D001676s C 1 T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � `oproved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE QRDER: - City Clerk (Originat) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: ��(5I Date: 3.-°�q-4q ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority g2nted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Human Resources to amend the 1948 budget the of tbe Generei Eund, the Director of the �ce oi Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8� DIYlS10N: FUMD , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Muman Resources Total Quality ImQrovement GL 001- 00763-0381 Guardian Accounts - HR . GL 001- 00164-0299 GL 001- 0016d-0389 Books, Periodicals CURRENT BUDGET 0 APPROVED CHANGES 808 14,690 2,100 (17,894) 296 8,000 3,357 808 22,690 5,457 Other Misc Services Other Misc Suppiies Consulting Services GL 001- 00165-0111 GL 001- 00165-0381 Fuil Time Pertnanent Books, Perlodicals Prepared by: Activity Manager Date 1,167,917 3,050 AMENDED BUDGET 1,150,023 3,346 1,182,324 0 1,182,324 ��� �,.'���� �,m�. a.a, �q�q �����'"''— 6c-�-�-� ested by: Department Director � Ap ed b: Financiai Services Director f f � D�,►��ro�x,�u�ccn.: DATE INITLITED GREEN SHEET xo.: 63��3 n Humari xesources 3122/99 JJ001 7 CONTACf PEBSON & PHONE: II�IITTSImaTE II�17ni/Dw7'E Dianne Rosenthal 266-6491 ,nae�x�r ����'�� cmc«mKU. A&46NSD Cl1YATTDRNBY 3 C[IYCLPRP. - bT BE ON COUNCfL AGENDA BY (DATL� ����$ BOiTPPiG 7FINANCW.gRVDIX dFiNANClAI.S9tV/ACC7G OHDBH MAYOR(ORASSi:) TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE pAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL IqCATIONB FOA �GNATURL7 ncriox xn,QimsrEn: Approval of attached Administrative Order-Budget Revision. RHCQ2.4�dEbIDATlONS: APW� �A) orReatP[) PEBSONAi. S&RV�CB CONTRAC7'SMU51' ANSW&61"�FOLLOWINGQUFSf10N3: 1. Haethispmoolfirmeu¢aaa�tdimdcaemaaGfatL'nde�mtl PLANNINGCAM6•IISSION Ya No — CID Wb4.II1'lEE 2 Flu�ispeam�5imevaLeasetyemployeeY CMLSE&YICECOML6[SSION Yn No a. �+mu�odf��asnunam�m Ye No 4. Lthiapeam/5rmatugetedxada[7 Yo No EspWo a➢yra aeawas on.ry.eaee abeet and aNaeh to p+een sLeet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF., OPPORTUNiTY (K'ho, Wirt, Wheq Whex, K'�y): Move year-end dollars into appropriate spending codes to accurately reflect speading. VANCAGESIFAPPROVED: ollars will be spent out of appropriate codes. DISADVAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGE3IF NOT APPROVED: The budget will not be balanced within each activity. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: 517,894 C08T2tEVLiVUEBUDGETED: Yes � FUNDING SOURCE: Gmeral Fend ACTIVITY NUMBER: 00163 00164. 00165 FSNANCIAL INFORMATtONi (E7CPLAiN) � ._ - ,-. . . ... � ... �,. "�! . �. - 111 �,.! E � I:LtKK �