08-1008Substitvte 9110i08p Presentetl By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 ia u iz 73 14 is is t� 78 �s za zi zz 23 za zs 26 27 28 2s 30 37 32 33 3a 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 a2 WHEREAS, in accordance with Section � 0 of the Ciry Charter, Mayor Coleman present2tl to the Ciry Council on August �2, 2008, the Mayor's propos2d budget, with said recommentled budgets totaling S"o13,477,102 befora subtracting out'transfers to and transfers from Funds° and'subszquent year debY; and totaling $525,059,512 after netting out'transfers to and transfer from funds and "subs2quent year de6i°, and W HEREAS, in accordance with City ordinance, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August 79, 2008 th2 Library Agency's proposed budget, with said recommended budgetstotaling 579,603219, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has taken into consideration levy limits imposed by the State of Minnesota and wiil report on the use of special levies antl atlherence to levy limits in accordance with State taw; and W HEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 2009 financ4ng ptan for the Ciry of Saint Paul, ihat the 20D8 net property tax levy payable in 2009 be $89254,264 as detailed below: Mayor's Recommended Tax lew Levy tor Port Authority Net Levy Levy for Po�t Authority Levy for Library Agency Net Levy for Ciry Govemment GreenSheet# 3059015 � Council Filell Q8-100 � 2,112,000 89,254,264 (2,712,000) �is,oss,sae) 71,042,579 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thai in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, ihe City Council, after consitlering the Mayots recommendations, but absent pubiic hearings on tfie Mayots butlget proposaf, does heseby accept the budgets for fiscal year 2009, as proposed by the Mayor, as constituting the proposed 6udgets for the City of Saint Paut and the Saint Paul Library Aqency; and 6e it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced statute, the City Council, as a taxing authoriry, and after consitlering the Mayor's recommendation for property tax levies, inciuding ihe requests of the Port Authority and the Library Agency, doeshereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the proposed marimum tax levy for the City of Saint Paui for tazes payable in 2009 (for use in calcufating the Truth-ln-Taxation notices to be maited in fiovember of 2008} as: Net Levy (City Operations, Ciry Debt, Port Authodry, and Library Agency): ..,�,.N.. - tl9,254,264 Of`ice of Financial Services 8y: Approval Recommended by Finance Director: By: Adopti By: Appro� BY: Ciry levy for Ciry Operations City Levy for Debt Service Ciry Levy for Library Agency Tofal Recommended: so,i n,zss 10,865,320 i s,oss,685 87,142,264 Form Approved by City Attorney: By. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: "Flnancial5emces(G:'SHARE0�9UOGEilYR2oo8l. ) oe28lo> Adopted by Councii: Date �//f/'/T�.� — Gree� SFieet L:reen Sheet Green 03-SEP-0B I}� - /D0� Corrtact Person & Phone: Scott Cordes x68833 must 6e on Council qqentl 70.SEP-08 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: by � i ueoartment sent i o rerson 0 ivanciai Services ASSign 1 inancialServices De arhmentDirector Number Z �C�h For Routing 3 a or's OfLce Ma or/Assistant Ortler 4 ouncU 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Aii Locations for Signature) Approval of the attached resolution certifying the proposed maximum tas levy for the City of Saint Paul for taees payable in 2009 (for use in calculation the Truth-in-Taxation notices to be mailed in November 2008). itlations: Approve (A) or R Plannin9 Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by a�y current city employee? Yes No F�cplain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiati�g Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanqges If Approved: � The masimum proposed tax levy will be certified with the Ramsey County Auditor for tases payable in 2009. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The maximum proposed tas levy will not be certified as required. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activily Number: September 3, 2008 2:30 PM Page 1 Coun<iI File # �,�J ' //D� � GreenSheet# 3059015 .� � �CClll I ITIAwI Presentetl 8y: 1 2 3 a 5 6 7 a 9 io it 12 13 ia is 16 77 is 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � 39 ao ai az WHEREAS, in� Mayor's propos� from funds" and "subsequentye� WHEREAS, in accords proposed budget, with City ordinance, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August'19, 2008 the Library Agency's mmendetl budgets totaling $19,603,2'19, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has Wk n into consideration levy limits imposed by the State of Minnesota and will report on the use of special levies and adherence to lery lim in accordance with State law: and WHEREAS, the Mayor did recomm�, as part of the comprehensive 2009 financing plan for the City of Saint Paul, that the 2008 net properry tax levy payable in 2009 be 9254,264 as detailed below: City Lery for City Operetions \ City Levy for Debt Service � City Levy for Librery Agency � Total Recommended: Levy for Port Authoniy Net Levy Levy for Port Aut Levy for Library! Net Levy for City Mayor's Recommended Tax Lew 60,962,659 "10,865,320 15,314,285 87,142,264 2,112,000 89,254,264 (2,112,000) (15,314,285) 71,827,979 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Council, after considering the Mayor's recommendations, but absent public hearings�on the Mayor's budget proposal, does hereby accept the budgets for fiscal year 2009, as proposed by the Mayor, as constituting the proppsed budgets for the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Library Agency; and be it � , FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced statute, the City Council, as a taxing authority, and after considerin< the Mayor's recommendation for property tax levies, including the requests of the Port Authority and the Library Agency, does hereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the proposed maximum tax levy for�She City of Saint Paul for taxes payable in 2009 (for use in calculating the Truth-In-Taxation notices to be mailed in November of 2008)`as: Net Levy (City Operalions, City Debt, Port Authority, and Library 89,254,264 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By _ Approved by Mayor: Date By: ce wRh Section 10 of the City Charter, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August 12, 2008, the �t, with said recommended budgets totaling $613,477,102 before subtracting out "transfers to and t2nsfers uent year debt"; and totaling $525,059,5'12 after netting out "transfers to and transfer from funds" and and Requested b the: G°iiae ec_zc:_iai serv_:.es By Approval Recommend� y Finance Director: By � Form Approved by City Att\ ey B � /'S�� �„ ��,�j Approv y Mayor f� 'ssion� to o nu ci : BY i � 'Finaaaai $ervices {G:'SMAREOIBUDGETYR2a�81... ) Adopted by Council: Date