08-1071Council �71e # //.�'/07 � Green5heet# ��;59R7fi RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by I � 1 RESOL'VED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinrinent, made by the 2 Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Advisory Committee on Aging. 3 4 Aupointments 5 6 Name 7 Ann Bebeau Representing Group At-Latge (Taylor) Term Exuires November 30, 2009 Adopted by Council: Date ��—\" Z.CQ � Adopb y �'o fnci cretary By: Appro by r: D � � (� By: Requested by Depamnent of. � � 9-ay ��' BY� fn � �a�'Le._.�a Appxoved 6y the �ffice of Financial Services By: Approved by ' .�� B Approved by Mayor for S mis ' n to Council By: � �p. ,�r� 9� �y-��s � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� �Q7 � MO — Mayots Office 24-SEP-0S Green Sheet NO: 3059876 Contact Person 8 Phone: Kris Fredson 266-8534 Must Be on Council Agen Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: ContaM Phone: � � Assign 1 Number Z For Routing 3 Order 4 5 Total # of SignaYure Pages ` {Clip All locations for Signature) ayor'sOffice_ _ _ DeDar�entDirector I Attornev a or's Office Mavor/ASSistant ouncil i C7erk G5 Cluk Appoinhuent of Ann Bebeau to the Advisory Committee on Aging. Her term will eacpire on Novembe 3Q 2009. aauons: Approve (n) or Ke�ecc �tq: rersonai Serv1ce co�tracts Must wnswer the Fouowing Huest[ons: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? CIB Committee Yes Na Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain afl yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: September 24, 2008 10:21 AM Page 1 AppIication for Committee, $oard, or Commission Pieasereturnto The Mayor's Office D�''�j� I Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., SaintPaul, MN 55102 Phone:6�1-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Thc Minnesota Governmeni Dsis Praeticcs.SCt (M�nnesota Ststutes Chapter 13) govorn5 tLe Crty'S use of [be� inFormanon conxained in chis sppli<atioa Some of c6c informsvon son$ht int4is applieation tis pri�ste data uadez [he Act. Thc reguesmd �n.ormsxion wiil bc used by [he appo:nung au[hority [o carry ont [h: Ci�y's offiaat 3ppomtmrnt responvibiliues Yau arc eo; tequired to prov�de aay snformacion. Howtvei, f3llurc to a¢twer the spplteation quesvons may cauzc thc appointing auchority to rcj:<t your anpli.^atron. Thc ma)ortty o: �tems <ontaincd in this appiccaiion arc pnblic, includcng caoc, address cmploymcni, Sk�l�s, trsiaing sad cxpericntt, a¢d arc thcrcfocc svsilabtc co aayoa� rcqucsung �t Th: rcmaining iums on ihc appticanon form arc classif�cd s5 priva[c. Th< pnvatc data is avsilablc oniy'to gou sod m oth<c pe�sans in thc C�ty mho, becavze of work assigaments, rassoaably reqvlre access to the info7mst�op Name Ann Bebeau Home addZess 357 Grove Street Telepnones 651-337-1802 Plesse ln<lude Area Codes F address ann.bebeaueci.sti Planning District Councit St. Pau1 Mn 55101 CftY 9La1t Ylp 651-291-1111 40�k ]X mn. City Council Ward PreFerred mailing addrass 36� �rove Street Occupation Police Sergeaat St.Pau1 Mn 55101 ury naro seP P1ace of employment Saint Paul Police Department Employment address 367 Grove Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Comrnittee(s) applied forAdvisory Commitree on Aging What skills/training or experience do you possess foc the committee(s) for ahich yon seak apgointment? I have been a police officer for 21 years. 2 am an instructor for elder abuse and part of a multi-disciplinary team. Z have investigated numerous cases of financial exploitation of vulnerable ad��lts which have led to successful prosecution. 2 have received Craining Lhrough trie Fedesal Law Enforcement Training Center on elder abuse. 2 am a member o£ the Minnesota A7etwork £or Abuse in Later LiPe (MNALL). 2 am nart of a newly _*ormed Ramsey Couttty elder'abuse work group whose mission is victim safety and offender accountability. gage 1 of2 Z'd 19%�'�PJ I1M0 aliPJanflf �,I,lC WHOfi:6 Aft67 'h 'In� Personai References NameChief John Harrington A ddress 367 Grove Street, Saint Paul, Minneeota SS1D1 Telephones 651-266-5588 Plenseipciude Ataa Codcr hom< wor Name Steve Dopson A ddress ��sey County Adu1t Protection ielephones Plcaacinclvde.9rea Codes hcmr 651-266-444 wcrk N sme5helly Johnson C1ine (Saint Paul Intervention Project) othet oihcr A ddress 1509 Marshal2 Avenue, Sainc Paul., Minnesota 55104 Telephones Plenaeinclade Area Codes home 65 work other Reasons for your interest in this particnlar committee Ey th e year 2030, the population o£ chose over 65 wz11 double. ihis is due to che aging of che baby boomers, che iargest generati�n che world has ever lazown. Law �nforcement needs to make changes to bet�ez addreSS the needs o: this grouE. Thi� invo7ves education, awarenesa, and collaboration. Hsve you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicatioa7 Tf so, when, and undar what circumstances? I met Sally Staggert`at a recent meeting with the Mayor on issues involving seniors. She is a member of this committee. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeug of our co�munizy, please check the box applicable to you. This iaformation is strictiy voluntary. ✓Q White (Caucasian} � Hispanic �Blaek (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Iadisn or Alaskaa Eskimo � Male FemaIe o Date of birth Disabled: � Yes No � If special accomtnodations are aeeded, please specify H o w did you hearabouttbisopening7 I am not sure if there is a.-i openiag, but if chere is, I am interested!! gage 2 of 2 C�a IA%{�•oN ItPln ]ltN7nnr �'111c Ulkln:6 o1n7 •F �tnr