06-364SUBSTITUTE 4/ 19/06 WITHDRAWN 12/23/08 Council File # 06-364
Green Sheet # 3029732
WHEREAS, the.Legislative Heazing Officer recommends that a request for a license (ID # 20050004043) Auto Repair
Garage and Gas License for Chazlie C. Lee doing business as Lake Ciry Auto Repair, 1200 Arcade Street, be
approved with the foll�wing conditions:
l. The total numb� of vehicles on the proper[y at any time shall not exceed nineteen (19). This includes cars being
repaired, cars awa ing repair, cars that have been repaued, customer parking and employee parking.
2. There shall be no e enor storage of vehicle parts, tires, oil or any other similaz materials associated with the
business. Trash will stored in a covered dumpster.
3. At no time shall vehicle be parked in the driveway or in the public right-of-way.
4. All vehicles pazked outdo s must appeaz to be completely assembled with no major body parts missing.
5. Vehicle salvage is not perm ed.
6. Auto body repair and auto bo spray painting is not permitted.
7. Customer vehicles may not be p ked longer than ten (10) days on the premises.
8. Vehicle sales are not permitted.
9. Provide maneuvering space on the p perty to allow vehicles entering and exiting the site to proceed forwazd.
Backing from the sireet or on to the s et is prohibited.
10. Licensee must comply with all federal, s te and local laws.
WIIEREAS, based on the legislative hearing record
wishes to make the following amendments to the
1. The total number of vehicles on the property at any t� e shall not exceed n�neteett{�9j fifteen (15). This includes
cars being repaired, cars awaiting repair, cars that have een repaired, customer pazking and employee pazking.
4. All vehicles parked outdoors must appear to be complete assembled with no major body parts missin or uP
on iacks or blocks.
7. Customer vehictes may not be pazked longer than ten {�9j fiv 5 days on the premises.
defined in &65.703,
Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the CiTy of Saint Paul
conditioned on the City receiving by May 3, 2006 a signed affidavit from the
conditions placed on the license.
approves this license application,
�t indicating he agrees to have these
Yeas � Nays \ � Absent
B e nan av
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Requested by Deparknent of:
Form Approved by Ciry Attorney
Council File # 06-364
Green Sheet # 3029732
Page 2
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�� � y
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
� �o��il
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Mamaa Mcermond
Council Aeenda by (Da[e):
Date Initiated:
� '
Green Sheet NO: 3029732
0 IC000cil i I
1 Dao Bos[rom
2 " C erk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approving the application with condirions, per the Legislarive Hearing Officer, for an Auto Repair Garage and Cras Sbtion license by
Chazlie C. I.ee, d/b/a Lake City Auto Repair, 1200 Arcade StreeL
Itlations: Appm�e (A) or R
Planning Canmission
CB Committee
Citil Service Cammission
1. Has this pe�soNfirtn e�er wnrked under a coMract for this departmeM?
Yes No
2. Has this persorJfirtn e�er been a cRy employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
curterrt city employee?
Yss No
E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheetantl attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opporlunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
DisadvaMages IFApproved:
Disadvantages IF Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CosNRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
Febnrary 'l5, 2006 9 9:07 AM Page 'I
coun�;i F�ie a D —3� �f
Green Sheet # 3029732
Approved by Mayor:
Garage and Gas
approved with the
�e Hearing Officer recommends that a request for a license (ID # 20050004043) Auto Repair
License for Charlie C. Lee doing business as Lake City Auto Repair, 1200 Arcade Street, be
ae conditions:
1. The total number of hicles on the property at any time shall not exceed fifteen (15). This includes cars being
repaired, cazs awaiting air, cazs that have been repaired, customer pazking and employee parking.
2. There shall be no exterior orage of vehicle parts, tires, oil or any other similaz materials associated with the
business. Trash will be store in a covered dumpster.
3. At no time shall vehicles be par d in the driveway or in the public right-of-way.
4. All vehicles pazked outdoors must pear to be completely assembled with no major body paRs missing, or up on
jacks or blocks.
5. Vehicle salvage is not permitted.
6. Auto body repair and auto body spray paint is not permitted.
7. Customer vehicles may not be parked lo�ger t five (5) days on the premises.
8. Vehicle sales are not permitted.
9. Provide maneuvering space on the property to allow ehicles entering and exiting the site to proceed forward.
Backing from the street or on to the street is prohibited.
10. If a fence is constructed on this side, it may only be made ornamental wrought iron and not exceed 42 inches in
10. Licensee must comply with all federal, state and local laws. �
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul h2�eby approves this license application.
Yeas Nays Absent
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by Ciry Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Lake City Auto Repair at 1200 Arcade Street
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Room 330 City Hall, 15 Kellogg Boulevard
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 10:04 a.m.
Staff Present: Christine Rosek, Kristina Schweinler and Jeff Hawkins, License,
Inspections and Environmental Protections (LIEP); Rachel Gunderson, City
Attorney Office; and Jean Birkholz, Council Research.
Others Present: Charlie C. Lee, applicant; and Leslie McMurray, representing
District 5 Planning Council.
Ms. Moermond noted that this is a hearing for an auto repair and gas station license at
1200 Arcade Street; Mr. Charlie Lee is leasing the building from Sinclair. The auto
repair license requires a community notification. If someone objects to the issuance of
this type of license, it triggers a license hearing.
There are three possible outcomes of this hearing: 1) a recommendation granting the
license without any conditions; 2) a recommendation granting the license with
conditions; and 3) a recommendation referring this matter to an administrative law judge,
which is used only when the applicant and the Legislative Hearing Officer disagree
regarding the conditions ar if there were no way that this particular license and business
would work at this locatlon.
Ms. Rosek reported that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection
is recommending approval of this license with ten (10) conditions:
1. The total number of vehicles on the property at any time shall not exceed nineteen
(19). This includes cars being repaired, cars awaiting repair, cars that have been
repaired, customer parking and employee parking.
2. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts, tires, oil or any other similar
materials associated with the business. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster.
3. At no time shall vehicles be parked in the driveway or in the public right-of-way.
4. All vehicles parked outdoors must appear to be completely assembled with no major
body parts missing.
5. Vehicle salvage is not permitted.
6. Auto body repair and auto body spray painring is not permitted.
7. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than ten (10) days on the premises.
8. Vehicle sales are not permitted.
9. Provide maneuvering space on the properry to allow vehicles entering and exiting
the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or on to the street is prohibited.
10. Licensee must comply with all federal, state and local laws.
6fe — 3l `f
The license applicant has signed the Conditioned Affidavit and has agreed to abide by
these conditions. The oniy outstanding inspection is Fire, and they'll inspect once the
business is ready to open. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection recommends approval with conditions.
Ms. Moermond asked what the zoning designation is at this site. Mr. Hawkins replied
that this site is zoned B-2. In 1966, a pemut to re-construct an existing filling station at
1200 Arcade Street was approved by City Council and the gas station and service repair
garage were constructed. This was a permitted use at the time and still is a permitted use
in B-2 zoning districts. The use has never changed to a different use, so the use of a
service station with auto repair is permitted. It is not a con-conforming use and therefore
the vacancy for 365 days is not a factor in determining whether the new use can be
licensed. Ms. Moermond asked if the City Council changed the zoning to B-2 to make
this a repair station in 1966. Mr. Hawkins replied that he believed it had always been
zoned business. Back in 1966, the Council did what the Planning Commission does now.
A lot of licenses went to Council, too. In 1966, they remodeled an existing filling station
that had been re-constructed in 1963. Ms. Moermond asked if there had been any
rezoning. Mr. Hawkins responded that there haue been no re-zonings as far as he could
tell from the file. There would have had to have been a site plan review, and it went
through the Zoning Committee for a Special Use Permit, which is all part of the City
Council resolution.
Ms. Moermond said that it sounds as though this has been a gas station with auto repair
for a very long time.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Lee if he bought the property. He replied that he has leased
the place; Sinclair owns it. He eacplained that he previously owned a business in
Brooklyn Center, but the City of Brooklyn Center bought the property and he had to re-
locate. He has been a mechanic for over sixteen (16) years. Ms. Moermond asked about
business hours. Mr. Lee replied that the hours will be from 7 am. to 9 p.m., Monday
through Sunday for gas purchases, and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for auto repair, Monday
through Saturday. Mr. Lee stated that he will try to serve the community with the best
skill and knowledge that he has.
Ms. Moernaond asked Mr. Lee if nineteen (19) spaces will be a sufficient for his clients as
well as his employees. Mr. Lee replied that nineteen (19) spaces are plenty. He
anticipates his need will be somewhere between ten (10) to fifteen (15) spaces at any
given time.
Ms. Moermond asked if the gas starion were going to be full-service or self-service. Mr.
Lee responded that it was going to be seif-service.
Mr. Moermond asked Mr. Lee if he were going to sell items other than gas and auto
repair service. Mr. Lee replied that he was going to just sell gas and auto repair service;
in the future, maybe he will sell more.
6� -�� y
Ms. Leslie McMurray, Payne Phalen District Five (5) Planning Council representative,
explained District Five's objections to this license application. First, she handed out
some material. She noted that she and Mr. Lee had not met previously, and no one had
advised Mr. Lee to contact the District Council. She stated that several items flagged this
license application: 1) conditions about ten (10) days on the premises for parked cars;
and 2) the number of cars. Looking further into this particular site, District Five (5)
disagrees primarily with Jeff Hawkins' assessment that the current zoning (B2) pernuts
auto repair. District Five agrees that this site is zoned B2 and that gas stations are a
conditional use in B2. Ms. Moermond noted that Mr. Hawkins stated that gas stations are
a permitted use in B2. Ms. McMunay referred to the zoning page in her handout under
"Automobile Services," where it showed that auto service stations aze conditional in B2
and B3; auto repair is conditional in B3. District Five's objection is fundamentally that
this site is not zoned for auto repair. District Five (5) also heard concerns from residents
and business owners about having auto repair and a gas station at that location. IYs a
prime commercial node along Arcade Street. The Small Area Plan for Arcade Street has
led to zoning for less intensive land use. Repeatedly, the district council has heard from
residents that there are too many auto related businesses along Arcade. Traffic flow
issues at that particulaz intersection came up repeatedly. During the eleven (11, with
about 125 residents) district council meetings that were conducted in December,
everyone spoke to the traffic issues at Maryland and Arcade as a future planning concern
and the proliferation of auto related businesses along Arcade being problematic for the
neighborhood's future. In a B2 zoning district, auto repair stations are not an allowed use
and this is a B2 district. In B3, auto repair stations and auto service stations are
conditional uses. Auto service stations are allowed to conduct minor repair of autos.
District Five thinks that Mr. Lee would require a conditional use permit from the
Planning Commission. Were minor auto repairs done in conjunction with a gas station,
i.e., oil changes, etc., a conditional use permit would need to be applied for. District Five
has not seen a past or present zoning permit in City records that authorizes auto repair at
this site. In 1960, the City issued a zoning permit to allow for the re-construction and
enlargement of a filling station. The permit states:
The existing filling station and auto repair garage on the property are operated as
two (2) separate businesses.
Reading further, this same 1960 permit clearly states:
The auto repair garage will be eliminated.
Ms. McMurray added that this seems to suggest that a previous decision was made to not
have auto repair at that site.
Going on, Ms. McMurray noted that at that time, the City fully required a ten (10) foot
buffer with the residential home east of the site. Currently, there is no buffer, and a
buffer is not a condition of this license. In 1976, the properry was re-zoned with the new
zoning code, to B3; and then, in 2003, this property was re-zoned to B2 in the 40-acre
study. District Five disagrees that the vacation of the property is not relevant; it has been
6� -3��
vacant for an excess of 365 days. Zoning Code Secrion 62.106 Nonconformine uses of
stnxctures or structures and land in combination. Nonconforming uses of structures or
structures and land in combination are subject to the following regulations:
(g) When a nonconforming use is discontinued or ceases to exist for a continuous
period of three hundred sixty-five (365) days, the building or building and land in
combination shall thereafter be used in conformance with the regulations of the
district in which it is a nonconforming use as set forth in section 62.109(e).
Ms. McMurray stated that Ramsey County records show the property lot size as 13,939.2
square feet. The lot has decreased in size a couple of times, as the file indicates. This is
a pattern that District Five sees in the neighborhood: lots continually becoming smaller
which leads to problems, particularly with auto related businesses. The size of this lot is
less than the 15,000 required square feet.
None of the modifications required to protect the enjoyment of the surrounding properties
have been planned for or implemented, i.e., the ten (10) foot buffer along the eastern
residential property.
Ms. McMurray repeated that District Five's issues of objections are
1. they see no condirional use permit that exists;
2. the permit cited has expired because of the vacated properry;
3. any use that was grandfathered-in would now be expired;
4. subsequent re-zoning would outlaw auto repair use at that site;
5. the lot size is too small;
6. the buffer does not exist; and
7. the proposed license restrictions (the conditions that have been suggested by
LIEP), do not properly limit or well-define the resYrictive types of onsite auto
repair permitted in a B2 zone (minor auto repair).
District Five concludes that the zoning does not permit auto repair at this location; and
that if there were a gas station and if there were minar auto repairs done, then a
conditional use permit must be applied for. Also, the modifications regarding the sub-
standazd lot size and the required buffer zone would need to be addressed.
Ms. Moermond asked if the District Five Boazd met to discuss this issue and did they
pass a resolution. Ms. McMurray responded that a motion to object to this license was
passed at their most recent board meeting, January 24, 2006; and it had been discussed at
their Land Use meetings for two (2) months The board asked Ms. McMurray to write
the letter of objection and speak for them.
Ms. Moermond noted that according to the Zoning Code table, it appeazs that there needs
to be a conditional use for an auto service station. Mr. Hawkins replied that would be
cozrect if it were to be built today, but this one was built in 1960 and expanded in 1967.
Ms. Moermond asked about the contention that this was not the land use for a period of
more than 365 days. Mr. Hawkins responded that would only apply to a legal non-
confornung use, not a use that in 1960 was built for this use, and in 1966 received a
special use permit to remodel the existing filling station. Therefore, it was a filling
starion and approved as a filling station. The definition of a filling starion at that time
was a gas station that provided full-service gas sales and auto repair.
Ms. McMurray noted that District Five (5) disagrees. She proceeded to read from a
Proposed use - construction and enlargement of the existing filling station
The auto repair garage will be eliminated.
She continued to say, "To us it seems cleaz that the businesses were distinct; the uses
were distinct and the intent was to eliminate auto repair."
Ms. Moermond asked if there had been any policy statements that have been adopted by
the district council and recommended to the City Council on de-intensification or de-
concentration of auto-related businesses along the Arcade Corridor. Ms. McMunay
stated that they looked to the work that is part of the Arcade Small Area Pian ( Forty Acre
Study. Ms. Moermond asked if the City Council has adopted the policy findings and
recommendations of the Arcade Small Area Plan / Forty Acre Study relative to the
concentration of auto-related businesses in this area. Ms. Hawkins replied that many
spots along Arcade have been re-zoned to TN2, so the City Council has looked at every
property along Arcade, and the plan was adopted in 2003. Ms. McMurray added that in
2003, the properiy was re-zoned to B2 by the approved forty acre study; and in B2, auto
repair is not permitted.
Ms. Rozek commented about a note in District Five's material saying that the license at
this location had been revoked. She stated that LIEP very seldom revokes a license. Ms.
Schweinler went back to look at the file. There was a note in the computer that said the
property was not being operated as a gas station so LIEP cancelled the license, but it was
not revoked. (Revoked means there was an adverse action against the license for
Mr. Lee commented that he doesn't lrnow much about this specific place. He thought
he'd be able to put his business there and help out a lot of people with his ski1L It has
been a gas station and auto repair business since 1960 and he doesn't understand why
someone would object to putting a business there.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Lee if there would be another mechanic. Mr. Lee answered
that his brother would probably help out. Ms. Moermond asked how many gas puxnps
would be in operation. Mr. Lee said there would be three (3). Ms. Moermond asked if
he'd be part of a chain. He replied that he'd be with Sinclair. Sinclair owns the property
and Mr. Lee leases from them; his lease is for two (2) years. Ms. Moermond asked staff
how long Sinclair has owned this property. Mr. Hawkins responded that Texaco owned it
�� -3� y
before Sinclair but he did not lmow exactly when it changed hands. Sinclair has owned if
for a long rime.
Ms. Moermond asked if staff had any other comments. Mr. Hawkins stated that if
District Five (5) would like for allland use permits to expire after being vacated for 365
days, there is an ordinance process to change the zoning code to reflect that. So, if a
district council thinks that there are too many auto uses in a certain area, besides re-
zoning, they could also try to change the zoning code to address vacant properties.
Ms. McMurray said that the District Five (5) Planning Council thinks the problem could
be solved by filing for a conditional use pernut.
Mr. Lee asked that this license be approved.
Ms. Moermond asked when Mr. Lee would be opening his business if it were approved.
Mr. Lee replied that he would be opening it as soon as possible because he signed the
contract approximately three (3) months ago. He's been without a job for the past three
(3) months. Ms. Schweinler interjected that it appears that Mr. Lee has been paying rent
on this property since October. Mr. Moermond asked if the lease were conditioned on
getting a license. Ms. Schweinler responded that it was not.
Ms. Moermond noted that this is a complicated issue. She will need to check the Code
on this and re-read all of the materials presented today and those materials that staff has
referenced. Ms. Moermond stated that she will try to have a decision for Mr. Lee within
a week. Someone from the office will call him and he will also receive a letter infornung
him of her decision.
The hearing was adjourned at 10:47 a.m.
U� -3� y
Charlie Lee
Lake City Auto Repair
1200 Arcade Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Mr. Lee:
Objections have been raised to the issuance of your City of Saint Paul Gas Station and
Auto Repair Garage License at 1200 Arcade Street. You are invited to attend and
participate in a hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer regarding these objections.
The Legislative Hearing will be held on:
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
10:00 a.m.
Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse
Third Floor, Room #330, Committee Hearing Room
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102
At this hearing, the Legislative Hearing Officer will take testimony from all interested
people. At the end of this hearing, she will make a recommendation as to whether the
license should be approved, approved with conditions, or refened to an Administrative
Law Judge. The City Council will have the final authority to grant or deny this license.
c: Councilmember Dan Bostrom
Payne-Phalen District Five Planning Council
Rachel Gunderson, City Attorney's Office
LIEP Staff
I3otice Mailed: 1/19/2006 by 3ean Birkholz, 651-26b-8561.
Bob Kessler. Drrector
ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor
8 Fourth Street Eas; Sune 200
St P¢ul, Minnesom 55101-l024
Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at I O:OOam
License Information: 20050004043
Charlie C Lee doing business as Lake City Auto Repair
��e —3l �
Telephone� 65[-266-9090
F¢csrmi[e: 651-266-9I24
Web: www[eep.us
located at1200 Arcade Street
Application for Auto Repair Gazage and Gas Station License
Recommended License Conditions:
1. The total number of vehicles on the property at any rime shall not exceed 19. This includes
cazs being repaired, cazs awaiting repair, cazs that have been repaired, customer pazking and
employee parking.
2. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts, tires, oil or any other similar materials
associated with the business. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster.
3. At no time shall vehicles be pazked in the driveway or in the public right-of-way.
4. All vehicles pazked outdoors must appeaz to be completely assembled with no major body
parts missing.
5. Vehicle salvage is not pernutted.
b. Auto body repair and auto body spray painfing is not permitted.
�. Customer vehicles may not be pazked longer than 10 days on the premises.
8. Vehicle sales is not permitted.
9. Provide maneuvering space on the property to allow vehicles entering and exiting the site to
proceed forward. Backing from the street or on to the street is prohibited.
10. Licensee must comply with all federal, state and local laws.
Current Licensee: None
Neighborhood Organization Recommendafion: The Payne Phalen District Five Planning
Council objects to the issuance of a Gas Station and Auto Repair Garage License.
Inspection Requirements: Building code: not applicable
Environmental Health: not applicable
Fire requirements: pending opening inspection
License: requirements met
Zoning: requirements met
LIEP Recommendafion: LIEP recommends approval with conditions.
AA-ADA-EEO Emp(oyer
i Ra' q Naylor� 1200 Arcade ges and auto�re�pair new app n doc ��� � � � �� � �� ��Page 2��.
License A�umber: 20050004043
Purpose: Apptication for a Gas Station and Auto Repair Garage License
License At: 1200 Arcade Street
Licensee: Lake City AuCO Repair
Chadie Lee, Owner, 651-778-3774 ` n,�� f�: ' I�'� ��`%
License Conditions:
1. The total number of vehicles on the property at any time shal] not exceed 19. This includes cars
bein g re paired, cazs awaitin g re pair, cars that have been re paire d, customer packin g and em pto yee
2. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts, tires, oil or any other similar materials
associated with the business. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster.
3. At no time shal] vehicles be pazked in the driveway or in the public right-of-way.
4. All vehicles parked outdoors must appear to be completely assembled with no majox body parts
5. Vehicle salvage is not permitted.
6. Auto body repair and auto body spray painting is not permitted.
7. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than ] 0 days on the premises.
8. V ehicle sales is not permitted.
9. Provide maneavering space on the property to allow vehides entering and exiting the site to
proceed forward. Backing from the street or on to the street is prohibited.
10. Licensee must comply with all federal, state and local ]aws.
Response Date: January 13, 2005 at 4:30 PM (Friday)
If you have any objections to the license application, you must respond in writing by Friday, January
13, 2005 to:
Marcia Moermond
Legislative Heazing O�cer
310 City Hall
15 WestKelloggBlvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
If you have any questions, please contact Corinne Tilley or Lazry Zangs, LIEP Project Facilitators, at
651-266-9103 or Christine Rozek, LIEP Deputy Director, at 651-266-9108.
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
_ _
� Racyuel Naylor 1200 Arcade gas and auto repair new a p n doc � ����� ��� � � ���� Page 3�;
� ni - �i �
Arotice Maited: 12(09/2005
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
�Racguel Naylor - 1200 Arcade gas and auto repair new app n doc ��� � _ _ _ �,__ _ _ _ � ,_ �_� _ _ , _ _, �, Page 1 �
Jm�een E. Rosar, Direcior
Randy C. Kelty, Mayor
8 Faunh St. E, Svfte 200
TelepMne 651-266-9090
Focsimile 65l-266-9/24
SaiN Pavl,
Mennesom i5/01-
l024 Web:
Deaz Resident andlor Neighborhood Organization:
The OfFice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has received an
application for a license of a business in your azea. You aze being notified because this
request requires neighborhood notification.
Details reguding this matter aze given on the reverse side of this letter. You wil] have 30
days from the date this notice was mailed, to express any objections. The response deadline
is given on the reverse side of this document. If you have any objections to the application as
described on the reverse side, please send your objection(s) (with your telephone number)
in writing to:
Mazcia Moermond
Legislative Hearing Officer
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
If objections are received, a hearing will be scheduled before a legislative heazing officer. If
you have sent in an objection, you will receive notice of the time, place and date of the
scheduled hearing. At that hearing, the Legislative Hearing Officer will take testimony from
all interested persons. At the end of this hearing, the Legislative Heazing Officer will make a
recommendation to the City Council as to whether the license request should be approved or
be referred to an administrative law judge for further review. The City Council will have the
final authoriTy to grant or deny the license.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Corinne Tilley oi Lazry
Zangs, LIEP Project Facilitators, at (651) 266-9103, or me at (651) 266-9108.
Christine A. Rozek
LIEP Deputy Director
iiios.uu Ld.H4 rnn
D 1 S T R t C T 1= { V E
7anuary 12, 2005
Marcia Moermond
Legislative Hearing Officer
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Deaz Ms. Moermond:
f ��
P t A tJ N I N G
Lj/J V 1
6� —.�� y
C O U N C i L
The Payne Phalen Dis:r'rct Five Planning Council does wish to register objections to
issuing a Gas Station tmd Auto Repair Garage License for 1200 Arcade Street. Objections
are based on several li�ensing and zoning issues. We therefore request a Legislative
Hearing to further revi ew and respond to these concems.
� �,� ��c� t/�.(,�.c�-An'4-p�
Lesiie McMurray \�
Executive Director/Organizer
�ouncir €��seasc� Center
��� � :� �oa�
� -� � �.w, _ � �w� _.
� �
1014 Payne Avenue
Saint Paul, Min�esota 55101
Tel# 651-774-5234 Faxft 651-774-9745
e-mail: district5@gofast.net
� -�
_ o -
F i V E
P L A N N i N G
January 31, 2006
Marcia Moermond
Legislative Hearing Officer
310 City Hall
15 W est Kellogg Blvd
Saint Pau1, MN 55162
Re: District Five Planning Council Objections to the Issuance of City of St. Paul Gas
Station and Auto Repair Garage License at 1200 Arcade Street. Applicant: Lake City
Auto Kepair
Dear Ms. Moermond:
The Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council Board of Director objects to the
Application for a License by Lake City Auto Repair at 1200 Arcade Street for Auto
Repair and a Gas Station. Objections are both broad and specific and include zoning and
licensing issues.
Broadly, our community has spoken repeatedly to concems about a proliferation of Auto
Related Businesses concentrated on Arcade Street in District Five. Too many of these
businesses exist on substandard sized lots, contributing to later problems with compliance
and inspections. The intersection of Maryland and Arcade is a key commercial node with
high visibility and importance. Problems with too many auto related businesses on
Arcade, and traffic flow issues at this particular intersection came up repeatedly in
District Five's secent 11 community meetings held in December 2005. The Arcade Small
Area Plan process changed zoning to pernut less intensive land use and there is ample
documented support for this community position. This community input sets a broad
context for the specific objections that follow which are unique to this parcel.
The pending license application is for "Gas Station and Auto Repair
Garage License". Current zoning does not support this license.
In the B-2 district "Auto Repair Stations" are not an allowed use. This is a B-2 district
and an "Auto Repair Station" is not a permitted use. In the B-3 District "Auto Repair
Stations" and "Auto Service Stations" are conditional uses.
"Auto Service Stations" (B-2 or B-3) aze allowed to conduct "minor
1014 Payne Avenue
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101
Teltt 65i-774-5234 Fax# 651-774-9745
e-mail; district5@gofast.net
O / -.3� �
repait" of autos.
District Five objections are that the proposed Auto Repair is not a permitted use in a B-2
zone, and we note a Gas Station is a conditional use in a B-2. Were "minor" repairs are
done in conjunction with a gas station, then a CUP needs to be applied for to the Planning
Commission. The license being applied for is inappropriate to tlus zoned parcel.
No past or present zoning permit we have seen in city records authorizes "auto
i. The City of Saint Paul (City) issued a zoning permit in 1960 to allow for
reconstruction and enlargement of a filling station. The permit states that "the
existing filling station and auto repair garage on this property are operated as two
separate businesses."
2. Reading further, this same 1960 permit clearly states, "The auto repair garage
will be eliminated".
3. Then, a 1966 permit application is made for a remodel of "existing filling station".
4. A 1970 permit for a car wash is granted, but this use is created without meeting
basic city standards, there are no building permits, violations of conditions, etc. A
car wash does not now exist. The City had required "10-foot buffer" and
landscaping between this property and the residential home to the east.
5. In 1976, this Property was rezoned by the new zoning code to B-3.
6. In 2003, this Property was rezoned to B-2 by the approved 40-acre study.
This property was vacated and is vacant now. This period exceeds 365 days.
Records show that the license was revoked in 7-19-44. City records show that this
property was vacant from 8-18-04. (Sec. 62.106. of Zoning Code. )
This property lot size does not permit this use.
The listed property size was 14,640 sq. feet in 1960. Current Ramsey County records
show it to be .32 acres which would be 13,939.2 feet. The minimum size for a properly
located "auto service station" or an"auto repair station" is 15,000 sq. 8.
None of the modifications required to protect the enjoyment of surrounding
property have been planned for or implemented.
Both for an auto service station and an auto repair station "A ten-foot
buffer azea with screen planting and an obscuring wall or fence shall be required
along any property line adjoining an existing residence or residentially zoned
property." The home to the east is an existing residence. The required buffer does not
Issues of objection:
A— No conditional use permit (old, new, current, expired, or
pending) exists that allows "Auto Repair" for this location or allows any type of auto
B- Any previous "Auto Repair" use that was "grandfathered" in by past decisions would
now be expired.
Subsequent rezoning outlaws any "Auto Repair" use.
Documents indicate that over 365 days have passed when the use did not occur.
Sec. 62.106. Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination.
Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination, aze subject to
the following regulations:
(g) When a nonconforming use is discontinued or ceases to exist for a continuous period
of three hundred sixty-five (365) days, the building, or building and land in combination,
shall thereafter be used in conformance with the regulations of t ie district in which it is
located, unless the planning commission appmves a permit to reestablish the
n use as set forth in section 62.109(e).
C- The property doe not meet minimum lot size requirements for either proposed use —
Gas Station or Auto Repair. The St. Paul zoning code requires a minimum of 15,000 sq
D- The required buffer between the property and an "existing residence" does not exist.
E- The proposed license restrictions proposed by the City do not properly limit or define
the restricted types of on-site auto repair permitted in a B-2 zone, i.e. "minor".
F— The language in this application indicates the existence of 3 auto repair bays at the
site, including hydraulic lifts far cars, suggest that the auto repair will not be "minor" as
required in the B-2 zone
G- The proposed license allows up to 19 cars to be on the lot, including repaired cars and
cars awaiting repair, or completed. It allows those cazs to be on the lot for 10 days. This
would seem to exceed what is necessary for "minor" repairs to take place.
CONCLUSION: District Five asserts that the proposed Auto Repair is not permitted in
this B2- zone. If the repairs intended are indeed "minor", and occur in connection with
the Gas Station, then a Conditional Use Permit must be applied for and issued by the St.
Paul Planning Commission. At such time, modifications would be required regarding the
substandazd lot size and the issue of installation of the required buffer area (or
modification of that requirement) would need approval before a license could be issued.
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Relevant Citations
Sec. 65.703. Auto service station.
A place where gasoline or any other automobile engine fizel (stored only in
underground tanks), kerosene, motor oil, lubricants, grease (for operation of
motor vehicles), or minor accessories aze retailed directly to the public on the
premises and/or where the servicing or minor repair of automobiles may occur.
Standazds and conditions:
(a) The construction and maintenance of all driveways, curbs, sidewalks, pump
islands or other facilities shall be in accordance with current city
specifications. Such specifications shall be developed by the planning administrator,
traffic engineer and city fire marshal, and shall be approved by the planning
commission, and filed with the city clerk.
(b) A ten-foot buffer area �vith screen planting and an obscuring wall or
fence shall be required aiong any property line adjoining an existing residence or
residentially zoned property.
(c) The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, and
so arranged that ample space is available for motor vehicles which are
required to wait. Auto service stations which are intended solely for the sale of
gasoline, oil and minor accessories and having no facilities for incidental
servicing of automobiles (including lubricating facilities) may be permitted on a
lot oFtwelve thousand (12,000) square feet, subject to all other provisions
herein required.
Additional standazds and conditions in traditional neighborhood districts:
(d) All velucles awaiting repair or pickup shall be stared on the site within
enclosed buildings or defined parking spaces in compliance with section
(e) The principal building shall comply with the dimensional standazds and
design guidelines applicable to traditional neighborhood districts, except that
the maximum setback requirement may be modified by the planning commission so
that pump islands may be placed in front of the building if this arrangement
is considered preferable for circulation, aesthetics or buffering of
neighboring uses.
There shall be no exterior storage or sales of goods or equipment, other
than the dispensing of motor fuel.
Sec. 65.704. Auto specialty store.
A store in the business of repairing or servicing automobiles usually
involving the installation of specific parts and the provisions of specific services,
and where the retail sale of specific auto accessories to the public on the
premises may occur. Retail sale of automobile fuel on the premises is not
Standards and conditions:
See section 65.703, auto service station.
Sec. 65.705. Auto repair station.
A place where the following services may be carried out: general repair of
automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, boats, etc. ; engine rebuilding; and
rebuilding or reconditioning of motor vehicles. The sale of engine fuels may or may not
also be carried on.
Standards and conditions:
(a) The minimum lot azea shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
(b) A ten-foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence
shall be required along any property line adjoining an existing residence or
adjoining land zoned residential.
(c) All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building.
(d) There shall be no outside storage.
Sec. 62.146. Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination.
Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination, aze subject to
the following regulations:
(g) When a nonconforming use is discontinued or ceases to exist for a continuous period
of three hundred sixty-five (365) days, the building, or building and 1and in combination,
shall thereafter be used in conformance with the regulations of the district in which it is
located, unless the planning commission approves a permit to reestablish the
nonconforming use as set forth in section 62.109(e).
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Food shelf � P P P P P P P
Cruden center, ou[door C C P ✓
Greenhouse C ✓
I,aundromat, self-service P P P P P P
Liquor store P P P P P P
Massage center P P P P P P P
Mor[uary, funeral home P P P
Outdoor uses, commemial C ✓
Package delivery service P P P
Pawn shop C P P ✓
Photowpying P P P P P P P
Post of£ce P P p P P P
Service business P P P P P P P
Serrice business with showcoom ot workshop P P P P P
Small appliance repair P P P P
Small ena ne repair, automotive bench work P P P
Tattoo shop P P P P P
Tobacw shop P P P P P P
Food and Beverages
Brew on premises store P P P P
Carering F P P P
Coffee kIosk P P P P
Coffee shop, tea house P/C P P P P ✓
Restaurant P P P P
Restaurant, catry-ouc, deli P P P P P
Restaurant, fast-food P/C P/C P P ✓
Restaurant, outdoor P P P P ✓
Commercial RecreaUOU, Entertainment and Lodging
Bed and breald�ast residence P P P P ✓
Bingo hall, auction hall C P P P
Health/sports club P P P P
Aocel, inn, motel P P P
Indoorrecreauon C P P P ✓
Reception hall P P P P
Steam room/bathhouse Caciliry P P P P P
Theater, assembly hall, concert hatl P P P P
Adult Entertainment
Adult use C C C ✓
Automobile Services
Auw convenience mazke[ C C P ✓
Auto service station C C P ✓
Au[o speciality store C C P ✓
Auto repair stadon C P ✓
Auto sales, indoor P P P
Auw sales and rental, outdoor C ✓
Caz wash C ✓
5129/04 Ch. 6b Page 25 Zoning Code
OS Office-Service (continued)
Day care, schooi, fibrary, park, church
Rectory, convent
College, university, trade school, arts school
Noncommercial recreation
Utility/public service building*
Artist and photography studio
Business o�ce, bank, insurance, reaf estate office
Professional office, medical clinic
Drive-through sales and services�
Mailing and packaging, photocopying
Service businesses, e.g. watch and shoe repair,
tailor shop, barber, beauty shop
61 Local Business
Most OS uses (not muitiple-family dwelling)
General retail, grocery store, bakery, liquor store
Laundromat, dry cleaning (retail outlet)
Post office
Tobacco shop
Coffee shop', Carry-out restaurant
Bed and breakfast
B2 Community Business
All B1 uses
Gommunity residential facility'
Veterinary clinics, tattoo shop
Service businesses with a showroom or workshop,
e.g. contractor, painter, appliance repair
Restaurant, catering, coffee kiosk
Private hall, ciub, health club, indoor recreation`
Theater, bingo hall*, assembly hall
Auto service station*
Auto convenience market`, auto specialty store*
Mail order house", printing/publishing'
B3 General Business
Ail B2 uses
Business safes/services, package delivery service
Currency exchange', pawn shop'
Dry cleaning, commercial laundry
Greenhouse', outdoor commercial use'
Mortuary, funeral home
Hotel, inn, motel
Adult use'
Small engine repair, automotive bench work
Auto repair', car wash*
Outdoor auto sales�, indoor auto sales
Bus/railroad passenger station, helistop'
Finishing shop, limited production and processing
Wholesalir�g (no outside storage, <15,400 sq. ft.)
B4 Central Business
Most B3 uses (except auto and outdoor uses}
Multiple-family dwelling
fndoor auto safes
Commercial parking facility
� ��-�3��
BS Centrel Business-Service
Most 83 uses
Multiple-family dwetling
Overnight shelter
Public utiliiy heating or cooling plant
Commerciai parking facility
Warehousing, wholesaling
Research, development and testing laboratory
11 Light Industrial
All B3 uses
Overnight shelter
Television/radio transmitting towers`
Public utility microwave antenna'
Public uti{ity heating or coo4ing plant
Gun shop', shooting gallery`
Auto body shop
Commercia{ parking 4acility, bus garage
Airport, heliport
Railroad yard, shop, terminal freight facility
Taxi dispatching, maintena�ce and storage
Warehousing, wholesaling, rental storage facilities
�Aanufacturing from previousiy prepared materials
Brewery•, micro and regionaf
Lumber and contractor's yards
Research, development and testing laboratory
12 General Industrial
All 11 uses
Power plani, municipal incinerator
Sewage treatment plant
Intermodal freight yard*, motor freight terminal
Manufiacturing from raw materials
Storage of building materials, sand, gravel, stone
Brewery, national
Hazardous and infectious waste processing�
Mining of sand, gravel, other raw materials`
Salvage yard''
!3 Restsicted Industrial
Pubiic services and utilities, transportation facilities
Gun shop, shooting gallery
Genera{ industria{
Hazardous/infectious waste processing', incinerator`
Mining`, rock crushing"
Petroleumlgasoline tank farm
Rendering plant
Salvage yard`, auto body shop
� Conditional uses - May require a Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) granted by the Pianning Commission.
simplicity and readability, it departs from legal and technical language
of the Saint Paul Zoning Code and other applicable regulations.
www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/{iep 3-2005
Page 1 of 1
�� -3� �
Marcia Moermond - 1198-1200 Aracde
)ohn Hardwick
Moermond, Marcia
2/9/2006 2:01 PM
1198-1200 Aracde
Gunderson, Rachel;
Hawkins, Jeff; Lane, Wendy
Attached is �IEP's response to the issues raised by the District Council about the
proposed license application for this business. We also have copies of the original
license index cards that show that this property has been licensed as a gas station/
general repair garage since at least 1962.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\MazciaM�Loca1 5ettings\Temp\GW}00002.HTM 2/15/2006
Code Citations:
February 1, 2006
Mazcia Moermond
John Hazdwick
�� ��.. e - �tt C�41#�C
z�B Q c} ����
Proposed Repair Garage license at 1198 - 12QQ Arcade Street
Sec. 65.703. Auto service station.
A place where gasoline or any other automobile engine fuel (stored only in underground tanks),
kerosene, motor oil, lubricants, grease (for operation of motor vehicles), or minor accessories are
retailed directly to the public on the premises andlar where the servicing or minor repair of
automobiles may occur.
Standards and conditions:
(a) The construction and maintenance of all driveways, curbs, sidewalks, pump islands or
other facilities shail be in accordance with current city specifications. Such specificarions
shall be developed by the planning administrator, traffic engineer and city fire marshal, and
shall be approved by the planning commission, and filed with the city clerk.
(b) A ten-foot buffer area with screen planting and an obscuring wall or fence shall be
required along any property line adjoining an existing residence or residentially zoned
(c) The minimum IoY area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, and so arranged that
ample space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait. Auto service stations
which are intended solely for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor accessories and having no
facilities for incidental servicing of automobiles (including lubricating facilities) may be
permitted on a lot of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, subject to all other provisions
herein required.
Additional standards and conditions in traditional neighborhood districts:
(d) All vehicles awaiting repair or pickup shall be stored on the site within enclosed
buildings or defined parlang spaces in compliance with secrion 63.341.
(e) The principal building shall comply with the dimensional standards and design giudelines
applicable to traditional neighborhood districts, except that the maximum setback
requirement may be modified by the planning commission so that pump isiands may be
placed in front of the building if this arrangement is considered preferable for circulation,
aesthetics or buffering of neighboring uses.
(� There shall be no exterior storage or sales of goods or equipment, other than the
dispensing of motor fuel.
Sec. 65.704. Auto specialty store.
A store in the business of repairing or servicing automobiles usually involving the installation of
specific parts and the provisions of specific services, and where the retail sale of specific auto
1198 Arcade 2
accessories to the public on the premises may occur. Retail sale of automobile fuel on the
premises is not permitted.
Standards and conditions:
See section 65.703, auto service station.
Sec. 65.705. Auto repair station.
A place where the following services may be carried out: general repair of automobiles, trucks,
motorcycles, boats, etc. ; engine rebuilding; and rebuilding or reconditioning of motor vehicles.
The sale of engine fuels may or may not also be carried on.
Standards and conditions:
(a) The minimuxn lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) squaze feet.
(b) A ten-foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence shall be
required along any properry line adjoining an existing residence or adjoining land zoned
(c) All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building.
(d) There sha11 be no outside storage.
Sec. 62106. Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination.
(e)(10) Existing auto body shops located in zones other than industrial zones shall be considered,
for purposes of changes in nonconforming uses, as B3 uses. Auto body shops that are legally
nonconforming in B3 zoning districts may expand even though auto body shops are not
permitted uses in B3 zoning districts. Auto service stations in B2 zoning districts which remove
their gas tanks and pumps will be regarded as legal nonconforming auto repair stations.
Sec. 423.01. License required.
(a) Automobile repair garage. No person shall maintain or operate an automobile or motor
vehicle repair garage in Saint Paul without a license. This does not apply where the work
performed is done by a gasoline filling station licensed under Chapter 42a and consists of the
usual servicing of motor vehicles ordinarily performed at such stations, such as the sale and
installation of frost shields, radiator hoses, spark plugs, batteries and battery cables, brake fluid,
oil filters, fuses, fan belts, light bulbs and windshield wipers, or such service as draining
radiators; provided, however, that if such gasoline filling stations engage in the business of
repairing mechanical parts of motor vehicles, a license as provided herein shall be required.
Sec. 61.503. Conditional use permit, change requiring new permit.
A change to a conditional use requires a new permit when one (1) of the following conditions
(a) A conditional use changes from one (I) conditional use to another conditional use.
(b) The floor azea of a condition use expands by fifty (50) percent or more. For a conditional
use existing on October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of ail the expansions
since then. For a conditional use established after October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of
the floor area of all the expansions since being established. Floor area does not include floor
area which is accessory to a principal use and which does not result in the expansion of a
principal use.
(c) The building containing a conditional use is torn down and a new building is constructed,
even if the new building contains the same or less floor area.
(d) The principal use of a conditional use expands onto an abutting lot, such as a used car lot
or a fast food restaurant building addition expanding onto an abutting lot.
1198 Arcade 3
Dl - 3� �
(e) The number of residents in a community residential facility increases, or the number of
rooming units in a rooming or boazdinghouse increases.
(fl A college, university or seminary adds a school building or an off=street pazking facility
for its exclusive use outside of its approved campus boundary.
The City Council issued a conditional use permit, Council File # 197485, in 1960 and again in
1966, Council File # 230827, to Texaco Inc. in order to re-construct and enlarge a gasoline
filling station on this property. In 1924 the City issued a service station license at this address. In
1962 The City issued a general repair gazage license in addition to the service station license.
The property has had a gas station and general repair gazage license until December of 2003 at
which time the building became vacant. In December of 2005 the new properry owner applied
for these same licenses. Prior to 1975 the properry was zoned "Commercial" which was changed
to B-3 in 1975 and then to B-2 in 2004.
The properry was issued a conditional use permit for a gas station in 1966. A conditional use
permit goes with the properry and does not expire unless the use is superseded by another use.
This property has not been used for anything other than a gas stationlrepair garage.
In 1993 the Zoning Code was amended to include the current language in 62.106 (e) (10). The
following is the discussion that accompanied that proposed amendment: "Due to increasing
liability insurance premiums and more stringent federal and state pollution regulations numerous
small service stations are removing their gas tanks and pumps. The removal of such tanks makes
them auto repair stations which are uses not permitted in B-2 zoning districts. The proposed
revision is a reasonable position for this type of situation and reflects the policy position of the
Zoning Administrator for the last Uuee years." Auto repair was considered to be an accessory use
to the gas station and not a separate principal use on the property. Therefore, when associated
with a gas station, auto repair �vas a permitted use in the B-2 zoning district. This amendment
codified what had been a long standing policy recognizing that auto repair when associated with
a service station is a permitted use in the B2 district and, if operated as a stand alone business, is
a B3 use.
An auto service station was a permitted use in the Commercial zoning district and is a permitted
use in the B-2 and B-3 zoning districts. The current application continues this historical use of
the properry. At no time has this use been nonconforming.
The required conditions for a service station in the current zoning code are not retroactive and do
not apply to the continuation of this business. Only the conditions imposed on the conditional
use permit issued in 1966 apply to this business.
Section 61.503 lists those circumstances where a new Conditional use permit is required. Since
the referenced property does not meet any of these conditions a new use permit is not required
and therefore the conditions such as landscaping, buffer area and lot size do not apply.