07-990Council File # � � � v GreenSheet# 3044 578 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Presented By RESOLUTION OF S,�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� WHEREAS, Ramsey County Property Management wishes to hire the City of St. Paul's Public Works Division of Technical Services Design Group for design services to provide graphic art services for historical Grave markers located in Ramsey County. WHEREAS, Council approval is necessary for intergovernmental contracts; and WHEREAS, the Design Group will be compensated for its work; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper authorities aze hereby authorized to enter into the attached Agreement �e✓ith Ramsey County. Reques by Department 5 of f.(.� lOF/��°� By. 1 Adop[�ou Cenified by Couucd Secre[ary sY" / ✓ //�1/// //Ii/LfY// Approval ay � D � � � �� � B y ��` u .� , q, � J � AdoptedbyCouncih Date ������i.i [A/J� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � /"� DeparhnenVofficelcounci I: p1/1/ Public works Conpct Person & Phone: Barb Morin 266-9163 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: Date Initiated: 28-SEP-07 Green Sheet NO: 3044578 � Number For Routing Order Deoartrnent 0 Pubtic Works i Pubtic K'orks 2 Ciry Attomey 3 Mayor's Office 4 Counn7 5 City Clerk SentTO Person Paui Kurtz Brum Beese Ginger Palmer Mayor/Assistant City Couneil Ciq Clerk InitiaVDate � ��t�/� Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Need signa[ures in order ro allow City Design Group ro provide services for Ramsey County. Total contract is for $3,000.00. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does lhis person�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attacd to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha4 When, Where, Why): Ramsey Counry Property Management would like to con[ract with the City Design Group for desigi services. Advantages If Approved: Ciry of Design Group will be able to provide graphic design services for historic grave mazkers at Ramsey County Cemetery. DisadvanWges H Approved: NONE ��,������� ��;� 0 � 2btii Disadvantages If Not Approved: Ciry Design Group will not be �Jbe to provide graphic design services for this project. FCYJ�' ToWlAmountof $3,0�0.0� 7ransaction: Funding Source: Financial information: {F�cplain} CostlRevewe Budgeted: Activiry Number: 255-12340-4301 ��'� 3 .�"S § ���1���� September 28, 2007 1:13 PM Page 1 � ��l9(� Agreement Between Ramsey County and the City of St� Paul For Design Services at the Ramsey County Cemetery, Maplewood, MN This is an agreement between the City of St. Paul, a political subdivision of The State of Minnesota, through the Department of Public Works, Design Group Division ("Contractor") and Ramsey County, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of its Department of Property Management ("Count�'). WHEREAS, The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has determined that appropriate signage should be set in place at the Ramsey County Cemetery at 2000 White Bear Avenne, Maplewoo@, Minnesota ("Cemetery") to recognize its historical significance; and WHEREAS, The County has requested the Contractor to prc�� installation of signs for three entrances to the Cemetery; and � , :.. WHEREAS, The Contractor is willing and able to th�� schedule and budgeC; Therefore, ��. . � i" The County an& the Contractor agree as foll�,i�: ,. 1. Scope of Services `" '` % in relatiqn to tI�e design and ;ryices�vithin the County's a. The Contractor shall provide prc��ectii��gemenr'and design of four freestanding signs for three entranc�s£"o..�� historic�ravesf�'�j,t�ie Cemetery ("Project Services"). Project Services include gr p�o c���gn �'�ur fre�sfanding signs for three different entrances to the site, three stone mardcers �i�d ���anterpretive sign describing the historical significance of the site; cc�Fept dev�lopment for County approval; preparation of final drawm��ar,bidding purpos�� using the approved concept and materiais; and preparation ,,,�,,�:,,,,, of a cost estitt�t�,for Project ct�ifpietion. b. �=. If requestec�by t�ie Coufi�; the Contractor sha11 prepare an information brochure and box �"� �''�sing image��ollected �r craated for the Project Services ("Optional Services"). ; 2. , �erm �� , � , '�'�+�2r�tCus�reement is from August 15, 2006, through September 28, 2007. ,;, �, �° 3. Cost/Pa�ment „��� � a. T�i�'�i�nty shall pay the Contractor for Project Services provided under this Agreement at the rate of $60 per hour, up to a total not to exceed amount of $1,500.00. If the Counry requests the Contractor to provide the OptionaI Services, the County shall pay the Contractor the sum of $1,500. b. The Contractor shall snbmit an invoice to the County on a quarterly basis, which shall include a description of Services provided, and the datea and kours of Services. Agreement with City Design Group-Gravesite Bntrances 1 of 3 6 ��991> c. Payment will be made within 35 days of receipt of a detailed invoice. The payments shall be sent to: City of Saint Paul Desia Group c/o Barb Morin, 1000 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Pau1, MN 55102. d. Tnterest accrual and disputes regazding payment sl�all be governed by the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.42�. 4. Independent Contractor It is agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or should be construed as creating the relationship of agents, partners, joint ventures, or associates between the parties hereto or as constituking Contractor as the employee of the County for aay purpose or in any manner whatsoever. The Contraceoc is an independent contractor and neither it, its emplayees, agents nor representatives are employees of the County. Erom any amounts d�e the Conxractor, there will be no deductions for federal income tax or F��{-1 payments, nor for a�y state income tax, nor for any other purposes which ace associafed �"ft�%a� employer-emp�oyee�relationship ,,.. unless required by law. Payment of federal income tax, F`Y��payments, ati�l state income tax are t}�e responsibility of the Contractor. �, 5. Liability �;:� ,, The parties agree that, except as otherz�ise expf��s,l,y�rovided herei�t; each party will be responsible for its own acts and the F��t�,its thexeof'�fhe extent authorized by Iaw and shall not be responsible for the acts of any oth�!a�td the resiY�'��l�ereof. Liability sha11 be governed by applicable law. Without limiting the f�eg4i�, liabihty�� gacb party is governed by the r r, provisions of Minn. Stat. �h. 466 (Tott �.iabf��i� PoliticaY Subdivisions) or other applicable law. ,., �, 8. Audit ` " , "' �„ Unril the expirauon of six yeai'a aftet fI�� furpishing of serviees pursuant to this Agreement, the ,, Contractor, upon written requesE �hall make �vailable to the County, the State Auditor, or the County's ultirra���7pding source, a��Apy of this Agreement, and the books, documenls, records, and aecounring j3zoe�d�t�s and practicl�s of the Contractor relating to fhis Agreement. �-��'/%, � �, 9. No�,IJiserim�natf6n � ; ; '� oio/;� ie C'�t�tiractor agre��s that, in the hiring of ail labor for the performance of any work under this '�Agteement, that it wi1Z not, by reason of race, creed, color, gender, sexual preference, marital ;�tatus st����th rega��6 public assistanca, age, religion, national origin or disability, .,� i?�iiii'i�,i%i ctxs������ ag�st a�iy pexson who is a citizen of the United States and who quaIifies and is available to perf �'�n the work to which such employment relates. When required by law or request¢�1 by th�;�ounty, the Contractor shal] furnish a written affa acrion plan. 10. Data Practi�es All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated for any purposes in the course of the Contractor"s performance of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act, Minn. Statutes Chapter 13, or any other applicable State statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the Act and statutes, as well as federal laws and regulations on data practices. r�reement with Ciry Design Group-Gravesite Envances 2 of 3 6 7 �yb 11. Workplace Violence Prevention The Contractor shaIl make aIl reasonable efforts to ensure that the Contractor's employees, officials and subcontractors do not engaa in violence while perforniing under this contract. Violence, as defined by the Ramsey Coanty Workplace Violence Prevention and Respectful WorkpIace Policy, is defined as words and actions that hurt or attempt to threaten or hurt people; it is any action involving the use of physical force, harassment, intimidation, disrespect, or misuse of power and authority, where the impact is to cause pain, fear or injury. 15. Entire Agreement This Agreement is complete and supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the service identified herein. RAMSEY COUNTY David Twa County Manager Date: Approval recommended: CITY O� S�!`�`�'�}UL� DEPARTMENT OE PUBLIC WORKS, DESIGNe GROUP :�3y: ` `'Print Natite: Ifs: �y: Finance'DirecYOr �� � Date:� �;.;�`:.;. — Julio Mangine, Director � � ����'"� �' D t fPr M � ~� epar ment o operty anagement �; Approved as to form an�,�surance: Assistant County Aftorney Funds are available Account Number: Budgeting and Accounting Mayor's Office Date: By: City Clerk Date: BY= City Attorney Date: Agceement with City Design Group-Gravesite Entrances 3 of 3