08-1017— ----- — — -... _ - - �- CouncilFile# W���� Cmeen Sheet # 3056711 __,__._.'_"._�'_.� — ____ — — _ — �'-_�.. _- _.` —_— _,.�.�����Op._—__. — — �ITY OF S T PAUL, MtNNESOTA 53 PresentedBY� G�� i�� 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) � 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18j 19) 20) 2]) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 2� 28j 29) WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has inssalled new above standazd street lighting districts; and Wf�REAS, there are additional reveaues from these new assessment dis�icu; and WAEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance witl� Section ]0.07.1 of tlte City Charter, ceriifies ihat thete are available foT appropriarion S 19,791 in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; and in accordance with Secrions ] 0.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter, recommends the following changes to tLe 2008 budget: C�ment Atnended Fnnd Activity Object Description Budget Cbanges Budget Lighfing Maintenance Assessment Districts FNANCING 231 - 32320 - 6001 AssessmentRevenues 155,500 29,500 185,000 231 - 32320 - 9830 Use of Fund Balance 9,709 0 9,709 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 29,500 Increased tusessment doltars from new above standard sheet lighting dutricts added. SPENDING 23 ]- 32320 - 0260 ETI Allocarion 198 0 231 - 32320 - 0279 Other Repair & Maintenauce 105,248 (21,537) 231 - 32320 - 0299 OtherMisaServices 0 12,�00 231 - 32320 - 0371 Electricity 59,763 39,037 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 29,500 Zhis covers increared elechZCity and maintenance cosls related to the additional cusessment areas. 198 83,77] 12,U00 98,800 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Ciry Counci] approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to ffie 2008 budget. Requested by Depar4nent of. Public Works � ieC � / �! l :C,/ "" � Approval Reco;efc){euded by the � Services: s �/��� Approve y Ma r fo Submissio o e ncil:^ ��J1 / By: y �� Adoption Certified by Council Secfetazy: sy: � Approved b� ay ��� Date �� U 1� By: Adopted by CounciL Date q//f Contact Person & Pho're: Paul SG Martin 266�6178 Must Be on Council Agenda by (pate): Doc. Type: pUBLIC HEARING (RESOLUI E-DOCUmeM Required: N Doeument Contact: Jeff B CoMact Phone: 266�135 �� 11JU408 � 0 Assign 1 Number 2 For Routing 3 Order 4 5 6 7 Total # oF Signature Pages _(Clip Aff Locations for Signature) 6�� Ib I� 1 (Str Attornev aal Services De n[ Director or'sOffice Ma or/ASSistant omd (Stp Comcil 'tr Clerk CStv Clerk � blic Works Approval of attached Resolution amending the financing and spending budgets for [tte Lighting Maintenance Assessment Districts Fund. itlations: Approve (n) or HeJect (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm evet been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In 2007 there were four above standard street lighting azeas added as requested by business owners and/or in conjuncfion with approved City ProgranLS. For 2008 ihere aze akeady three above standard street lighting areas added or expanded. All these azeas have been approved by fmal order by City Cuuncil. However, the financing and spending budgeu have not been increased to reflect these addifional revenues and associated maintenance and electricity costs. Advantages If Approvetl: ' Financing and spending will be within budget amounts. Disadvantages If Approved: None. �i,��yt�,�q � { +kyy��,C�. "�iy!��� _, .../ � '..J . . I 4 .. Disativamages If Not Approved: Ttle Lighting Maintenance Assessment Districts Fund will not have sufficient budget to cover actual revenues and wsts. Transadion: $29,500.00 Funding Source: ASS2SSR12fItS Financial information: (Explain) Activity Number: 231-32320-6001 Juty 28, 2008 2:24 PM CostlRevenue Butlgeted: y Page 1 � City of Saint Paul Interdeparhnental Memorandum b�-(ol� To: Margaret Kelly, Finance Director From: Chris Eitemiller, Sr. Budget Analys� Subject: Above Standard Street Lighting budget amendment requires public hearing Date: August 22, 2008 The attached resolution would allow the Public Works department to amend its 2008 budget for above standard lighting districts. These improvements have been requested by the property owners and these costs are paid entirely by those owners. These improvements total $29,500. This will require a public hearing because it increases this fund's financing and spending authoriry. It will be on the agenda September 3`�. This proposal seems reasonable, I recommend signing. AA-ADA-EEO Employer