207200^� OtIrinnl to City Clerk `Y PRESENTED BY C� ORDINA Council File No. 207200— Ordinanrc•Ae o. 12207 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourc' An Ordinance' amendingg Ordinanep No. 0570 entitled: "An Administrativp Ordinance prescribing the rules and regulations for the disposal ofaredl ��/�� property owned by' the City , . , =t. v Paul,' approved November y '�iv.,. . amended. This i; Sr emeF CM, I, `�A ji ance Ie� ��^ r el 1, y ya = ?3cyR1 ►iN1' CE NO. IM AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDNANCE NO. 6576 ENTITLED: "AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DISPOSAL OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY'THE CITY'OF ST. PAUL." APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 19252 AS AMENDED. THIS IS AN'EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 6576, approved November 5, 1925, as amended, is hereby further amended in the follow- ing particulars, to -wit: that the following paragraph,., numbered (7) be and the same hereby is inserted in Section 1 -or said ordinance numbered 6576 as amended, "immediately following paragraph numbered (6j of the same, as the final paragraph of said Section 1 of said Ordinance as amended: "(7) That in any case where the City shall have acquired, by virtue of condemnation or deed or by virtue of condemnation and deed any. _tract or parcel of land therefor, and shall have dedi- cated the same to public street, public alley or public street approach purposes and shall have thereafter vacated the subject public street, public alley or public street approach, or any section of such public street, public alley or public street approach embracing such tract or parcel of land, the'Land Committee, with the con- sent of the Council, and without advertisement therefor or competitive bids for the same, may sell and provide for the conveyance of all right, title, estate and interest of the City in and to such tract or parcel of land, at any time within sixty (60) days next after the effective date of the vacation of the section of public street, public alley or public street'approach which theretofore embraced the same, subject to the following provisions: i Yeas Councilmen Nays & ` -- nProurcv � Passed by the �ti� Qriginal to City Clerk t- =r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. y �� 'Ya) That such authorized sale and conveyance shall be consummated within said 60-day-period and shall be made by the City as vendor - grantor to the owner of the tract or parcel of land which shall abut immediately upon and be contiguous to the subject vacated section of public street, public alley or public street approach, as purchaser - grantee. "(b) That no such sale or conveyance affecting any such tract4 or parcel of land or affecting the right, title, estate or interest therein of the City, shall be made for an amount of money which shall be less than the fair market value of the same at the time of such sale and conveyance, as appraised and reported by the City Valuation En- gineer or other competent appraiser appointed and employed by the Council, in the premises, and that the form of conveyance in any such instance, shall be that of a Quit Claim Deed." SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance'rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This'ordinance'shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the DeCourcy / Holland Loss Mortinson Rosen Mr. President Vavo_ ulis) dApprove Attest: t — < . City Clerk i f jr 1M 11-81 x+22 i Y MAY 31 1962 Mayor Tn Favor Against �. �/ u. 5.�,�i.' 1s a 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted. Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson n Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis ED 4,j��00 """\DeCourcy Holland Loss / 'I'Mortinson fv^ .� Rosen M\ President Vavoulis