly 72 1%. to a point en wdd levee line 97.07 ft. fran Inter ^section. of said levee • Une and W. 11M Of Eat J cif Lot "C=`;. thence along said levee line •ter beginning, being pares of Lot "C "a O3iver's Addition to West St, Paul. A /s o v.-_- TWc, paw of the Easily Of IDt "C ' ,• 01:Lveras Addition to Ve -st St. Paul, leg within the f'ollovin�g described lime: Cooteueing at the inrterseet'lon of the West line eZ the Easterly' of Lot "C" cmd the SWdbwsterly 3in.Q o' W. Wz!cer St. g thence betndmg NWtheasberly alcmg sold. Southeaster3,V Une gar llatel- St. a distance Of 97.07 fta to the point of be&Lnning or the PrOPerty to be described; therme be811% motherly elcmg the Southwesterly lane of the lard described ab&VO to a paint 8 ft. SOuthewterly '9!Van the Smtheasterly Une. of Water • St. = thence bearing Scath°ymsterly •almg a 34>e parallel to and 8 ft, & a.ar� azterly frm the Sdutlmstewly Une or Weber St. a distwee of 30 ft.; 'tlieaace at right es aas being Nort-Imestarly to the Soutbeastcrly line of ifate�g- St.; %hence bzaring NartlMasterl,,y along Gad Soied asi erly line of vatw St. to the pWns'c, of mango -2- C=damtng and tadus a pwmwmt emment required for the cmm� ruatatan and p L main' eamm of a project omw on the f'allwrlmS described bed p apt rbr. r o; n �� 5 _ ko w Pa�,l WA*Aam Mo*-Uft pmt of BloA 206 and vacated St Sbort St. I,yl.]ig piths D the fall oMmS deem lbed lane: Bestrwim at a polmt on the Sauthwes teo,v line of lot 6,, 131ac k 205- Irvine? a motion to West St. Pml at a distmme cC 90 fug. WorUm- estezrly frm the ScmdWat ownw of sold lot; thence bemr1mS8M*1MWtW1y a aft -the Xo ihf3Psterly 141W Liner , aC the C. St. F. M. & 0. By. to the IntaBeaUcn. irl th the 11bedwrly Une of the M1 k See. 7a T -26E, R -2W; theme beadmg Emberly a fang said l W Umly_ Lime OC the RW * See. 7 m distance of 60 ft.; thence bemIng idorthewterly to a 1201at an said Sourly Lints ce lot 6 ab a. dime of 70 R:. Northwestcwly of the Bmzthfgst coxmm of std lot; thence big NwMwestwU alang sad Southmterly Lea of Lot 6 to the point of begi ming. s;r :e C"Tllr• e e :���r �. • � r <x'rt ^., t, 2.! ,.t:.xC.:�11f122( • ' — r ' err' .� s r__ '}� r']r :Ft _a, _LAA 4 and 5, BOO& 203.9 Ire's At9tt ion to'Pest St. Pm1- Cwa g aaad UkIng a pmt ea.mm at required Cap the eozastruaUon and widat>enmee of a poject seww on the foLlming described Zmt part of Block '1, Dmon° s AddlMon to St. Pml.a lying mithi,n the VbUmdug dezeAbed line: Bc giuning at a, past on the extended NarWleasterl y 1ine of lot 11.9 "Bssen ,tian� , St. Feu%$ Minno ai a Ustaee of 3.0 ft. NorblWeaUWly of the center Line of the C. St. P. M. & 00 Icy. main track; thence bearing HorthwesUmly elcms- smid wed Northeasterly lints. aZ ?got U to tbe intlerseetion with the florthvesta2ay FA 3,2ne aC _ tba C. St. P. M. & 0. Fly.; thence 'bearing Northeasterly a1mg said R.W lice to the inteTsection with the Northerly line 4i' the IN k Sec. 7, T 288, R -2►1; thence bearing Emste rlg along eaid line a d1stame of 60 ft.; these bealmg. South - vw't€s3.y to the point o:C,beginning.. Condeming and Uking a permaaumt easement refixed for the a mstraction amd m0 euenauce of levee closure ztrmetwe an the following *scribed ply: In the 19 t, Sec. 7, T.283 R -22, than pwt oZ Block 1,. Dwsbn" s Addi` an to St. Paul, leg mitbih the Zo3 rrg described line: BogLa- ing at a poi n' . on a line which is p lAel to a ndl �� � t. • Southwesterly from the extended F%rtheisterrl y Une •cif Lot 33, "Rosem AadiUon7,v St. Pte, * Mun. at a di&Umce of 3.0 ft. Southewtea-ly fram the eeater lane of -the C. St. P. M. &0 0. By* malm t k; thence beaWi :ag Arbi msterly a lazes said line to a point 10 ft. 16rWnmter1y frm sad center line; thence beariG BorWwast ply alc ng .a liue pamUel to end 10 ft. &wtbsiw-erly from the cmUw line of the C. St. P* M. & 0. By. wzain .Uvak to the intersection with the extended North— eastatly line p? � 11, "Rosen AM1t5.W,, St. ftzl* VAnn.; thence bea ring ' h- easterly aong said extended Nort:heaeterl y line of Lot 13, -to a poiut 10 a't. South- ewter4 from said center llna3 thence bemriRg SmAhmi%.sterly altbig a line parallel to amd '3A, £`t. S=them ;er1y ft= the center line of the Fey. min track to the point of bcSimni4ga' a na all public streets., alleys and imp cvutigucim to .he hemimhme described 3zrWo and upon wh1ch sad hereinabove described Est or mkV of the awe abut,, heretofore or homer vacated., tagethear idth ell lands dsr a Laterests • in lands ubbieh embrace every suet ccmtAS►,=t f3 public 6treet, alley and 'taay. _3.6 CmAam ng Md tek ng a r r eMM raqua red cM �kte -'aUox IZZ �aPertY ~ ' for the eowtruciion of fload walls, dikes, pumpjM staticM sites and other strc aces for (load control purpnses: The Zm thwester2y 25 ft. of the SaaWmaster3,y 90 ft. oP LOtS 1p 2 arrd 44 MAck 1942 Irvinea s Addition to 'hest St. Pa a. . The Nordlvester3zv 5 St. of the Suatheaster3,y 65 ft. of 15 2 and h and the K0r'&VMtGr4 30 ft. of the Sauthe sterly 90 ft. of LotsA 3, 5 w.d. 6, Black 194, IrvineGs A&Ution to West St. F W1. The XorWwwterly 30 ft. of the Southeasterly 90 ft. of lots 1. mid 2, Bloch 2832 Irvinea s MUtion to Weat St. PffiaZ. . Aiao the Nort3iwmterly 6o ft. of tue s=th easterly 90 ft. of Lots 3 and 60 of eaid Bl c:ck 203. The MwtWse3terjy JO ft. of the St iecheasterly Q'0 ft. of Lot$ 1 tbru 6, Black 225, amineis Addifi'lan to We3t $u. pma, witl, ada ;4 -ion &L N451,f to :�i L( �-V Ele v_ 703.0 /r. S. 1- • ( /9i3. lid . ) ih fh 1 s ,q re-a That parts of vacated Show$ St. and BXwk' m6 in Irvine°s Additim to IJest St. Paula 1AD8 Zoas'Ua V1Y cf the ftrtherly litre of the NW t8 See- 7, T -28N, R -22bd; ad Nor.4hwly de the Nwthweslberly line of V. Water St. and Southerly of the South- westerly line of Tacit 6, Block 245, Irvine ° s Addition to ffesta St. pml and Scatharly of a line rtm bets-een a paint on said So'utheesteriy une of wt 6 at a disi ame of 70 fti: IIorthwester4 from the south ( comer cf sad 14t 6 to a point on the Northerly Unci of the W ka Seg. 7 at a distance of 6D ft. Easterly f m the point of inrtersection of said line with the FDrthwesstsrly F T 21ne of the C. St. P. M. & 0. FQr. That part of Block l,, Dawson °s Addition to St. Paul lying wi'bhin 'the :CcU 3td4S describe line: BeginanIng at a poiab being the intersection of the Northmvberly Line of W. Water S-to as described by Water St. Opening C.P. 153960 appoved Oct. 10,E 19509 wi'tb. the eht d. Northeasterly line of Lot 8, "Rosen Addition ", StC. P�.a .. Nina.; the=e bearing I Nort3nmsterly allMg said extended Zoed asterly lime e. Lot 8 a d3sta=e of 12 ft.; 'ti eaw bearing SmvLh%fwter1y elong a Line * psraLke) to sad 12 ft. Umthwesterly from the mid Fdrthwester4 Une of W. Wa~uw St, to the intersec%icm tdth the ex'ccmded Northeasterly • line of Lot ll, "Roson Addl Uon7, St. Paula MM.; thence bearing Northwesterly alaittg said Xwetheasterly line or Lot 11 to a' podnt 10 fwo Northwesterly from the center line of the C. St.. P. M, & 0. Rye =in track; thence be vb% Norlduwterly to -a point on be Fortherly line e.' the,nq k, SLe. '7, T -28Nd2 R-gZJ.q at a distance of 60 ft. Bosterly from the point of intersection of seld lime with the N0rWV=ter1y F?�'td Line of the C. St. P. M. & 0. Rye; -thence bearir� Eas'ter3.y a3.ong the Northerly line Of the 194 ba Sec. - 7 to the Intersection with the Kcr.=th eatarxwy line of W. Water St.; thence be nag SoutYrgesterly along said Nortlruea'tesly : ne aZ dater St. to the point of beginning. That part of Lets 7, 8 Md '9 "Rosen Addatit+ v St. Pc zi, Idnn. lying Idthin the following described Bane: Beginning at a point being the intersection of tbe South- easterly line off' W. Water. St;. as described by the (dater St. O}aaning C.F. 153980 awroved Oct;. 10, 19503 Vitt 'the Northeasterly line of lat 83 Rosen's Addli tiol -1; thence bewing, Sonthu sterly to a poiWb on the Sou.-Wn sterly line of F4•4 9 Wc. a distmee of 15 ft. Southeasterly from said SoW &westsr1Y U- ne of W. Water St.; 'thence bearing Southeasterly along said Southmeterly line of LaL 9 a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearinig ldorth%�zterly to to point; on the Hortlaeasterl.y line of Lot; 7, - 'Rosen Addition0', St. F WA, M nn. a dime© of 30 Pico Suthe=:teply from sk d Southe avbew y line of Water St.; thence bewing Nor,41riTaterly along said. Ptortheaste�oly line of ,mot 6 to the intersection with said Sautheasterly line of floater St.; thence bem -Ing SoWch- westerly along the Southeasterly line of dater St. to the point l of beginning. -4- That par, of Block 1. Dayson°s MUtiaa to S•t. Pwa lylag baWem the Westerly line of Dwmon Additim St:. Paula a Iii Mallel to 82& 95 ft v SWchvesterly frm the aemaded Noerhwsterly line or lot 134, "RoSea AMitltn ",. ft. Fes, Mun. and a line p .el , to M& 12 ft. RortIUMSWly fra the westerly Une of W. Water St. as describe by the Water St. Ogcnxg C.F. 153980 - ved Oa•t. 10.q 1954 GMd Soutuasterly o? a line parallel to and 10 ft. RortbWastarly from the center 2XUe of the Co St. P. M. & 0. Rey. mean t m&k X That put Of teat "C ", 03i' °s Mfttltm, to West St. Pltlo lying vitblu the following d63ertbed Line: Coking at a pmt being the IUtdfteCUGU Of the ftrthVeS•terly Lim of W. Wa Ur St. as dco^a°ibed by the W St, Openirfg C-F. 15300 spproved 00t. l0a. 19504, With the. Easterly lice or surd Iat "C " ;' thence bearing S=blvresterly along aid Northwesterly line of Water S. a distawe a 164 f,4;,,' to the point or beginning of the propwty to be dust z*i t be=e at right des bearing ' ZorQ. westerly a distance of 12 ft.; thence bang Nortbesst4rly along a line para?.el to and 12 ft. HorthumstCerly ftw tad ft-th mster y lime of Wai;c r St. to the i,nta- secrtim wit.12 said Eastwly trine of 10t "C "p- thdme bearing NorW=ly among said Easterly 34 eof wt "C" to the Intersecticm with a line p ll el to and 25 ft. SoutTra6tercly f=m the exteDded •NOVtbeWbeV]ty line of Lot 1.3, ",Rosen .Addition" � Sto P 4, F-� a o; thence bearing Rorthnstwly g aMd - e - e r 3aterseet4on vith the Korthwesterly R/V lim of the C, Cute Pa, M. & 0. Ry.; thence bWrIX9 Swit7r4eaterly along sad Ry. WW line to the Int oection vith the exceed SoerMwestdrly line Me Lai; 13, "Rosen Addi tuna St. Paul, Mzao a thence bearing SOVUHNIfterly alcog said extended Soutshuesterly ILue, of Lot 13 to a powe. 10 ft. Smtheasterly franm the center line of t)ae C. St.. P. tdo & 0. Sy, mo n trams; ft' mea bearing Southwesterly along a aeon parallel to aud. 10 ft. Southeasterly frCM said center lane* a dai vtawe of 200 it,;' tbj:�ixde at right angVm b z�& Sw3 peas er y to the Interseetich, ulth the line of Water St. thouce being Ruth - 4aster].y dons said Northmaterly lime of W. Water St. to the paint ae beginnim& That p> of tOts 13 End. 144 "men Addition", St. Paul, Finn. end Block • Ip Datqtonos Addition to St. PtM1 lAng within the fotlosdng described Unes: Begiming at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, " Roaft Addittien ", St:. Paul,, Mirm. thence beam. NGrthVesterlY SICO29 fte Northeasterly line of said lot to a pant. 8 fco Southeasterly frcma the Sdath�wt erly line of W. Water St. are described by the Ita ter St. 'Op -fig thence bearing Southwesterly along a lea 8 ft. SoutheastAwl.y fr= an-1. parallel 'Go the Southeasterly line of Wo Waters S2p to the irnt enecticM YA th %he Westerly 21ne o2 Block 18 Da °>3 AddiUon; thence be wing Scutherly alarm sad line to a point 38 ft. Southeasterly from the Southeasterly y ]Ane of V. Water St.; thence bearltzg MortheAste rly alc mg a limo parallel to aud 38 ft. Souther t�l.y fr m Qe Soutbeas•ta l y line of Water .St. to the intersection with the SMVMmterly line of Lot 13,1 " Hosm Additions St. Paul., data..; thence, bear=inS Southeast6rly along said Smei terly line of Lot 13 to the Sc ul",ft est corner sat' said lot; thence bewin,g Nor'chsas•terl it the- Scauthewte6ly line of Lot 13 to the point of bq j:Lmlrg. The Southeasterly 30 ft. of the 38 rb. strip of land Southeu- sterly of and adjacent to the Southeasterly line or Vaster St, a o olxmed Anil. lying -%d tidn the following describdd Line: Beginnlmg' at the intet0action of the South Levee Ling ad Iche East U.e &Z Lot "C ", Oliver 's Addition to West St: o Baia; thence Smth on East line 9T ft.; thane Southwesterly 60 ft.; thence Roatberly 79 ft. to a point spa said levee line 97,07 fto ft= the intersection of said levee lane eyed West line of East I of lot "C "; fihe=G along mAd levee lime to the paint of beginning. ing. R / So -5� I That part of Lot "C ", Ola V616 tiara to West St. Fa a, : YU9 within . go-IlwAns described Une: C meiM at the interafttica Of the Westerly 11me oZ the Easterly z of : � + � lot and the Southeastwl.y Line oC Watw St.3 thence beariM 1TOrV=Ster1y along seldi SaWdheasterly Line of Water St. a distmnee of 97.07 M; Aw=e big Smrthcasterly along the Southwstwly lime at the griper deseribed above to a paint 8 ft. Southeaetrl y from the Sourly line of cfatm- St. wbich Is the paint of beaLuning of the . property - to be deseribe4 the3 :q a be wing Sout�ly along •,�,�hye,�.S�outhwwUW�]��,y lin�e7�c,f�,y, the � pmpmr�.y, �descjibsA to a point V ft. Sou aeasterly id�-V8� the �7i.�LiViC�+n� ter4 .bJne. of W. Ww;W_ ib.3 thence .hearing SmUnesterly alog a line pmaUeZ to and 38 j %. Awk,.:LL from the S=thensterly line of Water St. a distanee at 4o ztq thence at right angle$ been$ NorMweeterl y to the Southeasterly litre of TL Water sb.; thence bearing MrtheasteraW along said 8=theasterl y line of Warms St. to •a point 67.07 ft. Northeasterly frm the Luterdfttlon of the Vestwly line of the &sberly j Or LOt "C" cad. the Southeasterly lime of Water St.; thence at rigW, angles Ong Southeasterly a distance of 8 ft.; thence at rigleu angles bearing rtl4 easterly a1mzg a line 8 ft. Southeae ly ft�cm and parallel to the S=t ewbarly 11ne of Water Sto to the " poi.nt of beginuiM• -6-