08-1006Susaension 9/10/2008 Presented by Cou ncil File # 08-1006 — -.— - - - ------- . -- Green Sheet# 3059357 RESOLUTION l WHEREAS, JSR Inc. d/b/a Lonetti's Lounge (License ID#20030004659) (hereinafter "licensee") located at 1091 Rice Street in Saint Paul received an Norice of Violation dated 7une 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, the 7une Notice alleged violation on June 8, 2008 of the St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(6) which prohibits consumption of alcoholic beverages after 2:00 a.m.; and WfIEREAS, licensee received a second notice of violation on July 11, 2008; and 10 WHEREAS, the July Notice alleged violation on May 31, 2008 of license condition number two i l which requires that licensee provide working video surveillance cameras and recorders on the premises to 12 provide documentation of activities on interior and exterior of the establishment. The equipment must be 13 in operation during all business hours and tapes must be maintained for thirty (30) days and be 14 immediately available to the Saint Paul Police Department upon request; and 15 16 WHEREAS, licensee has denied both allegations and requested a hearing before an Administrative 17 Law Judge; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the separate allegations each constitute separate appearances before the Council but 20 have been consolidated for purposes of convenience; and 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, a hearing is scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge on September 12, 2008, on both claims; and WHEREAS, licensee and the Department of Safety and Inspections haue resolved the matter in attempt to avoid the time and expense of a hearing and in order to resolve the matter as quickly as possible; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issues this decision based upon the negotiation of the parties; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the parties have produced a stipulation that outlines two separate violations as alleged in the Notices of violation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the licensee has one priar adverse action from March of 2008, making these the second and third violations in four months; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that deviation from the penalty matrix in St. Paul Leg. Code § 310.05 is appropriate because these three adverse actions occurred over the course of just four months; and be it ----- __ .. —Fra=� -- Requested by Department of: ��.y By: C� � r � Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Appi City Atto� By: � Approved by Mayor for Submissio o Council By: 42 Said suspension shall become effecrive at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday September 14, 2008, and last until ll:59 43 p.m. on Thursday September 18, 2008; and be it 44 45 FTJRTHER RESOLVED, that a fine of $3000.00 is imposed against ail licenses held by licensee; 46 and be it 47 48 49 50 51 52 FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the $3000.00 is suspended for six (6) months on the condition that the licensee invest $3000.00 in improvements to the kitchen and other necessary expenses to allow the kitchen to serve food daily. Licensee shall demonstrate through receipts to the Aepartment of Safety and Inspections the amount that licensee has spent on improved kitchen operations. Any amount under $3000.00 shall be due to the Department of Safety and Inspections six (6) months following the passage 53 and approval of this resolution; and be it 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the following license conditions are hereby placed on all licenses effective upon passage and approval of this resolution: 5. Revision: If licensee obtains a 2:00 a.m. license, the license holder shall not allow new patrons to enter the establishment afrer 1:00 a.m. Last call will be no later than 130 a.m. 7. The establishment shall close at 1:00 a.m. and shall not remain open unti12:00 am. Licensee can petition to have this license condition li8ed through the procedure established by the Department of Safety and Inspections six (6) months after the passage and approval of this resolution. 65 A copy of this resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the license holder. Adoption Certified by C emcil Secxetary By � i Approve5l�i ag�. c: Date � f Q . By: lyL._ �I . .. __"_" � � n.�Y— __ _.-- ADMINISTRATNE HEARING �1I1111��J�7�1.`��1 In re: All licenses held by JSR Inc. a Minnesota STIPiILATION Corporation d/b/a I,onetti's Lounge The City of Saint Paul and licensee JSR Inc. d/b/a Lonetti's Lounge agree to the following stipulation of facts: Violation of License Condition: On Mazch 10, 2008, licensee Ron Lonetti agreed to license condition number two which states: Licensee must provide working video surveillance cameras and recorders on the premise to provide documentation of activities on the interior and exterior of the establishment. This equipment must be in operation during all business hours. Tapes must be maintained for thiriy (30) days and be immediately available to the Saint Paul Police Department and the Department of Safety and Inspections upon request. 2. On June 11, 2008, St. Paul Police Sergeant 5heila Lambie spoke with licensee Ron Lonetti and requested a copy of the video surveillance from May 31, 2008. 3. Ron Lonetti was unable to retrieve the video tape as requested by Sgt. Lambie. After Hours Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: On June 8, 2008, at 229 a.m., Saint Paul Police were dispatched to Lonetti's Lounge at 1091 Rice Street on the report of consumption of alcoholic beverages after 2:00 a.m. 2. Saint Paul Police Officer Charles M. Anderson responded and observed several people drinking beer and alcoholic beverages at the bar and others drinking beer and alcoholic beverages paying arcade games in the bar area. Officer Anderson entered the establishment at 2:42 a.m. and observed 8-12 customers consuming beer and other alcoholic beverages. Prior License Historv: On March 10, 2008, licensee Ron Lonetti agreed to license condition number three which states: � assigned to each entrance starting at 9:00 p.m. every day, and shall remain until all patrons have left the premises. Security personnel shall "wand" (using a metal detector) each patron and check all handbags and packages carried by patrons..." 2. On Mazch 23, 2008 and Mazch 24, 20Q8, licensee failed to have adequate security personnel present at each entrance and failed to "wand" as required by license condition number three. 4. The Department of Safety and Inspections filed an adverse action as a result of this violation and imposed a$500.00 fine. On April 23, 2008, licensee paid that $500.00 fine which is an admission of the violation and constitutes an appearance before the Council. Stipulated and agreed to this � day of September, 2008 �L� f Ronald Lonetti '1-A-���,r� � Clu Rozek Dept. of Safety & Inspections �^ � Rachel Tierney Assastant City Attorney � Green Sheef &Inspecrions CoMad Person 8 Phone: Rachei Tiemey 266$7'10 must tte on l6SEP-08 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y ° Document Contact: .lulie lGaus ContactPhone: 266-8776 11SEP-08 � Assign Number Fw Routing Order ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip AIf Lxatiom for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3059357 0 1 2 3 A 5 Dt of Ssfety & Iasneetio� �ty Attoruey �r's Office _ _ _ MaVOrlAssistant 1 �Conncit I ' Clerk (.1 Clerk Approvai of the attached resoluqon and Stipulation taldng adverse action against all licenses held by 7SR, Inc. A Minnesota Corporarion d/b/a Lonetti's Lounge (License ID#20030004659) for the premiscs located at 1091 Rice Sfreet in Saint Paul. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Cammission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. 4oes this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Inftiffiing Problem, lssues, Opportunity (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): On May 31, 2008, licensee violated license condirion #2 by not submitting a videotape requested by St. Paul Police and on Jvne 8, 2008, licensee violated license wndition #5 and St. Paul Legislarive Code Section 409.26 (b) (6) by allowing patrons to enter the esiablishment aft� 130 p.m. and after houis consumpfion. After notifieation, both violations were combined for an administrative hearing. Advantages If Approvetl: $3,000 matrix penalty, 10-day closure of establishment and revocarion of 2AM Closing license. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: Transaction: Funding Source: Fnancial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: CosVRevenue Budgeted: September 11, 200811:44 AM Page 1