D001673C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �pproved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - C'�ty Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financiai Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. No: d bl 7 �ate: �-029-4�' ADMINISTRATIVE ORpER, Consistent with the aufhority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.OTA of tlie City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Otfice of License, inspection and Environmet�l Protection to amem! the 1897 Budget of the General Fund, the DirecWr of tife OMce of flnanelal Services Is aufhortzed to amend utd budget as Tollows: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET • Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection AnimallPest Control GL 001-00177-0771 GL 001-00177-0822 Full Time Permanent Trucks & Vans Operations New GL 001-00778-0439 GL 001- 00178-0282 Fringe Benefits Rental Bidg & Office 444,722 0 99,350 27,015 (8,910) 435,272 $,910 8,910 4,222 103,572 (4,222) 22,793 570,487 0 570,487 � /� �� �� �'J�L «c ,i2�� Prepared by: Activity Manager Date ��-�— c�-- �—� 3,2y —� � Appr d b. Director of Financial Services Date • /���.���� ����� Requested by. Depa mrt ent Director Date ������. � ��� �oa��7 Licen�e,�nspection�Env;ronmenclnspection �3-22-s9 GREEN SHEET No. 50443 ����� ��� o ��. sheilaRced zss-9111 ��, cmn,xowmn O cerca� ��oK�.,���� � o �,,,.�,�� o �,.�. O�,r«��^�^M, O OTAL # OF SIGPTATQRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIRE) wCt10NREQU6SIID ppmval of Administ�ative Order Bndget Revision to cover 1998 year end variances. n�conu.Eatmanox�npymw(a)a�enlRl PERSONALSERVICECONTRACfSMU3PANSWER.THEFOLLOWINGQ[1E41TONS: efwNe�rt+coo�uoss�oN ava�v�csoolamsuox i.HaetltispasodfvmeverworkmmderawntractforPoisdepaztmew? cmco+a.snts YES NO w srtit'r _ 2.FlactlrispersodfvmeverbrenacGY�PbS� msxwcrcovaT YES NO swaoxrs mucrcouNCU. oaiecrrv�.r 3. Dcea tltis P�dFmu Poaseae a ek�Il na no�maIlYPO�ved 6Y aW' cmnnt cig' e�3'ce? YES NO (Explam a0 Yes aaswers on separsAe sheet md attechto 6� sheELj mn'nwTINaaROBLAi.1ssU6 oePOR9cMnY(W6w whK `�� wb=s. G'M7� A van was ordered for Operations - Ongoing - Animal Control based on a pro,}ected balance in salaries of $20,000+ Tiie 1998 budgeted rate for Fringe Benefits was less t6an actual. This resuked in a variance in Operations I3ew - Zoning. Budget authority needs to be moved to cover 1998 year end variances within the License, Inspection and Environmental Protection budget. ADVANfAfFS W APPA6VID: 's activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. D�SADVANTAGFS@ APPROVED: None DrSqpVqNtAGPSOFNOTAPPROVID: RECEB�/Ef� Activity will show a negative variance in 1998. MAR 2 91999 ���Y CLERK rornc,vao�crcoarwmsncnoa_ 3'I 2 cosrraavr.nueauncsrenccaccceo� � xo ��soveos General Fund a�-rihrr�m.msx 00177 00178 FINeWCfAL WFORMATtON: (ETPLAMJ C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR : � � ��.i r� ��, � � � � BUDGET REVISION �pproved Copies to: ' � 7 - City Cierk (OriginaQ No: Q { - Finance Dept's AccouMing Division �ate: _� q_ �j c� -POlice Dept, Accaunting Unit ADAIINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the anthority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and 6ased on the request of the Chief of the SL Paul Police Department to amend the 1998 budget af the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001- General Fund 0400� - O�ce Of The Chief 0547 - Payment To SubcontraMor 04100 - Operations Oill - F�1I Time Permanent 0161- Salary Needs OA303 - Training Units 0277 - Other - Equipment Repair 0279 - Other - Repair 04304 - Personnel 0219 - Fees-Other Professional 0857 - Data Prceessing Hardware OA342 - Commnnication & Eqnipment 0223 - Telephone - Long Distance CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CFIANGES BUDGET 60,000 (8,900) 51,100 21,277,451 (24Q,000) 21,037,451 998,299 (648,?90) 349,509 4,100 (1,700) 2,400 6,000 (3,000) 3,000 24,365 3,000 12,000 O: Ol - General Fund 04000 - Office Of The Chief 0111 - FuD Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04001- Fleet 011l - Fl�ll Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04102 - Park Rangers 0131- Certified Temporary 0439 - Fri�ge Benefits 04300 - Support Services Administrarion 011l - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04301- Records 0439 - Bringe Benefits 04302 - Communication Center 0275 - Office Equipment Maintenance 04305 - Property Room 0111- Fnll Time Permanent 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04306 - Crime Laboratory Ol ll - Full Time Permanent 0219 - Fees-Other Professional 0439 - Fringe BeneSts 04308 - Communications Services & Maintenance 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment 04340 - Bui ing ai¢tenance � 0371- El tricity (2,400) 21,965 (3,000) 0 (3,800) 8,200 22,385,215 (911,590) 21,473,625 4,057,495 1,297,450 52,840 15,656 57,144 42,061 328,575 117,848 251,966 90,780 92,065 16,736 27,276 149,996 0 44,373 456,600 142,200 1,050 1,100 I10,500 5,100 55,140 21,400 400 4,700 59,100 2,300 16,890 14,b50 550 4,700 4,600 Q,S1A,098 1,439,650 53,890 16,756 167,644 47,161 383,675 139,248 252,366 95,480 151,165 19,036 44,166 16A,646 550 49,073 4,600 134,046 10,650 144,746 6,781,360 911,590 7,692,950 �--�--R�-� �� �.y-�R Ap ed by: inancial Services Director Date 98D01 DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNCIL Potice Deparhnent N A N PM Chief Finney 2923588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3(I6l99 I GREEN Na. 64981 INRVWUA7E cwwca , p1iAT10RNEY u �w+.sEZ�ncESO�x_ ' rywYO0.10ftA5SI5TANi)_ u �CIERR ur�Iwn�w�3EkWACGIG n 1 (CLIP ALL LUCATIONS FOR S1GTfATURE) REQUESTED Approval of the attached Administrarive order whlch will transfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control levels of the Police DeparhnenYs 1998 General fund Budget (001). 1. Has ihis personJficm ever wrnketl under a wMred for fhis deparfineM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No " 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a swll not norcnally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis persoNfirtn a targetetl ventlor? YES NO F�cplain aIl yes answers on separa[e sheet antl attech ro green sheet To provide adequate funding at the budgetazy control levels of the Police DepartmenYs 1498 General Fund Budget (001). The Police Departsnenfs 1998 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. None. The Saint Paul Police deparkmenYs 1998 General Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. FZECE{1lED �1AR 2 91999 CITY C�E42K �AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC1lON E o.00 COSLREVENUE BUOGETE� {CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDMG SOURCE G0R0T31 FUIIQ (001� AGTMTY NUMBER V3TL011S INANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ,