200266y FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION COUNCIL FILE NO. PROCEEDINGS ; $Y Rosen— 20 •- w Council File No. 200286 — F Milton '266 _ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMN taking the matter of condemning and NGS taking a strip of land 30 feet in width, ILr ►7 on, under and across, the C. M.,& St. P. R.R. pr Ac]'ty.,fo�urposes,� " •- co! acrosshthea Dce-n1e4Tn*1eJ*J-Rsaia rope �r purposes o corlstrug irag an maintaining a public sewer, the perma e n easement being as follows: begnning at the i terse ti n of the centerline of SCHUNEMAN AVENUE and a line that is 9.0 fe t north of and par le to the centerline of LAUREL 9 thence southwesterly across �he C.M. St.P. R.R. r g t -of -wa on a bearing of S 3900 '3 ?' a1 o ode rar easemen o cons ct on s s n a s F�lan 11 e ngwi ddhtakii eteopo- ra easement e�ng nor� erl a ves pr y of andpa�jacen to Pat:ve esc a per�a- on easement; a and ondemnihyg and take a temporary easement for construction purpose strip lan feet in Width said temporary easement being southerly and easterly of an adjacen to a above described permanent easement. under Preliminary Order 199503 approved November 11, i960 Intermediary Order 199916 approved December 6, 1960 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- widtrovement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking a strip of land 30 feet in h, on under nd across t#e C.M & ggt P. P.R. property for purposes of constructing and a tain' a s er he ce erli•e f saida xmane des rib a as- o��ows: ginning at i in rsec ` on tie centerline of S'�N VE E ando a �ine that is 9.. eet north o an paral el �o the centerline of LAUREL AVENUE thence south - ti estprly a ros the C M.St.P. R.R. ri ht -of -way n a bearing of S 39.05 ' $" W- also c emning�an to ing a temporary,easeme t.for coyhs�ruction_purposes_on a strip 6f land � � Meet iii- width, said temporary easement being northerly, and westerly of and adjacent to the abov de Cribed ermanent ea a ent• is ndde n azldd taki a temporary easeme t f r con ion pu4oses on !a s r�p off' Tana �� ieet i vrldth= sa d temporary - easemen be�rlg southerly and easterly of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. M RESOLVED FURTHER, th�'t the following land, lands or easements therein be, and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said Improvements, viz.: condemning and taking a strip of land 0 feet in width, on, under and across the C.M.& St.P. R.R. property for purposes or constructing and maintaining a public sewer, the centerline of said permanent easement being described as follows: beginni at the intersection of the centerline of SCHUNEMAN AVENUE and a line that is 9.0 feet nort of and parallel to the centerline of LAUREL AVEN thence southwesterly across the C.M.St.P. R.R. right -of -way on a bearing of S 39'0513F W; also condemning and taking temporary easement for construc- tion purposes on a strip of land 15 feet in width, said temporary easement being northerly Mdiwesttee�1 of rannd ad �acne e t to the xb�ov describedd permanen pass a t a o cojd mni nd aid emKESOLOEPDa l � t R hat t e oi�imissaionRusE o g es ?n a p rddsg nt� odt feet it wi i ed > c V�ol�s �e a is a eb %Uou d i�� permanent directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby easement, authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council n 19 • � � —t 'JAN � �g x. �� / City Clerk. Approved. 19 r ' Mayor. Councilmen: t -DeC••ou rey '— - HoUland Mortinson ,., Peterson Rosen Mr. President +VavouIis OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I _ _._ — - - -- - -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - -- r - NOVHmFror 1 � +RL - I� 4}U To the CommiSslocler of Finance Of the C of PAS }• sa � pre1its nLaarry�ord�err of the Council, krwwn as un l=' tio. 199503 - - -�, In !N � � �ACgyw mUm rain :llsl��1 4 ,� 9 *, gip. 1014 Nal 12 �y� !P"� :i tzi.a : t T'� town _ s� 'hi '�C: , e!',�t? k\ fi�a`iE< and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is S x x x x x x x x x , 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �r IT, ivov 19 1960 DES• OF 1NA?it- Commissioner of Public Works k_==, 0-:Q 1. ri v yak IZlAiv,C //�.� AIiE , ym, y 6 �• i 1 .b Nit 4 �a�