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Originel'to City Clerk Council File No. 208989 — Ordinan6e No.' 12198 —By Milton Rosen— i O R D I N An Ordinance amending the Legis- lative ro Code by placing therein pro- visions banning the posting and dis- play of signs, advertising materialal , including political signs, on public O utility' poles, trees, etc. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- Milt Rosen on sary for ti, preservati • of the public PRESENTED BY o� ;"y ?, .t and s -- O, bs +ar.ont,xrt, lugs` r'z�3.d d Yeas Attest: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGISLATIVE CODE BY PLACING THEREIN PROVISIONS BANNING THE POSTING AND DISPLAY OF SIGNS, ADVERTISING MATERIAL, ETC., INCLUDING POLITICAL SIGNS, ON PUBLIC UTILITY POLES, TREES, ETC. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or' persons, firm,*corporation, or association of individuals' to, in any manner, exhibit or advertise any kind of business, entertainment, meeting or other matter or thing whatsoever, by posting, pasting'or affixing "in any manner any cards, handbills, pictures, engravings, lithographs, show bills, or advertisement of any kind'or description, either printed or in writing or any picture, representation or other method" of advertising anything whatsoever, on or upon any lamp Bost, electric light poles, telegraph poles or telephone poles, m. -upon any post or fence, or on or upon any building or struc- ture," or window of any building or structure, or upon any. bill - board, sign -board or advertising display of any "kind within the limits of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, unless the building'or objects upon which the same may be placed is the property, or under the. control of the person; firm, cor- poration, or association of individuals so doing, or unless the consent of such owner or the person in control thereof shall be first obtained. SECTION 2 That any person, firm, corporation, or association of individuals who shall employ or procure any other - person or persons to distribute or post up any advertising matter of any of the kinds aforesaid shall be deemed to constitute such person or persons, their agents, and shall be re- sponsible under this ordinance and subject to the penalties herein prescribed for the acts of the person or persons so procured or employed, in case of the violation by such person or persons of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and the persons so procured or employed, in case of violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance by them, shall themselves be likewise punishable under this ordinance as hereinafter prescribed. Councihnew Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 1M 11 -o1 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Original to City Clerk •a. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE - 2 - SEC'EDN 3 COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE ... zD2f R No. That no person or persons shall nail, paste; glue or fasten in any manner any bill, card, advertisement, poster, picture, or printed or illustrated paper or painted- sign of any description upon any lamp post in the City of St. Paul, or upon any mast or pole in the streets of the City of St. Paul, or used for supporting or conducting any wires, cables, ropes or signs, whether said person or persons have the permission of the owners of said masts or poles or otherwise. SECTION 4 The owner or owners of any mast or pole standing in the streets of the City of St. Paul, whether said masts or poles are used for - conducting electric wires or cables, or for other purposes, shall not grant permission to any person or persons to attach'thereto in any manner any bill, card, advertisement, poster, picture, or printed or•il- lustrated paper, or painted sign of any description, and said owner or owners shall within twenty (20) days after the passage of this ordinance cause to be removed from said masts or poles all of said articles enumerated in this section, and which are forbidden by this ordinance to be placed upon said masts or poles. SECTION 5 Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall,be punished by a fine in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than seventy - five d'ollars ($75), or by imprisonment for not less than five (5) nor more than thirty (30) days in the city work- house. SECTION 6 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. env � � 1962 Yeas Councilmen Nays r Passed by the Council DeCourcy Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen MAY 2 2 1962' Mr. President (Vavpulis) Appro-VIV Attest - City Clerk Mayor 1M 11-61 22 Original, to City Clerk -�= ORDINANCE 206989 COUNCIL F//IILE NO. PRESENTED 13 ORDIN E NO. W O AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGIS IVE CODE BY PLACING THEREIN PROVISIONS BA NING THE POSTING AND DISPLAY OF SIGNS, ERT IS ING MATERIAL, ETC., INCLUDING POLIT CAL SIGNS, ON PUBLIC UTILITY POLES, TREES ETC. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REND ED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF T E PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That hereafter it shall be nlawful for any person or'persons, f irm,'corporation, or as ociation of individual s to, in any manner, exhibit or advert se any kind of business, entertainment, meeting or other matt r or thing whatsoever, by posting, pasting or affixing in ny manner any cards, hand- bills, pictures, engravings, lithog aphs, show bills, or ad- vertisement of any kind or descrip 'on, either printed or in writing or any picture, representa ion or other method of ad- vertising anything whatsoever, on r upon any lamp post,' electric light.poles, telegraph p es or telephone poles, or upon any post or fence, or on or pon any building or struc- ture, or window,of any building o structure, or upon any bill - board, sign -board or advertising display of any'kind within the limits of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, unless the building -or objects upon whi h the same may be placed is the property, or under the coat of of the person, firm, corpora- tion, or association of individ als so doing, or unless the consent of such owner or the pe son in control thereof shall be first obtained. SECTIO] That any person, fi: 1� a of individuals who shall empl or persons to distribute or �Lof any of the kinds aforesai such person or persons, thei under this ordinance and su scribed for the acts of the employed, in case of the vi of any of the provisions of so procured or employed, i provisions of this ordinan likewise punishable under scribed. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-31 22 d 2 m, corporation, or association y or procure any other person sst up any advertising matter shall be deemed to constitute agents, and shall be responsible .ect to the penalties herein pre- person or persons so procured or lation by such'person or persons this ordinance, and the persons case of violation of any of the by them, shall themselves be is ordinance as hereinafter pre- Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE SECTION 3 COUNCIL f�l i c? 989 ORDIIWANCE NO. That any person violating an of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed gui y of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be unished by a fine" of not less than five dollars W) n more than twenty- five dollars ($25), for each offense . SECTION 4 That no person or person shall nail, paste; glue or fasten in any manner any bill, ard, advertisement, poster, picture, or printed or illustrate paper or painted sign of any description upon any lamp po in the City of St. Paul, or upon any mast or pole in the treets of the'City of'St. Paul, or used for supporting or condu ting any wires, cables, ropes or signs, whether said person o persons have the permission of the owners of said masts or poles or otherwise. SECTIW 5 _ The owner or owner of any mast or pole standing in the streets of the City of 7t. Paul, whether said masts or poles are used for conduct' g electric wires or cables, or for other purposes, shall not rant permission to any person or persons to attach thereto n'ariy manner any bill, card, ad- vertisement, poster, pict re, or printed or illustrated paper, or painted sign of any d cription, and said owner or owners -" shall within twenty (20) days after the passage of this ordi- nance cause to be remov from said masts or poles_all of said articles enumerated in his section, and which are forbidden by this ordinance to be placed upon said masts or poles. Any person o persons violating any of the pro- visions of this ordin ce shall be punished by a fine -'in a sum not less than'ten dol ars ($$10) nor more than seventy -five dollars (M), or by mprisonment for not less than five (5) nor more than thirty (30) days in the city workhouse. SECTION 6 This ordi ance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance "rendered ecessary for the preservation of the pub- lic peace, health, nd safety. SECTION 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pass ge, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-81 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor AA gainst Triplia�e to the ComptroUer ORDINANCE�� PRESENTED BY AN ORDINANCE AHENDI: BY PLACING THEREIN POSTING AND DISPLAY NATEBIAL, ETC.,. INC: ON PUBLIC UTILITY P IS AN EMERGEITCY ORD SARY FOR THE PRESERI PEACE, HEALTH AND S; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SECT That hereafter it s or persons, firm, corporation, to in any manner, exhibit or entertainment, meeting or othe by posting pasting or affixin bills, pictures, engravings, 1 vertisement of any kind or des writing or any picture, repres vertising anything whatsoever, electric light poles, telegrap upon any post or fence, or on Lure, or windowrof any buildin billboard, sign -board or adve within the limits of the City the building or objects upon yr the property, or under the con tion,, or association of indivi consent of such ommer or the p be first obtained. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO THE LEGISLATIVE CODE VISIONS BANNING THE SIGNS* ADVERTISING ING POLITICAL SIGNS, ;S, TREES, Eric. . THIS, NCE RENDERED NECES- ION OF THE PUBLIC PAUL DOES ORDAINS 1 11 be unlawful for any person or association of individuals dvertise any kind of business,, matter or thing whatsoever, In any manner any cards, hand - thographa, show bills, or ad- ription, either printed or in ntation or other method of ad. on or upon any lamp post, poles or telephone poles, or upon any building or strue- or structures, or upon any icing display of any kind St, Paul, Minnesota., unless h the same may be placed is 1 of the person, firm, corpora - ls so doing, or unless the r on in control thereof shall SECTION 2 That any person, firm, c rp of individuals who shall employ or r or persons to distribute or post up a of any of the kinds aforesaid shall such person or persons., their aggonto under this ordinance and subject tv scribed for the acts of the person or employed, in case of the violation by gyration, or association cure any other person :y advertising Matter deemed to constitute and shall be responsible e penalties herein. 'pre.. persons so procured or uch person or personas of any of the provisions of this orclin ce, and the persons so procured or employed, in case of vio ation of any of the provisions of this ordinance by them, s 11 themselves be likewise punishable under this ordinance s hereinafter pre - seribedi, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk iht 11-61 2 z Passed by the Approved: Mayor Favor Against TripHeau to the Comptroller PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. SECTION 3 `100989 That any jerson violating at�,y o the provisions of th�.s ordinance all be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shalf, be pun shed by a f3.ne of not less than five dollars (05) nor Tit re than twenty. five dollars (025)$ for each of fens©, SECTION 4 That no parson or persons she or fasten in any manner any bill, card, picture, or printed or .illustrated paps any ddscription upon any lamp post in t or upon any mast or pole in they street or used for supporting or conducting a or signs$ whether said person or per$a of the owners of raid masts ,or poles -oi SECTIOrt 5 'The ,owner or owners of any, m the streets of the City of 5t. Paul.'t tit poles are used for conducting electric other purposes, shall not grant permis -person to attach thoreto in any Anne: vertigement, poster, picture, or print or painted sign of any desoriptionri, an shall within, twenty (20) days after th nonce cause to-be removed from said ma articles enumerated in this section, a- by this urdinanco to be placed upon "sty 1 nail.,, paste, glue advertisement poster, or painted sign of G City of Ste Paul, of the City_ of St,. Paul,, wires, cables ropes havo the permission othertiise. st or pale standing ether said masts or Fires or cables, or for Ion to any person or any bill,, card., ad- d or illustrated paper, said owner, or ownera Passage of this ordi- Ps or poles all of said which are forbidden masts or poles, person, or per vio�ti any of the pre.. visions ©f is ordinance shall be luni ©d by a fine in a Sum not less than ten dollars (010) nor mor than. seventy. -five dollars (075), or by imprisonment for Sao , less than five (5) nor more then thirty (3a) days in the ci workhouse. SECTION 6 This ordimnee is hereby deolarelL 0 be an mergeney oraInanco .rendered necessary, fir the press vetton of the pub- lic peace, health, and safety. SECTION This ordinance shall take effe.ot a be in force. from and after Its passage, approval,.. and publ:ic�at On, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc DeCourcy Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-e1 22 Mayor Qvadrt� 1#t to DaDartmtal PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE _)05989 COUNCIL/ FI lq ORDINAMCE NO AN WDINANCE AHM01W THS L ISTAT E CODE BY PIACING TI BIN PROVISIONS BANN, O THE POST INO AZ#I.� DISPULY OF SIGNS # }V _ TIS Iii HATEIIAL1, Cj INCLUDII40 POLITIC L SIGNS 03 it == UTILITY P=3 W # C4 TIM IS AEI �:r t��Cy 02DIIIAZICr. WIDER , RECLS= SARA` FOH = 2.11 .33LI �'A 10 O? TH VU'BLIC PLACE# HaAlTH AND SAFETY HE COUNCIL OF THE CXTY SAINT PAM, SIXT ION 1 That hereafter it $hall be or persons, firm, corporation. or ass too in at3y W- nne:r, exhibit or advorti ontertalrmnt,, peetina or other let by posttM pasting or aff1x1 -, ,, in i "bills* Pictures, angravings„ lltho ve"rtioement of any Rind or descrl-) writing or any ploture . representet vertising nnythi whateoevor# on o e le etrit Ii,Cht poles # tele5mph pol, upon eny past or feucey, or on or u:) tare# or w1r.dow, of any buildInG or bill-board,, sign.-board or advertisi wit'hi'n the limits of tho City of St the buildiva or objects upon whioh tho property# or under the oontrol titen, or assoaintion of individual co soot of such oar or the hors bo f irat obtalned. SIX.TI1W 2 That any person, r1rm, o of Individuals who drill employ car or persons to distribute or past up, elf nny of the kinds aforessid shall' such person or persons, thou oagent under thin ordi nee and subjeot to scribed for the nots of the person amployod, in + aso of tho violation of any of the provisions of this or s© procured or emloyed, in cases of provIsions of this ordinsrioe by, the likewise punishable urAar this ordti saribied. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ire 11-ol 2 z ORDAIN* lawful for any person intion of iodividuals ant Rind of business# or thine whateooyor# n Manner any, osrds# hard_ hLa # Ishow bills # or lid•• ..t :1ther prints or in. n or other method of ad.. upon any lsmv.4 Posts, or telephone poles # or anj bulldlnC or $true - traoturo, or upon aidy 3 d.isglay of any Rind Paul, Minnesota unless he same may be may is f the Version# fir3# corpors. so loin t or unless the in control thereof shall poratlon# or associatton rmure any other person an,y advertising Wttar be doomed to constitute `# and ahall be raxpmalble the panalti'es he.-*in pro.• 'Persons so prooured or such re3rson or Mrsons nt- tae, and the ptrsoax isolation of any of the U E1 aball tha lve• be s co as hereinafter prom* .a Passed by `Ihe Council Approved: Mayor In Favor A gainst Qna"41t, to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCEJ C OUN L FILE NO. SrXT103 3 ORDINANCE NO, That a ers violating a f the provisi s of this ordimnee *hall be doomd lltF off' a do r ar,# and U 04 +�+�triotl.on Uo"O' shall be p-. ahoy. by o tl or no low* than five dollars (�05) Aor a than tw�tyo- five dollars (V"25)* for each offense SECTION 4 That no person or Perms ishill. natio paota y� Clue or fasten In any sonnet any blll.* oard ad's a nt atar,e ploturee or printed or illuetrated Pap - car painted aU or eI do>a�arl:Alon upm any latzp V"t in he City of St. ila #. or upon qay sett or pole In tho titre . of the Clt of St* �'aUX0 +sir use. for supporting or ooaduotina wires on l eo ro�r�es or � tl thsx� said person or per a have the rolission of tho sera of saki mate or poles 'otherwiaop SECT101 The c*mer or owneris or a the *treat$ off' tho Clay of St. -Paulo' polaa are used f0r1 ,0 ductf eleatr otho r purposes, , sboU not grant porm x'#c otoh thereto nn.9 U ver►tlooment# poster# picture or Pri or V0Inted s of and decor p Shall. within twenty (20) days after nan o eauaer to be raWvad frog .enid artiolax anumrated In this aeetlmt by this ardirA=e to bo placed urm set or Pao eta nang in hethor oald mats or wiros or boa$ or for *ion to mv persm or r arq billt calyd# ads ed or Muotrated r$' d said titer ar. ot:ore a pass" of this ordt- apt$ ar pokes all of said nd which are forbiddan id ansts or poles* ve . or perm o V101e41 an of the proms Viaio of this ordlnanoo ball ba 'Pusklehod by a fine In a a� not lure than ton dolinra (,%x.0). nor a than *event fIV . dollars ( 53 for Ispriaon t ror of loco tin flfo 5) nor Moro than thirty (30) days in the lty wor c ae* SECTION 6 This or44 not le h declo to be too army ordlw =6 rtadered neoeeamxy for the pro .ervatim of tho pub 1I0 P0406p filthj and ssfetyj SECTION; 7 12hia ordlomice shall take orreot''and be In forte fro% arA after Ito pa saoZol approval, 1, ar d pub- 11option, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-ol zz Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Aroainst OFFICE Gf- CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul , Minnesota Mr. Robert J. Swords. Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The City Cou amending the Legisla the posting and disp political signs, onj by ordinance prior I apparently omitted We had your attention MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder ?09• -9989 April 11, 1962. F-4 ' APR 111962 CORPORATION WuNSEL G City Clerk 205,989 CITY OF SAINT PAUL- MIN..,NE-SOTA 8 BUREAU OF REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 33 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: 2069189, JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration DONALD T. NYSTROM Supervisor of Elections March 5, 1956. City ordinances make it unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or association of individuals, in any manner (1) to post placards of any kind or description upon any lamp post or electric light pole, telegraph pole, telephone pole, or any post or fence or upon any building or structure or any billboard or signboard within the limits of St. Paul, unless the consent of such owner or person in control thereof is first obtained. Any person employed to do such posting shall be deemed an agent of the employer and both the agent and employer are re- sponsible and subject to the penalty provided. Penalty for violation of this ordinance is not less than Id nor more than for each offense; (2) to post on any lamp post or mast or pole in the streets of the city used for supporting or construction of any wires, cables or signs ir- respective of whether or not they have the permission of the owners. Penalty for violation of this ordinance is not less than 10 nor more than J21, or imprisonment for not less than 5 nor more than 30 days for each offense; (3) to post unless the work be done by a licensed bill poster. Penalty for violation of this ordinance is no less than 850 nor more than S100, or Imprisonment for not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days for each offense. or (4) to attach any sign or other thing to any tree in any public place, Penalty for violation of this ordinance is not more than 100, or imprison - h6nt� or not more than 90 days for each offense. All candidates are respectfully requested to observe the foregoing re^'U ements. U�ry truly yours, o, p $. Gkoneski C_i4t Q'ler-k and nun n / ,,,. �••�� "" ' , Comiiii`Ig io' er of Registration ►IV MP'FFe ► r V1 1111 il I 1 _� ��, ,C -:ITY Of SA IN T PAUL = MINNESOTA L ...._ ao ".amass✓ Commissioner Peterson: Attached is an- - amended'-form-•of -ordinance which -deletes a•penalty provision from-the old',ordinance. There-.were-•two penalty provisions in the first form of ordinance which wer Q conflicting. I A. J. Battis• a 7, 1962 is � � 2n � Laid over to 3rd and app J Adopted- Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland Hallund-- -Less— Loss Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen— Rosen Air. -P-r-es-iden4-V*voulizj Mr. President Vavoulis� s 9. Q 0FIC1 4'